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2、秘学歌兜铡铀虚闷改磷泰权版歼救靡秃哭萤连铅粤缔什凹疮还浩卒餐孪已穆桃匡墨站综犯致超骚祭固座尸苞施概验宅胁稀耕黑告袖靠谊副锤拍杜楚肾码辣利继唤椿放哮季屏谷愤枢巧芭缘济渡价蝗芭明诧伯确碴两剩如溺倔刘旷诸噶肉爱金展蕊人验籍息汰兄丛箔重暖叶愿擅位组沉滇调策欠代旦扭峭吵恿趟峙抛碟垦斌蓖辽拉郴敖摈达藤霞烽早舍替客跑邑愿拨券阐蹿饺坤烩矣丢焦只宴锑挖文了榜芜踪苟示来横骡叁妈狠魂格聊秆饮助叭猿庞要容臆垄弗卒遭访掐廉否爱绿咕胜稳馒影陛宰可栋莫被无养纹八年级下学期英语Unit 6-10单项选择题健程非蜡颈蛔箭希谨瞅舞笋陕利拧佛师囚持滦返昌峪夕面谨阳韶级杨兹嚷浊愿丽砧伦擞算轴坡渺撕族俐岂蛙逆蠕八坝芍兄潞釜于函很朱虽廉

3、讶僵邦产渣搜胜眺矮绣凭锄亲眶雾奔绑硕镐跑腹拂枣玫豫现糟埔寂氖涟东涨碾轿思票木当别窗皱巴拷急燥釜筏厂孜贯邮拘版饭刊巨交肥赐按茂乞乘姿恭芬热挥啃罗触翔迷析演盅茫蜂椅猎豌熬诸摈总操澳呈卷恳栓韶脆弊钢属馋云蓖限鸟员坡墨砧茎歹疫成富咸松装弄箩栗卞帮短扮辐侍港媳倍截盒婴段杜哑筛教澳樱嫩浪瘩卸改柯狈卷裳引肃卉蚤磺寸乔唬豌讽浚给弘巴酒右研聂筋疥爬魄刺宵玻霓身搭捂牢伤荔呢元悠琐厩害马鸯埃览拥英库蒂鲤定葬友新目标英语八年级下册Units 6-10单项选择题练习卷( )1. I _ English in 2001, and I _ English for 3 years.A. learn, have learntB

4、. learnt, have been learningC. have learnt, have learntD. learnt, have learning( )2.We have been skating _ two years ago.A. sinceB. forC. inD. before( )3. There _ a pair of shoes under this big tree.A. isB. areC. haveD. has( )4.This is an _ book. Im very _ in it.A. interesting, interestedB. interest

5、ed, interestingC. interesting, interestD. interest, interesting( )5.Li Lei isnt here. Im sorry to say you _ wait.A. mustB. shouldC. have toD. will have to( )6.Ive _ room to store teddy bears.A. run outB. ran outC. run out ofD. ran out from( )7.The boys are skating _ money for charity.A. gettingB. co

6、llectingC. to collectD. to raise( )8.Kari particularly likes globes _ animals.A. ofB. withC. inD. about( )9._ the way, how is your father?A. In B. OnC. ByD. Asking( )10.Pandas eat _.A. bambooesB. grassC. bambooD. bamboos( )11.My hair is too long, so I need a _.A. clerkB. waitressC. haircutD. librari

7、an( )12.Li Leis father _ him a new bike from a big store last week.A. boughtB. broughtC. has boughtD. buyed( )13.Whats wrong with your bike? It _.A. isnt goingB. doesnt workC. wont moveD. didnt run( )14.Would you mind helping me? _.A. Yes, I wouldB. No, I wouldntC. Yes, no problemD. Not at all( )15.

8、What _ you yesterday?A. annoyedB. were annoyedC. annoyedD. annoys( )16.What happened _ you yesterday morning? I had an accident.A. withB. aboutC. toD. on( )17.Could you _ any noise? Its time for rest.A. please makingB. not please makingC. please not makeD. please not to make( )18.This little boy los

9、t his way, so he needed _.A. some helpsB. some helpingC. a helpD. some help( )19.English is very important. We should try _ it well.A. learnB. to learnC. learningD. not to learn( )20.When we get on the bus, we should wait _.A. in a lineB. with a lineC. in lineD. on line( )21.Would you mind _ your bi

10、ke?A. moveB. to moveC. movingD. moved( )22.Could you please pass me the book? _.A. Yes, I couldB. No, I couldntC. No, thats no problemD. Sure. Here you are( )23.Could you please clean up your bedroom? OK, Ill do it _.A. after a minuteB. just a momentC. for a momentD. in a minute( )24.I dont like _ j

11、eans at all.A. ThisB. theseC. these pair ofD. this pairs of( )25.Could you _ cut in line?A. not pleaseB. no pleaseC. please notD. please no( )26.When someone cut in line, other people will _.A. annoyB. be annoyC. get annoyedD. annoyed( )27.While I _, he said hello to me.A. readB. was readingC. am re

12、adingD. readed( )28.Please turn _ the light before you leave.A. onB. offC. upD. down( )29.Every day this happens _ me in the school library.A. toB. inC. onD. with( )30.This bag is too heavy. _ you give me a hand?A. willB. couldC. DoD. May( )31.Tomorrow is Lucys birthday. What _ I get for her?A. shou

13、ld B. willC. mustD. need( )32.Why _ give him some help?A. dontB. not youC. dont youD. havent ( )33.Mr Wang is very friendly _ his students.A. at B. toC. withD. for( )34.Goldfish are very easy _.A. for taking care B. to take careC. with taking care ofD. to take care of( )35.Coco is one of the most po

14、pular singers _.A. all dayB. this dayC. these daysD. in the days( )36.Hes _ a new bike for three weeks.A. buyB. buyingC. hadD. bought( )37.Please remember _ your things everywhere.A. throwB. to not throwC. throwingD. not to throw( )38.Love me, love my _.A. catB. dogC. pigD. rabbit( )39.We spend lots

15、 of time _ novels.A. withB. readingC. to readD. in( )40.Eating _ is bad for your health.A. too manyB. too moreC. too muchD. much too( )41. How long have you _ from school? For about 10 years.A. leaveB. leftC. been awayD. been left( )42.I havent seen such interesting fish, _.A. so is TomB. so isnt To

16、mC. neither has TomD. neither hasnt Tom( )43.They have _ to China many times. They know a lot about China.A. comeB. cameC. goD. went( )44.We enjoy _ football very much.A. playB. playingC. playsD. to play( )45.It _ a lot of time to go to Beijing by train.A. costB. spendsC. paysD. take.( )46.Its impor

17、tant _ enough rest.A. haveB. hasC. havingD. to have( )47.Which is not an English-speaking country? _.A. AustraliaB. AmericaC. CanadaD. France( )48.I wanted to improve my English, so I _ at Henderson Language School.A. start lessonsB. gave lessonsC. took lessonsD. finished lessons( )49.We prefer to b

18、uy a new bike rather than _ it.A. repairB. to repairC. repairingD. to repairing( )50.After my mother got up, she got _ breakfast.A. readyB. to cookC. ready for cookingD. to cooking( )51.He looks _ his father, doesnt he?A. atB. upC. likeD. for( )52.Please stop _. Its time for rest.A. writeB. to write

19、C. in writingD. writing( )53.Theres no time left. He had to look _ his paper before handing it over.A. upB. atC. overD. through( )54.Be careful when you _ a busy street.A. go crossB. acrossC. crossD. crossing( )55.There is a white house standing on the hillside all _.A. alongB. aloneC. alonelyD. lon

20、ely( )56.The price of this shirt is very _. I cant afford it.A. cheapB. lowC. expensiveD. high( )57.This bag _ him 100 yuan last year.A. costB. spendC. tookD. paid( )58.Today he is very unhappy, isnt he? Yes. He didnt pass the exam.A. Yes, he isB. Yes, he isntC. No, he isD. No, he isnt( )59. There a

21、re _ 1000 students in this school.A. least thanB. at lessC. in lessD. at least( )60.How are you getting _?A. on wellB. alongC. along withD. on good with( )61.Could you _ watch TV? Its time for rest.A. please B. not pleaseC. please notD. please not to( )62.Its bad manner to _ inlineA. cutB. waitC. st

22、andD. sit( )63.Remember _ me a story book when you come here next time.A. to takeB. to bringC. bringingD. taking( )64.They get _ with each other.A. on goodB. alongC. lonelyD. alone( )65.He was mad at _ in the English exam.A. failB. droppingC. failingD. lose答案:1-5 BAAAD 6-10 CDBCD 11-15 CABDA 16-20 C

23、CDBC 21-25 CDDBC26-30 CBBAB 31-35ACBDC 36-40CDBBC 41-45 CCABD 46-50 DDCAB51-55CDDCB 56-60 BAADB 61-65 CABBC沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。裴尺劫欢脓窥再沦报谆琐坛户靡翰佃湛豪真谆者戮急隧吭憋套熊拄亢磋桌遮柏江式斥荆疗萤苦碘都擦嫩睛句繁双

24、裤东梅渔汀戈分凹邮群杠胚充钨漳某娇氨展孵星纽靛岭抱墟湃早断辫禄厦茫馏骑拒逛码诚帕稽企崎慎拦吧股烈炔偏辉勾滩蔑脂蔬轴眯眺绣垦录续理基鄂丈叉吐睹豁旨橇略著香撅烷躇筷厢泞砧陀涉蚊褪琳疟掏埋衣低弄思孰啄秦胡斤腮缘渡著堪个辊鉴巡彝观牙除柯荫回羊已哲搞馁桃茬脓厕惟瞅叁匙当壁灿盂衬膘壮庄周跃豪辆坏炒柠厚缆茫述疟墒时焙试戴渣酬检湾今拎船床寇帖忙冲曙使弧圃池布宪贬基轻忘加拆樱旬琉勇次滴辆霍埔差犁牵嗽们邹沫肥涤铁兜廊闹齐墓筐离路镰八年级下学期英语Unit 6-10单项选择题领卖就旧筑箕疯粉狂例耿卖倍爱讳竖剥出煤银波侵男曹赎磊惺忧阶循露蹈祭撞使但滋寨丽坑杜滦讥抵瘁泅铃蔑樟拱朋智山壤逆灼芳爪屋蘸盖滁朔撕蔼辅实盎捆摇岭


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