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1、第1页1)To learn what were tested in the Grammatical Filling of the past College Entrance Examination.2)To analyze the test points of grammatical filling.3)To master the approaches to grammatical filling.Learning Aims第2页(广州一模广州一模)While thousands of college students headed for warm climate to enjoy sun

2、and fun during their week off from classes,seven local students had other plans.The Northern Essex Community College(NECC)students and one of their teachers spent part of their spring break in New York City,helping repair an area 16 (destroy)by the hurricane.“I wanted to see for myself what happened

3、,”said Terry.“I couldnt imagine 17 it is like to lose your home and everything that you know and the 18 (power)effect the hurricane had on those people.I wanted to do something,to understand their feeling of helplessness.”destroyedwhatpowerful第3页 The group headed into Brooklyns Red Hook district,whi

4、ch was hit hard by the hurricane.There they met people from other parts of the country,19 had also volunteered to help.Together,those volunteers and the NECC students 20 (work)to clear rubbish out of a threestory building.They put on protective suits and gloves 21 they entered the building.Inside th

5、e building,the students saw nothing but broken walls and doors and pieces of the building 22 (lie)all over the place.The students returned to school with 23 sense of achievement,a feeling that 24 helped people in need.It was remarkable how a community lost so much and was still able to recover,and t

6、his left the deepest impression 25 the students.whoworkedbeforelyingatheyon第4页共共4小题小题(16,18,20,22)给提醒词给提醒词 考查考查实词实词(noun,verb,adjective,adverb)6小题无提醒词小题无提醒词 考查考查虚词虚词(article词词 ,prep.介词介词,conj.连词连词 )Attention:从句引导词从句引导词不会给提醒词,如不会给提醒词,如17,19,21题题实词中实词中代词代词通常是不给提醒词通常是不给提醒词,如如 24小题小题第5页年份年份冠词冠词代词代词介词介词并

7、列连并列连词词从句引从句引导词导词名词名词形容词形容词/副词副词谓语谓语动词动词非谓语非谓语动词动词07221020111080221102110912201102110111020311111210202111211103021113102110211What were tested in the Grammatical Filling of the past College Entrance Examinations?14111120211第6页第7页 虚虚词词冠词冠词a,an,the介词介词in,at,on,with,without,for,by,from,before,after,th

8、rough,over,under.并列并列连词连词(连接并列句连接并列句)并列关系:并列关系:and,or,either.or,neither.nor,not only.but(also),both.and转转折关系:折关系:but,yet因果关系:因果关系:for,so第8页从从句句引引导导词词定语从句定语从句关系代词关系代词关系副词关系副词which,that,who(m),as,whosewhen,where,why名词性从句名词性从句连接词连接词that,whether,if连接代词连接代词what(ever),who(ever)连接副词连接副词when,where,why,how状语

9、从句状语从句隶属连词隶属连词when,while,as,since,until,where,because,although,though,if,so that,such that,before,after.第9页实实词词动词动词谓语动词:时态,语态谓语动词:时态,语态,主谓一致主谓一致非谓语动词:非谓语动词:-ing,-ed,to do及变形及变形名词名词单复数单复数形容词形容词/副副词词比较级、最高级;反义词比较级、最高级;反义词词性转换词性转换第10页1.(广东广东)“In the beginning,there was only 24 very small amount of unfa

10、irness in the world,but everyone added a little,.2.(广东广东)For some reason he sat beside Mary.Mary felt 18 (please),because there were many empty seats in the room.But she quickly realized that it wasnt her,it was probably the fact that she sat in 19 last row.apleasedthe考点考点1冠词冠词冠词在短语和序数词中考查冠词在短语和序数词中

11、考查第11页 3.(茂名一模茂名一模)When I was a child in 1970s,my family was very poor,just like other average families in the countryside.The secondhand clothes,rainleaking roof of old house became part of 16 memory.4.(汕头一模汕头一模)When they 23 (rescue),they told how they had been abandoned by their captain,while he s

12、ailed to safety in a lifeboat.Starving,they had to eat each other to survivethough this picture makes 24 look heroic rather than violent.5.19 ,his fame was not accompanied by money and he found 20 necessary to return to farming.mywere rescuedthemHoweverit考点考点2代代词词第12页6.The goal for my boys is to cle

13、an their own dorm room 24 when they are free.The rewards for clean habits start young and continue as they get 25 (old),so.themselvesolder代词通常考查是:代词通常考查是:人称代词,指示代词,物主代词,反身代词,人称代词,指示代词,物主代词,反身代词,不定代词,疑问代词不定代词,疑问代词第13页 7.Nick replied,“The only reason a man would sell salt 21 a lower price would be bec

14、ause he was desperate for money.(广东广东)8.23 moment she got the money she burst 24 tears.She took my hand and said,“Thank you so much!”9.23 the first college graduate out of a remote village,my success set 24 example for my folks.10.But she thinks the cafe should make more effort 24 (convince)people t

15、hat their donations will really reach those people truly 23 need.atTheintoAsaninto convince考点考点3介介词词第14页11.Mario,weak 21 in high spirits,then asked for a moment to say goodbye to his colleagues at the zoo.(惠州二模惠州二模)12.The country mouse was surprised at 18 big the house was.The city mouse was pleased

16、 19 led the country mouse to the kitchen.buthowand考点考点4连连词词第15页13.(广东广东)Nicks guests,20 had heard their conversation,asked why they should not buy sale more cheaply if they could.14.(广东广东)Of course whenever they turned to look at him,they had to look at Mary,22 made her feel like a star.The new boy

17、looked at the teacher 23 a few seconds and all the other students wondered 24 the boy would do.15.When I was 17teenager I often daydreamed that I was going to walk across the United States 18I graduated from high school.19,I didnt do that.whowhichforwhataafterHowever考点考点5从句引导词从句引导词第16页has lain16.He

18、was badly hurt and he 21 (lie)in bed with a high temperature for the past five days.Please help me!17.The 54yearold care worker,Mario,was coming to the end of his life due to a 17 (die)disease.According to his wish,his hospital bed 18 (take)into the giraffe enclosure at the zoo.18.People find ways t

19、o keep 23 touch.Making friends on the way 24 (help)travelers feel more or less at home.deadlyinhelpswas taken考点考点6谓语动谓语动词词第17页19.Ma Lingling,a tea specialist says that,compared with 23 (donate)money,food or clothing,helping people to drink coffee is a kind of spiritual care,which provides the receiv

20、er with more respect and dignity.But she thinks the cafe should make more effort 24 (convince)people that their donation will really reach those people.donatingto convince考点考点7 非谓语动非谓语动词词第18页20.The Ambulance Wish Foundation,an organization 23 (found)in by Veldboer,is a charity.21.I worked 21 (hard)a

21、t my study than most of my classmates,and,after luckily 22 (succeed)in the national college entrance examination,I realized my dream again.foundedhardersucceeding22.Some people use silence as a disguise(伪伪装装)of the 18 (empty)of the head.Some use it as 19 means to describe their puzzlement and sadnes

22、s.23.In keeping a diary in English,we certainly run up against many 20 (difficult).考点考点8名名词词emptinessa difficulties第19页24.“But such a small thing couldnt 23(possible)destroy a village.”25.20 he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back,he was wrong.It might have made it a little 21 (h

23、ard)for everybody26.Until about 150 years ago,the most important,expensive and renowned kind of painting was largescale pictures that told a story,regarded as the 16 (hard)challenge for an artist.考点考点9形容形容词词/副词副词possiblyAlthoughharder形容词形容词/副词比较级、最高级、反义词考查副词比较级、最高级、反义词考查hardestadj.有名有名第20页27.Keeping

24、 a diary in English is one of the most 16 (effect)ways to improve our English writing ability.28.However,the young generation should understand talent and a good voice matter more in their musical career.All the bands 23 have little to do with good music fail to be viewed as 24_ (succeed)on stage.考点

25、考点10 词性转换词性转换effectivesuccessfulthat依据所缺词所在位置判断该词是什么词性依据所缺词所在位置判断该词是什么词性第21页Three steps:1)reading and understanding 2)analysing and filling 3)checking 第22页Experts say there are several ways to deal with stress.They include deep breathing and a method of guided thought called meditation.They also inc

26、lude exercise,eating healthy foods,getting enough rest and balancing the time 16 (spend)working and playing.Exercise is one of 17 most effective stressreduction measures.Running,walking or playing sports causes physical changes 18 make you feel better.Exercise also improves the bodys defense system

27、19 disease.And studies have found that 20 helps protect against a decrease in mental ability.spentthethat/whichagainstitgrammar knowledgesentence analysis固定搭配固定搭配第23页 Doctors say deep,slow breathing is also helpful.Many 21 (medicine)studies have shown that clearing the mind through quiet meditation

28、22 (help)you become calm.This causes lower blood pressure,reduces muscle tension 23 decreases heart rate.Experts also say keeping stress to yourself can make problems 24 (bad).Researchers have linked the 25 (fail)to identify and express emotions to many health conditions.These include eating disorde

29、rs,fear disorders and high blood pressure.medicalhelpsandworsefailurechanges of wordssubjectverb agreementsentence analysischanges of words第24页Whats the usual way you fulfill the task Grammar Filling?语语 法法词法词法句法句法章法章法惯使用方惯使用方法法第25页口口 诀:诀:语法填空语法填空10小题小题,4实实6虚虚冠介连冠介连;逻辑关系要捋顺逻辑关系要捋顺,词法句法细分析词法句法细分析;谓语非谓

30、分辨清谓语非谓分辨清,检验高分属于你检验高分属于你。第26页(深圳二模深圳二模)Fleming was a poor Scottish farmer.One day while working in a field,he heard a cry for help.He immediately 16 (throw)his tools away.Following the sound,Fleming came to a deep bog(沼沼泽泽),in which a boy was screaming and sinking.Fleming tied a rope around 17 own

31、waist and the other end 18 a tree,and walked into the bog.With great effort he pulled himself and the boy to 19_ (safe).He quickly took the boy to his farmhouse,20 _ Mrs.Fleming fed him,dried his clothes,and sent him home.The next day a carriage arrived.A welldressed man stepped out,21 (say)he was t

32、he father of the boy.“You saved my sons life.”said the man.“22 can I repay you?”“I dont want payment.”Fleming replied,“Anyone would have done the same.”threwhistosafetywheresayingHow第27页Just then,Flemings son appeared at the door.“Is he your son?”the man asked.“Yes.”said Fleming 23 (happy).“I have a

33、n idea.Let me pay for his education.If hes like his father,hell grow to be a man well both be proud of.”And so he did.Thus 24 farmers son attended the best schools,graduated from a medical college,and became the worldfamous Nobel prizewinning scientist and discoverer of penicillin,Sir Alexander Flem

34、ing.Its said 25 many years later the man saved from the bog caught pneumonia(肺炎肺炎).Penicillin saved his life.His name?Sir Winston Churchill.happilythethat第28页(广州三模广州三模)Water is one of your most urgent needs in a survival situation.You cant live long 16 it,especially in hot areas,17 you lose water ra

35、pidly through perspiration(流汗流汗).Even in cold areas,you need a minimum of 2 liters of water each day to keep your body going.Water helps you keep up your body temperature,oils your organs,and is required to break down body fat and to digest the food you eat.18 you do not take in enough water,your bo

36、dy will begin pulling 19 from other places,including your blood.When water is removed from your blood,the blood thickens,making it 20 (difficult)than usual for withoutwhereIfitmore difficult第29页the heart to pump blood through your body.You become tired,lack energy,and will be 21 (able)to function pr

37、operly.More than threefourths of your body 22 (compose)of liquids.Your body loses water because of heat,cold,stress,and hard work.To function effectively,you must replace the water your body loses.So,one of your first goals is 23 (obtain)an adequate supply of water and to do that,you must find a wat

38、er source 24 build a water container to collect water.Then 25 water must be made clean before it is safe to drink.unableis composedto obtainorthe/this第30页总总 结结 1.首先熟悉语境。首先熟悉语境。2.对于连词、介词、关系代词、关系副词等,对于连词、介词、关系代词、关系副词等,不但要了解它们意思,还要熟记它们,在考试不但要了解它们意思,还要熟记它们,在考试时能准确、快速地提取它们。时能准确、快速地提取它们。3.对于动词,要掌握惯用对于动词,要

39、掌握惯用时态、语态和非谓语时态、语态和非谓语动词使用方法。动词使用方法。4.对于句子,要能够分析其结构,知道在什么对于句子,要能够分析其结构,知道在什么时候该用什么词性。时候该用什么词性。5.对于单词,不但要背诵其意义和拼写,还好对于单词,不但要背诵其意义和拼写,还好掌握基本词形变换。掌握基本词形变换。第31页(-广东广东)One day,Nick invited his friends to supper.He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen.Suddenly,he 16(find)that he had run out of s

40、alt.So Nick called to his son,“Go to the village and buy some salt,but pay a fair price for it:neither too much 17 too little.”His son looked surprised.“I can understand why I shouldnt pay too much,Father,but if I can pay less,18 not save a bit of money?”“That would be a very 19(reason)thing to do i

41、n a big city,but it could destroy a small village like ours,”Nick said.Nicks guests,20 had heard their conversation,asked why they should not buy sale more cheaply if they could.Nick replied,“The only reason a man would sell salt 21 a lower price would 第32页be because he was desperate for money.And a

42、nyone who took advantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respect 22 the sweat and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it.”“But such a small thing couldnt 23(possible)destroy a village.”“In the beginning,there was only 24 very small amount of unfairness in the world,but e

43、veryone added a little,always 25(think)that it was only small and not very important,and look where we have ended up today.”16.found 17.nor 18.why 19.reasonable 20.who 21.at 22.for 23.possibly 24.a 25.thinking 第33页Mary will ever forget the first time she saw him.He suddenly appeared in class one day

44、,_16_(wear)sun glasses.He walked in as if he _17_(buy)the school,And the word quickly got around that he was from New York City.For some reason he sat beside Mary.Mary felt _18 _(please),because there were many empty seats in the room.But she quickly realized that it wasnt her,it was probably the fa

45、ct that she sat in _19_last row._ 20_ he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back,he was wrong.It might have made it a little _21_(hard)for everybody because it meant they had to turn around,but that didnt stop the kids in the class.Of course whenever they turned to look at him,they

46、had to look at Mary,_ 22_made her feel like a star.第34页“Do you need those glasses for medical reasons?”the teacher asked.The new boy shook his head.”Then Id appreciate it if you didnt wear them in class.I like to look at your eyes when Im speaking to you.”The new boy looked at the teacher _23_ a few seconds and all the other students wondered _24_ the boy would do.Then he took _25_ off,gave a big smile and said“That is cool.16.wearing 17.had bought 18.pleased 19.the 20.Although/Though 21.harder 22.which 23.for 24.what 25.them第35页

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