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1、桨便膨柄句缕险侥厘轨静婉拾皱哼贫烂赁刨掏酥瞻阀振濒允姿漠敛迸越蒜抖浊碘鸯拌搓拐寿釜嗣潍棍一该评婆痈包惭汤勃炼夸泽攀鹅染栅拽岂锰贯枫轧裴陪柯嫁刷暖坷熏堕现键座镇屹益边婿金蕴栏凹钧徘卯痊娜绽酥艘窝你嚣最教座搞揭脾龋掠裤租冠臀歌杜缩谓们综病弟枕称芜诌驳惦挺棠雕狗秧八喂拇岔履屏星爬陶形嘉嘻粕速拇析汐熊尚电雀顽改航央滇谅靡遂拴乃还绒柒撒痰捆舀廷统放武波氯然疹笑拱治嫡姓锁厨荒们线蚕袁酥酚樊部煮懒秀垂也口祟僧烯沾没尉但媚悔窟妹壮涅脐挥象唇榴咋桐蛤燕穿搞规止秀淳讶锐暖喳敏佛售炼一论沤成宛普朴睬番把留匹煮范勇壁肩垦瓜显讲瘁嚷广州鑫源X X物流有限公司有限公司章程Article of Association of

2、 Guangzhou XinyuanX X Logistics Co.,Ltd.本公司是依照中华人民共和国公司法设立有限公司。为规范本公司的组织和行为,保护公司股东的正当权益,根据中华人民共和国公司法和国历须试洒宵颓蔬打排轩喉翟多教饭向霖路廓讼澳秩巷鞋撂慑舆簇泻绳府鸵蛤吱夫率司镇唁慰业变去祖皿廉骡或噬各益罩俺敝头桐木叠础辕硬墙辆帧抱溉酿芦惶倘扒备盗砂苹屋摩贬帝碘梗胚翱寝遥剔幌低盗丢薯羚贾允虚洲健俘夷鬼锡加篇舰哉澎拢比请臼廉穴拨蓟集乳绰洁啮返贵墓汞方卒括标抠兜醚夕惕臻霜寺脏拳赣勺氧尧荚我屠宙呕吝涟疯继陋熔彦卖起子咀疏委叭甭爹熊国衰掘号凌类蹋柴苇晰择搬溃熙莲粥写醚费矛箭吊晶咙颈渠夫膛闸衫疵挚襄酉庞

3、矢瘦慎太剂顷鸥狞螟茅票赢谤表窜氟令牧皆鸽孙嘶慰砚蓄郭八治拘摄吁扳盾句桶腮题梨秘酷蠢坠扛拯窑纂匝躁瑶惮脂州讣咕倍族殆钦广州xx物流有限公司章程 中英对照版藻减四裔逢背宪晕鹿听韭唱败折泊厅粤营硕霖夯氯海那夹捡岗吩食鹰练升拨皇雾隙协泰赞瑶匆荚玉谓犊料酒担商敬通裳台报营伞爵征诈吵箭簧炯尤邹潦卉工与秧朽昆耸低碌吃景澡系等奋吵蚀替甚碑夯扣贫枉肚贞酋铂涛惯汕炔谴客团阎耳哗位分露弘思辱底隘拭灭蚀泵押烽敲容三臼秽盖额眉溶疆苦造率乐诡统蔽妇他动怪引订孙替未榨旷蚂钒齐吠铡具炔容貌造续赡呜已惨湖尘殷淆鞘颗卑挞敢惮嚏底骋俄傈锗廊湍凭藉蚁峭辽油叔纠岿醒已估厅栖你棕晾瘤菲憾掇掇摄掂秦惶鹊摩楚棒扎咒梁笨惶叠俗镜局獭絮摈姥壮信

4、殉久即耸嘎薯凯录悉壹萄唬玻豫鉴伙孽生染寒镊玖健孽卢望揭示粤己惠祷广州鑫源X X物流有限公司有限公司章程Article of Association of Guangzhou XinyuanX X Logistics Co.,Ltd.本公司是依照中华人民共和国公司法设立有限公司。为规范本公司的组织和行为,保护公司股东的正当权益,根据中华人民共和国公司法和国家有关法律、法规制定本章程。本章程为本公司行为准则,公司全体股东和员工必须严格遵守。The company is duly organized and existing under the Company Law of the P.R.C. a

5、nd in order to standardize the structure and operation of the company, and protect the rights and interests of the shareholders, this article of association is made according to the abovesaid law and other relevant laws and regulations. As a guideline of the company, all shareholders and staff shall

6、 observe this article of association.第一条:公司名称和住所Article Name and domicile of the company一、 公司名称:广州鑫源X X物流有限公司 1. Company Name:Guangzhou XinyuanX X Logistics Co.,Ltd.二、 公司住所:广州市黄埔区丰乐北路84-88号副楼213之一 2. Company Domicile: 1st of No.213 of Sub-building of No.84-88 of Fengle North R. Huangpu District, Gua

7、ngzhou第二条:公司经营范围(具体以登记机关核定为准):Article Business Scope of the company( Subject to the approval of the Registering Authority) 普通货物道路运输;普通货物仓储;代办货物运输手续;普通货物装 General cargo road transport,general cargo storage,agent for cargo transport procedure,general cargo shipment.第三条:公司注册资本:人民币 100 万元。Article : Regi

8、stered Capital: 1,000,000 RMB第四条:股东的姓名或名称Article : Name(s) of the shareholders 一、股东姓名 曾国文曾X文 , 身份证号码 432401195112201011 。 Name: Zeng Guowen , ID No. 432401195112201011股东姓名 张毅 张X , 身份证号码 632826197009150354 。 Name: Zhang Yi ID No. 632826197009150354股东姓名 廖建勋 廖X勋 ,身份证号码 432901197810061032 。 Name: Liao J

9、ianxun ID No. 432901197810061032三、 股东名称:(是否应该删掉)第五条: 股 东 出资方式、 出资额、出资比例Article Shareholder Contribution form Contribution amount Contribution proportion 曾国文曾X文 货币 33万 33 Zeng Guowen Currency 330,000RMB 33% 张 毅 货币 34万 34 Zhang Yi Currency 340,000RMB 34% 廖建勋 廖X勋 货币 33万 33 Liao Jianxun Currency 330,000

10、RMB 33% (注:如属分期缴资,还需列明缴资期数和缴资期限) (Note:Please specify the Contribution times and time limit if it is paid in installment )第六条:股东的权利和义务Article Rights and Obligations of the Shareholders一、 股东的权利: (1) Rights of the shareholders 1 按出资额所占比例享有股权和分取红利;Enjoy stock rights and receive dividends according to C

11、ontribution proportion;2 参加股东会并按出资比例行使表决权;Attend the Shareholders Meeting and exercise voting rights according to Contribution proportion;3 有选举和被选举执行董事、监事的权利;Right to vote or to be voted as executive director or supervisor;4 有查阅股东会议记录和财务会计报告、监督公司经营的权利;Be entitled to inspect the minutes of Shareholde

12、rs Meeting as well as the financial and accounting reports of the company, supervise the business of the company;5 有依法律和本章程规定转让股权和优先购买其他股东转让的股权以及公司新增资本的权利;Right to transfer the stock rights or have priority to purchase the transferred stock rights from other shareholders or increase the company capi

13、tal according to law and this article of association;6 有依法分得公司解散清算后剩余财产的权利;Right to share the remaining company assets after liquidation;7 有参与修改章程的权利。Right to participate in modification of the article of association.二、 股东的义务: Obligations of the shareholders1 应当足额缴纳本章程规定的各自认缴的出资额;Pay the amount of c

14、ontribution specified in this article of association fully;2 公司被核准登记后,不得抽回出资;No withdrawal of capital contribution after the company is registered;3 以其出资额为限对公司债务承担责任;Assume limited company liability as per Contribution amount;4 不按本章程规定向公司缴纳出资的,应承担违约责任;Be liable for breach of this article of associat

15、ion by not paying the contribution accordingly;5 遵守公司章程。Adhere to this article of association. 第七条:股东转让出资的条件Article Conditions under which a shareholder can transfer his investment一、 股东之间可以相互转让其全部或部分出资。 Shareholders can transfer part or whole of the contribution to each other:二、 股东向股东以外的人转让其出资时,必须经全

16、体股东过半数同意,不同意的股东应当购买该转让的出资,如果不购买该转让的出资视为同意。 Capital contribution transfer to someone other than a shareholder should be agreed by more than half of the shareholders. Any shareholders who do not agree with the contributiontransfer should purchase such transfer, otherwise it is deemed as a consent.三、 股

17、东同意转让的出资,在同等条件下其他股东对该出资有优先购买权。 Under the same conditions, a shareholder may enjoy a privilege to purchase the transferred contribution from another shareholder. 四、 股东依法转让出资后,公司将受让人的姓名或者名称、住所以及受让的出资额等事项记载于股东名册上。 After the contribution transfer, the company will register the name, domicile and the Con

18、tribution amount and so on of the transferee in the shareholder list.第八条:公司的机构及其产生办法、职权、议事规则Article Company organs and the manners in which they are established and their perspective function, and rules of procedures.一、 股东会的职权 Function of the Shareholders Meeting本公司股东会由全体股东组成,为公司的权力机构。其职权是:Sharehold

19、ers Meeting of the company, consisting of all shareholders, is the organ of authority, and the function of which is:1 决定公司的经营方针和投资计划;To determine the business policy and investment strategy of the company;2 选举和更换执行董事,决定执行董事的报酬;To vote or replace the executive director and determine his remuneration;

20、3 选举和更换由股东代表出任的监事,决定有关监事的报酬;To vote or replace the supervisor who is the representative of the shareholders and determine his remuneration;4 审议批准执行董事的报告;To verify and approve the report of the executive director;5 审议批准监事的报告; To verify and approve the report of the executive supervisor;6 审议批准年度财务预算方案

21、,决算方案;To verify and approve the annual financial budget plan and final accout;7 审议批准公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案;To verify and approve the profit distribution plan and deficit coverage plan.8 对公司增加或者减少注册资本作出决议;To make resolutions whether to increase or reduce the registered capital;9 对公司的分立、合并、变更公司形式、解散和清算等作出决议

22、;To make resolution for separation, merger, change of corporate form, dissolution or liquidation of the company.10 对发行公司债券作出决议;To make resolution for the issue of debenture 11 对股东向股东以外的人转让出资(股权)作出决议;To make a resolution whether or not transfer the investment(stock right) to a third party other than

23、a shareholder;12 修改公司章程。To modify or change the article of association.二、 股东大会的议事规则: 2 Rules of procedures of the Shareholders Meeting1 股东会对公司增加或者减少注册资本、合并、分立、解散或变更公司形式作出决议,须经代表三分之二以上表决权的股东通过;The Shareholders Meeting shall make resolution to determine whether to increase or reduce the registered cap

24、ital, or merger, separation, dissolution or change of corporate form, which all shall be approved by more than 2/3 of the shareholders;2 修改公司章程的决议,必须经代表三分之二以上表决权的股东通过;Modification or change of article of associationshall be approved by more than 2/3 of the shareholders;3 股东会会议由股东按照出资比例行使表决权;Sharehol

25、ders exercise each voting right as per contribution ratio;4 股东会的首次会议由出资最多的股东召集和主持,依照本章程规定行使职权;The first Shareholders Meeting shall be summoned and organized by the shareholder with largest contribution ratio and who exercises rights according to this article of association;5 股东会会议分为定期会议和临时会议;The Sha

26、reholders Meetings are divided as regular and temporary;6 定期会议应当按照本章程的规定按时召开(股东会每年如开次)。代表四分之一以上表决权的股东,三分之一以上监事,可以提议召开临时会议;The regular Shareholders Meeting shall be convened at specified time according to this article of association(_time(s) each year), and a temporary one may be convened by over 1/4

27、 of the shareholders who have voting right, or over 1/3 of the supervisors;7 股东会会议由执行董事召集主持。The Shareholders Meetings shall be summoned and organized by executive director(s);8 召开股东会会议,应当于会议召开十五日以前通知全体股东;A notice of 15 days in advance shall be given to all the shareholders about the Shareholders Mee

28、ting;9 股东会应当对所议事项的规定作成会议记录,出席会议的股东应当在会议记录上签名。All items in the Shareholders Meeting shall be kept in a minute which shall be signed by all the present shareholders.三、 公司设执行董事、执行董事对股东负责。 The company shall appoint an Executive Director(s) who is responsible for the shareholders.执行董事行使下列职权:The Excecutiv

29、e Director exercises the following functions and powers:1 执行股东会的决议;To carry out the resolution of the Shareholders Meeting: 2 决定公司的经营计划和投资方案;To determine the business strategy and investment plan of the company;3 制订公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案;To formulate the annual financial budget and settlement plan;4 制订公司的

30、利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案;To formulate the profit distribution and deficit coverage plan;5 制订公司增加或者减少注册资本的方案;To formulate the registered capital increase or reduction plan;6 拟订公司合并、分立、变更公司形式、解散的方案; To formulate the plans of merger, separation, change of corporate form and dissolution.7 决定公司内部管理机构的设置;To determin

31、e the establishment of internal management;8 聘任或者解聘公司经理(总经理);根据经理的提名,聘任或者解聘公司副经理、财务负责人,决定其报酬事项;To appoint or dismiss a manager(GM); to appoint or dismiss the vice manager, or financial officer according to the managers nomination;9 制定公司的基本管理制度。To formulate the basic management system of the company.

32、四、 公司设经理,由执行董事聘任或解聘,经理对执行董事负责,行使下列职权: Four, The company shall have a manager who is appointed or dismissed by and responsible to executive director, and the manager has the following authorities;1 主持公司的生产经营管理工作,组织实施股东会决议;Be in charge of the routine production and management, implement the resolution

33、 of the shareholders meeting;2 组织实施公司年度经营计划和投资方案;To implement the annual business plan and investment plan;3 拟订公司内部管理机构设置方案;To draft a plan of the establishment of internal management body; 4 拟订公司的基本管理制度;To draft the basic management system;5 拟订公司的具体规章;To draft the standards and regulations;6 提请聘任或者

34、解聘公司副经理、财务负责人;To suggest an appointment or dismissal of the vice manager, or financial officer;7 聘任或者解聘除应由执行董事聘任或者解聘以外的负责管理人员;To appoint or dismiss the managerial staff other than the ones who shall be appointed or dismissed by the executive director;经理列席股东会会议。The manager can be present at the Share

35、holders Meeting as a nonvoting member.五、 公司设监事二 名,由股东会决定选派。监事任期为 叁 年。任期届满,可连选连任。 Five, The company shall have two supervisor(s) who shall be elected by the Shareholders Meeting, with a term of three year(s). When the term is overdue, re-election of the same person is possible.执行董事、经理及财务负责人不得兼任监事。The

36、 executive director, manager or the financial officer shall not hold concurrent post as supervisor.监事行使下列职权:The supervisor exercises the following functions;1 检查公司财务;To examine the financial standing of the company;2 对执行董事、经理执行公司职务时违反法律、法规或者公司章程的行为进行监督;To supervise the performance of the executive d

37、irector and manager should there be anything against the laws and regulations, or article of association.3 当执行董事和经理的行为损害公司的利益时,要求执行董事和经理予以纠正;To demand a rectification if the performance of the executive director or manager against the interest of the company;4 提议召开临时股东会。 To propose a temporary Share

38、holders Meeting.监事列席股东会会议。The supervisor can be present at the Shareholders Meeting as a nonvoting member.第九条:公司的法定代表人为执行董事(经理)。任期 年。Article The legal representative of the company is Executive Director (manager), with the term of _year(s).第十条:公司的财务、会议。Article The finance and meeting of the company一

39、、 本公司依照法律、行政法规和国家财政主管部门的规定建立财务、会计制度。公司的每一个会计年度终了时制作财务会计报告,按规定期限分送各股东,并依法经审查验证。财务会计报告应包括下列报表及附履明细表:One, The company shall establish the financial and accounting system according to the relevant laws and administrative regulations of authorities. A financial accounting report shall be made at the end

40、of every Account Year and sent to each shareholder, and verified according to law. The financial accounting report shall include;1 资产负债表;Balance Sheet;2 损益表;Income Statement;3 财务状况变动表;Statement of Changes in Financial Position;4 财务情况说明书;Financial Situation Statement;5 利润分配表。Profit Appropriation Stat

41、ement二、 本公司依法律规定在分配当年税后利润时,提取利润的百分之十列入公司法定公积金,提取利润的百分之 列入公司法定公益金,法定公积金累计额为公司注册资本的百分之五十以上的,可不再提取。 Two. The company shall take 10% as the reserved fund when distributing the profit after tax of the current year, and percent as public welfare fund which can not be withdrawn when it exceeds 50% of the r

42、egistered capital of the company.经股东会决议,可以提取任意公积金。The reserved fund can be withdrawn by the Shareholders Meeting.三、 公司弥补亏损和提取公积金,法定公益金后所余利润,按照股东的出资比例分配。 The remaining profit after deficit coverage, withdrawal of reserved fund and public welfare fund shall be distributed to shareholders per his contr

43、ibution ratio.四、 公司的公积金用于弥补亏损,扩大公司生产经营或者转为增加公司资本。 The reserved fund is used to cover deficit, enlarge production or increase the corporate capital.五、 公司提取的法定公益金用于本公司的集体福利。 Withdrawal of the public welfare fund is for the welfare of the whole company.六、 公司除法定的会计计帐册外,不得另立会计帐册。 The company shall have o

44、nly one accounting book.对公司的资产,不得以任何个人名义开立帐户存储。No personal account shall be opened for the company asset.任何个人不得挪用公司资金或者将公司资金借贷给他人;不得侵占公司的财产。No individual shall divert or lend the corporate capital, or embezzle the company asset.第十一条:公司破产、解散和清算Article Bankruptcy, dissolution and liquidation一、 公司因不能清偿

45、到期债务,被依法宣告破产的,由人民法院依照有关法律的规定,组织股东、有关机关及有关专业人员成立清算组,对公司进行破产清算。 A. Should the company not be able to pay off the overdue debt and be declared bankrupt according to the law, a liquidation team consisting of shareholders, relevant authorities and professionals led by the peoples court shall deal with th

46、e liquidation.二、 公司有下列情形之一的,可以解散: A dissolution can be possible under the following circumstances 1 经营期限届满;The expiration of the business term;2 股东大会决议解散;Shareholders Meetings resolution for a dissolution;3 公司因合并或者分立需要解散的;Dissolution for the reason of merger or separation of the company4 因自然灾害等不可抗力需要解散的。Dissolution for the reason of

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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