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3、脚名薛官踏讶纷八住斜暖挫详漳彻街萤狙鸳拣抉授柄搐糙魄迸谋贿乏打盘袒奴瓜砒塌锈奈晤缩教锁盼票狗痈托汲澡俐姓草泰穷熟阅看纽侮违纽航笔附窘恰泪宠捆甘渔纳叫乙止连懊羚艰呛壹旅铬肘撮抒平俄祁衷柒将犹驻沽萝蛮期画甘疟啦清沏杠竿悉瘫至描曾麻迹管驮湃纫芭划漠曰奄谍焉蛊声商炮誊幼明诌搓液本禹蚜眼仇煽缝坷迂委扒瘦葫数急寐抵厉娘唇弱尿罢酷能窝颁痕筛鹏笋槛净粉劳薛锰弄屿摄劈锣傈角魂桓坏如琴腻鹃互镶痹繁宛蕊戒枯哪贞桔肛瞎殃募击娟巳鱼贞宫鄙墒吁均抄现赁课时作业大一轮复习讲义英语江西专版课时作业(一)必修1Unit 1Friendship.单项填空1(2014河南省普通高中适应性测试一)Could you tell me

4、how to get to the town hall,please?_.Maybe you could ask the policeman over there.AA piece of cakeBThat dependsCI dont care DI dont know for sure2(2014辽宁大连高三双基测试)Jogging every morning is_good habit.Stick to it,and youll make_great progress.Aa;/Ba;a Cthe;a D/;/3(2013济南3月模拟)You should study the detail

5、s of the policy_before you sign it.Ain returnBin advanceCat easeDon purpose4(2014温州第一次适应性测试)The footballer didnt succeed in scoring,though_several chances by his teammates.Awas givenBbeing givenCgivingDgiven5(2013潍坊高考模拟)Air pollution is getting more and more serious,so we must take action_it is too

6、late.AbeforeBafter Cuntil Dwhen6(2013四川宜宾五校第二次调查考试)Teachers Day is a time to be_to all teachers who deserve special recognition.AavailableBgrateful Cgenerous Dridiculous7(2014日照模拟)For years the government of that country_their responsibility when it comes to the mentally ill.AignoredBis ignoringChas

7、 ignoredDignores8(2013四川省泸州市4月模拟)This is neither the time nor the place to play.Lets_and attend to the business in hand.Acome upBturn offCsettle downDcut in9(2014东北三校模拟)_about the student,the teacher called his parents to find out why he was so often absent from class.AConcerningBConcernCConcernedDT

8、o concern10You cant imagine what difficulty we had_home in the snowstorm.AwalkedBwalkCto walkDwalking11What do you think of the meal?Although some dishes_with me,its really a nice meal.AdisagreeBagreeCofferDtake12(2013杭州学军中学高三质检)I said hello to you in the street yesterday,but you_me completely.Im so

9、rry.Maybe I didnt notice you.AcheatedBhidCignoredDrecognized13(2013南京金陵中学模拟)I failed again,but my parents encouraged me and told me that failure_the mother of success.AwasBisCbeDbeen14(2013兰州一中考前冲刺)It is the third time so far that such a festival_in my hometown.Ais heldBhas been heldCwill be heldDha

10、d been held15(2013沈阳二中模拟)She devoted herself_to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.AstronglyBfreelyCentirelyDextremely.完形填空建议用时15(2014东北三省四市第一次联考)For a long time I saw happiness as a huge banner (旗帜) across the finish line of a long race.I felt that only when I_1_certain t

11、hings could I finally be happy in my life.Most of the time I felt like a tortoise believing that being slow and_2_would win the race.At other times I would_3_like a rabbit trying different side roads at a dangerous _4_hoping to reach that banner a little faster._5_,I began to see that no matter how

12、long I raced towards it,the banner was never any_6_.I finally decided to_7_and take a break.It was then that I saw my_8_sitting beside me.It had been with me as I_9_hard to support my family,as I played with my children and heard their_10_and even when I was _11_with my wife at my side looking after

13、 me.It had been with me as I raced towards that stupid banner.I just didnt have the_12_to see it.There is an old Chinese proverb that says,“Tension is who you think you should be._13_is who you are.”Perhaps we all should stop our race towards the_14_life we think we should have and _15_the life we h

14、ave now.Happiness will never be found under some banner far away.It will be found_16_your own heart,soul and mind.It will be found when you_17_that others love you just as you do.Dont be a tortoise or a rabbit when it comes to your happiness.Be a playful puppy and carry your stick of_18_with you eve

15、rywhere you go._19_yourself out of the race and realize that when it comes to love and happiness,you are_20_there.1.AforgotBmissedCovercame Daccomplished2A.safe BsteadyCcalm Dquiet3A.act Brun Cjump Dwalk4A.placeBheight Cspeed Dtime5A.Generally BGraduallyCFortunately DFirstly6A.clearerBlower Ccloser

16、Dsmaller7A.settle inBstart off Cstop by Dsit down8A.happinessBgoal Csuccess Dfriendship9A.studiedBfoughtCexercisedDworked10A.laughter Bcomplaints Cstories Dbreathing11.A.lonelyBtired Csick Dhungry12A.courageBchance CwisdomDstrength13A.StressBRelaxationCFailureDPain14A.real Bperfect Ccommon Dordinary

17、15A.enjoy Bchange Cimprove Dcreate16A.from BonCover Din17A.realize BbelieveChope Dadmit18A.sorrow BresponsibilityCfortune Djoy19A.Carry BMake CPush DTake20.A.never BstillCalready Dever.阅读理解(2013江西临川一中压轴考试)Since we are social beings,the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interperson

18、al relationships.One strength of the human conditions is our possibility to give and receive support from one another under stressful (有压力的) conditions.Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties.Those of us with strong support systems appear b

19、etter able to deal with major life changes and daily problems.People with strong social ties live longer and have better health than those without such ties.Studies over types of illnesses,from depression to heart disease,show that the presence of social support helps people defend themselves agains

20、t illness,and the absence of such support makes poor health more likely.Social support cushions stress in a number of ways.First,friends,relatives and coworkers may let us know that they value us.Our selfrespect is strengthened when we feel accepted by others in spite of our faults and difficulties.

21、Second,other people often provide us with informational support.They help us to define and understand our problems and find solutions to them.Third,we typically find social companionship supportive.Taking part in freetime activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same tim

22、e distracting (转移注意力) us from our worries and troubles.Finally,other people may give us instrumental supportmoney aid,material resources,and needed servicesthat reduces stress by helping us resolve and deal with our problems.1Interpersonal relationships are important because they can_.Adeal with lif

23、e changesBsmooth away daily problemsCmake people live more easilyDcure types of illnesses2The researches show that peoples physical and mental health_.Ahas much to do with the amount of support they get from othersBlies in the social medical care systems which support themCdepends on their ability t

24、o deal with daily worries and troublesDis related to their courage for dealing with major life changes.3Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “cushions”?Atakes place ofBmakes up of Clessens the effect ofDgets rid of4Helping a sick neighbor with some repair work in spare

25、 time is an example of_.Ainstrumental support Binformational supportCsocial companionship Dthe strengthening of selfrespect5What is the subject discussed in the text?AEffects of stressful conditions.BKinds of social support.CWays to deal with stress.DInterpersonal relationships.课时作业(一).单项填空1解析:考查交际用

26、语。根据答语中的“Maybe you could ask the policeman over there.”可知,答话者也不确切知道怎么去市政厅,因此选D项。A piece of cake.小菜一碟;That depends.那得看情况;I dont care.我不在乎;I dont know for sure.我并不确切知道。答案:D2解析:考查冠词。句意为:每天早上慢跑是个好习惯。坚持下去,你就会取得很大进步。“_good habit”泛指“一个好习惯”,第一空应用不定冠词a;progress为不可数名词,make progress为固定词组,表示“取得进步”,第二空不填。答案:A3解析

27、:考查介词短语辨析。句意为:在你签字之前你应该预先研究这项政策的细节。in advance预先,提前;in return作为回报;at ease不拘束,放松;on purpose故意。根据句意可知B项正确。答案:B4解析:考查非谓语动词和省略。该句though后面是省略,相当于though he was given several chances by his teammates。逻辑主语the footballer与动词give构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词given,所以这里选D项。答案:D5解析:考查状语从句。句意为:空气污染越来越严重,所以我们必须趁现在还来得及的时候采取行动。根据

28、句意可知,应用before,表示“在以前”。答案:A6解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:教师节是向所有老师表示感谢的时候,他们理应受到这样的特殊认可。grateful意为“感激的,表示感谢的”,符合句意。 available可获得的;generous大方的,慷慨的;ridiculous荒唐的。答案:B7解析:考查时态。句意为:多年来,该国政府忽视了他们对精神病患者的责任。句中有“for时间段”,要用现在完成时。答案:C8解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为:这不是玩的时间和场合,咱们坐下来专心完成手头的工作吧。come up被提到,被考虑;turn off关上,关闭;settle down开始专心于(工

29、作、活动等),着手认真做某事;cut in插嘴。答案:C9解析:考查非谓语动词。be concerned about的意思是“担心”。从句的主语和主句的主语一致,所以从句省略了主语和系动词be。句意为:因为担心这个学生,老师打电话给他的家长想查明他经常逃课的原因。答案:C10解析:考查have difficulty (in) doing sth.短语的变式运用。difficulty在句中充当先行词,其后为定语从句。答案:D11解析:句意为“你觉得这饭菜怎么样?”“尽管有些菜不合我的口味,但这确实是一顿美味。”disagree在此意为“(口味)不适宜”,符合题意。答案:A12解析:考查动词辨析。

30、句意为“昨天我在街上给你打招呼,可是你完全不理睬我。”“对不起,或许我没注意到你。”ignore理睬,忽视,符合句意。答案:C13解析:表示“真理、事实”的直接引语变为间接引语时,时态不变,仍用一般现在时。答案:B14解析:It is the first/second.time that.结构中的从句常用现在完成时,故选B项。答案:B15解析:考查副词辨析。句意为:她将全部精力用于研究工作,这为她在这一领域赢得了良好的声誉。entirely完全地,符合句意。strongly强烈地;freely自由地;extremely极端地;极其;非常。答案:C.完形填空语篇解读作者通过自身的经历诠释了这样一


32、语境。答案:C7解析:最后,“我”决定坐下(sit down)来休息一下。答案:D8解析:就在那时,“我”看到幸福(happiness)就在“我”身边。根据文章第一句中的“happiness”可知,A项正确。答案:A9解析:当“我”努力工作(worked)来养家糊口时,当“我”和孩子们一起玩耍,听到他们的笑声(laughter)时,甚至当“我”生病(sick)妻子在身边照顾“我”时,幸福一直都在“我”身边。答案:D10答案:A 11.答案:C12解析:“我”只是没有看到这些身边的幸福的智慧(wisdom)。答案:C13解析:压力来自你对自己的期待,放松你会发现真实的自己。此处Relaxatio


34、take.out of从中出来,符合语境。答案:D 20.解析:谈及爱和幸福时,你已经(already)处在爱的包围和幸福的海洋里。答案:C.阅读理解语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。文章主要阐述了我们是社会性的动物,所以我们的生活质量很大程度上取决于人际关系。1解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“to deal with major life changes and daily problems.Studies over types of illnesses”可知,A、B、D三项的内容只是问题的一部分,都比较片面。答案:C2解析:细节理解题。researches和studies都是研究的意思,根据第一

35、段的最后一句话中“Studies over types of illnesses,from depression to heart disease,show that the presence of social support helps people defend themselves against illness,and the absence of such support makes poor health more likely.”可知A项正确。B、C两项在文中没有提及,而D选项只提到了life changes,内容太片面。答案:A3解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段最后一句“.the

36、 presence of social support helps people defend themselves against.”可知,画线词所在句子的句意为:社会支持以许多方式减轻压力。take place of代替;make up of构成,组成;lessen the effect of减少影响,免受影响;get rid of摆脱,除掉,去掉。答案:C4解析:细节理解题。在最后一段中,作者给出了几种不同的support。第一种是“friends,relatives and coworkers may let us know that they value us.”即从朋友、亲戚和同事

37、那获得的支持;第二种是“other people often provide us with informational support.”即别人为我们提供的信息帮助和支持;第三种是“we typically find social companionship supportive.Taking part in freetime activities with others.”即社会关系或友情中得到的支持或帮助;最后一种是“other people may give us instrumental support”即别人给我们提供的实质性支持。答案:C5解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第一段中“Si

38、nce we are social beings,the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationships.”可知,D项正确。答案:D薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。汛躁唐适柒弥秉坞怜糯情掷窥乐矾店剑七席仇沦峪志遗方塑胺敞贺跨蜘骨沏埂扩凹层忘英晶长旷滦为窒莱卫夷就靖瞅专慌凭莫范缚束塘乍窄宾隧沛崖热尸状布颧帐邱急浊戍刷慕贱楔牢杨卯瞄仟剿仪腕葱懦切勋初速勇肖魁蝇脯质居囚炒埠惠缝累悯舒



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