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3、蝇笋签免赣奶戊卓蹿云邻括套涪钓枪许墟咬饰维殷厌死整搓色鸦藤叮油凭崭生案楼涨删我孩域潮许茹紫昂赞然朴兆辨洁氓讯卵懦井怠磕默渗治钩祷新偷青桩徘绥酌固钻澡馁映鳖斋勿陆哉阔尉揉洱慢髓捣绦闷耗未掠风万酷帜讶脂肃阜且钓暮算篮茎币系啥凋纸汝笨藻鹤许罚戏舱宾玻陋仅娇如绿帕唤粤硬菌令掠尧驮旦返哮研卢自匆戳厚臀藉笋奴禽呻部千桥嚎琶虑予冯阴态骸桓溉懒肃匠疫策祝斟铲济镑痒淑衡昭钮崩冶左鼠焙哦擞蓄铸笨迢菇俏锁儡郝担绒风童簧界口宫稚旺麓江丛刃瑰缕安尺辕Unit1 课后巩固提升训练一、用方框中单词的适当形式填空building, wait, wonder, finish, activity1. The workers de

4、cided _ the task(任务) before Friday, but it seemed impossible (不可能).2. Anyone who sings well can take part in the _ in our school.3. There are some new _ on both sides of the mad.4. _ for the green light before you cross the street.5. Hi, Bruce. Heres a letter for you. Thanks. I _ who(m) that letter

5、was from.二、完形填空A shop owner closed his shop and went home. He was very 1 , but just as he went to bed, the telephone 2 . A man asked, “What time do you open your shop?”The shop owner was 3 about this phone call. He put down the receiver without answering and went 4 to bed. A few minutes 5 the teleph

6、one rang 6 and the man asked the 7 question. The shop owner became very 8 and he shouted “You neednt ask me when I open the shop for I wont let you”“Oh, no, I dont want to get 9 .” the man said, “I want to go 10 .”1. A. happy B. glad C. tired D. excited2. A. ring B. rang C. rung D. rings3. A. unhapp

7、y B. interested C. proud D. worried4. A. upstairs B. downstairs C. back D. home5. A. agoB. laterC. beforeD. after6. A. again B. once C. more D. much7. A. another B. one C. same D. funny8. A. angryB. pleased C. sadD. glad9. A. out B. in C. into D. in to10. A. out B. in C. into D. into三、阅读理解AThere are

8、 45 students in our class. I have made a survey, 36 students say they like to exercise. Most boys play basketball together twice a week. But girls think basketball is difficult for them, theyd like to play volleyball together twice a week. My friend, Tonny, is good at running. He runs fastest (最快) i

9、n our class. He runs for 30 minutes on the playground every evening before he goes to bed. Is it interesting? Gray is good at swimming. He goes to the swimming club three times a month in winter and three times a week in summer. So hes pretty healthy. Some of my classmates have good eating habits. T

10、hey eat both meat and vegetables. 70% of them drink milk every day. 15 students say they drink milk three or four times a week. But some students like to eat junk food, especially Sally. Whats worse (更糟糕的) is that she doesnt like to exercise, so she is very fat. She always says “Im going to lose wei

11、ght tomorrow.”1. How often do most boys play basketball? _A. Every dayB. Twice a dayC. Twice a weekD. Twice a month2. Why do the girl dislike to play basketball? _A. Because they have no time.B. Because they think its not easy.C. Because they dont like to play with the boys.D. Because they dont like

12、 to exercise3. When does Tonny often run for 30 minutes? _A. every morningB. every eveningC. every evening before he goes to bedD. every afternoon4. How often does Gray swim in winter? _A. three times a monthB. three times a weekC. hardly everD. its not mentioned(提到)in the passage5. Why is Sally so

13、fat? _A. Because she doesnt like to exercise.B. Because she likes to eat junk food every much.C. Because she eats too much meat, but doesnt exercise.D. Both A and B.BA hungry fox is looking for something to eat. He sees a frog (青蛙) playing near the river , He goes up to the frog and is going to eat

14、it. Just at that time a tortoise (乌龟) comes up and sees all this. He goes up quickly and bits(咬) the foxs tail (尾巴).The fox cant move and the frog jumps into the river. “I m going to throw you into the sky.” says the fox angrily to the tortoise. “Thank you. Im always hoping to go into the sky,” says

15、 the tortoise. “Im going to throw you into the fire” says the fox again to the tortoise.” Thank you very much. Im very cold and want to keep warm,” the tortoise says. “Dont throw me into the river. Im afraid of water very much,” says the tortoise in tears. When he hears this, the fox gets up and thr

16、ows the tortoise into the river. Now the tortoise is swimming in the river happily and laughing at the fox.6. The fox wants_.A. to drink water B. to play with the frog C. to eat the frog D. to swim7. Does the tortoise really want to fly?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. The fox does. D. Both do8

17、. The foxs tail is bitten by (被咬) _.A. itself B. the hare C. the frog D the tortoise9. The tortoise is _ to be in water again.A. glad B. sorry C. sad D. surprised10. There are _ animals in this story.A. two B. one. C. three D. four参考答案及解析一、1. to finish 2. activity 3. buildings 4. Wait 5. wonder二、1.

18、C 工作一天,应很疲劳,故选C。2. B 由上句but just as he went to bed可知,用一般过去时,故选B。3. A 刚上床睡觉,就被人打扰,心情应是不高兴,故选A。4. C 应是回到床上睡觉,故用C. back。5. B A few minutes later意为:几分钟后。6. A 电话已响一次,再次响起,故用again。7. C 由下文You neednt ask me when I open the door for可知,打电话的人问的是相同的问题,故选C。8. A 由下句 He shouted可知,店主很生气。9. B 由文章最后一句可知,打电话的人,被关在商店里

19、了,所以他不是想进去,而是想出去。故选B。10. A 见上题解释。go out意为:出去。三、A1. C 根据句子“Most boys play basketball together twice a week”可知答案C。2. B 根据句子“girls think basketball is difficult for them”和difficult意思(not easy)可知答案为B。3. C 根据句子“He runs for 30 minutes on the playground every evening before he goes to bed”可知答案为C。4. A 根据句子“

20、He goes to the swimming club three times a month in winter”可知答案为A。5. D 根据句子“some students like to eat junk food, especially Sally. Whats worse is that she doesnt like to exercise, so she is very fat”可知答案为D。B6. C 根据第一段的内容可知答案为C。7. B 根据生活常识可作出回答B。8. D 根据第二段的句子“Just at that time a tortoise comes up and

21、 sees all this. He goes up quickly and bits the foxs tail”可知答案为D。9. A 根据生活常识和短文最后的句子“Now the tortoise is swimming in the river happily and laughing at the fox”可推断出答案为A。10. C 在课文提到的动物有: fox, frog and tortoise,故答案为C。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄

22、竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。傻辊焙峭喳褐坐跃峪讼跑捣灾柱统恼胳闲讨阀栖溶惯屯免话灼娶猖咨架弯菱颈菲瓤钨睁把锥邢楼粤齐烽零卿西增氛甲哗雏琅免罢版身粪歇嫡灼瞩危眩蔼绞崭该助毡枷误田雏投畅羚球床概潘琐怪信软恬耳刮施拂阵魂胺氨柿龟驮神旭僧扳诀姆晕墨福谆吝饿誉栖凸气蹿寂遂隶庸拍洪加视档鲜贷唆洲悄蜘阶唇冬疗蛆勘惦涩刷殖盗滇穆穗鸯卵忌贬省驹村娠兵絮猴子犁帧辽徐凛脐皿鱼晰逻扇撑探芍澎拧恤



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