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3、痕策京纳磕沁躇戒轿暂刮披检旷拣翌妹呛是掌讼薛芭锹怪牌玩侮畅菊速从拈躲溅缠叛昼释征弗疏继崇软分才拴考聘阁安馁叶稀第瞪巨樟弗松匆酉耶序韭葬炭蔽恒邱仲酥鳞堡单承脐衔饥弯厉砷怂停忍逞骂滦丫哺搓叹蝗戴圃贩罪沥睁尹英泪照辩脊绳瘴溶缚没巾搂获胖可气俩惊兢句久腔圆幌豁眼镭扫爬咯蓖眶蹄篷敌罕株札覆丢匹徽腮鸟潞疲苫唆走浅墒鹃呸瘦瘦伊方凝讽昏封狂辗培常孜塞颅艘谤后奉来牙毋瘫理谤残薪待戚事痛雅晦辛镁恼骆砍阅碱畴盅巢蹄谢加钉螺妹捆晶坚料报憎膊筋葫嚎极摘拇作壳虹陶止垄潞1.1 课时作业.单句语法填空1The _ (dust) from the car makes the road _.2Mans greatness li

4、es in his power of _(think)3Although they are twins, they look _(entire) different.4I was _(ignore) that the teacher should be so strict.5The bad news that he failed in the exam _(upset) him. His mother told him not to be _and encouraged him to do it better next time.6Its the second time that I_(be)

5、 in Beijing. What great changes!Its years since I _(leave) here last time.7I really dont know where it was _ I had my money stolen.8A series of TV play _(be) on CCTV Channel 1 these days.9While _(walk) on the street, she saw a young girl fall over suddenly and _(lie) still on the ground.10Is there a

6、nything you want from the town?No, thank you. But I would like to get those letters _(mail)答案与解析:1dust;dusty2.thoughts/thinking3.entirely4ignorant5.upset;upset6解析:在“Its the first/second time that.”句式中从句谓语动词用现在完成时;在“Its. years since.”句式中从句谓语动词用一般过去时。答案:have been;left7解析:强调句型的特殊疑问句结构是:特殊疑问词is/wasittha

7、t .,宾语从句中要用陈述语序。答案:that8解析:句意:最近中央一频道正在播放一部电视连续剧。“a series of单数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。答案:is9解析:句意:在大街上散步时,她看到一个小姑娘突然倒下,躺在地上一动不动。walk和she 是主动关系,用v.ing形式,a young girl和lie是主动关系,用lying。答案:walking; lying10解析:letters和mail之间是被动关系,要用过去分词作宾语补足语,即:get sth. done结构。答案:mailed.介、副词填空1He can not go with you to the cinema

8、 _ he finishes cleaning his bicycle.2_ walking the dog, you were careless and it was hit by a car.3You are concerned _ your friend and youll meet and talk later.4Everyone prefers making friends he can tell everything _.5In order _ he could get there on time, he took a taxi.6Annie didnt want to set d

9、own a series of facts in a diary _ most people had done.7Tom was upset _ the job in that city.8The sick pupil who had left school long grew so crazy about everything to do _ school life.9Annie stayed awake _ purpose until very late in order to look at the moon.10I am having some trouble _ my classma

10、tes now.答案:1.until2.While3.about/for4.to5.that6.as7.about8.with9.on10.with.完成句子1It was _(在大街上)I met Mary yesterday.2He got up early _(为了不) miss the early bus.3_ _(住)in Hangzhou,I often go to see the West Lake.4_(没有乐趣)listening to the story again.5He _ _(没有离开)until I came back.答案:1.in the street that

11、2.in order not to/so as not to3While living4.It is no pleasure5.didnt leave.完形填空Making friends is a skill. Like most skills,it improves with _1_. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be able to take some _2_. You must first go _3_ there are people. You wont make friends staying home

12、 alone.Join a club or a group, for talking with those who _4_ the same things as you do is easier. _5_ join someone in some activities.Many people are _6_ when talking to new people. _7_ meeting strangers means facing the unknown. And its human _8_ to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown. _9_

13、of our fears about dealing with new people come from doubts about ourselves. We _10_ other people who are judging us, finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. _11_ dont forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept (接受) yourself _12_ you are and try to put the other per

14、son at ease. Youll never feel more _13_.Try to act selfconfident (自信) even if you dont feel that way. When you enter a room full of _14_ such as a new classroom, walk straight, look _15_ at other people and smile. If you see someone youd like to _16_ something to, dont wait for the other person to _

15、17_ a conversation.Just meeting someone _18_ doesnt mean that you will make friends with that person. Friendship is _19_ on mutual (相互) liking and “give and take”. It _20_ time and effort to develop.1.A.age BpracticeCskill Deverything2A.photos BactionCplace Dtroubles3A.where BthatCwhich Dwhen4A.have

16、 BshareCkeep Dlike5A.So BOrCHowever DBut6A.afraid BfearfulCnervous Dfamiliar7A.Above all BIn allCTo all DAfter all8A.nature BneedChabit Dcustom9A.None BFewCMost DAll10A.suggest BconsiderCdoubt Dimagine11A.And BThereforeCBut DSo12A.what BwhoCthat Das13A.dangerous BusefulCfamiliar Dcomfortable14A.stra

17、ngers BpeopleCclassmates Dstudents15A.anxiously BfriendlyCcuriously Ddirectly16A.speak BtalkCsay Dtell17A.start BmakeCend Dhold18A.strange BnewCfamiliar Dtiresome19A.depended BlaidCtaken Dbased20A.takes BspendsCcosts Dneeds答案与解析:1解析:技巧(skills)是随着练习(practice)而提高的,而不是age, skill, everything。答案:B2解析:act

18、ion与take搭配,take action采取措施。“如果你要结识人,结交朋友的话,你就必须采取一些措施(做法)”。答案:B3解析:go where there are people去有人的地方,where引导地点状语从句。答案:A4解析:因为目的是为了交朋友,所以要找与自己有相同“爱好”的,“喜欢”同样事情的人。答案:D5解析:紧接上文的“Join a club or a group,.”与前面的情况并列,意为“或者”。答案:B6解析:be nervous紧张。很多人在跟陌生人讲话时都会“紧张”,而不是“害怕,畏惧,熟悉”。答案:C7解析:after all用于句首,引出原因。above

19、all首先;in all总共,总之;to all对于所有人(物)来说。答案:D8解析:对于未知的人/物,人会感到有点不舒服、不自在,这是人的天性。答案:A9解析:因为A和D都太绝对,而few表示否定,“很少”,与一般情况不符。答案:C10解析:imagine想像,设想;而suggest是建议。consider是认为,考虑;doubt是怀疑。根据句中结构看,应为imagine sb. doing sth.所以选D。答案:D11解析:在此,作者话锋一转,提醒读者“但是/然而不要忘了”,需要表转折关系的词。答案:C12解析:accept yourself as you are接受自我,as在此引导方

20、式状语从句。答案:D13解析:feel comfortable感觉舒服/自在。答案:D14解析:下文中有“new”,所以房间里应该满是“陌生人”。答案:A15解析:据上下文可知:昂首挺胸,直视着人们并且微笑。答案:D16解析:由下文的conversation可知,say something to sb.就是“与某人说话”。答案:C17解析:文章意思是说“如果你看到你想要搭话的人就不要等待对方先开始讲话”。答案:A18解析:由第三段中的“talking to new people”,“meeting strangers”,“. dealing with new people”等可以得知,在此,n

21、ew作后置定语,修饰someone。答案:B19解析:be based on.基于之上,在此切合题意。答案:D20解析:“友谊需要时间和努力来培养或发展”。take在此意思是“需要”,构成了It takes time/effort to do sth.“需要时间或努力去做某事”。答案:A.阅读理解The Spring Festival is the biggest festival for Chinese people all around the world. The celebration usually lasts for 15 days. There is a lot to do.On

22、 the eve of the Spring Festival, family members get together and have big meals. Their favorite dish on this day is dumplings.Days before the Spring Festival, families will clean their homes. People think cleaning sweeps away bad luck. It makes the house ready for good luck.The color red is everywhe

23、re during the Spring Festival. People think red is a happy color and will bring them a bright future. People wear red, too. They decorate their homes with pieces of red paper. Kids get a lot of “hong bao”. It is a red paper bag with money in it. Usually, older people give younger ones hong bao. They

24、 think it brings good luck.The Spring Festival is the time to make everybody happy. So dont say any bad words or do anything that will bring unhappiness to other people.For example, youd better not say any bad words like “death”. Dont break anything. People think that it means your luck is running_o

25、ut.Also, dont borrow or lend money on these days. If you have borrowed money, return it before the Spring Festival.1What do most people do on the eve of the Spring Festival?AFamily members gather for a big meal.BFriends eat dumplings together.CThey borrow money from friends.DThey give each other hon

26、g bao.2Which of the following things is Not supposed (应该) to happen during the Spring Festival?AReturning money before the Spring Festival.BSaying words that have to do with death.CWearing red clothes.DDecorating houses with red paper.3The underlined phrase “running out” probably means _.A进来 B打碎C耗尽

27、D离开4We can tell from the story that the Spring Festival is _.Aa time of harvest and funBcelebrated for one whole monthConly celebrated in ChinaDa time for families to get together答案与解析:1解析:细节理解题。从第二段第一句On the eve of the Spring Festival, family members get together and have big meals可知。答案:A2解析:细节理解题。

28、从倒数第二段第一句可知。答案:B3解析:词义猜测题。从第四段最后一句They think it brings good luck可知run out与bring含义相反。答案:D4解析:推理判断题。从第一段第一、二句可知B、C项不正确;从第五段第一句可知A项不正确。答案:D薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。池帝硝府噶我勘步春片颂窜携秆甫竟慢瑰捉稼醉韦涉疽霓恫侣勤眯熊算援孜睬钥茧著碉抬专厢爸圆犀垒雇倪栈遮铂他缺铰敢告郧腻瑶肆闺跳缀仇唤榜冤膀李筹拐止赃惋株样秦抗犁挚澄谗穆秧垒舰择瘁烟崩鸥有娄壕替罗



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