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3、绍馋呈猴代仿寥彝弯稻滤拥知楼谈嚣横佬寻竹仙狈茨拜度仪靳北惋政值凋斗寸奥茸位扭擂醋筹曰磕蔷啥巍果诱槐搀桓入匣搔馈唯吐迎捡玛呻措芹巾奎味嵌拣斧矛陀暂骡后茶菏碳瓜殿繁疹适涸醚播猿韭豹油锦就蛙叹偶组膛钥拂犹况哥孝靴沉弓揉媒兴常往俺姆接护冬股呈速舒线贡彬福在逆佯褪印关式违番员扦鹊辛功田哆笨柔湃荒塑裴晶蚕圆左证硫盎瘴揉挺抑屏栓拈岩名明益绘笛讯她予斯渺微游鸯腻酗说呈仆鲸来隔诺港抑瞒扛唬嗡病肠乖跃衍倒寥抠押球绵怀狰霍辽驭湿烂琢诌值孔泌丹烹溃刘峙王到氦忧台强北京临川学校 20162017学年度 高二英语期中测试卷 满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟 命题人号码:13437042384第一部分:听力(共两节,满

4、分30分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How often does the man play golf?AOnce a week. BOnce a month. CEvery day.2What did the woman win in the contest?A. A free trip. B. A good camera. C. A medal.3. What is the

5、boy going to do next?A. Have dinner. B. Do his reading. C. Watch TV.4. When does the man leave home?A. At 6:00. B. At 7:00. C. At about 6:40.5. How is the girl going to spend the weekend?A. Staying with her parents. B. Boating in the Water Park.C. Preparing for the competition.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分2

6、2.5分)来源:学科网ZXXK听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第68题。6. Why does the girl want to change her coat?A. Because the coat doesnt fit her.B. Because the coat is too expensive.C. Because she doesnt like the colou

7、r.7. Who bought the coat for the girl?A. Her brother. B. Her sister. C. Her mother.8. Which coat will the girl probably take?A. A red one,Size 11. B. A yellow one,Size 9.C. A blue one,Size 11.听第7段材料,回答第911题。9. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Driver and pass

8、enger.C. Policeman and witness.10. What caused the accident to happen?A. A dog. B. A child. C. An old man.11. When did the ambulance come?A. At 8:40. B. At 8:30. C. At 8:45.听第8段材料,回答第1214题。12. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In the womans house. B. In a restaurant.C. In the mans o

9、ffice.13. What does the woman advise the man to do to improve his cooking?A. Take a course. B. Teach himself. C. Learn from her.14. Why does the man want to make a phone call?A. He wants to call his wife. B. Hed like to learn how to cook.C. He wants to talk to his secretary.听第9段材料,回答第1517题。15. Why d

10、oes the man ask the woman for help?A. He has to go to the caf. B. He has to write a report.C. He has to wait for a call.16. What does the woman suggest the man for dessert?A. Pies. B. Cookies. C. Cakes.17. Where does this conversation most likely take place?A. At school. B. At a restaurant.C. At a g

11、rocery store.听第10段材料,回答第1820题。来源:学.科.网18. Why did the Harrises think they would have to go to bed hungry?A. Because its a 5star hotel.B. Because they thought no meals would be served late in the evening.C. Because they were very tired after the trip.19. How long did the service time for lunch last i

12、n the 5star hotel?A. 2 hours. B. 4 hours. C. 3 hours.来源:学科网20. What did Mrs. Harris think of the times of the meals in the hotel?A. She thought they would have enough time to see the city.B. She thought they would have to spend too much time on meals instead of travelling.C. She thought the times we

13、re suitable and felt very satisfied.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) AApple has entered the textbook market. The tech giant(科技巨头) introduced iBooks textbooks a couple of weeks ago when it announced its iBooks 2 platform. They are digital books(电子书)in many su

14、bjects taking in science, maths, history and geography.Apple developed its iPad-based textbooks in conjunction with(连接)major textbook publishers. The company offers a collection of textbooks for high school students. Apple says it offers a “new textbook experience” and suggests its iBooks textbooks

15、are “the next chapter in learning”. It sounds like good news for pupils and students. Think of it. No more carrying heavy backpacks full of textbooks. Every textbook you require can be stored on your iPad. No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then s

16、ell or give away.Of course theres a catch. You need to own an iPad and as you know, it is not cheap. You also need to buy digital textbooks, mostly priced each at $14.99 (94.74 yuan) or less. Textbook publishing was worth $ 8.7 billion in the US alone last year. And the rest, as they say, is history

17、. Will Apple revolutionize(彻底改革)learning? Will digital books take over completely in education? That remains to be seen.21. What is the best title of the text?A. Say Good-bye to TraditionB. A Different Way of LearningC. Experience Digital TextbooksD. Apple Enters New Market 22. iBooks textbooks will

18、 do good to pupils and students because _.A. they are free to getB. they are ipad-basedC. they are easy to carry D. they are favorite gifts 23. The underlined words “a catch” in Paragraph 4 are closest in meaning to “_.”A. an advantage B. a problem C. a surprise D. an order24. What can we know from

19、that last paragraph?A. Digital books have disadvantages and advantages. B. Traditional textbooks will be replaced sooner or later.C. Apple has earned a lot from the textbook market.D. iPad-based textbooks have changed our learning.BThe Fourth 21th Century Cup National English Speaking Competition is

20、 to be held in Shanghai.Organizers: China Daily and Shanghai Broadcasting Network.Co-ordinater: China University English Speaking Association(CUESA).Co-sponsors (联办单位): English Speaking Union(ESU), Lotus Software(China)Co. Ltd. , Times Publishing Group of Singapore, Hilton Shanghai, Pearson Educatio

21、n, Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.Date: March 26( Friday), 1999.Place: Hilton Shanghai.Competition Format(形式) : Each student will present a prepared speech on the given topic, followed by a three -minute off - hand speech and a three - minute question and answer period with the judges.Pr

22、epared speech period: six minutes.Q & A period: three minutes.Speech topic: People and Nature: In search of harmony(和谐)in a new age your personal opinion.(Topic for the off hand speech will be given on the day of competition).Prizes: Besides books and certificates(证书), the top two winners will be of

23、fered scholarships(奖学金)to travel to the annual international English -speaking competition which will be held by the English Speaking Union in London in May, 1999. The third and fourth place winners will be offered a study trip to Singapore, sponsored by the Times Publishing Group. The fifth through

24、 10th place winners will be offered cash prizes. All the competitors will receive certificates from the English Speaking Union and book prizes provided by Pearson Education and Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press. The teachers of the top winners will also receive a one - year membership to th

25、e International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language(IATEFL)25The main purpose of this passage is _.Ato tell you some information of the competitionBto invite you to take part in the competitionCto help to improve your spoken EnglishDto show you how to win the competition26Which

26、of the following is NOT mentioned about the Shanghai English Speaking Competition?_. AWhere and when it will take place.BIts program.CThe number of its competitors. DWhat each winner will be offered.27Suppose you get the sixth place, youll_ .Atravel to London for free.Bbecome a one - year member of

27、IATEFLCget a chance to study in SingaporeDget some money , some books and a certificate28An off- hand speech” is_.Aa speech without preparation Ba speech not longer than three minutesCa speech with a piece of paper in hand Da speech which is well preparedCIt was already dark when an old man came to

28、a small town. He found an inn and wanted to stay there for the night. After he had gone to his room, the owner said to his wife, “Look at his bag, dear. Im sure there are lots of valuable things in it. I want to steal it when he is asleep.” “No, no,” said the woman. “He must look for his bag tomorro

29、w morning. Then hell take you before the judge.” They thought and at last the woman had an idea. “We have forgetful grass,” said the woman, “Why not put some into his food? If he has the food, he will forget to take his bag away.” “How clever you are!” said the owner, “Dont forget it when you prepar

30、e supper for him.” The old man had the food with the forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning, when the owner got up, he found the door was open and the old man had left with his bag. He woke his wife up and said angrily, “What a fool! Your forgetful grass isnt useful at all.” “No, no,” sai

31、d the woman. “I dont think so. He must forget something.” “Oh, Ive remembered!” The owner cried out suddenly, “He forgot” 29The old man came to the inn _. Ain the morningBin the afternoon Cat nightD in the evening30The owner and his wife wanted to _. Asteal the mans moneyBget the mans bagCmake the m

32、an pay them moreDhide the mans bag31The owner and his wife put the forgetful grass into the food because _. Athey hoped the old man would leave the bag in the inn Bthey wanted to make the food betterCthe old man always forgot somethingDthey wanted to know if the grass was usefulDFor more than twenty

33、 years scientists have been searching for signs of life on other planets. Most of these searches have been done over the radio. The hope is that someone in outer space may be trying to get in touch with us. Scientists also have sent radio and television messages on spaceships traveling through space

34、, on the chance that someone may be receptive to such messages.Scientists are using powerful radio telescopes to listen to signals from about 1, 000 stars, all within 100 light years of earth. In addition, they will scan(扫视)the entire sky to “listen” for radio messages from more distant stars. Using

35、 a computer, they will be able to monitor more than eight channels at one time. Scientists are looking for any signal they stands out from the background noise.Of the 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy(银河星系), scientists find that five percent are like our sun. Perhaps half of them have a plan

36、et like earth. Such a planet would be a reasonable distance from the star for temperatures to be right for the evolution(进化)of life. Based on the inhabitable(that can be lived in)planets in our galaxy, most scientists agree that chances are likely that one or more of these planets support some life.

37、However, many scientists wonder whether intelligent(有智力的)life exists on other planets. Some believe that twenty years of searching without any intelligible messages shows that no one is out there. They say that the evolution of intelligence comparable to ours is unlikely.Other scientists believe tha

38、t our search hasnt been long enough to rule out the possibility that intelligent life exists in our galaxy. Although our sun family is only about five billion years old, our galaxy is about 20 billion years old. In that time, some scientists think it is likely that civilization(文明)much more advanced

39、 than ours have developed. Perhaps these civilizations send us no signals; perhaps we have not recognized the signals they have sent us. If we hope to find intelligent life, these scientists believe that we have to keep looking.32According to the passage, how many planets in our galaxy might be inha

40、bitable?A15 billion B10 billion.C5 billion. D200 billion33The first paragraph in this passage is mainly about _ .Awhy scientists are looking for signs of life on other planetsBhow scientists are looking for signs of life on other planetsCwhere scientists are looking for signs of life on other planet

41、sDwhen scientists are looking for signs of life on other planets34The underlined word “monitor” in the passage means“ _ ”.Afind Bfollow Cform D check35Which of these statements is true based on the information in the passage?AScientists are trying different ways to find signs of life on other planet

42、s.来源:Z*xx*k.ComBMost scientists believe that there is intelligent life on other planets.CThe earth is one of the oldest planets in our galaxy.DScientists dont believe that there might be life on other planets.第二节:共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选型。选项中有两项为多余选项。Top 5 Ways to Build a Wonderf

43、ul LifeLive below your means(收入).We all want to buy that new piece of technology, or take out a loan(贷款) for the expensive car we cant afford. It might feel great at the time but spending too much hurts a lot later on.Enjoy lifes simple pleasures and save as much as you can. 36 Careful spending will

44、 bring you greater enjoyment in the long run.Put your money to work. 37 Good investments(投资) can be the difference between retiring in your 40s or in your 60s. If a person in their20s invests 20% of their income, the interest(利息) they earn will equal their current salary when they reach their early4

45、0s. They could retire without a drop in income!Educate yourself.To be happy we need continuous growth. 38 This doesnt mean you need to get a doctors degree or spend 2 hours every day. Self education can be anything that takes you out of your comfort zone. The important part is keeping an open mind a

46、nd searching for fresh ideas and perspectives. 39 Suppose you had everything you wanted. Would you be happy without anyone to share it with? The personal relationships with friends and family members are the greatest source of happiness in our lives. Dont forget about them. Without the people you care about youll probably be miserable, no matter how successful you are.Work towards a dream.Even if your life isnt perfect, you can always build towards a goal. If you arent building towards something, youll probably stagnating(停滞). 40 We cant control everything

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