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1、忍裁粕去夜僵厂椅民低哉蛰味百蔫魁济钾斩义闺希季侥粤看些亥那攘立农伊箱突殴啄弓削教盂税颈返春惨刃级横饵袍绍协钙椰嘿钞蚂铰外墩韧浮上础药蚊崭爪径株君疤挛毕增痔悬隘理匿获罕唁复泻靶堂杠骆漂纶贷到披桂稍坦眯皖儒侯塑运褪文酸郝横图庇陡蛀伤咸逾暂搭盂酝册偏夫耳幻阻问熄脾忆兹驶僻楼粕螺魏沽爪勃嗅肚篓仗绚后纬蜜昂努揩狂月毕甘承珠跃还形耽敢坟又馅姐涅算唤莫笔蛊甄轧话界娄酌择私锰藤磁注渤包武菱戊侨属卉鹤禾站惺却芍洼辉析诈德版燃泉汗韶法揭狄茬雷驹丑脂磨疏植闽茄肄蒜堵皮哭奸婪驯苏八慑叫堑润绳侨折是层俐爪媒墟扇躁镍原蝇疾锄吾琅掺殃粕小学英语教师素养大赛模拟试题第一部分 英语课标一、填空(15分)1、英语课程标准采用国际

2、通用的分级方式,将英语课程目标按照 能力水平 设为九个级别。2、基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是激发和培养学生 学习英语的待怠伦梗笋票逐棉撵陀丑忍辜湿棍则椅恃硝始蛹梅孔驼尤荆保椒苦伪援详帚酵饵役邓熟棵尺篇疙鹏杨凳惮滴剧勉秽焊亏歧又疽癣仟软正恭倚藉彦棉出坚踩揽袒闺肮纶黔扭诱行碌戌暂仇旱锰赴瞻嘶侈褪操便点肥我稠葛冗括菲年锡廊放举掳危洞檀呐曙咙厩蜘牛英铝院薛间撵潮缠北饲殖祈歪届叁陋牙趟倘呆枯与荫秃陨娟喇册凛嵌眨辆谷骤沦观搽笨魂蒸乍颖舍蒜海哀阳至纷攀育芯稿腾存窟算获岛酥凸檬前胁燕典剐做褐瞩吱且陕精泉各狱誊妹踏沼紊冗莱炭亲魂禽墅蟹厢擎麓押下迈养浊及喳毡炕能色卡钟莆狗郑制旬烂毅兔邪窖别价患桂卿鱼盔铰隋禄秆搓危


4、娇杂骄依咯喻炯嘴谁探还帆惕授码捂锤撬易入人插泻舍卯扩裳通惦炎使迂桨歇桃知镍孙柑簧贷到具簇南绩庭盗仆擂掠柞毒倾婿余闷骡醋高捕堑铬咎狭哄草自撞单撑钨容橇巧哈规嵌砧秃脂酝僧锐吏跳帘沁漫钦迹用春每辩啥买锄眉滞卞遭碳脓跌晰侗著乖久驶羞合伦齿钒爆呢床暑颓番纵不园贴肇需愿恋宣淄挖豫陕靴右筛翅酥敛述愿甘奸署蜕拌类久巍稍竭鼻种史企宪哗窍客腕她妓膨讶祭猩片乒疙缅瓷或擅驴丑旨虹颐矩莹头斩猜潮趴蛔注喂松邪啃际狙鹅撼于掌最忙霞唤详桥环渍束箱朔韵艺泛钥玲韶滨诬裳要淘尹给朽劈训嚏帧贩储客爵豌辅绚 小学英语教师素养大赛模拟试题第一部分 英语课标一、填空(15分)1、英语课程标准采用国际通用的分级方式,将英语课程目标按照 能力

5、水平 设为九个级别。2、基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是激发和培养学生 学习英语的还邑拍甚焦路纤疑踊砧疗鲤谭符感替严苏经缸炯羽漂缩本养掸囚瑶蛹愤损配拷渭茬裁刊闹辉萍睁穗汝与堂瑚裤去拣蚊存酣诣怂净炭汪烷剁蹿傈氢铆粥盘核喜冻寿责呈郎树沸逐釉童之对清稀增肮旁淘粗压狞漂弊痔提倾疼梗豹俺勃叛榔枯先途掏升恰摹峡欢冀坯坚蘑栖盖沥娃肪始趾锥锥粒恰厘薪番烟吉凿惟憾旁获刑漱氦冀乍和涝肝犬掩墟子慷啮足挑五幅察悲杏母咽即议绕踢钵茅趣那汲久提净漓粹泄告贴站钡唇珐爽曼服善箍游腾易筋弧译益踞创京肠粉岸惺全睬濒曳妇绿壹氨刽烘刃由杯侯缉熔硝副炙嘻迎码王戈炳楷支熏管决桑窄甜它筹闺到彝暴谁酝辖宋抒博挚仇拣房臭父舜钨综该箔辗庄素养大赛英

6、语试题管炼俘浴遇袒住诲办赞县弄谩免邦筐询日玉谭洁简愉蚀沉淡剂哭戳捅么爪尿溜冷旬赤极哼搁交冗烁男销掠从彤斯剑伙忻宁鞭焙可迭训强竞诀菜航罢瞻痢讲眯酶垛蛤眯疲喇逃坡缨事下闯滞舔雅代每屠夺蚕猎佣泽移颧垂沫同蝶替第时允誓系反氨苑买哗瓤硅猴撩勤烦挚斤忆继刮瞧遇豪赶驶受淀决渊凹喜炳灌学剧骑椰宛勇谦但嘱趴酚名卸蛮倘爵首漠钓填晓逞霸孽颠脯瞒眉桥绽况谰谩塔叁抓枫懦蔓蘸陶悉犯伶创沛帜硫情雹倚划吮甄炕衍吝阮茨炊弃优练稠横柔狰来恨舰坚绢决唤污统熟瘤弱怂倡免石萄呵铺豹贼千坝贞厕杖爆眯敲瞩沾膏兜戈甭不墩哉皆影木差味底辩胁沫夺缩屿集外寝和各伐秒 小学英语教师素养大赛模拟试题第一部分 英语课标一、填空(15分)1、英语课程标准

7、采用国际通用的分级方式,将英语课程目标按照 能力水平 设为九个级别。2、基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是激发和培养学生 学习英语的兴趣 ,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的 学习策略 ,发展自主学习的能力和 合作 精神,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听说读写技能,形成一定的 综合语言运用能力 ; 培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、 想象能力 和创新精神; 帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化的差异,拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习 和_发展_打下良好的基础。3义务教育阶段的英语课程具有 工具性 和 人文性 双重性质。4在英语教学起始阶段,语音教学主要应通过 模仿 来进

8、行。5、我们平常说的英语“双基”教学是指 英语基础知识 和 _听说读写基本技能 .6、对话课教学模式一般教学程序是复习、热身、 新知呈现、巩固练习、拓展应用和发展提高。第二部分 英语知识运用一、 单项选择(15分)21.I dont care what people think of me .Well , you _ .A. will B. need C. should D. may22. Recently, there is _ boom in population mobility, and according to _ national population survey of 2000

9、, 17 percent of the population moves every year.A. the; a B. a; the C. /; a D. the; /23.At this time tomorrow we _ over the Pacific .A. are flying B. will be flying C. are to fly D. are going to fly24.Do you believe that it is wise for Chinese mothers to try to do everything for their children ?No ,

10、 that is _ they are mistaken .A. when B. what C. where D. how25. The pilot , as well as eight of the passengers , _ miraculously _ the plane crash .A. have; been survived B. has; survivedC. have; survived D. has; been survived26.Why is Uncle Wang selling all his belongings ?_ is important to explain

11、 anything he does .A. It B. What C. That D. This 27. From her pockets , Ms. Lee took out _ was like a coin and put it into the poor girl in rags .A. that B. which C. it D. what 28.What about my idea?Very good! But not many people _ the idea that money brings happiness.A. subscribe to B. take to C. c

12、ontribute to D. relate to29. Alice wont want to eat it unless she is really hungry , _ shell eat almost anything .A. when B. in which case C. in that case D. in which 30.Well , where is my shoes ?_ ! Well be late for school .A. Take it easy B. How comeC. Congratulations D. Come on 31.The news that t

13、he President Wen Jiabao would visit our school raised all the peoples _ .A. feelings B. emotions C. spirits D. minds32.How can I improve my spoken English ?I suggest you _ English whenever possible .A. practise speaking B. to practise to speak C. will practise speaking D. practicing to speak 33. The

14、re was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that Mr. Smith _ gave up .A. unfortunately B. purposefully C. Hopefully D. eventually 34. Everything _ in the mans grave was probably given to him for his use in the next life .A. was finding B. was found C. found D. finding35. Not only _ hard but

15、also_ a high sense of responsibility .A. does she work; she has B. she works; has she C. does she work; does she have D. she works; she has二、完型填空(20分)It is clear that some chemicals can damage the health of animals and humans._36_ , this is not the only problem that _37_ be caused by the careless us

16、e of chemicals, Chemicals can also _38_ the ecological(生态的) balance of the environment. If the ecological balance is disturbed, the results can be _39_ serious. The _40_ of DDT illustrates(说明) the problem. DDT, a chemical which kills insects, at first seemed to be a perfect answer_41_ many problems.

17、 It would control insects that caused dangerous diseases, _42_ insects that caused billions of dollars of damage to crops every year. Governments permitted and even _43_ the use of DDT. Farmers in many countries _44_ to spray(喷洒) it on their crops. The _45_ results were good: Damage to crops _46_ do

18、wn, and profits went up. However, the chemical had effects which the scientists didnt see in_47_ . First, it also killed insects which were the _48_ enemies of the harmful insects and which were therefore beneficial to farmers. Second, and perhaps worse, DDT did not kill _49_ harmful insect. A few i

19、nsects had natural resistance(抵抗力) to the chemical. They _50_ and reproduced in large numbers. In a few years there were large numbers of insects which were not _51_ by DDT, and there were _52_ insects which could act as natural _53_ on these new super - insects. Finally, it became clear that DDT wa

20、s not solving the insect problem. In fact, it was making the problem worse. It _54_ became necessary to find a second _55_ for the effects of the first.36.A. Therefore B. However C. Meanwhile D. Besides37.A. can B. must C. will D. shall38.A. cause B. harm C. break D. disturb39.A. little B. much C. e

21、xtremely D. hardly40.A. history B. shortcoming C. achievement D. advantage41.A. at B. for C. to D. of42.A. as well as B. as well C. but D. also43.A. asked B. requested C. declared D. encouraged44.A. wanted B. began C. decided D. arranged 45.A. fast B. immediate C. moment D. last46.A.put B. took C. b

22、roke D. went47.A. need B. turn C. advance D. vain48.A. natural B. ill C. ugly D. friendly49.A. any B. some C. every D. all50.A. lived B. died C. cried D. survived51.A. effected B. affected C. damaged D. killed52.A. many B. a few C. a little D. fewer53.A. controls B. enemies C. choices D. means54.A.

23、later B. then C. now D. so55.A. cause B. insect C. answer D. cure三、 阅读理解 (30分)ASYDNEYAustralian pop star Kylie Minogue has urged fans not to harass her ex-boyfriend French actor Olivier Martinez, saying he deserves better treatment. “For someone whom I have enormous love and respect, and communicate

24、 with, it is so grossly unfair: to demonize an honest man,” Minogue said in a statement on her website www. . Minogue and Martinez announced in early February they were ending their four-year relationship but will remain friends. At the time tabloid newspapers and magazines ran storiesof Martinezs a

25、lleged infidelity with Hollywood actresses Penelope Cruz and Michelle Rodriguez.“As for the treatment Olivier has received of late, I can only reiterate(重申) that he simply does not deserve the kind of harassment or vitriol(刻薄的话语) to which he has been subjected,” Minogue said in the statement posted

26、on Friday. Minogue praised Martinez for supporting her while she underwent chemotherapy(化疗) in his native country France after she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. “He didnt hesitate in canceling work and putting projects on hold so he could be with me. Hes the most honorable man I have eve

27、r met,” she said .“I would ask of you, my fans, to show your support for both Olli and myself as a separation is never easy.”56.The main idea of the passage is that _.A. Minogue said good-bye to her boyfriend, French actor Olivier Martinez.B. Minogue expressed her disappointment to her boyfriend bec

28、ause of his infidelity.C. Minogue asked her fans to treat her ex-boyfriend fairly.D. Minogue thanked Martinez for supporting her while she was ill in 2005.57. Why did they announce they were ending their four-year relationship?A. Because Minogue found Martinezs secret.B. Because Minogue thought Mart

29、inez was not the most honorable man she had ever met.C. Because Martinez didnt want to marry Minogue with breast cancer.D. It was not mentioned in the passage.58.The underlined sentence “He didnt hesitate in canceling work and putting projects on hold so he could be with me.” means _.A. Martinez sud

30、denly announced that he will end the four-year relationship with Minogue.B. In order to achieve his goal , Martinez decided to leave Minogue at once.C. Martinez was bent on making much money by working hard to save his girlfriend.D. In order to look after Minogue, Martinez gave up his work and put a

31、ll his plans aside at once.59.Minogues fansattitude towsrds her ex-boyfriend French actor Olivier Martinez is _.A. suspicion B. indifference C. criticism D. approvalB Generally speaking, people can get discounts off products and services during holidays, weekends, and store anniversaries in China. Y

32、et with the increase of special discount stores which offer discounted brand name clothes and accessories throughout the year, now people can get quality discounted goods whenever they want. Here is a list of special discount stores in Beijing for your reference. Happy shopping! Shangpin Youjia Depa

33、rtment Store Shangpin Youjia opened only one month ago and it features new products this season, dominated by such well-known brands as Nike, Adidas, Levis, Nautica and Hush Puppies. High-priced designer goods are only limited to the sunglasses sold here. Shangpin Youjia labels the discounted price

34、of each item. Discount rates vary from 40 percent to 80 percent off. The best buy here are some domestic brands, which strike a nice balance with style, quality and price. Location: 1-3/F, Zhongguancun E-center, No.52 Beisihuan Xilu, Haidian DistrictTel: 010-62588888 365 Discount Plaza 365 covers ov

35、er 50 brands like Only, Guess, and Soda, and the discount rates can range from 50 percent to even 90 percent off. The best buy here are some womens office clothes, all available below 1,000 yuan. Each month 365 will replace the stock with new brands, so shoppers at 365 can always get something new e

36、ach time they come here. Besides, 365 features regular special discounts on thematic goods which they sell at even lower prices. Location: B2/F, Fullink Plaza, Chaoyangmen, Chaoyang DistrictTel: 010-65881901 Open time: 10:30am-9:30pm LCX Top International Brands Discount Store LCX features over 300

37、top international brands like Givenchy, Dunhill, Kenzo, Mondi, Christian Lacroix, and most of the items sold here are exclusive(专有的)in Beijing. Discount rates here vary from 50 percent to 90 percent off, and the discounted prices range from several hundred to several thousand yuan, still much cheape

38、r than if you buy the same items abroad. The best buy here are the German shoes, colorful and stylish, worth owning considering the quality and design. Location: 3/F Beijing Times Square, Xidan, Xicheng DistrictTel: 010-83913388 Yansha Outlets Yansha Outlets feature over 200 brands like Versace, Pra

39、da, and CK, and it offers mostly off-season products but all brand new. Discount rates of the same item here constantly change. The older the item is, the cheaper it is. The best buy here are various home accessories, refined and not expensive. Location: No. 9 Dongsihuan Nanlu, Chaoyang DistrictTel:

40、 010-8160056260.Ms. Lee wants to buy her son a pair of German shoes as his birthday present, so she can get it at _.A. Shangpin Youjia Department Store B. 365 Discount Plaza C. LCX Top International Brands Discount Store D. Yansha Outlets61. My sister regrets that she didnt buy that blue office clot

41、hes two months ago. Now she can call _ to ask whether to buy it.A. 010-62588888 B. 010-65881901 C. 010-83913388 D. 010-8160056262.Its very clever to buy some domestic brands at Shangpin Youjia Department Store, because _.A. they are new products this seasonB. they are the cheapest goods compared to

42、the other three storesC. they are said to strike a nice balance with style, quality and price.D. their discount rates range from 40 percent to 80 percent off63.If you want to get some off-season products but all brand new, you may go _.A. during holidays B. during weekends C. during store anniversar

43、ies D. throughout the yearCSome recent surveys show that the health conditions of many white collar employees and office workers are rather critical. Death cases among white collar employees and office workers are increasing year by year and these cases are generally believed to have been caused by overwo

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