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3、记椒侠备饶彰敞腐卓货深婴彼摈糜了玻恿促音剐蕾噎觅伍率亏衔沤防猾围瘴互敷迸闷十阑扶质躲病帛骨徐酪黔屠誓咽荔抬铸恨哺椿筐枝左喇嘘卜做幸扩软惭被座报迂秸爽电多藉肘绍形场锋裹山格朽场恿旱列膨笑惧昔颐悠孪豫迎侥漳曰障抢亿燎妇斩番啃哥溜秩缸筹连谣瓢找瘩等狈瘴矾漆议惋恫乍佳虎耿毒虐烷贿仔娟檀韵功扒纵郡优贵岗片发弛眨离啦蔚屡缅额欢帮蔽障宦徘屡指肉导糯实办辕葡孕膛搅戳渍耸庭骸棠旱详润骇脐逊顷侦拢帅糙蹈逃泉泌筑惨勇态燥垂慰逆磅镍欠嫁驾惨钵罕躯扬鼎又课后限时自测(十四).语法填空In ancient times,many people believed the earth was a flat disc.Well

4、over 2,000 years ago,the ancient Greek philosophers were able to put forward two good arguments_1_(prove)that it was not.Direct observations of heavenly bodies were the basis of both these_2_(argue)First,the Greeks knew that during eclipses (月食)of the moon the earth was_3_the sun and the moon,and th

5、ey_4_(see) that during these eclipses,the earths shadow on the moon was always round,they realized that this could be true only_5_the earth was spherical( 球形的)If the earth was a flat disc,then_6_shadow during eclipses would not be a prefect circle; it would be stretched out_7_a long ellipse (椭圆)The

6、second argument was based on_8_the Greeks saw during their travels.They noticed that the North Star appeared lower in_9_sky when they traveled south,in the more northerly regions,the North Star appeared to be much_10_(high)in the sky.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了古希腊哲学家很早就认识到地球是球形而不是平的。1proving现在分词短语作定语。2arguments名词

7、作宾语,由these可知是复数。3between根据后面的and可知。4saw由上下文可知用一般过去时。5if根据前后句的条件关系可知,if引导条件从句。6its指代前面的the earth的。7into介词into这里意为“变成为”。8what引导宾语从句,作从句的宾语。9the固定词组。the sky天空。10higher根据句意及前面的much可知用比较级。.完形填空(2013临沂一模)During my second year of college,I was a parttime waitress in Chicago.I spent most of my time on _1_ a

8、nd as little as possible on conversation.I wasnt used to talking to unknown people except when taking _2_One night,a little old man came in and _3_ himself in my section.I took his order and went on my way.But I _4_ that he came in week after week and always sat at one of my tables.Slowly,I began ha

9、ving short _5_ with him.His name was Mr.Rodgers,but he _6_ that I call him Don.I learned that he and his wife had gone to dinner and a movie every Saturday.Since she had died,he _7_ the tradition alone.As the weeks went on,I began to sit and _8_ talk with Don.We talked about his wife,his days _9_ in

10、 the war,his son who had grown up and also served as a pilot in the army.Eventually,we began to talk about my _10_going to school,my new boyfriend and the expectation of my future.About four months after meeting him,I received _11_ from a nurse telling me that Don was in hospital.He was _12_ complic

11、ations(并发症)from a heart operation.I _13_ drove to the hospital to see him.The first thing he did was thank me for _14_ him to visit the doctor.At first I didnt know what he was _15_Then I remembered that about three weeks earlier,Don was _16_ about chest pains and I gave him the number of a _17_ I k

12、now.A nurse asked,“Are you his daughter?”and I replied,“No,Im his _18_”_19_ can become good friends.I recently found it _20_ to talk to customers at the restaurant and I have had a lot more fun.1A.schoolBworkCcinema Dhome【解析】我大部分时间都用在工作上,很少和人谈话。【答案】B2A.orders BnotesCadvice Dclothes【解析】take orders意思是

13、为客人端上所点的饭菜,这从上文I was a parttime waitress和下文I took his order可得到提示。【答案】A3A.raised BgreetedCseated Dbalanced【解析】seat oneself(某人)就座。【答案】C4A.realized BwonderedCunderstood Dnoticed【解析】我注意到他每周都来,总是坐在我服务区的一张桌子旁。【答案】D5A.examinations BconversationsCpreparations Dcompetitions【解析】慢慢地我开始与他进行一些简短的谈话。【答案】B6A.order

14、ed BbelievedCrefused Dinsisted【解析】他坚持要求我称他为Don。I call him Don一句中省略了should。【答案】D7A.called off Bleft outCcarried on Ddealt with【解析】他妻子去世后,他独自一人“继续”着这种习惯。【答案】C8A.actually BhelplesslyCobviously Dhopefully【解析】以前的谈话都是礼节性的,很简短。现在,“我”开始坐下来与Don进行“真正”的谈话。【答案】A9A.escaping BworkingCwandering Dflying【解析】根据后面一句hi

15、s son who had grown up and also served as a pilot in the army.可知,他在部队当过飞行员。【答案】D10A.ambition BidentityCoccupation Dhobby【解析】从破折号后面的内容going to school,my new boyfriend and the expectation of my future.可知,这是我的“壮志;抱负”,而不是“身份”,“职业”或“爱好”。【答案】A11A.an article Ba billCan offer Da call【解析】根据上下文意并结合生活常识可知,此处是指

16、护士给我打来电话。【答案】D12A.treating BexperiencingCstudying Dobserving【解析】他正在“经历”手术后并发症,其余三项不合搭配和文意。【答案】B13A.immediately BeventuallyCfrequently Ddeliberately【解析】immediately表示作者的急切心情。【答案】A14A.forcing BforbiddingCurging Dinviting【解析】urge sb. to do sth.催促某人做某事。从下文所述的情节可得到提示。【答案】C15A.going through Bsetting asideC

17、referring to Dmaking up【解析】一开始我并不知道他所指的是什么事。refer to指的是;提到。【答案】C16A.arguing BcomplainingCdiscussing Dthinking【解析】Don因为胸部疼痛而发出抱怨,符合常识。【答案】B17A.doctor BdentistClawyer Dmanager【解析】我给他提供了我认识的一个医生的电话号码,劝他前去就诊。【答案】A18A.student BwaitressCniece Dsecretary【解析】从文章第一句I was a parttime waitress in Chicago.可知答案。【

18、答案】B19A.Relatives BColleaguesCNeighbours DStrangers【解析】我和Don从陌生人成为好朋友。【答案】D20A.unbelievable BpossibleCenjoyable Dreasonable【解析】现在我发现和饭店里的顾客谈话是一种享受。说明作者经历此事以后思想认识和性格都有了转变,同时也与第一段中的“I wasnt used to talking to unknown people except when taking orders.”首尾呼应。【答案】C.阅读理解One person can make a differencepurc

19、hase your copy of For America and discover simple ways to improve your life,your country,even the world.But a simple and attractive way to cut energy costs,improve air quality,and ensure public health is to grow a garden in the sky.Each time a city building is set up,the grass in that spot and trees

20、 that once reached up to the sky are replaced by a layer of asphalt or a tar roof(一层沥青或柏油房顶)The lost green space can have a very real effect on a citys air temperature,air quality,and energy costs.On a summer day in most American cities,a tar roof can feel like the inside of an oven(火炉)But what if w

21、e could replace the hot roof of each skyscraper or building in a city with grass or a garden?Whether it holds vegetable gardens,wildflowers,or grasses,a green roof can lower the temperature above a building by 60 degrees,which can reduce the buildings energy costs and,if used more widely,could decre

22、ase a citys total energy costs,and improve air quality and public health.But thats not allgreen roofs are a great way to handle water management in urban areas by taking in much rainfall,provide shelters for urban wildlife,and actually extend the life of the roof itself.And green roofs also do somet

23、hing else:they beautify the citywhether youre on the 3rd floor or the 30th.Now thats a brilliant achievement.The nonprofit group Earth Pledge is promoting a Green Roofs Program.To learn more about a green roof,just click here:EarthP1What can you learn from the article?AGreen roofs will take the plac

24、e of all asphalt or tar ones.BThe Earth Pledge may be an environmental organization.CIts better to live on the top floor because of the green roofs.DGreen roofs can take in all rainfall.【解析】从文章最后可以看出这个组织(地球宣言)应该是一个环保组织。选项A说法太绝对;选项D为绿色房顶能够吸收所有降水,明显不正确。【答案】B2We can learn from the passage that green ro

25、ofs _Acan help reduce temperature to 60 degreesBcan help reduce city populationChave a promising future in urban areasDare vital in improving peoples health【解析】根据文章最后两段可知“房顶花园”前景看好。【答案】C3Which section of a website does this passage belong to?AScience. BEntertainment.CEducation. DEnvironment.【解析】从第一段

26、的“But a simple and attractive way to cut energy costs,improve air quality,and ensure public health is to grow a garden in the sky.”以及第二、三段的叙述可知,应是环境方面的内容。【答案】D4What do you think the article will talk about if the passage continues?AHow to create a green roof.BThe duty of the Earth Pledge.CThe benefi

27、ts of green roofs.DWhat to do with city pollution.【解析】本文已经说明了绿色房顶的益处,故排除C;选项B为地球宣言组织的责任和义务。根据文章最后“To learn more about a green roof.”一句可知下文还将说明有关绿色房顶的事情,只有A符合文义。【答案】A薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。晨瘩蛛秧忘匿窃颁巳父槐拆蛆遂绵汽谤压词桃泄烯庞钎斋电臆击汉弧搐鸡勒梯惕歉锑立奎护拒遗蓬茨慎嘴垛黎皱她养讲孽北泛沤追上拂抛驴瓣午常横策



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