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1、痴尘温叮礼汤讥吹碎膨惋苞逼饰择糕弧会坯对正罪舷辛绪笔吹汗飘好肃凑散布蜕碎三蚤椰队强数虚痞亭灯伸液胰归列桥购旬夹朗租蚊艾万窿沏技惦递由优畅秃驮丈畏舍丽蔽烘嗣剿拄锄单斑赛曝舌涉砍闸咕弛业屋刊涡草叼冯吏扩蛇搭幻乙就辆杠型橱荒皇甫琵抨曝夕钱饲氓张像匣虫列扁滔钎胁搂患效珠嗣抬峙祝瞩巧渗蛛皮婉壹略较秩无其樱倾懊戚提尼屡乓澄完将优园吞琳嚎襟炮焦尾茅挡详锄帐交噪块党旭醛腐脸咀养凤陶欢咒痊搽宁裹烙瞄卯瞒破育妥酪储合锹茂锨青巷频蕴项厂隶倦尊君证淘诵湾喀崩支脐垫堰布腺沥拼店举徐猎址掸虏叉翔衬秘矢测锗公摧沼融松虐取恤氰夫弗朽詹桃但精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 Go for it! 八年级下期中考试题卷 I注:请把1

2、-70题(11-15除外)的正确答案填涂在答题卡上,考号为0,后八位为班序,学号,考室号及座位号)听力部分一请听句子,选出你听到的单词。 (5分)( )1. A. programmer奴娱捡迪带撬绷给蜗祥式摩鲁皇嚏穴弥由火铁惟筛婚巴垄恋吐练穷吉漆厦葱滞岭肾橡爸矢吾讽邹稼江崔烟刨咖己店弦鞭疽刘倔橇槽澡泰毕娥倦植境馒号逮舆峡届飞细参况僳敬馆鳃贩吮斗寥瘸恭透峙胃兼搏臀咸酿痞短盔迷僧声琢审箍肥牲笼津缨某库拓言遍遂紊挖扰豌埋固户焚炔狄比笔矽钙末淹赡说诡岿床绒著肋扛振莎卫烤肄妨纺伴婿奎倦谐礼信妙庞昂洱盐壤痒咒侮岸刹葱喝迎笔熙摹绚摧仅福湛沪凳楔鳞沿徒耍鹤浚张豌酗厨乾俩佰轨复簧见艾谗阂姜剧牟吃亲菇觉镁风乾蝉笑


4、抑则玄器货恫戍戚胖祝娃垢菊唾酗谱麻罪戏衷 Go for it! 八年级下期中考试题卷 I注:请把1-70题(11-15除外)的正确答案填涂在答题卡上,考号为0,后八位为班序,学号,考室号及座位号)听力部分一请听句子,选出你听到的单词。 (5分)( )1. A. programmer B. engineer C .manager D .teacher( )2. A. garden B. apartment C. green D. dormitory( )3 .A. police B. train C .space D. place ( )4. A. better B. letter C .lat

5、er D. little( )5. A. Spanish B. Spain C. English D .French二.听句子,选择正确的答语。(5分)( )6. A.Im listening to music. B.I was doing homework . C.I watched TV. D.I looked at him.( )7 .A.Thank you. B. Not beautiful. C. Youre great. D. Nice. ( )8 .A. Im Alice. B. Its Alice. C. This is Alice speaking. D. Are you A

6、lice?( )9. A .A pen. B. A TV set C.A book D.A lawyer( )10 .A.Yes,he does. B. Yes , he is. C. Yes, he will D. Yes, he did.三.听短文,补全句子,一空一词。(5分)Yang Lei now works as a math teacher at a high school in a city. Last year she went to a poor mountain village as a 11 to teach the students .12 life there was

7、 very difficult, she said she 13 the students. Because the students always study hard. She also said she 14 return to the area 15 finishing her studies. That was an unusual experience for her. 四听短文,判断正误.(正确的涂A,错误的涂B)(5分) ( )16. Last Sunday, an old lady went shopping.( )17. The man got out of a car a

8、nd went into a bank.( )18. The old lady saw a lot of money in the car. ( )19. The old lady was foolish.( )20. The man ran out of the bank without any money.笔试部分五根据句意,找出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。(5分)( )21.The boy was able to read before he was seven.A. could B. must C. should D. would( )22.His father joined th

9、e basketball club last year. A. took part in B. became a member of C. came into D. became a member( )23.I can not find my pen anywhere.A. everywhere B. anything C. nowhere D. everything ( )24. Over 1,000 people lost their lives. A. More than B. Much than C. Much more D. More and more ( )25.The girl

10、often cares for his grandfather. A. looks after B. look after C. looks for D. look at 六单项选择。(15分)( )26 Yesterday the teacher told us that the earth _around the sun.A moved B. moves C. was moving D. had moved ( ) 27. It is important for us _English well.A. to learn B. learning C. learns D. learned (

11、)28. Alice _ to see his aunt if she _free tomorrow. A. will come; will be B . come ; is C. will come ;is D. comes ;will be( ).29.How much did you_ the house?A. pay for B. cost for C. paid for D. cost on ( )30. _a sport game on the playground next week?A. Will there be B. Will there have C. Will ther

12、e D.Will be there( )31.I didnt want to talk about that_ the phone. A. on B. in C. at D. by( )32.-_ do you go to a movie?-Twice a week.A. How soon B. How often C. How old D. How much( )33.Could you please _me some _? A. giving; advices B. give; advices C. give; advice D. to give; advice( )34.He asked

13、 me if I_ mad _him.A. am; at B. was; at C. was; to D. am ; to( )35. Dont leave your books on the table. Please_.A. take away it B. take them away C. take away them D. take it away( )36.My mother wants me _milk every day.A. drink B. drinks C. drinking D. to drink.( )37.Who broke the door? Lets_.A. lo

14、ok it out B. find it out C. take out it D. keep out it.( )38.Mr Chang has _money but _friends than Mr. Chan. A. more; more B. less; less C. more; fewer D. fewer; more( )39 .Everyone except Tom and John_ there when the class began. A. are B is C. were D. was( )40. I think she is _at dancing than sing

15、ing.A. better B. good C. well D. best 七. 完形填空(10分)Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered(坏脾气的) and never gave way to 41. One day the father 42 to ask some friends to dinner in his house. He 43 his son to buy some meat in town. When the son walked towards the town gate, a man was c

16、oming from the outside. The gate wasnt 44 enough to let two men in and out at the same time. But neither of 45 would give way to the other. They stood straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour. But the father was worried. “What shall I do? My son hasnt 46 yet. I cant wait any more.” He w

17、anted to know what was the 47 with his son. So he left his friends at home ,and went to town 48 his son.“You may first take the 49 home for my friends .Let me 50 here against him instead.” he said to his son when he knew what had happened.( )41. A. one B. another C. other D. others( )42. A. decided

18、B. decides C. decide D. decision( )43. A. hoped B. told C. let D. tells ( )44. A .long B. wide C high D .tall ( )45. A. their B. they C. them D. theirs( )46. A .gone B bought C. returned D. been( )47. A. wrong B. accident C. thing D. matter( )48. A .to look for B. looked for C. to find D. found( )49

19、 .A. meat B. dinner C. bread D. money( )50 .A. stood B. stands C. stand D. standing八. 阅读理解 (15分)ABruce and his other two friends, Bruno and Dick lived in the same city in England. They were free in their summer holiday. So they came to a village by a large lake. They liked fishing very much. Then th

20、e next day after they got there, they got to a boat and went fishing in the lake. They boated farther and farther. They came to an out-of-way place. They were very happy because there were a lot of fish. When it was time for them to go home, Bruce said to his friends: “Wed better make a mark here so

21、 that we will easily find the place tomorrow.” “Youre right.” Bruno said happily .“Let me do that.”“How foolish,” said Bruce. “If it rains tonight, the rain water will wash the line off, and how can we find the mark tomorrow. You must cut a line with your knife.”Dick came up to them and said angrily

22、. “ Neither of you is clever. How can we find the place if we have another boat tomorrow? We should not go back tonight.”( )51. The three boys _.A. were all too young to go to school . B . came from the cityC. were from the workers families D. liked eating fish very much( )52. The boys wanted to go

23、to the place again tomorrow because _ A. it was a good place B. they got a lot of fish thereC. there was a mark on the side of the boat D. they were good at fishing( )53. Bruno was ready to(准备) make a mark because _ A. he was older than his friends B. he had a pencil in his handC .he was the clevere

24、st of the three D . he had the same idea as Bruces( )54. The line they drew was not _A. thick B. useless C. easy D. useful( )55. They should make a mark _A. thicker and color it red B. on the fish C. in the lake D. on every boatBA woodcutter(伐木工) was working in the forest one day when he found a box

25、 full of gold coins. Unfortunately, his wife was the kind of woman who could not keep a secret. Somehow, he knew, he had to prevent(阻止) her from talking about the gold. He thought about this for a long time, then had an idea.“ I found something in the forest”, he told his wife, “come with me and Ill

26、 show you.”.His wife followed him into the forest and soon they came to a tree.“ Look at that!” the woodcutter said to his wife, and pointed to the tree. “Theres a fish growing on that branch!” His wife was surprised ,especially when he climbed up the tree and brought down the fish for her to see.Th

27、ey walked on and soon came to the river. “Ill just pull in my net and see what Ive caught”, the woodcutter said.He pulled in his net and inside there were several hares(野兔). “How interesting!” he said “there are now hares in the river.” After that, they came to where the woodcutter had found the box

28、 of gold. “Look, wife”, he said “this is what I have found. A box of gold coins.” The next day, his wife could not stop herself from telling her friends about all the wonderful things she had seen.Of course, nobody believe her!( )56. Where did the woodcutter find the box of gold?A. When he was worki

29、ng B. In his garden C. In the forest where he was working D. On his farm fields, where he was farming( )57. The woodcutters wife couldnt keep a secret, could she?A. No, she couldnt. B. Yes, she couldnt C. No, she could D. Yes, she could.( )58. Where do you usually see hares?A. In the street. B. In t

30、he forest. C. In the river. D. In the sea.( )59. Why did his wife tell her friends what happened? Because _A. she was very surprised. B. she wondered why the hares were in the river and fish was in the tree C. she could not stop herself D. she was very happy( )60. Which statement is right?A. The wif

31、e was very foolish. B. Fish often lives on a tree.C. Hares often live in the river. D. The woodcutter was very clever.CPeople in our part of the country like living in caves(窑洞,山洞). It is a nicer and better living space than an ordinary (普通的,平常的)house. Its warm in winter and cool in summer.There are

32、 two kinds of caves, earth ones and stone ones. The earth caves are dug(挖)into the hill side. The first thing to do is to find a place with the right kind of soil. The soil should be of good quality(质量). Earth caves dont last well. Usually they last only thirty years.Stone caves are better and stron

33、ger. They are more expensive to build than both earth caves and ordinary houses. An ordinary houses wont go more than thirty years without major repairs. A stone cave will last four or five hundred years. It doesnt need major repairs. Sometimes you need just some paper, wood or paint for windows and

34、 walls.People live in caves can enjoy the beauty of the nature all year round.( )61. The cave is _A. an ordinary house B. a beautiful house C. an office D. a nicer and better living space( )62. The caves are _A. earth caves B. stone caves C. ordinary house D. earth caves or stone caves( )63. About t

35、he earth, which of the following is wrong?A. The earth caves are dug into the hill side.B. The earth caves can last four or five hundred years.C. The soil of the earth caves should be good caves .D The earth caves are cheaper than stone caves.( )64. About the stone caves, which of the following is w

36、rong?A. They are more expensive than earth caves and ordinary housesB. They can last four or five hundred yearsC. They need major repairsD. They need some paper, wood or paint for windows and walls.( )65. If you live in a cave, _A. you can enjoy the beauty nature all year round B. you feel very dirt

37、yC. you feel very cold in winter, and hot in summer D. you will spend more money九 选择正确的句子完成对话。(如果选E,请同时涂C和D)(5分)A. But if I dont do now. Ill never do it.B. But money isnt everything, son.C. Dont you think its really exciting?D. I know you want to be happy.E. Why not?A: You shouldnt join the Lions.B:

38、 66 A: If you become a professional soccer player, youll never go to college.B: But I really want to play soccer. I want a job I love, I want to be happy.A: 67 But there are many interesting jobs youd like.B: But my dream is to play soccer! 68 A: Of course its exciting. And I know you want to make a

39、 lot of money, _69_B: I know. _70_座位号_学校 级_班 姓名_ 学号_ 考号_密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题卷II三. 11_ 12 _13 _14 _15_十句型转换。(5分,每空0.5分)71. He is going to visit her uncle next week.(对划线部分提问) _ _he going to visit her uncle?72. The boys were playing when I got there.(改一般疑问句) _ the boys _when I got there? 73. Will you take t

40、he train to work?(改同义句) Will you go to work _ _?74. He didnt go to bed before ten oclock .(改同义句) He _ go to bed _ten oclock.75. “How old are you?” Jack asked her.(改为间接引语) Jack asked her how old _ _.十一 用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分,每空0.5分)76. He is one of the best _ (sing) in Japan.77. The old man makes a _ (live)

41、by selling fruits.78. Im against _ (stay) here. We must go now.79. How_ (luck) that boy felt!80. She said she_ (watch) TV at this time yesterday.81. Japanese companies have already made robots_ (walk).82.The football player is _(popular)than you.83.He invited her _(dance)for me.84.I think I_(stay) a

42、t home tomorrow.85.My sister would like_(be)a movie star.十二.根据汉语提示完成下列句子(10分,每空0.5分)86.我们本应该在车站见面的,但他没去。We_ _ _meet at the station, but he_ go there.87.他说他和同学们相处得很好。He said he _ _ _ _his classmates.88.上周考试时他很紧张。 He_ _when he had the exam_ _.89.我访问西安时就爱上了它。I _ _ _ _it when I visited Xian.90. 你不应该和你的母亲争吵。You_ _ _ _your mot

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