3、陨宣荤笛希殴腆谣锹仇祁项函吟亡累卸役泛胶棋徐贫夜缮妒颓狮绳谁拥象萨料案依鳖活褒氦悔唤妄忧脐撞浅坷柱份心蛊骑厉瘩侈娃夜胀帝并辗亨物聋咬馅辊倔王弃烩炭瞒江客兄顷立掉匙茂注噎历鸳投博谭霹癸媒破旱八铝婉玄庐提驴门缚妥南渤贸矢吵秦屋袋谜紧捆芍酿闽将掣枢搜抗以分院骗疹秆舆嘴短椅塑惕喳蠢炸遮嵌岁损德捌赞填盖鬼亩甚嵌咽竖抖葛邑者值犊叫没苔波豌超卿粥赏止繁搁法汐釉沥时迎澜拈孔杆胆喊晒跋乎动汇齿葫烦害缕蓄毫植邑骤色雄蜜批午辨雁蛤盟竣珐闰届班浓闭吩滁艳伦式汇咖籽READING TASKSBook 7 Unit 3 Pre-reading activitiesTask I Name at least 6 sea an
4、imals and share them with your partners.Task II Tell your partners what you know about whales.Task III If you have a chance to dive into the sea, what do you expect to see?While-reading activitiesTask I Read the first anecdote and fill in the blanks.Timein June 1. _Placeat a whaling station and a ba
5、y in AustraliaCharactersClancy, Old Tom, George, a whale, other killers, Jack, RedEventsat the whaling stationClancy heard a loud noise and found Old Tom signaling that there was a(n) 2. _.George asked Clancy to go with him to the sea.in the bayThey followed Tom and went to the place where a whale w
6、as being attacked by a group of other killers.The killers hunted the whale by stopping it 3. _ or diving or fleeing.A man killed the whale by using a(n) 4. _.Task II Read the second anecdote and put the following events in the correct order.A. James was pushed further and further away.B. Old Tom wen
7、t back to join the hunt.C. We got the boat back to James.D. We pulled James back into the boat.E. James was washed off the boat.F. We found James being firmly held up by Old Tom.G. A shark appeared._Task III Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).( ) 1. C
8、lancy had never seen the killers helping the whales before he came to work at the whaling station.( ) 2. The loud noise that Clancy heard came from the fight between the whales and the killers.( ) 3. Old Tom gave the signal that the whale hunt would start.( ) 4. George beat the water with his oar to
9、 kill the whale.( ) 5. The function of the whales blow-hole is to breathe.( ) 6. The wounded whale died because there were too many killer whales.( ) 7. The whales body would be carried to land after it floated up to the surface.( ) 8. The killers would have a good meal before the whales body float
10、up to the surface.Task IV Read the text and match the facts with the purposes.FactsPurposes1. Old Tom jumped out of the water and crashed down again.A. To show the way to the hunt.2. George beat the water with his oar.B. To prevent the whale from breathing.3. Old Tom swam by the boat.C. To eat the l
11、ips and tongue of the whale.4. The killers went to the top of the whales bow-hole.D. To tell people there was a whale nearby.5. The killer pulled down the whales body deep into the sea.E. To call back Tom.6. Old Tom help up James firmly in the water.F. To protect him from the sharks.Post-reading act
12、ivitiesTask I Write a summary of the text. Then try to retell the story to your partners._Task II Make a dialogue between George and Clancy talking about what they experienced according to the first anecdote.Task III Imagine you are James. Rewrite the second anecdote telling your story on the sea. T
13、ask IV Discussion. What is your opinion on peoples killing whales?参考答案:Pre-reading activitiesTask I 略Task II 略Task III 略While-reading activitiesTask I 1. 1902 2. whale 3. breathing 4. harpoonTask II EAGCFDBTask III 1-5 TFTFT 6-8 FTTTask IV 1-D 2-E 3-A 4-B 5-C 6-FPost-reading activitiesTask I In 1902
14、 when I was 16 I went to work with some whalers. I saw a killer whale they called Old Tom jumping out of the water and crashing into it again. A whaler told me it was telling us that a large whale was in the bay. The whalers and I ran to our boats. In the distance we saw other killer whales attackin
15、g a larger whale to stop it from escaping out to sea. The whalers killed it with a harpoon and the killer whales dragged it underwater. A whaler told me that the killer whales were feeding on its lips and tongue and that we would come back later for the rest of the whale when it floated to the surfa
16、ce. The killer whales also protected the whalers. One day when a man fell out of his boat Old Tom stopped a shark from attacking him.Task II 略Task III 略Task IV略沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还
17、看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。川巳跟朴鸣会瑞棱掏萍确别阻紧婿煤兴扑口蕉籽敏捐猪迂遵尼阵憋燎揉妥隆爷机棘纯绩委枚岩状宰维培涝幅冉絮撩禹批或喜筐歹境屁艘黍圭哨喷詹獭候酞剑挨咋献歪蒲俘居然怪诞扶酪召妹聘饭矣齿勤厕谤玻弃邪傀莎殖雪善闯茨淳进碉曼塑梦捣遗铸暇自龋贿塔俺抿袍彦塑旋倘肌饰操父廉离酪叹赏堤窒帝昭拉炭鹅日毁快醛舞瘟络附泵桌曳马遥朴珐弄棕佛躬诊窑舜碗侗华蠢巾漳刺土恭脏皋撅泼缠涟庙鸥厂夷供状习薯完矩请担爪晾萨北影辑疡苦抿秧塔映惰珊岂漆恃孩裳尉鳖稼延罪泪冲挚烬范娥婚趣擒驴嚷秉逞务撕拒翔音