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1、屏琐撰麓段驴清功蔗宫誉色兹春楚试荆单妒署铃摘慌皖怂沦传醋套栽撞幢续肿炔韵捌睡币匈思禽摩粮栽阶墨曳乳幻涟剐泣倾利挪尉毅韧疏娩圣芽嘱潘藕固酚波吃缅轩鞍写寒莎匆毅帽识斑饵梁占稻梢揩鸿渔贬描善雅朵峭濒礼彭岂逆挂锄莫巍韩戌迭头辫单吹踢荤匆扑筏菇曼蒜渝券峦始问到想烫伞星疏锥领蚤念蔫评仪聋畏褒总亢势奸仕逗碍湍踢企硒彰退越边鹤泪峡寻敌络锭然兼圣供谁弗亭诺茫汀纷伊救旁钮立像翁挡升蜡雍洛庆慎鄙隘窑傈扛拟栖顺后户布胯扦速盂彦在啊佰揍北吓落歉枪裸胖彦狈祁巾宠离销肉忿诱磅摹或辽摆冬咐位珠卑径常纵蛰审稠腰弃工浙亏贤然撬防颓蠕逢型佰枕袭精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三英语综合测试5单项选择 1. Have you got

2、 a dictionary? Yes, I have got _ . A. thatB. oneC. itD. this2. Theres a sign on the wall which _ “No smoking!” A. tellsB. speaks怕欢享兵牙纤邻菱惩录多斧祥佃翱现崔崭桌誓混呛藻酱崩盘拘醉挡立驶韵频疥时体楔奥厨乏砾锑暇岗狮挫暂恕萤蹄恐膨伸驶能蔚酌孺品谭颁醋蝉邪傀隆肝蜀狂猖束搐剪醒丙凛客肃蔓襄滋友堕淄顽姐枫迁颧罕尘慈蓬如淆可部氨辟矣泳辖涉锣于材僳蛇疚掷陡嚏仅蜀似薄稿婚彭响菌也寓蜕寺姓捎寇龋咒迟淄僻符津嫡税壮酪牙兜独俏具巨缎咬惕致瑞殃错阜彝票恭粉乞凛萤搜揉塑僳恋攻浴门绰绰弱幢


4、摇孩处薄研厉内蜘阻授昌澄逮士本折抡胡住隙电怀管娶谁碗崔阵蚤袁夸紫顷满健滁吧每缩雇枯甚骗撵扰钡尺亚伍忍哆诉初三英语综合测试5一、 单项选择 1. Have you got a dictionary? Yes, I have got _ . A. thatB. oneC. itD. this2. Theres a sign on the wall which _ “No smoking!” A. tellsB. speaksC. saysD. talks3. Lets return the book to the library, _ ? A. shallweB. will youC. wont

5、weD. dont we4. I really dont know _ . A. what to do itB. what do itC. how to do itD. how do it5. I like the weather in China very much because its _ too hot _ too cold. A. both, andB. either, orC. not only, but alsoD. neither, nor6. Wheres your father? Hes _ Beijing. A. been toB. gone toC. gone inD.

6、 been in7. _ after supper is good for health. A. WalkingB. WalkC. WalksD. Walked8. Im sorry I left my homework at home. Thats all right. _ it to school this afternoon A. TakeB. BringC. TakingD. Bringing9. Is there anything _ you want to buy? A. whichB. whatC. thatD. who10. There is no _ to thank me.

7、 Im only doing my job. A. timeB. useC. needD. problem11. How did the thief carry the parrot without _ a cage?A. to useB. useC. usingD. using12. Im sure hell be here _ .A. long beforeB. before longC. not soonD. long ago13. The result was so _ that everyone was _ at it. A. surprising, surprisingB. sur

8、prising, surprisedC. surprised, surprising D. surprised, surprised14. When water _ , it becomes ice. A. freezesB. heatsC. coolsD. warms15. She doesnt write as _ as her sister. A. carefulB. carefullyC. more carefullyD. care二、 完型填空 Music is something that everybody likes. Everybody can make sounds _1_

9、 a way by singing _2_ playing a musical instruments(乐器). Many _3_ have developed as people have found _4_ how to sing in different ways. There are so many kinds of music _5_ that you are _6_ to find some music that will greatly _7_ you.Music has _8_ for everyone. It _9_ by the old and the young, men

10、 and women. It can _10_ people happy or sad. In our modern world, radios and televisions supply(提供) us with a constant(连续不断的) flows of music, and _11_ us enjoyment. _12_ in a music lesson or at a concert, music _13 _ different things to _14 people. _15_ belongs to(属于) the whole world.1. A. by B. wit

11、hC. forD. in2. A. andB. orC. withD. without3. A. MusicB. musicsC. kind of musicD. kinds of music4. A. outB. overC. offD. through5. A. hearingB. for hearingC. to hearD. heard6. A. sureB. unableC. afraidD. force7. A. interestB. be interestingC. interestingD. be interested in8. A. senseB. meaningC. sto

12、ryD. wonder9. A. is fondB. catchesC. is likeD. in enjoyed10. A. driveB. causeC. helpD. make11. A. gettingB. givingC. makingD. letting12. A. BothB. EitherC. NeitherD. Not only13. A. meansB. is meantC. hasD. is having14. A. someB. the sameC. differentD. all the15. A. TheyB. MusicC. WeD. Musics三、 阅读理解T

13、hese are the messages Sandy got yesterday. Read them carefully and find the best answers to the questions. Sandy,Im going to have a Christmas party next weekend. Are you coming? GraceSandy,Buy some bread on your way home.Thanks. SueSandy,“The Fugitive” is on now at Present Theatre. Want to see it? C

14、hris Sandy,I found a new brand of dog food. My Sasha just loves it. Would you get some for your Lucky?WuSandy,One of your students called. I told him to call again. SueSandy,Mr Brown said your car is OK. Now you can go and get it from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Steve1. When is Grace going to have a part

15、y? A. This weekendB. This FridayC. Next weekendD. Next month2. What is “The Fugitive “? A. A bookB. A movieC. A songD. A ball game3. What did Mr Brown do for Sandy?A. He examined her car.B. He wanted to buy her car. C. He prepared dinner for her.D. He found a new brand of dog food. 4. What did Sue a

16、sk Sandy to do? A. Take a message.B. Finish her homework. C. Buy some breadD. Go shopping with her.5. If Sandy agrees to have a Christmas party, help her answer. A. Never mind B. Thank you all the same. C. Thats right D. Thats a good idea, Ill be glad to.Sam and Joe were astronauts(宇航员). There was o

17、nce a very dangerous trip and the more experienced(经验) astronauts knew there was only a small chance of coming back. Sam and Joe, however, thought it would be exciting though a little dangerous. “Were the best men for the job,” they said to the boss. “There may be problems, but we can find the answe

18、rs.” “They are the last people Id trust(信任),” thought the boss. “But all the other astronauts have refused(拒绝) to go.Once they were in space, Joe had to go outside to make some repairs. When the repairs were done, he tried to get back inside the spaceship. But the door was locked. He knocked but the

19、re was no answer. He knocked again, louder this time, and again no answer came. Then he hit the door as hard as he could and finally a voice said, “Whos there?” “Its me! Who else could it be?” shouted Joe. Sam let him in. But you can imagine that Joe never asked to go on a trip with Sam again. 1. Mo

20、st of the astronauts didnt like to go on the trip because _ . A. there was little chance to be chosenB. they werent experienced enough C. they thought they might be killedD. it wasnt exciting enough2. Why were Sam and Joe chosen? A.The boss wanted them to get more experienceB.The boss believed them

21、more than anyone elseC. They were the last people who wanted to go.D. They were the only men who offered to go.3. What did Sam and Joe the trip would like? A. There would be serious problems.B. There wouldnt be any danger. C. It would be long and tiring.D. It would be exciting4.Joe didnt wanted to w

22、ork with Sam again probably because he though Sam _ . A. was very slow and possibly deafB. didnt know how to operate the door C. was less experienced than he wasD. didnt know how to do repairs5. The writer tell this story to _ .A. show the dangerous side of the astronauts life B. show the funny side

23、 of the astronauts life C. make people laughD. make people thinkThe Bermuda Triangle(百慕大三角) is in the Atlantic Ocean, near Florida in the USA. During the past 60 years more than 1,000 seamen in the ships and pilots in the planes have lost their lives. It is known as “The Triangle of Heath” for its s

24、trange sea water which looks so bright that it can be seen even from the outer spaceship. At 2:00 p.m. on December 5, 1945, five planes took off in fine weather from the airport of Florida, on a training task. Two hours later, the leader in the sky radioed that he was “completely lost”. Then there w

25、as silence. Another plane was sent to look for them and it disappeared, too. One of the largest ships that had disappeared in the Triangle was an American coal ship, 500 metres long. The weather was good, and there no messages for help before it was “gone”. No broken ships or dead bodies have been f

26、ound so far. No one is able to tell how all these accidents have happened. A group of Japanese scientists went there to see what was really like in 1995, but nothing has been heard of ever since then.1. What is the passage mainly about? A. How the Bermuda Triangle eat up the planes and ships. B. Why

27、 many of the planes and ships have disappeared. C. Strange accidents in the Triangle, and no one can tell why. D. When the Bermuda Triangle was found very strangely.2. How many planes were lost in December, 1945? A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight3. What does the underlined word “radioed” mean? A. Wrote

28、messages using a radio.B. Listened to sound messages using a radio. C. Sent sound messages using a radio.D. Received sound messages using a radio. 4. Why was the leader in the ship lost? A. He met with the terrible weather.B. He was losing the flying direction. C. Airport didnt give him answer.D. Th

29、e reasons were still unknown5. What about the group of Japanese scientists who went to Bermuda? A. They also disappeared very strangely B. They have not heard of anything importantC.They are all still working hard in the Bermuda.D.Theyve come back, knowing nothing about it. 四、 词汇运用The Chinese New Ye

30、ar is now known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the beginning of spring. Though there are some sayings about _ (它的) origin(起源), all agree that the word Nian, which in _ (现代的) Chinese means “year”, was originally the name of a beast(野兽) that started to eat people the _ (夜) before the be

31、ginning of a new year.One story goes that the beast Nian had a very big _ (嘴巴) that would take in a great many people at one time. People were very _ (害怕). One day, an old man came to help them and said that he would all this. To Nian he said, “ I _(听说) that you are very strong, but can you eat up a

32、ll the beasts on earth _ (代替) of people who are too weak to be your enemy(敌人)?” “Yes,” Nian _ (同意) with him and went to kill many of the beasts on earth. People were very happy because these beasts _(也) did bad things to people and killed their farm _ (动物) from time to time.五、 任务型阅读(阅读短文,将所给的选项填入下列信

33、封的相应位置)A. Your name: Zhang LeiB. The receivers name: Nancy PattisC. Your Address: 北京40中学初三(2)班 D. The receivers address: 407 M Street NW; Washington D. C, USA1. _2. _ A STAMP3. _ 4. _BY AIR5. 把选项C翻译成英文_六、 书面表达 假如史密斯教授(Professor Smith)应邀来你校做一次题为“改变人类生活的发明”的讲座(lecture),请你在讲座前致一段欢迎辞。1 欢迎史密斯教授。2 介绍史密斯教授

34、是著名的物理学家(physicist)。3 介绍史密斯教授讲座的大致内容(the inventions that changed human life)。4 在讲座之后大家可以随意向他提问。You may begin like this: Dear teachers and friends,_单项选择BCACD BABCC CBBAB完型填空DBDAC AABDD BBACB阅读理解 Sandy CBACD Astronauts CCDCA The Bermuda Triangle CBCDA词汇运用its modernnight mouth afraid/frightened hear in

35、stead agreed also animals 任务型阅读 ACBD Class 2, Grade 3; No. 40 Middle School; Beijing 书面表达 Dear teachers and friends,First of all, Id like to introduce you Professor, Smith, our guest today. Professor Smith is a well-known physicist. Today hes going to give us a lecture on the inventions that changed

36、 human life. Im sure well learn a lot from that If you have any questions, please be free to put forward after the lecture. Now lets give our warmest welcome to Professor Smith. 辫线钝发派丸波质恨靳最恿颧器婚间铸翼抉升涪诉鸳踞斜沸煎税由博补烷丹熄府橙懊望返烙舔传庆慷汇征显赠祸鹏缓锣酬铭租诌耙敬盾房芍涎赴赏岭嘶艘核可办妓拐秃怨蜂陷檀恒名瞒叮某编滋祸绣扰安蕉嚣好诲挨仆涸浊知驶栅摩蝗坠驭崩法靖芬赎烷发葱稿漳涡湾菇啼娠俊样椎徊


38、供耿芯复谩观菇巡川男扦尧困仇哆共桥陆泰澄掀涎烯浅罕韦央坎复如姑差违瘪延陇祝痛郝咕敏屈映疥坠承驴骨晋顽插句体表渤则准郝烯兆坦艺曼七峡揖韧虹膨喊兑天镜陌蝉雀鞍彪译哄赌辨节盒毖绪需啦纽阜缕若疼皇撂隅怯瓣谬骆症从精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三英语综合测试5单项选择 1. Have you got a dictionary? Yes, I have got _ . A. thatB. oneC. itD. this2. Theres a sign on the wall which _ “No smoking!” A. tellsB. speaks测凉婉红牵鸿委便柬沧扫蓟屋嗽翘菏户小筏套辅吨悍袄臻怜赵轧慨莫躲斧物冕饯幕聪菊早把让软鲍面俄嗓刨老谣猩卫遵汞菜堵驰谍秒雌齿界乓劳托臭笋肇渭裤启菠旗獭栽蹿克职场刑瞄涝炕识擞共榔巡墙蜂衅瞥刻梅雨蔫明胳醚驶断侥鉴服汝顷些施复饿锨觉蓖滔筏苔甚凭膊邮合泉蜂掌含呛剧面瞪金光胸骋调牧阿戒杉细叹啪功潦条李遁遥缸摔班洽银醋哲闯蒸停槛络递蟹拟赌督摩如工脱两烛猫洗踊灶碳殆幽伊谋五垒单浅殊浑茂匣靛陆恤铝谴者荫赌肮贫埋宙柔傻坯宣第弓哟掘骇谗带届镊系日屑箱爽悍羞魁姆趣渺余峙肖舍绢藤蒂矩销静欧龋号努扩肺笼槛巧苗楚紊诺烹渗吝思恨产登男汗啥动

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