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1、英语比较级和最高级第1页第2页比较级 比较级(Comparative Degree)就是将二者进行比较产生词形,是由形容词原级转化而来,普通是在原级后面加er,也有一些不规则转化,比如goodbetter,badworse第3页比较级常见句型1.表示比.更。用比较级形容词+than+比较成份,than后主词述语动词往往省略,非正式使用方法than后人称代名词可用宾格。He is younger than me.他比我年轻。I am a better swimmer than he(him).我游泳比他好。第4页2.表示较.低;不及.用less+原级形容词+than+比较成份。I am less

2、 young than he(is).我不比他年轻。第5页3.表示二者之中较.,用the+比较级+of the two。This one is the bigger of the two houses.这所房子是两座房子中较大。第6页4.定冠词或指示形容词+比较级+名词表示比较。The taller boy is John.那个身材较高男孩子是约翰。第7页5.有少数以ior结尾形容词,如inferior(次于),junior(年幼;下级),posterior(之后),prior(之前),senior(年长,上级),superior(优于)等本身就有比较意思,常与介系词to连用。This met

3、hod is superior to that one.这种方法优于那种方法。第8页6.比较形容词能够被副词如a little(一点),much(得多),even(愈加),still(愈加),far(.多)等修饰,但不可用very修饰。翻译:现在生活简单得多了。(误)Life is very easier than it was twenty years ago.(正)Life is very much easier than it was twenty years ago.第9页注意事项1.为了防止重复,需要用替换词替换前面已经提到过东西。用the one代替单数可数名词;that代替不可数

4、名词;the ones,those代替复数名词。The film is not as good as the one I saw yesterday.这部电影没有我昨天看那部好看。The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai.北京天气比上海天气冷。The new designs are much better than the old ones.这些新图样比旧好多了。第10页2.当比较对象属于同一范围时,需使用other来排除本身,不然会造成与本身相比较矛盾。Canada is larger than any other coun

5、try in North America.第11页3.“no+形容词比较级+than”结构表示对二者均否定。Dont be proud so early.You are no better than me第12页4.比较级前面能够用even,still,yet,any,much,a little,a lot,by far等修饰语用以加强语气或表示比较程度。To tell you the truth,my boyfriend is much older than me.第13页5.两个比较对象用and连在一起可表示全方面增加或降低,意为“越来越”。The weather is getting w

6、armer and warmer.天气越来越暖和She is becoming more and more beautful.她越来越漂亮第14页无比较级单词表示国籍形容词没有比较级和最高级.比如:Chinese(中国),English(英国),Japanese(日本)等等表示方位和时间形容词没有比较级和最高级.比如:east(东边,东方),west(西边,西方)past(过去)等等表示绝对概念词和已达极限形容词没有比较级和最高级.比如:perfect(完美),blind(瞎),dead(死)等等说明物体材质和形状形容词没有比较级和最高级.比如:solid(固体),round(圆形),plas

7、tic(塑料)等等表示数字、次序或者时间形容词没有比较级和最高级.比如:next(下一个),several(若干),daily(天天)等等在语法上做表语表示状态形容词没有比较级和最高级.比如:alone(孤独),awake(醒来),alive(活着)等等本身就有比较级含义形容词没有比较级和最高级比如:junior(年少),minor(次要),superior(上等)等等一样,这类词汇另一个特点是:不能用表示程度副词如(very,so)等等来修饰.比如:very dead,so awake是错误第15页主要考点 Of the two sisters,Betty is _ one,and she

8、is also the one who loves to be quiet.A.a younger B.a youngest C.the younger D.the youngest答案选C。依据句中of the two sisters可知,此题包括是二者比较,故用比较级;另外,因为是特指二者中一个,故其前用定冠词,不用不定冠词。第16页 Of the two coats,Id choose the _ one to spare some money for a book.A.cheapest B.cheaper C.more expensiveD.most expensive答案选B。故用比

9、较级,可将答案锁定在B和C之间;再依据句意,排除C第17页I dont think this film is by far the most boring.I have seen _.A.better B.worse C.the best D.the worst答案选B。既然前文说“这不是最最烦人电影”,那么下文说必定就“还有更糟”,故用worse第18页There is an old proverb,“Love me,love my dog.”But there is _ wisdom in this:“Love me,love my book.”A.some B.much C.more D

10、.most答案选C。因为是将“Love me,love my dog”与“Love me,love my book”进行比较,故用比较级。此题巧妙之处于于句中没有出现than,而是给出两个待比较proverb。第19页 With April 18s railway speedup,highway and air transport will have to compete with _ service for passengers.A.good B.better C.best D.the best答案选B。句子大意为:因为铁路提速了,所以公路和航空业要提升服务质量来竞争客源。因将“公路和航空”

11、与“铁路”比较,故用比较级。第20页Your story is perfect.Ive never heard _ before.A.the better one B.the best one C.a better one D.a good one答案选C。“否定词(尤其是never)+a+比较级”意思是“从来没有一个更”,这类结构通常可视为在其后省略了一个than短语,做题时要注意依据详细语境作出正确了解,如:I have never read a better article.我从未读过(比这篇文章)更加好文章(=这是我所读过最好文章)。I have never seen a worse

12、film.我从没看过(比这部电影)更糟电影(=这是我所看过最糟电影)。本题中Ive never heard a better one before意思是“我从未听到过(比你这个事故)更加好听事故”。第21页Did you enjoy yourself at the party?Yes.Ive never been to _ one before.A.a more excited B.the most excited C.a more exciting D.the most exciting答案选C。Ive never been to a more exciting one before实为Iv

13、e never been to a more exciting one before than this one.其意为“我从未参加过比这个晚会更令人兴奋晚会”,即“这是我参加过最令人兴奋晚会”。又如:Ive never had a worse morning than today.我哪一天早上也不像今天早上这么倒霉。若意思明确,有时可省略than结构:He is fine,never better.他很好,比以往任何时候都好。第22页Do you need any help,Lucy?Yes.The job is _ I could do myself.A.less than B.more

14、than C.no more than D.not more than答案选B。比较:less than意为“少于”;more than意为“多于,超出”;no more than意为“只有,只是”;not more than意为“不多于,至多”。做好此题关键是注意句中Yes,因为答话者做了必定回答,说明答话者工作有些力不从心,所以填more than。第23页 It is reported that the United States uses _ energy as the whole of Europe.A.as twice B.twice much C.twice much as D.

15、twice as much答案选D。由energy后as可知,此题是考查asas结构。依据英语语法习惯,修饰asas结构副词只能置于asas结构之前,不能置于其中。又如:Du Jiejie went out with a man twice as old as her.杜姐姐和一个年纪比她大一倍男子来往。It cost three times as much as I had expected.它花钱比我预期多两倍。第24页He speaks English indeed,but of course not _a native speaker.A.as fluent as B.more flu

16、ent than C.so fluently as D.much fluently than答案选C。因为修饰动词speaks要用副词,排除A和B;又因为than只能用于比较级后而不能位于原级后,排除D。句意是:他英语讲得确实不错,不过,当然不如英语本族人讲得流利。第25页第26页最高级第27页 三者或三者以上人或物进行比较时,用最高级。形容词最高级前面要加定冠词the第28页第29页第30页例句 表示在某一场所中最.,和in引导介系词片语连用。I am the tallest in our class.我是我们班里个子最高。第31页 表示在不少于三者同类中“最.”,和of或among引导介系词片语连用。My movements are the most graceful of us three.三个人中我动作是最优雅。第32页 表示在已经有经验中“最.”,子句表示比较范围。Racing is the most interesting sport Ive ever known.赛跑是我知道最有趣运动。第33页 用代名词全部格表示比较范围。You are always my fondest star.你永远是我最喜欢明星。第34页练习第35页第36页第37页第38页第39页第40页

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