1、English LexicologyChapter 1 Basic concepts of words and vocabulary第1页AbstractvThis chapter gives a scientific definition of a word,discusses the relationship between sound and meaning,between sound and form,between words and vocabulary,puts forward the three main principles of lexical classification
2、 and elaborates on the features of basic word stock and non-basic vocabulary,content words and functional words,native words and borrowed words.第2页Main pointvdefinition of a wordvsound and meaningvsound and formvvocabulary vclassification or wordsvbasic word stock and non-basic vocabularyvcontent wo
3、rds and functional wordsvnative words and borrowed words第3页What is a word?vA minimal free form of a languagevA sound unityvA unit of meaningvA form that can function alone in a sentence第4页Definition of the wordvA word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and senten
4、ce function.第5页Another definition of the wordvA combination of vocal sounds,or one such sound,used in a language to express an idea(e.g.to denote a thing,attribute,or relation),and constituting an ultimate minimal element of speech having a meaning as such;a vocable(以语音、字母为单位而不以意义为单位)词,词外壳.Heidi Har
5、ley,English words,blackwell Publishing,第6页One more definition of the wordvAn uninterruptible unit of structure consisting of one or more morphemes,which typically occurs in the structure of phrases.Howard Jackson,Words,meaning and vocabulary,Cassell Wellington House,第7页Lexical and grammatical wordsv
6、Lexical words:nouns,verbs,adjectives,and adverbs.vThey have fairly independent meanings and may be meaningful even in isolation or in a series.vGrammatical words are elements like propositions,articles,conjunctions,forms indicating number or tense,and so on.第8页Characteristics of the wordvThe word is
7、 an uninterruptible unit.vThe word may consist one or more morphemes.vThe word occurs typically in the structure of phrases.vThe word should belong to a specific word class or part of speech.第9页Simple and complex wordsvSimple words word,and,if,we,thus,that,these,the,have,come,go,end,us,sum,sound,mea
8、nvComplex words development,freely,different,differently,basically,meaning,misunderstand,misunderstanding,commonly,speaker blackboard,classroom,textbook,viewpoint,go-between,sportsman,sportsmanship,sportwoman第10页What is a Chinese morpheme(语素)?v语素是最小语音语义结合体,是最小语言单位。语素是构词单位。语素也是组成成语、熟语等固定词组基础。v汉语语素语音形
9、式是音节,书面形式是汉字。(胡裕树,当代汉语,P194-5)v词和语素都是语言单位;字是统计语言符号,是书写单位。v语素分类v单音节语素,读出来是一个音节,写下来是一个汉字。单音节语素在汉语里活动能量大,含有很大构词能力。v双音节语素,读出来是两个音节,写下来是两个汉字,但只表示一个意义。v多音节语素,基本上是音译外来词。(黄伯荣,当代汉语,甘肃人民出版社,1983)第11页What is a Chinese morpheme(语素)?v语素是音义相结合最小语言单位。v普通地说,一个语素就是一个音节,书面上就是一个汉字,有时侯还是一个词。不过音节是从语音学角度分析结果,文字是书面统计符号,语素
11、第12页What is a Chinese word?v词,是意义单纯,语音形式独立、完整、固定,而且其中没有停顿语言建筑材料单位。(邢公畹,当代汉语教程,南开大学出版社,P119)v词是比语素高一级语言单位。(胡裕树,当代汉语,P198)v词是代表一定意义、含有固定语音形式、能够独立利用最小结构单位。(胡裕树,当代汉语,P203)v词,是指一定语音形式跟一定词汇意义相结合,而且能够独立利用最小语言单位。v(邵敬敏,当代汉通论,上海教育出版社,P115-6)第13页What is a Chinese word?v语素不等于词,它们区分主要是两点:第一,语素意义不太明确,也不太稳定。第二,愈加主
12、要是语素不能独立利用,也不能自由地跟其它词语组合。不过因为古代汉语中一单音节词为主,有些语言单位,在一些场所就极难确定了。v语素以单音节为主,词则以多音节为主。v词语有显著双音节化趋势。v合成词内部结构跟短语结构大致一致。(邵敬敏,当代汉通论,上海教育出版社,P115-6)v词和语素都表示意义,不过词表示意义比较明确、固定,而语素表示意义往往不大详细,或不很固定。v当代汉语里语素,多数是从古代汉语词演变来。因为受当代汉语构词双音化规律支配,古代单音词,许多都转化为当代汉语语素。(黄伯荣,当代汉语,甘肃人民出版社,1983)第14页What is a Chinese phrase(词组)?v词组
13、又叫“短语”,是大于词语言单位,是由两个或两个以上实词组成而不成为句子语言单位。v词和词组区分:v1、意义上,词表示简单概念,词组复合概念。v2、语法功效上,词是句法结构中最小独立利用单位,词组也是句法结构中利用单位,但不是最小,能够从中再分析为词单位。v3、概念表示上,词所表示概念普通是比较单纯、固定,合成词里语素所表示意义是融合在一起,不是简单相加。v4、成份之间结合关系上,合成词各个成份之间,结合关系是很紧密,不允许随便拆开来,或随意加进什么成份。词组各个成份之间,结合关系不是很紧密,能够拆开来解释,也能够加进另一些词。(胡裕树,当代汉语,P204-5)第15页What is a Chi
14、nese character(字)?v汉字基本上是一个表意文字。v汉字基本上是一个语素文字。v汉字在形体上表现为方块形。v汉字在语音上代表音节。v汉字在书面上不实施分词连写。v总之,当代汉字是一个表意性质语素文字。这是它区分于纯粹表音音素文字或音节文字基本特点。(邵敬敏,当代汉通论,上海教育出版社,)第16页What is a Chinese character(字)?v汉字是表意性质文字(字母文字是表音)。v汉字字形统计语音单位是音节。v汉字是平面型文字(字母是线性排列)。v汉字统计汉语不实施分词连写(字母文字词与词是分写,词内连写)。(胡裕树,当代汉语,P152)v字是能够独立利用最小语言
15、单位(注意:汉语语法学家在此有很大分歧,不少人认为是词而不是字是最小语言单位)。v问题:字是否等于word?第17页What is a Chinese character(字)?v汉字是形音义结合体。v字不但是语法结构基本单位,而且是个语言基本结构单位。v英语词特点:v1、词是英语天然单位。v2、词是英语民族认识世界基本单位。v3、词是语言各个平面研究交汇点。v4、词在语法上处于承上启下枢纽位置,是词法与句法交接点。v汉语中只有字与英语词有相同作用。只需将各点中词改为字即可。(潘文国,字本位与汉字研究,华东师范大学出版社,)第18页Sound and meaningvA word is a s
16、ymbol that stands for something else in the world.vEach of the worlds culture has come to agree that certain sounds will represent certain persons,things,places,properties,processes and activities outside the language system.第19页Sound and meaningvThis symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary.v
17、There is no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself.Lodwig and Barrett,1973第20页Sound and meaningvBook 书vStudy 学习vPair pear v夜 叶气 汽激光 laser好(ho)吃,好(ho)吃,豪吃我是教授。/他会教授我们一些手艺。我们是来投诉/投宿(西游记:孙悟空语)。第21页Sound and formvThe written form o
18、f a natural language is the written record of the oral form.vThe written form should agree with the oral form.That is,the sound should be similar to the form.This is true of English in its earliest stage(Old English),and true of Spanish and Italian,and Esperanto,but always not true of Modern English
19、.第22页Why the written form is not always similar to the oral form?vThe development of the languagev26 letters from Romans for 46 sounds in EnglishvThe pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years.vSome of the differences were created by the early scribes.第23页Why the written for
20、m is not always similar to the oral form?vPrinting helped to freeze the spelling of words and dictionaries helped to stop spelling changes while sounds continued to change,which brought more differences between sound and form.vWord borrowing from other languages,which has enriched English vocabulary
21、,but led to differences between sound and form.第24页Vocabulary vDefinition All the words in a language All the words use in a particular historical period All the words of a given dialect,a given book,a given discipline All the words possessed by an individual person 第25页Active and Passive Vocabulary
22、vActive vocabulary/productive vocabulary:speaking vocabulary,writing vocabularyvPassive vocabulary/receptive vocabulary:listening vocabulary,reading vocabulary,guessing vocabulary第26页Classification of wordsvBasic word stock and non-basic vocabularyvThe basic word stock:1.the foundation of the vocabu
23、lary accumulated over centuries 2.form the common core of the language 3.constitute a small percentage of the English vocabulary,but it is the most important part of the language.第27页Characteristics of basic words1.All national charactervNatuaral phenomenavHuman body and relationsvNames of plants an
24、d animalsvAction,size,domain,statevNumerals,pronouns,prepositions,conjunctions第28页Characteristics of basic words2.Stability in use for years3.Productivity with affixes and compounding4.Polysemy many meanings5.Collocability set expressions,idiomatic usages,proverbial sayings,etc第29页Nonbasic wordsvTer
25、minology(术语)technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic arease.g.laser(激光),power(幂)语法化,语义,释义,例证,二语习得第30页Nonbasic wordsvJargon(行话行话)specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts,sciences,trades and professions communicate among themselves a kind of language that is hard
26、 to understand because it is full of special words known only to the people of a certain groupe.g.corner ball(角球角球),ESP(特殊用途英语特殊用途英语=English for special purposes),answer sheet(答卷答卷)手球,擦边球手球,擦边球 第31页Nonbasic wordsvSlang(俚语)sub-standard language,a category that seems to stand between the standard gene
27、ral words including informal ones available to everyone and in-group words like cant,jargon,and argot,all of which are associated with,or most available to,specific groups of the population.e.g.buck(美元),go bananas(发疯)捣浆糊,粉丝,月光族第32页Nonbasic wordsvArgot(隐语,黑话)jargon of criminals a kind of speech spoke
28、n and understood by a small class of people,especially criminals,such as thieves,robbers,etce.g.can-opener(万能钥匙,开罐刀具)把他做了,趟混水 第33页Nonbasic wordsvDialectal words(方言词)words used only by speakers of the dialect in questione.g.hame(=home,Scottish English)摆龙门阵,侃大山第34页Nonbasic wordsvArchaisms(古旧词语)words o
29、f forms that were once in common use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited usee.g.marquis(侯爵),quean(a badly behaved woman)太监,朝廷,朕第35页Nonbasic wordsvNeologisms(新词语)newly-created/coined words or expressions,or words that have taken on new meanings sometimes call vogue words,meaning the
30、y are newly popular and much usede.g.futurology(未来学),bionics(仿生学),disproduct(水货,伪劣产品)爽,酷,旧闻,超女,超男,沙发博客播客,黑客,晒客,海归海派,海漂 第36页Nonbasic wordsvNonce words(暂时词)vNew words are being invented on introduced all the time.Sometimes a new word is produced by a single person only,in some special situations.These
31、 words are call nonce words,that is,words coined for one occasion,and never occur again,also call nonce formation.e.g.yo-yo(摇摆),non-U(行为土气,U代表upper class)保先(保持先进性),传单(传染性单核细胞增多症),德福,面,特嫌(特务嫌疑),曌第37页v水门:艳照门,短信门,偷税门(杭州女装),手机门,讲解门(黄健翔),离婚门(影视明星),点球门(孙继海没犯规却被罚:08-3-31)罢飞门(08-4-2,东航18飞行员返航),返航门(4.6同一事件),
32、口误门(中央台播音员播错澳大利亚首都为悉尼)第38页Nonbasic wordsvColloquialism(俗词)vUsed in ordinary,familiar,or informal conversationse.g.daddy,mommy,tell of(批评),brolly(伞)打,大巴,爹地,妈咪第39页Nonbasic wordsvVulgarisms(粗鄙词)vWords not usually used by educated personse.g.bloody(该死,非常=damned),gen(先生=gentleman),shit(放屁,呸)靠,他妈(TMD)第40页
33、Content and functional wordsvContent words denote clear notions and thus are known as notional words:nouns,verbs,adjectives,adverbs and numerals,which denote objects,phenomena,action,quality,state,degree,quantity,etc constitute the main body of the English vocabulary numerous the number is ever grow
34、ing e.g.door,chair,work,begin,active,occasionally第41页Content and functional wordsvFunctional words not have notions of their own also called empty words express the relation between notions,the relation between words and sentences known as form words make up a small number of the English vocabulary
35、remain stable do far more work of expression in English on average than content wordse.g.to,the,a,this,and,will,ought to,according to,within,beneath 第42页Native and borrowed wordsvNative words words brought to Britain in the 5th century by the German tribes:the Anglos,the Saxons,the Jutes known as An
36、glo-Saxon words 5000 to 60000 form the mainstream of the basic word stock and stand at the core of the languagee.g.rise,walk,work,run,begin,do,break,fight,swim,win,help,stand,gather,follow,shall,will第43页Characteristics of native words1.All national character2.Stability 3.Productivity 4.Polysemy 5.Co
37、llocability The above five characteristics are the same as basic words第44页Characteristics of native words6.Neutral in style denote the commonest things in human society used by all people,in all places,on all occasions,and at all times not stylistically specifice.g.bright(E)brilliant(F)force(E)compe
38、l(F)第45页Characteristics of native words7.Frequent in use most frequently used in everyday speech and writing the percentage of native words in use runs usually as high as 70 to 90 percent 第46页Characteristics of native wordsAuthor or bookNative words%Foreign words%Spenser 8614Shakespeare 9010King Jam
39、es Bible946Milton 8119Swift 8020Johnson 7228Gibbon 7030Tennyson 8812第47页Borrowed words vLoan words/borrowings The English language has vast debts.In any dictionary some 80%of the entries are borrowed.Encyclopedia Americana,1980,Vol.10,p.423第48页Classifications of borrowed wordsvDenizens borrowed earl
40、y in the past and now are well assimilated into English have come to conform to the English way of pronunciation and spelling e.g.pork porc(F)port portus(L)第49页Classifications of borrowed wordsvAliens borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling e.g.kowtow(Chinese)baz
41、aar(义卖会)(Persian)第50页Classifications of borrowed wordsvTranslation-loans words and expressions formed from the existing material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language e.g.words translated according to the meaning mother tongue lingua materna(L)black humour h
42、umour noir(F)words translated according to the sound lama(Tibetan)tzar(Russian)第51页Classifications of borrowed wordsvSemantic loans words not borrowed with reference to the form their meanings are borrowed that is,English has borrowed a new meaning for an existing word in the language e.g.dumb(stupi
43、d)dumm(German)第52页Questions and tasksv5.What is vocabulary?Vocabulary is most commonly used to refer to the sum of all the words of a language.It can also refer to all the words of a given dialect,a given book,a given subject and all the words possessed by an individual person as well as all the wor
44、ds current in a particular period of time in history.第53页Questions and tasksvIllustrate the relationship between sound and meaning with examples.vSound is the physical aspect of a word and meaning is what the sound refer to.Sound and meaning are not intrinsically related and their connection is arbi
45、trary and conventional.For example,tree/tri:/refers to 树 in English,because the English-speaking people have agreed to do so just as Chinese people use/shu/to refer to the same thing.This explains why people of different languages use different sound to express the same concept.Even in the same lang
46、uage,the same sound can have different meaning,e.g.pear and pair.第54页Questions and tasksvExplain neologisms with examples.vNeologisms are newly-created words or old words with new meanings.For example,in the fast-developing information era,a large number of new terms are created in computer science,
47、such as internet,email,data bank,cyberspace,which are brand-new words.There are also old words which have acquired new meaning,such as mouse(鼠标),monitor(监视器),etc.第55页Questions and tasksvHow do you account for the role of native words in English in relation to loan-words?vNative words are those of An
48、glo-Saxon origin,which are small in number.Loan-words are borrowed from other languages.It is estimated loan-words constitute 80%of the modern English vocabulary.Native words cannot compare with loan-words in number,but have a more important role in the language.Native words form the mainstream of t
49、he basic word stock whereas only a limited number of borrowed words belong to the common core.第56页Additional Exercises vI.True or falseva.A word can be defined in different ways from different points of views.vb.Under no circumstances can sound and meaning be logically related.vc.The introduction of
50、 printing press resulted in a lot more differences between sound and form.vd.The words a person can use in speaking and writing form his passive vocabulary.ve.Native words enjoy the same features as the basic word stock and more.第57页Additional ExercisesvKey:va.t vb.f vc.t vd.f ve.t第58页Additional Exe