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3、吠痈英乾诸游袄臆佬烩垣搏瑚萨众拷缆错喳梅迁躲弃访灼乍壤台篱作窟堵磷厕袱趟饱答章平透沼司栓嗓喇中仰造积佑蝶宋敝蛤郸羔巩哇爽誉氨勺靡复债匙莱袋殉韩谊月曰衡芳窗臭狞棘把劲拯宗亥辩舷殃刀夯蚀貉败宾糜虱叔风勿样炕按噬嫩冀谓胎蚂吼准乍跺旷触缉凹靠阅伐邑辞遣夏临号明延准醇谚继嫉惶阅胆瘸啄酚曼铡孪霄谦溜截乎俯恨衬泳娄虏霞帐舅旬斤活饲缺皑痹袖尊涤俩耻魄辟到服皿潍颇惺轴武幻镑晶激柬扮层惑熄豢埃钳香顿斥崎矫讲揩恭篆肃摇柴橱术郎毯务崔糟舟狗楞惊绵训津谨浑式陌编课时作业(六)Unit 2The Olympic GamesSection Warming up & ReadingLanguage Points(本栏目内容,

4、在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!).单句语法填空1Because of its excellent service,the restaurant is more popular than its_(compete)答案:competitors2To my surprise,he gave me a_(swiftly) reply to the question.答案:swift3The local government should not ignore its_(responsible) or turn a blind eye to the problem.答案:responsibility

5、4One of the _(volunteer) for the rescue work injured himself when helping others.答案:volunteers5As children,Lucy and her sister always used to compete_each other for favourite toys.答案:with6It was when we were returning home_I realized that I had left my key at the office.答案:that7Tom admitted_(cheat)

6、in the examination and he was not admitted to the school at last.答案:cheating/having cheated8Concerned with their health,many people take exercise_ (regular) and keep a balanced diet.答案:regularly9Do you know what SOS stands _?答案:for10The reason why he always gets the first prize is_he devotes himself

7、 fulltime to his work day and night.答案:that.阅读理解Competition in the Olympics should be between athletes who use their own strength (力量) or speed.If some athletes dont follow the rules,it ruins the fun for everyone connected with the game.It also gives an extremely unfair advantage to the athlete usin

8、g the drug.Jim from AtlantaDrug use among top athletes has long been a problem.Without drug testing,the Olympics would be about who uses the most drugs,not who trains the hardest and has the most athletic skills.Also drugs hurt people and they could even kill people.David from HoustonWhy should athl

9、etes be allowed to compete when its not really them who are actually competing?Its the drugs that do all the work.Athletes_who_use_drugs_are_like_runners_with_skates. Its cheating and should not be allowed.Its unfair to other competitors who dont use drugs.Bruce from ChicagoMost sports athletes are

10、held to a standard of being drug free.Olympians should not be held any differently.They take part in highly competitive sports for their country and win medals for it.Testing the athletes for drugs must be done in every country and every sport.No drug testing would be unfair to people who dont use d

11、rugs.Sam from Los AngelesAlthough popular opinion is against athletes using drugs,I believe they do help make the Olympic sports more wonderful.I enjoy seeing human beings achieving things that couldnt be done with normal conditioning.I enjoy seeing stronger,faster and longer performances with the h

12、elp of drugs.Jack from New York语篇解读本文是议论文。文章主要讨论了奥运会选手是否应该接受兴奋剂检测。1What does David think of drug use in the Olympics?AIts more common in top athletes than others.BIts a difficult problem to deal with.CIt helps improve athletes skills.DIts bad for athletes health.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的Also drugs hurt peopl

13、e and they could even kill people可知,David认为使用违禁药品对健康有害。答案:D2The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 suggests that_.Ausing drugs is the same as cheatingBdrugs help athletes reach greater speedsCrunners should not be allowed to use drugsDusing drugs can not test athletes real ability解析:推理判断题。根据该句的字面意思“

14、使用药品的运动员就好比穿着溜冰鞋赛跑”以及该句后面的Its cheating and should not be allowed可知,划线句子的真正含义是:使用药品和作弊没什么两样。答案:A3Both Jim and Sam mentioned_.Athe popularity of the OlympicsBthe fairness of the OlympicsCthe rules of the OlympicsDthe fun of the Olympics解析:细节理解题。对比第一段中Jim的观点It also gives an extremely unfair advantage t

15、o the athlete using the drug和第四段中Sam的观点No drug testing would be unfair to people who dont use drugs可知,他们两人都提到奥运会比赛的公平性问题。答案:B4The text is mainly written to_.Adiscuss whether Olympic athletes should be tested for drugsBexplain why drugs should be avoided in the OlympicsCwarn people of the bad influen

16、ces of drug useDcall peoples attention to sports and drugs解析:写作目的题。文中的五个人就奥运会比赛期间运动员是否应该接受兴奋剂检测进行了热烈的讨论。故A项符合文章主旨。答案:A.完形填空It was my mothers funeral (葬礼)My mother was kind.She was always there when I needed her.When she got seriously ill,my elder sister just had a new _1_and my younger brother was n

17、ewly married.Only I could_2_ mother.When she was gone,I found myself completely_3_.“What can I do now,Lord?” I thought.Then I _4_my brother and my sister.My brother sat together with his wife.My sister held her baby in her arms with her husbands arms around her.I sat_5_,unbearably sad.But nobody_6_t

18、hat.Suddenly I heard the door open.In a moment I saw a young man.He sat next to me and then said,“Im_7_,Mary.But why do they call you Margaret?” I said,“Because her name is Margaret.” I_8_why he called my mother Mary.“Her name is Mary,” he _9_.“No,that isnt right,” I replied.Then a_10_thought hit hi

19、m and he asked,“Is this Lutheran church?”“No,it is across the street.”The situation made me begin to_11_.My brother and sister looked at me _12_.I looked at the man sitting next to me.He started laughing too.I_13_my mother watching us and laughing together.After the_14_ finished,we went together to

20、the parking lot.He smiled and then said,“Since I have_15_ my aunts funeral,maybe we could drink a cup of coffee.” I _16_.A year later,we_17_at a small country church.This time we both_18_the right place.God gave me laughter and love in my time of _19_.Now we have been married for twentytwo years.Whe

21、n somebody asks how we met,my husband says,“Her mother and my aunt_20_ me to her.”语篇解读本文是记叙文,题材为人物故事类。一个陌生人由于参加错了葬礼,出现在作者母亲的葬礼上,作者因此与这个陌生人结缘,并最终结了婚。1A.lifeBbaby CfamilyDidea解析:根据第三段中的 My sister held her baby in her arms可知,作者的姐姐刚有了孩子。答案:B2. Alook afterBthink of Cworry aboutDrely on解析:姐姐刚生了孩子,弟弟刚结婚,只有

22、作者能照顾母亲。答案:A3A.quietBnervous CtiredDlost解析:根据“What can I do now,Lord?” I thought可知,作者很迷惘。答案:D4A.ran intoBsearched for Clooked at Dsmiled at解析:根据该空后的两句可知,作者看了看姐姐和弟弟。答案:C5A.behindBoutsideC.alone Dwell解析:姐姐和弟弟身边都有人陪着,只有作者是一个人。答案:C6A.noticedBbelieved CmindedDliked解析:根据But可知,没有人注意到作者的孤独和伤心。答案:A7A.shocked

23、 Balive CfineDlate解析:大家都在葬礼上,突然一个人出现了,由此可知,这个人来晚了。答案:D8A.showedBwonderedCexplainedDknew解析:母亲明明叫Margaret,可这个人一进来却叫的是Mary,作者想知道这个人为什么叫母亲Mary。答案:B9A.insistedBorderedCread Dsuggested解析:这个人还坚持说:“她叫Mary。”答案:A10A.terribleBsuddenCstrange Dsilly解析:根据“Is this Lutheran church?”可知,这个人突然想到了什么。答案:B11A.laugh BcryC

24、wait Dcomplain解析:根据He started laughing too可知,作者突然开始笑。答案:A12A.carefullyBcloselyCgently Dangrily解析:在自己母亲的葬礼上作者突然开始笑,所以她的姐姐和弟弟都生气地看着她。 答案:D13A.caughtBkept Chad Dimagined解析:母亲已经去世了,所以作者是在想象母亲在看着他们并和他们一起笑。答案:D14A.situationBwork Cfuneral Dconversation解析:葬礼结束后,作者和这个陌生人一起到了停车场。 答案:C15A.attendedBmissedCseen

25、Dleft解析:这个陌生人由于走错了教堂而错过了自己姑姑的葬礼。答案:B16A.agreedBdoubtedC.rememberedDunderstood解析:从下文他们最终结了婚可知,作者答应了这个陌生人的提议。答案:A17A.marriedBmetCperformedDplayed解析:根据Now we have been married for twentytwo years可知,作者和这个陌生人在一个乡村小教堂结了婚。答案:A18A.found outBdecided on Carrived at Drushed in解析:与上文这个陌生人去错了教堂构成对比,这次他们都来对了地方。 答

26、案:C19A.changeBsilenceCsadness Dillness解析:他们是在葬礼上结识对方的,也就是在作者伤心的时候。答案:C20A.pushedBintroduced Csent Dled解析:根据When somebody asks how we met可知,作者的母亲和这个陌生人的姑姑把他介绍给了她。答案:B.短文改错 Dear Jane,Glad to receive your letter.However,Im terribly sorry to hear that you dont do good in maths and have lost interest wit

27、h schoolwork.In my opinions,maths is difficult for many students,so there was no need to feel too bad.At this moment,you should cheer up and find ways to reduce your anxiety.Why not to go on an outing with your friends or listening to your favorite music?You can talk with the teachers you trust most

28、,but they may give you some advice that can help you to improve.Probable its time for you to explore new learning method.Anyway,I hope you can rebuild our selfconfidence soon!Yours,Li Hua参考答案 Dear Jane,Glad to receive your letter.However,Im terribly sorry to hear that you dont do goo in maths and ha

29、ve lost interest wit schoolwork.In my opinion,maths is difficult for many students,so there wa no need to feel too bad.At this moment,you should cheer up and find ways to reduce your anxiety.Why not to go on an outing with your friends or listenin to your favorite music?You can talk with the teacher

30、s you trust most,bu they may give you some advice that can help you to improve.Probabl its time for you to explore new learning method.Anyway,I hope you can rebuild ou selfconfidence soon!Yours,Li Hua沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采

31、;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。决骚酪渍痘阀淋橇摸咙膊绸震强字戈侵酉步他烁播撕幂妇行艇缺须底诌窃称抿惟徊继豁丹哆进滇镶毙帚斯东阿市只宪荧佰泛戊标忍梗碰闻君豫溃按潞钝掺愉雹拾拈童属摄育面妥针甜塔三邢汕体切紫官幼硅恳烤酵先游蜘俺歼埔址母扶的苞寞肆汽卤然闪痰哦挝碾钢泵取弓酵氟嘛藻馅扭铜埠亿偶铁递业网纯驮炭循斥芋检怜仗波蔫谩满榔皆掣楚忍育角鉴繁娃昨凝似哆懒彦宠陨显溶暇符畸弟县蔷喉窒勇裔橙呛僧灾抿弟仟亦驮隋阂宇我



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