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1、Lecture 1Lecture 1第1页The 3 basic elements of English:speech sounds grammar vocabulary 第2页Lexicology:a branch of Linguistics which studies the origins and meanings of words.To be specific,they include aspects like the formal and semantic structure,semantic relationships,word formation and usage,the h

2、istorical development and evolution of words,etc.第3页 It has something to do with the following subjects:形态学、语体学、词典学、词源学、特定文化背景等。第4页Aims and Significance of the Course:To know the general rules of word formation which helps us enlarge our vocabulary.第5页To foster the ability to use“the right word”.As

3、a saying goes,“Right words in right places makes a good writing”.第6页To have a better awareness of language(English).第7页To get a deeper understanding of the culture of foreign countries.To sum up,English Lexicology is a theoretically-oriented course as well as as a practical one.What is a word?Please

4、 think by yourselves and give the definition of your own.The minimal free form of a language,which has a given sound,meaning and syntactic function.第8页What Does Vocabulary Refer To?The total number of words in a language.In English,there are more than_ words.A.100,00 B.100,000 C.one millionD.one bil

5、lion Including:Native vs.Alien第9页Classification of English words第10页 Basic Word Stock:A.All national character Words that are commonly used.B.Stability (relatively speaking)Have been in use for centuries.Some disappeared but many more are created.第11页C.Productivity(can form new words)D.Polysemy(vari

6、ous meanings,“book”;“man”:to man a dove)E.Collocability(form idioms,proverbs)第12页Non-basic Words:Terminology,jargon,slang,dialectal words,etc.第13页Content Words and Functional wordsNative words and Borrowed wordsThe latter can be divided into 4 types.What are they?(Homework for your self-study)第14页Le

7、cture 2Lecture 2(1)The Development of the English VocabularyAbout 300 language families exist in the world,among which the Indo-European is widespread,having much influence on the development of English.第15页1)Old English vocabulary(4501150 AD)After Romans,3 Germanic tribes called Angles,Saxons and J

8、utes controlled England.Their languageAnglo-Saxon also dominated the land.Common practice:combine 2 native words to create new words.It was a highly inflected language with about 50000-60000 words.第16页In the 9th century,some Norwegians and Danish invaded England,which brought some Scandinavian words

9、 such as:skirt,window,skill,birth,egg”,etc.2)Middle English(11501500)The Normans invaded England from France in 1066 and many French words flowed into English.(state,judge,power,prince,court,crime,peace,battle,etc.)第17页3)Modern English(1500-now)2 sub-periods can be divided:a.Early Modern English(150

10、0-1700)Because of the Renaissance,many Latin and Greek words entered English and English began to have a Latinate flavor.第18页 b.Late Modern EnglishAfter experiencing the Industrial Revolution and Bourgeois revolution,England became a great economic power and began to absorb words from all major lang

11、uages in the world.After World War II,more words are created by means of word-formation.第19页General Characteristics of Modern English1.Receptivity2.Simplicity of Inflection(esp.endings)3.relatively fixed word-orderAdvantahes and disadvantages co-exist in terms of learning English.第20页Growth of Conte

12、mporary English Vocabulary第21页3 main sources of modern English vocabulary:1.The rapid development of science and technology(moon walk,smart bomb)2.Social,economic and political changes(talk show,the fourth world,open university,chairperson)3.The influence of other cultures and languages(kungfu)第22页M

13、odes of Vocabulary Development1.Creation 创新词创新词most important fruice,sportcast2.Semantic change(旧词新义)economic way of creating new words web,break,mouse3.Borrowing4.Reviving archaic or obsolete words,but insignificant especially to American English.(guess,sick,fall)第23页Chapter 3 Morphological Structu

14、re of English Words第24页Morphemes(词素)A word is the smallest unit of a language that stands alone to communicate meaning.Structurally,a word is not the smallest unit because many words can be separated into even smaller meaningful units.第25页MorphemesLets take internationalization as an example,which c

15、an be broken down into inter-,nation,-al,-ize,-ation,each having a meaning of its own.And these segments cannot be further divided;otherwise,they could not make any sense.第26页MorphemesUndesirability-un+-desire+-able+-ity Improvement-im+-prove+-mentUnfaithful-?第27页Definition of the morphemeThe morphe

16、me is“the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words”.(Crystal,1985)第28页Morph 语素形式,语子The phonetic or orthographic strings or segments which realize morphemes are“morphs”.(p.44)Cats,bags,matches:/s/,/z/,/iz/3 morphs动词动词 be 改变改变 第29页Allomorph:词素变体词素变体An allomorph is one of two or more compl

17、ementary morphs which manifest a morpheme in its different phonological or morphological environments.cats,beds,horses,(-s,-z,-iz)feet,men;deer,fish 动词过去时态改变 ed,-ied;不规则改变 词缀改变 如:/p,b,m/前否定前缀:如 im-(不然多为in-)第30页Types of morphemes1.free morpheme(those that are meaningful and can be used freely and ind

18、ependently such as earth,wind,boy,bite,etc.)2.bound morpheme(粘着词素)Mainly in derivative wordsrecollection:How many bound morphemes?第31页Affixes Forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or functionAlmost all affixes are bound morphemesFew can be used as independent words第32页T

19、wo groups of affixesTwo groups of affixesInflectional affixes(屈折词缀屈折词缀)affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships or called inflectional morphemes Modern English is an analytical language and only has a few inflectional affixes.-s,-ed,-ing -er/est 第33页Derivational Aff

20、ixes(派生词缀)affixes added to other morphemes to create new words two kinds:1.prefixes:come before the word 2.suffixes:come after the word第34页比较相同又有所差异几个概念Root,Stem,BaseWhat is root?(词根词根)the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity(Crystal,1985)a root is tha

21、t part of a word form that remains when all inflectional and derivational affixes have been removed(Bauer,1983)第35页Stem 词干The part of the word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed.2 forms:1root morpheme(iron,gas)2root morpheme+affixational moephemesmouthful,nation,natio

22、nal,nationalist,第36页Base 词基词基It is a form to which affixes of any kind can be added.It can be a root or a stem.For example,“internationalists”:Nation(root,stem base)NationalNationalistInternationalist第37页Chapter 4 Word Formation第38页4.1.affixationPrefix:a-(not,without),如 amoral;neo-.pan-,mal-,macro-,

23、etc.Suffix(page 61)4.2.Compounding(composition)V.Adj.N.2 words(or more than 2)put togetherHot line;laser bomb;black hole;baby-sit;job-hop;window-shop;toothache;silkwormround-the-clock(negotiation)第39页4.3.Conversion(转类法)词性转换water the flower;book a ticket;man a busIts a long wait;John is a cheat;Give

24、me a push,OK?The poor;the accused;the deserted4.4:Blending(拼缀法)(拼缀法)Parts of 2 words are put togetherParts of 2 words are put together.Smog Smoke+fog botel-?boat+hotel第40页Exercise:Tell us how the following are formed and what they mean:chunnel;sitcom;comsat;brunch第41页4.5 ClippingA.word clippingClipp

25、ing the front,back or both.telephone phone;advertisement ad;discotheque discoinfluenza flu;refrigerator fridgeB.Phrase clippingpub(public house)zoo(zoological garden)pop(popular music)第42页4.6 Acronymy1.Initialisms UN,IOC,UFO;TV,Can you work out what the following refer to?IMF,C/O,TB,TOEFL,H-bomb第43页

26、International Monetary Fund(国际货币基金组织)care of(由转交)tuberculosis 肺炎托福(Test of English as a Foreign Language)氢弹(hydrogen bomb)第44页2.AcronymsWords formed from initial letters but pronounced as a normal word.NATORadar(radio detecting and ranging)TEFL第45页4.7.backformation(逆生法逆生法)television-televisedestruct

27、iondestructbeggarbegdonation donateautomationautomatediagnosisdiagnose普通是把普通是把(假定假定)后缀去掉后缀去掉。第46页Chapter 5 Word Meaning and Componential Analysis5.1 Word Meaning 1.Reference 所指,referent(所指物)It indicates which things are being talked about.Arbitrary,conventional(dog)2.Concept:result of human cognitio

28、nThe same concept can be expressed by many words(多)第47页3.Sense:the meaning of meaningEvery word that has meaning has sense,but not every word has reference(but,yes,.)第48页Chapter 5 Word Meaning and Componential Analysis5.1 motivation(意义意义)理据理据语言符号与意义之间联络(依据)语言符号与意义之间联络(依据)1.Onomatopoeic Motivation (拟

29、声)(拟声)tick-tuck;cuckoo;quack;(see the exercise)2.Morphological MotivationAirmail mail by air;hopeless without hopeBut“greenhorn”is an exception第49页 3.Semantic Motivatione.g.The pen is mightier than the swordHe is fond of the bottle.The mouth of the river惯用主要伎俩:A.metaphor(without like as)隐喻隐喻e.g.Life

30、 is a short summer.e.g.All the world is a stage.第50页b.metonymy(借代)The crown-kingThe Cambridge in the East Zhejiang Univ.C.Synecdoche(提喻)A part represents the whole,or vice versaThe White House American government第51页4.Etymological MotivationPen-羽毛-笔 laconic-Lacons(部落)-简明It seems in English most of t

31、he words have no evident motivations.第52页Componential AnalysisBreak down the sense of a word into its minimal components(traits)第53页Semantic featuresMan:+human+male+adultWoman:+human-male+adultBoy,girl 可类推可类推boy girl 第54页 The chair smiles happily.Why is this sentence odd?第55页 Chapter Six Sense Relat

32、ions第56页1.Polysemy(多义关系)多义关系)The development of a words semantic structure results in this phenomenon.A.A.辐射型辐射型 radiation(“soft”)soft wind,soft words,soft drink,soft money,soft light,.A.连连锁锁型型 concatenation(the original meaning is lost finally)Candidate-white-robed-候选人候选人第57页2.Homonymy(同形同音异义关系)(同形

33、同音异义关系)1)perfect homonyms(same spelling and pronunciation)bankbeardate2)homograph(same spelling only)bow弓弓bow鞠躬鞠躬;第58页3)homophone(same pronunciation only)dear,deerright,write,ritesight,cite第59页3.Synonymy Most synonyms are relative synonyms.Most synonyms are relative synonyms.stagger,reel,totterwalk

34、unsteadily摇摆;摇摆;蹒跚;老人蹒跚;老人/婴儿脚步婴儿脚步alter change vary 部分改变(大小、形状等)部分改变(大小、形状等)本质改变,或以甲代替乙本质改变,或以甲代替乙 侧重改变多样性侧重改变多样性:Their clothes in color.Homework:tell the difference of the synonyms:limit;restrict;confine第60页The differences between synonyms are mainly:1)Sprehend,understandrich,wealthy;work,toilwant

35、,wish,desire:语义强度递增语义强度递增第61页2)Affective and stylistic differencestatesman politicianvocalist singer 第62页4.Antonymy(反义)反义)1)Complementaries(矛盾反义词)(矛盾反义词)Such as:dead-alive;male-female;same-different;single-married特特点点:非非此此即即彼彼;无无比比较较级级;不不能能用用very 修饰修饰第63页 2)Contrary terms(对立反义词)(对立反义词)such as:rich-p

36、oor;old-young;big-small;beautiful-uglyhot-cold;love-hate特特点点:相相比比较较而而存存在在;可可中中间间插插入入词词语语(gradability)hot warm cool coldlove like indifference antipathy hate第64页3)Converses(相对(相对/关系反义词)关系反义词)相对立而又依存,侧重于彼此关系相对立而又依存,侧重于彼此关系Such as:parent/child;husband/wifeemployer/employee;seller/buyergive/receive;lend

37、/borrowMany words have synonyms but have no antonyms.read,house,magazine?第65页6.5 Hyponymy第66页 6.6 Semantic FieldGerman linguist Trier first raised the theory.Genus vs.Species:the basic concept of semantic fieldAnimal:sheep,tiger,wolf,dog,cat living animal plant第67页Every word can be put in a certain

38、semantic field theoretically.Subordinates form a semantic field or fields.Pick out the superordinates from the groups of words:vegetable,spinach,cabbage,turnipvegetable!wood,stone,cement,building materialbuilding material!第68页Words meanings can be more clearly defined in a semantic field,otherwise they will be ambiguous.In reading,we develop it into“context”,a broader sense.e.g.roserose,black,purple,gray,pinkchrysanthemum,tulip,lily,rose第69页

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