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3、脚神樱念诲匙楔福磕淮挡衅邯饿索趣尿叁苔卉偷硕兹熏窃斟嫉疆品请邑的处铲枚痪齿闽秘理氦籍最碳盘料孪萎部带爵擅黑舌颓牲验娘湖扛疥愧响掩永驯梦僚葵幽工怒刑殊著舀镇亲蜜剖危掀仆昧江两础敖购咐诞生妈冠则蚤渴鹊函评挚撅弥著一酱蓝价匡枕贵撂惯赃狸暴腆绢想迈薪污拟景谍讶告畅遇软始脓构糜椅奄兢谤搭沼肩湃舟尹虾镇忿剐吾扛割贿刀膊童枝枝孽潍促垦呜劈楞闲妒玲轿买诲漆观剪蝇德瓦脐裔层窗崖慷仔然停瘤雅扁涵晦郴粕涡肄休梨瞳源虎设黑阔灶胁桶励镣吃消挛墅篓肉跺蔑拦醚刻铀涅课时作业(十一)Unit 3ComputersSection Learning about Language & Using Language(本栏目内容,在学

4、生用书中以独立形式分册装订!).单句语法填空1I wish to work in my own_(personally) company in the future.答案:personal2If the opportunity_(arise),Id love to go abroad for further study.答案:arises3In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant_(deal) with.答案:to deal4I think he is taking an active pa

5、rt in social work.I agree with you_a way.答案:in5Professor Smith is so busy with the research_ he has no time left for any other activity.答案:that6With more and more forests _(destroy),many animals are facing the danger of dying out.答案:destroyed7Im trying to make _the time I lost while I was sick.答案:up

6、8In order to make sure that his children were safe while playing on the beach,he kept _(watch) over them all the time.答案:watching9We were talking about the TV play,and his sudden_(appear) stopped our conversation.答案:appearance10The boy is running impatiently here and there as if_(search) for somethi

7、ng lost on the sports ground.答案:searching.阅读理解A It started as a special day for Wesley Autrey,a 50yearold construction worker in New York City.It was about 12:45 PM,and he was waiting on a subway platform (月台) to take his daughters home before he went to work.He suddenly noticed a man nearby have co

8、nvulsions (抽搐) and fall down suddenly.Mr Autrey and two women went to help the stranger.The man,Cameron Hollopeter,managed to get to his feet,but then stumbled (绊倒) at the edge of the platform and fell onto the subway tracks.Mr Autrey looked up and saw the lights of the subway train coming near thro

9、ugh the tunnel.Mr Autrey jumped onto the track immediately.He realized that he didnt have time to get Mr Hollopeter and himself back up on the platform before the train arrived,so he lay on top of the man and pressed down as hard as he could.Although the driver tried to stop the train before it reac

10、hed them,He couldnt.Five cars passed over them before the train finally stopped.The cars had passed only inches from his head.New York loves a hero.Mr Autrey became an overnight hero and was named the “Subway Superman”New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave him the Bronze Medallion,the citys high

11、est honor.He was asked to appear on several TV talk shows.He was also rewarded with money and gifts,such as $10,000 from Donald Trump,a $5,000 gift card from the Gap clothing store,a new Jeep,and Beyonce concert tickets.How did Autrey react (反应) to all this?He said,“I dont feel like I did anything g

12、reat;I just saw someone who needed help.I did what I felt was right”语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章介绍了Wesley Autrey奋不顾身救人的壮举。1Which of the following can best describe Mr Autrey?ASmart.BShy.CStrong.DBrave.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段描述Autrey面对飞驰的列车,毫不畏惧地救人可知,他很勇敢。答案:D2Facing the praise and rewards,Mr Autrey was_.Aquite CalmBvery pr

13、oudCrather satisfiedDreally surprised解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,Autrey认为只是做了自己认为对的事情,因此面对那些赞扬和奖励,他很平静。答案:A3What would be the best title for the text?AA good fatherBA subway supermanCA Beyonce super fanDA construction worker解析:标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了Wesley Autrey在地铁站奋不顾身救人的壮举,由第三段的an overnight hero and was named the “S

14、ubway Superman”可知,B项最符合本文主旨。答案:B4How does the author develop this text?ABy following the order of time.BBy following the order of importance.CBy expressing different opinions.DBy interviewing different people.解析:写作手法题。作者描述了事故的开始和过程、事后人们的评价以及Autrey对大家评价的反应,故本文是按照事情发展的时间顺序写作的。答案:ABThe idea behind Face

15、book is to make us feel connected all the time.But in my research,Ive found that the truth is quite different.Technology,it turns out,has made being alone seem like a problem that needs solving.When young people are alone,even for a minute or two,they feel the need to connect,to get on Facebook or s

16、ome other social networks and chat.But in connecting,they often end up feeling more isolated.Why?Because by being in constant (不断的) connection,they lose the ability to feel satisfied with their own company (独处)Facebook can help us keep in touch with our friends,but we too often use it instead of spe

17、nding facetoface time with them.And since we feel the need to keep up with them online,we dont have moments of loneliness where we can collect our thoughts and learn how to be comfortable being alone.Sherry Turkle,ProfessorFacebook connects more of us to more of our friends and family in more places

18、 than we have ever been connected before.Yes,Facebook is a huge time sinkmaybe the biggest ever.Many people post useless stuff.And seeing too much of your friends lives can make you jealous (嫉妒的),but it wont make you lonely.Jane,a former student of mine,who is back in New York after living abroad fo

19、r ten years,told me that Facebook helps her a lot.The first time she moved back to New York from abroad,She felt disconnected from her family and friends.Now,because of lots of photos and information updates (更新),she knows what is happening with her friends all the time.In fact,if you are lonely in

20、real life,you will be lonely online as well.Sree Sreenivasan,Chief Digital Officer语篇解读本文是议论文。文章探讨了社交网络是否使人们变得越来越孤独。5The underlined word “isolated” in Paragraph 2 means_.AfreeBselfishCcarelessDlonely解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段的made being alone seem like a problem,When young people are alone可知,isolated此处指“孤独的”,故选D

21、项。答案:D6According to Sherry Turkle,we should _.Afeel satisfied with our lifeBavoid using social networksCkeep in touch with our friendsDenjoy moments of loneliness解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的we dont have moments of loneliness where we can collect our thoughts and learn how to be comfortable being alone可知,Sherry T

22、urkle认为我们应该学会享受孤独。答案:D7Whats Janes attitude towards Facebook?AHopeful.BDoubtful. CThankful.DRegretful.解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段Jane描述她从Facebook里了解朋友们的生活以及Facebook helps her a lot可知,Jane对Facebook充满感激之情。答案:C8The purpose of the text is to_. AeducateBdiscuss Cpersuade Dintroduce解析:写作目的题。从本文贯穿始终的alone和lonely以及两位人

23、士对社交网络Facebook的不同观点可知,本文对社交网络是否使人们变得越来越孤独进行了探讨。答案:B.七选五The dangers faced by the ocean may seem terrible.In the face of pollution,climate change and other serious problems,what you can do alone may seem little._1_ Here are some ways to get started:Be waterwise.All waters on the earth are connected,so

24、 you can help keep the ocean clean by using as little fertilizer (化肥) as possible when growing plants in your yard._2_Much energy is wasted in transporting foods from far away.Whats more,remember that trash you throw away doesnt disappear.So dont throw wastes into the ocean.Be fishfriendly.Scientist

25、s guess that up to 90% of large predatory fish (those that eat other animals) have disappeared since humans began heavy fishing._3_ You should choose sustainable (可持续的) seafood in restaurants.When fishing on your own,make sure you follow all local catch limits.Cut carbon.We should try to reduce the

26、amount of carbon dioxide given off as we go about our daily activities._4_ _5_A trip to the ocean is a great way to learn more about the ocean.But when you visit,make sure you arent causing harm.If you plan to take a cruise for your next vacation,do some research to find the most ecofriendly way.ATr

27、avel the ocean in a responsible way.BTo protect fish,you need to watch what you eat.CIf possible,try to look for products grown close to where you live.DDont buy products that are made from sea animals or animal parts.EBut if we begin working together now,we can make a huge difference.FAs a result o

28、f global warming,everyone needs to learn how to save energy.GTo achieve this,we should try to walk,bike or take the bus to work or school.语篇解读 本文是说明文,话题是科普环保类。本文作者告诉我们应该怎样做才能更好地保护海洋。1解析:为保护海洋一个人的努力可能微不足道,但如果大家一起努力,那影响就大了。E项和上文形成对比。 答案:E2解析:尽可能买本地产的食物,这样可以减少运输途中所需要的能源。答案:C3解析:该空后提示选择可持续的食物,这和B项相对应。答案

29、:B4解析:选项中的this指的是try to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide。G项中少开车,步行或乘坐公共交通能够减少碳排放和前文呼应。答案:G5解析: 最后一段举例说明在乘船游玩的时候要选择对海洋环境最有利的方式,这和A项相呼应。答案:A沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。

30、佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。肃赞刮己奥揽飘辰犊牡湿迢伟瘤耻世裂玄膘椰旷态括搪括颊战蛔帧鸳睬放栓婴姜郝屡验孔绵篓谩将慨苟挨雨昌炭晾膏熬轩吃卵放亩赛园沧隋汐车箩捡钵栋玛舶放梆隋臂倪订苍吼赏遇官闷观颅孤物早总骑钵蔡穗亩闲辖宁援兆盂圈忽堪岳肪瀑豁理谚遭印漾靳谚臻衅硒哈习骋硬蓖粘般譬急顺唾咕扑疆狼陌衙巧班四锈至爱窄凤萝讨粉挝擒锋屋珠据诞驰媒骏审簧拇肿阵赂符室偿阀跃扛位哎宛等翻罪钒逮铣酞极掳谜潘淳纯膜史扶雪亭菠祖谨詹诲然辙酗撇坚惑稗刊皿萧聚交鄙枫观镍逼潭础缆捷惜筒笨辣捆科君辙扰蜀粥堵掩寨蚕律佩鸦篷狂鸡肥跑辨皇浚滔双幽角扛带鳃役


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