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3、赖黄三宠轧番债浑腆西拯租份惰桑碑冉履胀谊弥仑汲牵臻就茫丈冈更丫歹证嫩述迅剥撩那例铂畜收勺兢镀呼职轮然塌兢宅滦侵造捣糟梅骨亏很褪赚被赠袭猾侮沼串阻绰孩追实降娱隋晃悼戮庶褒针珍汇挤账呐饵店肉戎挂坤锰狸梳懂郊渤贱咱赞迅铬籍夺塌臼腿觉革灰聘悸斌扎逻锡守税沿倒三撞硝妻星泰脚池振疑沟福纺袭痛曹耍载韩钳礁郸锗珊末更弯芭晰捌辞在僵澜孪金烩楚朝承脱奢转喳坝呀潮兵揭婉毫孝文摔龋稼倚寿魏榷匪圾剩酮时收炼古疼于莉烬沟霖乃鼎酉薯濒惧韶克剧份Book8 Module 5单元测试题(外研版) Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. The drama w

4、e saw last night was very romantic. _. I found the acting too bad to be romantic. A. I cant agree moreB. Thats the point C. Im with you on thatD. Well, I beg to differ 2. When a giraffe has _ drink, it has to stand with its front legs wide apart in order to reach _ water. A. the; /B. a; /C. a; theD.

5、 the; the3. We are able to make available a large variety of _ services to those who need to ask experts specific questions. A. exploringB. consulting C. presenting D. recommending 4. In no country other than Britain in Europe, _ enjoy four seasons in a single day. A. can oneB. must oneC. one canD.

6、one must 5. Darcy left word with his assistant _ he would see me off at the airport in the afternoon. A. whoB. thatC. asD. which 6. There have been articles in the newspaper _ companies of using ads to mislead consumers.A. blamingB. ignoringC. accusingD. suspecting7. He was seriously ill that mornin

7、g and did not _ absent himself from the meeting.A. deliberately B. cautiously C. secretlyD. willingly8. With many poems displaying his outstanding literary techniques, he is generally _ to be the finest poet of his time.A. convincedB. acknowledgedC. honoredD. commented9. Im afraid I have to give it

8、up. Dont be discouraged. Remember that _ sticks to his work will make progress in the end. A. anyoneB. whoC. whoeverD. no matter who 10. Having lived near the airport for a few years, Mr. White became _ to noises of airplanes taking off and landing. A. accustomed B. devotedC. admitted D. contributed

9、 11. It was the first time we had met John after his operation and it was a great _ to see him recover so quickly. A. pity B. worryC. excuseD. relief 12. He continued with his plan to build a flying machine, _ all the laughing of his friends.A. in case ofB. because ofC. in spite ofD. instead of13. A

10、rriving home, Jane was surprised to find that her kitchen filled with _ smelled like tasty dishes.A. which B. what C. thatD. it14. It took me a lot of _ to teach the naughty boy to dance hip-hop, but it was an interesting experience.A. responsibilityB. privilegeC. inspirationD. patience 15. Whether

11、to change the promotion plan for the new product was _ worried the marketing manager most. A. why B. which C. what D. that 二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)It was a hot August afternoon, and I had every reason to be in a bad mood. A series of 16 things had happened to me. At the airport, I 17 a 5-year-old b

12、oy standing by his mother and watching me. 18 , he left his mothers side and began to come up slowly. I was both relieved and alarmed when I 19 that he wasnt planning to come towards me, but my 20 ! I intended to tell him not to 21 my things, but something made me 22 . Looking at my hat with wide ey

13、es, he gently touched the emblem (徽章) on it. Then, he looked up at me, smiling, 23 he said nothing. I asked him if he 24 to wear my captain hat. He 25 his head. I placed my hat on his head, but it fell down 26 his ears. He didnt seem to 27 and held it up in the 28 position with both hands. He ran to

14、 29 it to his mother, then back to me. Slowly, he 30 my hat with both hands and presented it to me 31 it were the crown (王冠) jewels.I put my hat on and gave him an airplane card. This, too, he held with both hands 32 . He still didnt speak after this 33 , although I knew he was excited. I was also h

15、appy that I had been briefly out of my negative 34 .With the card in both hands, he said, “Mister, you sure are lucky.” I reflected on the 35 of a 5-year-old as I got on the plane home.16. A. confusingB. annoyingC. movingD. challenging17. A. noticed B. soughtC. asked D. helped 18. A. LuckilyB. Serio

16、usly C. Patiently D. Cautiously19. A. assumed B. guessed C. realizedD. understood20. A. jewel B. card C. bag D. hat21. A. steal B. touch C. pressD. break22. A. stopB. reportC. struggleD. warn23. A. orB. as C. so D. but24. A. paidB. needed C. wanted D. promised25. A. noddedB. raisedC. turnedD. bowed2

17、6. A. against B. out C. with D. around27. A. findB. mind C. regret D. refuse28. A. obvious B. strange C. proper D. original 29. A. show B. bringC. supplyD. teach30. A. wore B. gave C. decorated D. removed31. A. even if B. as if C. in case D. so that32. A. selflessly B. faithfully C. respectfully D.

18、fearfully 33. A. hintB. movement C. reactionD. exchange34. A. feelings B. behaviorC. practicesD. remarks35. A. honesty B. respectfulnessC. ambition D. bravery三、阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A China Mandarin*Convenient location (3-minute walk from Dawanglu Subway);*All of our teachers have masters degrees

19、or above;*Flexible schedule;*Tailor-made courses;*Casual and relaxing atmosphere;*40% off for this month (Private class: 80 yuan/hour).For more info: www.study- To register: study-chineseWine Tasting CourseAt the end of the course, people will develop a competent wine-tasting technique, be aware of

20、the main styles of fine wine and how they are made, be familiar with the worlds fine wine regions, understand the principles of wine storage and service, appreciate the importance of wine as a cultural touchstone (检验标准),be able to identify up to 12 different grape varieties in a “blind” tasting in t

21、he final session of the course. For more info: http:/www.beijing-To register: vinabeijing-Pet AdoptionShery is home raised and socialized for excellent temperament (气质), super trainability and has special people-pleasing personality. She has an incredible high rate of learning with a delightful eleg

22、ance (优雅) of structure and a beautiful breed type and with AKC Registries. If you are interested in Shery, please contact me via pastornaijamespets.Visas & PermitsBeijing-Easy offers professional services for visas, employment & resident permit and all the related works. Beijing-Easy business servic

23、es Ltd., as a services provider, focuses on offering services to overseas individuals and the administrative support to companies with international staff in Beijing to meet the need of international community. For more info, please visit www.beijing- Email:infobeijing-36. If you want to take a priv

24、ate class for 10 hours to learn China Mandarin this month, how much would you pay?A. ¥800.B. ¥1120.C. ¥480.D. ¥320.37. After attending Wine Tasting Course, you could probably do the following EXCEPT _.A. being good at tasting wine B. knowing how the wines are madeC. acquiring knowledge on how to sto

25、re wine D. identifying all kinds of wine38. It can be learned from the third advertisement that Shery _.A. can be easily trained B. is hard to get along with C. hasnt been registered D. must be a kind of dog39. Robert comes from England and now is in Beijing. If he needs to get a visa, he should vis

26、it _.A. www. study-B. pastornaijamespetsC. www.beijing- D. vinabeijing-40. The third advertisement is given with the purpose of _.A. showing how beautiful the pet isB. getting someone to adopt his or her pet C. adopting a kind of petD. letting us know what makes a good pet B Tests found that the DNA

27、 of some villagers in Liqian (骊村), on the edge of the Gobi Desert in north-western China, was 56 per cent Caucasian (白种人) in origin. Many of the villagers have blue or green eyes, long noses and even fair hair. A local man, Cai Junnian, is nicknamed by his friends and relatives Cai the Roman, and is

28、 one of many villagers who believe they are descendants (后裔) of the lost legion (罗马军团). Archeologists plan to conduct digs in the region along the ancient Silk Road to search for remains of buildings built in order to defend an area against attack or other buildings built by the fabled army. “We hop

29、e to prove the legend by digging and discovering more evidence of Chinas early contact with the Roman Empire,” Yuan Honggeng, the head of a newly established Italian Studies Centre at Lanzhou University in Gansu Province, told the China Daily newspaper. The genetic tests tended to support the theory

30、 that the Roman legion settled in the area in the first century BC after fleeing a fierce battle. The battle took place in 53 BC between an army led by Marcus Crassus, a Roman general, and a larger force of Parthians, from what is now Iran, bringing the Roman Empires eastward expansion to an abrupt

31、stop. Thousands of the Romans were killed, including Crassus himself, but some soldiers were said to have evaded the fighting and marched east to avoid the enemy. The wandering Roman soldiers are thought to have settled on the grassland of western China. The theory was first put forward in the 1950s

32、 by Homer Dubs, a professor of Chinese history at Oxford University. 41. What is the passage mainly about? A. Chinas early contact with the Roman Empire. B. A great discovery of Roman legion in Liqian. C. The theory put forward by a professor of Chinese history.D. Some Chinese villagers could be des

33、cendants of Roman soldiers.42. Why is Cai Junnian nicknamed Cai the Roman?A. Because they want to make fun of him.B. Because he likes to be called that.C. Because he has some Caucasian features.D. Because he looks different from the other villagers.43. According to the theory, Roman soldiers settled

34、 on the grassland of western China to _. A. avoid being killed B. expand eastwardC. conquer China D. seek help from the local people44. The underlined word “evaded” in the fourth paragraph can be replaced by “_”.A. stoppedB. escapedC. recordedD. controlled45. We can learn from the fourth paragraph t

35、hat _.A. Iran used to be part of the Roman Empire B. the Roman legion was defeated in the battle C. some soldiers successfully settled down in China led by their general D. the Roman army never thought they would meet the force of ParthiansC Scientists have wondered for a long time about where the s

36、ubstances necessary for life came from. Water exists on the earth and the planet Mars. But what about important carbon-based molecules (分子)? Astronomers have recently found some surprising evidence that some of those materials may have come from comets (彗星). Scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Ce

37、nter in Greenbelt, Maryland found the substance glycine brought back to the earth was from a comet. Glycine is one of the common amino acids (氨基酸). On the earth, organisms use glycine to create proteins. The discovery is exciting because it suggests that the building blocks (基本要素) of life may be mor

38、e common in the universe than scientists thought. The story of how space scientists were able to recover the material and bring it back to the earth is just as exciting. NASA captured the material using the Stardust spacecraft launched in nineteen ninety-nine from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Stardust p

39、assed through a cloud of material surrounding comet Wild Two in January of two thousand four. A comet is a huge ball of frozen gas and dust that often releases a long trail of material as it nears the sun. A specially designed collector gathered dust particles from the comet and stored them on the s

40、pacecraft. Stardust then returned to the earth and released a special reentry capsule (返回舱)containing the material it had collected. The recovery of the Stardust capsule was difficult because of its high reentry speed. The capsule was traveling at almost forty-six thousand kilometers an hour. It set

41、 a record as the fastest human-made object ever entering the atmosphere. The Stardust capsule successfully landed on a dry plain in the state of Utah on January fifteenth, two thousand six. Since then, scientists around the world have been working to study substances gathered from Comet Wild Two. 46

42、. Which of the following made scientists excited according to the text? A. The existence of water on Mars.B. The signs of life on Comet Wild Two.C. The discovery of amino acid on a comet. D. The method of creating proteins with glycine.47. How long has Stardust travelled in space?A. For two years.B.

43、 For five years. C. For seven years. D. For eight years. 48. The underlined word “captured” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by “_”.A. caught B. recognizedC. analysed D. combined49. The discovery has made scientists believe that _.A. water exists in large amounts on other planetsB. man can invent new

44、forms of life with glycineC. life on the earth may have all come from cometsD. the building blocks of life exist more widely in the universe50. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Stardust?A. Its a material found by NASA on Comet Wild Two.B. It used to contain materials gathered from a c

45、omet. C. It traveled around comet Wild Two for about two years.D. It was the fastest man-made object ever sent up into space. D Each year, Americans throw away millions of tons of electronic devices (设备). That means business is good for a small electronics recycler in Virginia.Company President Jere

46、my established PC Recycler. In the processing center of his company, workers were busy taking apart televisions, cell phones and computers anything electronic. “Electronics recycling is the fastest growing waste stream in the US right now,” Jeremy says.Recycling electronic waste isnt a single job. Newer devices can be rebuilt and resold. Breaking down electronics into small parts to melt and purify is another part. Operations Manager Andrew says, “Boards have the highest value, so you can actual

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