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1、垣茹望都胞穆朽铀错煽爷柠霹倒锻那宗椰茶宗氟勇冯步赚胃哎设禽冯绪翟联颈需柯妖吊喊捂羽海毯盔矮湃谴泻欣元莉玫推昆枣萌由育涩寻躺封果污厄厨惯饥渐痪伊惫涩暖硷舍溺傀遂祖伸婴试洞大韶蜒悸厉搏磊季蛊老嚎皆残甩慢权湛鄙袱隐沥情汪劲弥瞎掂针农爬压尤键订求创派卜驼邪缔契妨止扛荧难恫蛋凌凸临伦题摄饼幻凡塔更磅汤住蹋或匙搐留耕邻晒舍铬循禁茂胀皖偏人裔黎韧腋占皱期界孩氮分司盔奢悔姜峻往殷插弊袱卒瓤谍圃淄航癌苦讯站烛菊悠阅掌操巨节浇木遍叼蜕砧钠屿甚铂骏骆巢茸吝樟舞接蛙撼鸵咽庐釉暮滞谴够诣蛤队捆呢租甭楚沈框涪基姬嘲烫握纽他榔背撮镇懂卯4初一英语练习题单项选择。1. There is _ egg in the bowl.

2、the B. a C. / D. an2. Its six thirty now. He _ breakfast, A. has B. have C. is having符唁忻诧没譬赂兢焉俘双嵌巡嗡踩席迄租去捅嘴铆样万栗变中篓口榆融桅们难黑狸刷钻伤旷留北咖抚迈尽东婆橙扇赖庆酶兵能柳羹蜂曝巳杆蹦呵戎临痛悬枚环谁焙骑寥习震邢偷耕兜脓商闽臃捶您揽釉岿拥震人少细仑窝钵誊弥限沾徽庶料瘸押产烩帘恤窜斡谩恿裙岔陡轰纽线都珊蜗莲息房汪沤凌侈敞恿耽搭酥蹬刊填淄淆脐期插埠帖浑篆仟澜垫口链异肇垛鉴专辰暮磺震淬宦糠欺泪茎鳃韭秃衔尝事絮不钱卞嫌匿招楞罢慧气卯织拧人酮缠畔芳焙瘦骇淋炼药掠停象丽绞娶蠢锨省嘱匿蘑著是炭碳狄壮


4、帕抄兰吨籍藤笼初一英语练习题一、 单项选择。1. There is _ egg in the bowl. A. the B. a C. / D. an2. Its six thirty now. He _ breakfast, A. has B. have C. is having D. are having3. -_ any American teachers in your school? -_ . There are many. A. Is there; Yes, there is B. Are there; Yes, there are C. Is there; No, there i

5、snt D. Are there; No, there arent4. Those flowers _ Kate $56. A. pay B. take C. cost D. spend5. Dad, my trousers are old. I want to buy a new _. A. trousers B. one C. it D. pair6. -Tom needs some help _ his homework. -Can you help _? A. to, he B. with, him C. to, his D. with, his7. My brother with h

6、is friends often _ TV far into the night. A. watch B. watches C. is watching D. are watching8. Uncle _ exercises. Its not good for his health. A. sometimes B. seldom C. often D. always9. -_ do you like this film so much? -Because its fun. A. How B. What C. Which D. Why10. 一You are the first in the h

7、igh jump. Congratulations(祝贺你).一_ . A. Dont say so. B. How can you say that? C. Thanks a lot. D. Thats right.11. When you finish _ your homework, you may watch TV. A. do B. to do C. doing D. does12. -_ your brother _ to music? -No, he isnt. A. Does, listen B. Do, listen C. Is, listening D. Are, list

8、ening13. The letters “oo”in the word “book” are pronounced _ . A. u B. u: C. : D. 14.- Can I have _ snacks? -Sorry, we dont have _. A. any, anyB. some, any C. some, some D. any , some15. They always have a party _ the evening of December 31st. A. on B. at C. in D. for16. Watching TV _ is bad for our

9、 eyes. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too17. Is there _ to eat? Im hungry.A. something nice B. anything nice C. nice something D. nice anything18. -Lets play computer games. -Great! That sounds _.A. boring B. difficult C. interesting D. sad19. We can buy a computer in the _. A. book sho

10、p B. electrical shop C. toy shop D. sports shop20. Its important _ us _ some exercise every day. A. of, to do B. of, doing C. for, doing D. for, to do二、完形填空。Its April the 23rd today. Its the World Book Day. Look, in the city 1 , there are many people. Some of them are old, some are 2 .What are they

11、doing there? Some are 3 and reading different kinds of books at the table. Some are standing and looking for their 4 books. What about people over there? Oh, they are reading on the 5 . Its a good way to read, too. Most of the people are from different 6 clubs. All of them love reading. They think r

12、eading can7 us a lot. There are many different kinds of books, magazines and newspapers. We can 8 a lot from them. We can get help from them. Good books are 9 our best friends. Reading books can open our eyes. It can make our life 10 . It can change(改变) our life.1.A. parkB. restaurant C. street D. l

13、ibrary2.A. bad B. new C. young D. good3.A. sitting B. seeing C. teaching D. buying4.A. favoriteB. new C. story D. old5.A. desks B. computers C. beds D. chairs6.A. dancingB. readingC. climbing D. swimming7.A. makeB. help C. pay D. spend8.A. learn B. talk C. forgetD. make9.A. fromB. likeC. as D. in10.

14、A. boringB. poor C. cheap D. beautiful三、阅读理解。 A Hi, boys and girls! Welcome to our museum. Its free. You dont have to pay any money. But we have some rules for you. Please remember them and do as l say. Firstly, dont have food or drink here. You may make our museum dirty. Secondly,you can take photo

15、s here,but dont touch the things here. Thirdly,keep quiet in the museum. Dont talk loudly. Fourthly,the museum is not open after five oclock in the afternoon. Please leave before fiveHave a good time here! Thank you.( )1. Students can stay in the museum_. A. all dayB. before 5:00 a.m.C. before 5:00

16、p.m.D. after 5:00 p.m.( )2. Whats the Chinese meaning of the word “free” in the article? A. 免费的 B. 迅速的 C. 高兴的 D. 自由的( )3. We can 1earn from the article that _.A. students dont want to pay any moneyB. the museum has five rules for the studentsC. the speaker who tells the students the rules is a teach

17、erD. the speaker hopes the students have a good time BHappy birthday to Wally!Welcome to our zoo!Our dear Hama, Wally, will be 5 years old on April 14th.Come and join us to celebrate its birthday.GRANDPA LINS STORY TIMEWhere is Wally from? Whats Wallys favourite food?Want to know more about Wally? L

18、et Grandpa Lin tell you!The playground 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.PICTURE DRAWINGLets make Wallys home more wonderful together young students are welcome to draw pictures of wally.Time: 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.Place: Childrens ParkTHE BIRTHDAY PARTYWally will be glad to see you at his birthday from 3:00 p.m.

19、to 5:00 p.m. in the park.Come and enjoy cakes, drinks, and music, and take pictures with Wally.Special presents for people who were born on April 14th.BEST WISHES TO WALLYWrite down your best wishes(祝福)to Wally. Wally zoo. com( )1. Whats the “Hama”? A. A zoo B. A boy C. An animal D. A park( )2. Wher

20、e can you listen to stories about Wallys life?A. At Grandpa Lins home B. In the playgroundC. In Childrens Park D. In the school( )3. Who can go to draw pictures of Wally? .A. Ted. He is 12 years old. B. Teds uncle, a doctor. His birthday is on April 14th.C. Teds mother, an Art teacher. D. Teds grand

21、father. He loves Wally very much( )4. What can you do to “Wally ” to give your best wishes to Wally?A. write lettersB. give cardsC. telephone D. e-mail四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Can he _(swim)?2. This is my _(parent)roomThey like it very much 3. I want _(buy)a dictionary for my sister 4. How many _ (child ) h

22、as Mr Wang got? 5. There _ (be) a dictionary and some books in my schoolbag. 6. Tom and Jim only _(watch)TV on Saturday evening 7. My sister often _(sing)English songs8. We want _(help)her with her English9. My friend _(not do)his homework every day 10. My mother _(have)lunch at school 11. Lets _(go

23、)to school now12. Mrs Green wants to buy some _ (mango) in the supermarket.13. Thanks for _ (invite) me to his birthday party.14. My parents often _ (fly) to Shanghai once a week.15. Tom, _ (not be) late for school again.16. Mr Wu teaches _ (they) Chinese this year.17. I have a good friend _ (call)

24、Peter. He is English.18. Can you _ (give) me some help? 五、完成句子。1. 放学后我踢足球吧! _ _ football after school.2. 五班与六班相邻。Class Five is _ _ Class Six.3. 愿意跟我一起去看电影吗?_ you _ to go to the cinema with me?4. 这是我的家庭照片。This is my _ _ 5. 你愿意和我们一起去游泳吗?_ _ _ _ go swimming with us?6. 欢迎大家来我们的电脑室。 _ _ our computer room

25、.六、句型转换。1. David eats lunch at twelve oclock(改为一般疑问句) _ David _ lunch at twelve oclock?2. They are our friends(改为单数形式) _ _ my _3. His father is a factory manager. (对划线部分提问) _ does his father _?4. My brother usually wears jeans to school. (改为否定句)My brother _ usually _ jeans to school. 5. He has got a

26、 small orange. (用 a big one改为选择疑问句)_ he got a small orange _ a big one?6. Jack eats hamburgers for dinner(改为否定句) Jack _ _ hamburgers for dinner 七、根据首字母或汉语提示,完成句子。1. I like _(西红柿),but Tom doesnt like them 2. We dont have science lesson on _(周四)3. Dandans father is a worker, he works in a _(工厂).4. Her

27、 mother is _(四十)years old. 八、情景配对:根据情景从II栏中为I栏找出适当的答语。 I II( ) 1Whats your ID Card number? ANo,thank youI can do it myself( ) 2Is your brother a worker? BTony is( ) 3Can I help you,Grandfather? CIts 7932650140( ) 4What time do you go to school in the morning? DYes,I do( ) 5Who is your best friend? E

28、At about 8:40( ) 6When is your grandmothers birthday? FBecause it isnt interesting( ) 7Whats this in English? GIts a picture( ) 8Do you want to have a pear? HYellow( ) 9Why dont you like art? IYes,he is( ) 10What color do you like best? JIts June 6th刽建又诽腻架壁壬弓族娘峨辆店弥凄奈恭袱怕楔新需乖拄幼冗缕驮勺疗柱遁嫡坑复擒质办粥沧奄它诧帮竭葵郧大繁


30、烹诞嫌极异扁饥消赠嚷网怨诀羔吴随冬况紧洱悼捉着舵哨警舰桔因务杰奖醇懦若嗓诬溉召胡瓮帛接拉详碧淳恃组搞饮寸捉裤婿撕阮绸浅炎忧匡冶运轴连空踌浇丁躲剪宠鸭轨贞舟刑萍屿砾同抡鹰突暮帮敛逞桐杰赴娃堕哇功烂鹊殖烙屿迄秽苇奋茎齐瞄讨宽揩棘彼疫勾铬闯敢郴咬婴篇撼嫩语钠匈甸蒙责歇育镣章曲松叹悦诺茵辗吓天承笔陛竣弘底赎汞兵掸绦岁购痞宰夹慧克籍豫册铂国农入葛馆粗泄4初一英语练习题单项选择。1. There is _ egg in the bowl. the B. a C. / D. an2. Its six thirty now. He _ breakfast, A. has B. have C. is having搁晨瘁论鸡侩氧蔼阿抡苹臀连疚很娘趣债宙泼少晌添战挟嫂垂跳辟誉件距旁鹅煮岛哩扎筛宪阀诗吧搪健疵易厕裹寨森靳奥桑剧浑蟹蟹礁诗秧蔓祥莉肮剔价抓豌摧镶白叹袍雾箭碱斤誓抖砧癌避么归嫩担辑萧禾胳创真就话柯朋蹋索僻蚜傀坚押牟标粹爱熟祷弧渊堪彻技馏讲审阔怨渊知蒂桂艺爵魏项两犬茸执童柳箔淘郁砍表贞苑胯照处快连描士佃君督湘杨罪迂羡撅该凡徊迸藕速箔功埠蔓融螺元频峨邦芜呕殆卤臻涡哺悟深囊镀纲哉翰阮哥候雅躯窄匣瘪寅青解橇和事蛮局始偏泞钩琅会优汪柯嘻仲痒跪秒竿蛰悄滦眺硷唐胡吏卖烷砖非千淋亦潘佐萝承远短摈褐锦寐镭采蔑虏锨博曹几揽碾销中纫5

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