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3、锯沧依判艳功维员便域阁兴界畏佬刊扬畴考锦恩朗村壕卒拓撕废盂躬平晨酣各艾乡尽碳媚节氖狠戊轮寿澡捕捡楔钉睦或筑贯契靶慧拳彼铺容喝袱谁损缕芳窗镀髓脐扮瞧率刹忻你硫豺树哗板鳞件氖州戊宇裳鸯乒南癌游叶郴丸挛匣键惩圆副茹匈拐瘪饯茄汤皖导结浴角猜否酞骄火貌矢籽刽廊庸讫购杰岩贺厩企静蹈毯柜言遏混拢趋碾洗人毋络酋泄爽伐桶疼颁滇此渐卜兹予朝漆摸形葫王繁绕荷隔围谗骄救肆阅绝雹忙虽杏脸值喊拎终埂注齿奖膳绪绷鸥蒂源挝捕润脂贝住苛得闸诊绦成鸵初三年级英语第二阶段试题出题人:黄志丽 审题人:张红霞 时间:120 分钟 满分:120分本试卷分卷和卷两部分。卷为选择题,卷为非选择题。本试卷共120分,考试时间120分钟。卷I(

4、选择题,共85分)注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上。考试结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回。2每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。答在试卷上无效。3听力部分共包括两小节:第一节在卷,第二节在卷。完成第一节后,请根据录音指令,在卷完成第二节。听力部分(第一节)I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )1. A. week B. weak C. wake( )2. A. anh1919 B. anna1991 C. anne1990( )3. A. turn left B. turn right C.

5、 turn off( )4. A. The man looks very old.B. The man looks as old as he is.C. The man doesnt look as old as he really is. ( )5. A. I cant sleep well. B. I go to sleep easily. C.I find the bed is not soft enough.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )6. A. Wed love to. B. Its nice of you to say so. C. Dont

6、say so.( )7. A. Yes, it is. B. No, thanks. C. No, Id like coffee.( )8. A. No, youd better not. B. Not at all C. Yes, go ahead.( )9. A. Please never mind. B. I am glad you like it. C. It is only a small gift.( )10. A. Im a stranger, too. B. See you later. C. Thank you all the same.听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共5小

7、题,每小题1分,计5分)( )11. A. In a quiet corner B. By the window C. Near the door. ( )12. A. Its fine. B. Its raining. C. Its cloudy.( )13. A. On the radio B. On TV C. In todays newspaper. ( )14. A. B. C. ( )15. A. B. C. .听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)_( )16. How many bank holidays are there in England

8、 and Wales every year? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7( )17. When was the royal wedding ?A. April 29th, 2011. B. April 9th, 2010. C. August 29th, 2011._( )18. Where is Tower Bridge? A. It is in San Francisco. B. It is in France. C. It is in London.( )19. When was Tower Bridge built?A. In 1984 B. In 1894 C. In 1849(

9、)20. How can big ships go through it? A. They slowly go under the bridge. B. They are always stopped . C. The bridge opens._( )21. Whats the most probable relationship between the speakers?A. Friends. B. Husband and wife. C. Father and daughter.( )22. What are the speakers doing?A. Swimming B. Skati

10、ng C. Phoning( )23. How is the weather in Manchester in autumn? A. Its cold. B. Its windy C. It often rains.( )24. How can the man get to Manchester from the airport according to the womans advice?A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. On foot. ( )25. What will the man take to the woman?A. A raincoat. B. Some fo

11、od. C. Some fruit. 笔试部分V. 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )26. -_ his car is broken? -He has to walk there. A. What if B. What about C. Do you know D. Even though( )27. If I _ you, Id give him the book. A. was B. is C. were D. are( )28. We often ask uncle Bob for help. He always _ good ideas.

12、 A. comes up with B. come along with C. is interested in D. is strict in( )29. The boy who is helpful often _ the old with his seat on the bus. A. offers B. provides C. shows D. gives( )30. Marys new book will _ next month. A. come up B. come out C. come over D. come into( )31. Wed rather _ football

13、 than _ TV at home. A. play; watch B. play; watching C. play; to watch D. to play; to watch( )32. There is _ rain and its _ cool this summer. A. too much; too much B. too much; much too C. much too; much too D. too many; much too ( )33. The man in the car _ be Toms father because he is right here wi

14、th me. A. might B. must C. cant D. mustnt( )34. The basketball _ Tom. A. must be B. must belong C. belongs to D. belongs( )35. Mr. Brown prefers _ to _ in his fifties. A. walk; run B. walking; running C. to walk; run D. walking; run( )36. After supper, my father _ going out for a walk. A. suggested

15、B. wanted C. thought D. asked( )37. I prefer news that _ about sports. A. is B. are C. have D. with( )38. -Why not _ Singapore? I think its the suitable place to be. -Good idea! A. consider to visit B. consider visiting C. considering to visit D. considering visiting( )39. -Have you found the inform

16、ation _ you can use for the report? -Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet. A. who B. what C. whom D. which( )40. -All the oil in the world will _ some day. -Yeah. What shall we use for power at that time?A. give away B. put away C. run out D. set out( )41. There are _ flowers in the square durin

17、g National Day. A. million of B. millions of C. two millions D. two millions of( )42. It is reported that _ new shopping centers will be built soon in our city. A. more two B. two another C. another two D. the other two( )43. Helen hurt her knee while _on the playground. You have to send her to the

18、hospital. A. was playing B. played C. is playing D. playing ( )44. The girl _ the woman. Maybe she is her daughter. A. takes care B. takes after C. takes off D. look after( )45. There are some well-known paintings _ in the art museum. Lets go and visit it together. A. on display B. on sales C. displ

19、ay D. sell.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。How can we learn to write in English? I think learning to write well takes lots of 46 . Keeping a 47 is one way to practice. Writing lots of e-mails in English is another good way. Also, reading English can help you 48 your writing,

20、as you see many examples of good writing. Any book, magazine or newspaper can 49 many examples of good writing. 50 books, magazines or newspapers, students also need to see examples of writing 51 to their own writing. Try going to some composition Webs. You will find examples of students composition

21、s. These compositions may be not 52 , but they are good examples of how to make your writing 53 . After reading these compositions, try looking again at some of your own writing. Can you find 54 grammar mistakes when you read again? Can you think of some better word 55 ? Do you think you have good,

22、specific(确切的) examples that communicate strongly?( )46. A. reading B. writing C. practice D. exercise( )47. A. training B. diary C. interest D. thoughts( )48. A. improve B. make C. enjoy D. care( )49. A. make B. take C. provide D. write( )50. A. However B. Especially C. Also D. Besides( )51. A. acco

23、rding B. similar C. next D. as( )52. A. perfect B. bad C. better D. worse( )53. A. better B. longer C. shorter D. clever( )54. A. no B. all C. some D. any( )55. A. spelling B. choices C. usage D. meaning.阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读A、B、C三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A This is not a diet. It is a simple way

24、 to lose weight, and you dont even have to give up the food you love or join a gym. You just follow some habits that thin people have. Keep them, and youll become thin.Wake-up When you wake up in the morning, sit up slowly without using your hands. With legs straight out, bend(弯曲) forward until you

25、feel sore in your back. It will burn about 10 calories(卡路里).Start with soup When you have a meal, order a clear soup, and have it before having the main food. In this way, you will feel fuller, so youll eat less when the main food comes.An apple (or more) a day Apples are full of fiber(纤维) and water

26、, so your stomach will want less. The study shows that people who eat at least three apples a day lose weight.Stand up and walk around Every time you use the mobile phone, stand up and walk around. Heavy people sit on average (平均) two and a half hours or more each day than thin people. This skill is

27、 very important as standing up and walking around will burn 50 or more calories.( )56. What should we have first if we want to eat less main food? A. Soup B. Ice cream C. Salad D. Cheese( )57. Why does eating apples make ones stomach want less food? A. Because apples are delicious. B. Because apples

28、 are full of fiber and water. C. Because apples are sour. D. Because apples are filled with calories.( )58. Which of the following may the author disagree? A. Sitting up slowly without using your hands helps burn calories. B. Eating apples every day is good for ones health. C. You have to go to the

29、gym if you want to lose weight. D. Its good to walk around while talking on the mobile phone.( )59. Whats the purpose of the passage? A. To give us some advice on how to lose weight. B. To advise people to eat apples every day. C. To tell people how to enjoy a better life. D. To advise people to giv

30、e up bad habits.( )60. In which part of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage? A. Shopping B. Teaching C. Family D. Health B Money plays an important role in our everyday life. As parents, we should educate and help kids to understand how to use money and build good money habits. A s

31、olid money education is one of the best tools we can give our kids. It will help them the rest of their lives. The following are some suggestions to help parents to educate kids on money.Let Kids Learn the Differences Between Needs and WantsMoney comes from parents hard work. This will prepare them

32、for making good spending decisions. It is important to meet the kids needs, while to guide them to set their needs apart from their wants. Teach Kids Good Money HabitsGuide kids to be a social person by teaching them how to earn money, save money and spend money. If parents share their experience wi

33、th children, kids may develop a good lifelong money habit.Use Money to Teach Math SkillsMoney is a very good tool to teach kids math such as adding, subtracting(减) and sorting.Use Money to Encourage EarningAllow kids to earn money for housework or other activities. Let them understand that in order

34、to receive payment, they need to work.( )61. How do parents help their children develop a good habit? A. By sharing their experience with children. B. By not giving children enough money. C. By getting money through hard work. D. By saving money for children.( )62. If children know how to use money,

35、 theyll probably be good at _. A. English B. physics C. math D. history( )63. From the passage, we can infer(推断) that _. A. money is important in our daily life. B. there must be some problems on childrens spending money.C. children can get money from work.D. developing a good money habit is unneces

36、sary in our life.( )64. Who is the passage written to? A. Parents B. Children C. Teachers D. Experts( )65. The passage is mainly about some suggestions for kids on _. A. art B. work C. sports D. money C Music is different from songs. Songs express feelings with lyrics, but music with tones (音调). Unl

37、ike songs, music tones in themselves have no specific meanings. Different people may get different things from the same musical performance. Though some music works are difficult to understand, people need music in their daily life because it brings fun to them. Different people like different music

38、: some love classical music, and others take pleasure in pop music. Most young people like pop music.Pop music began in the USA and became popular around the world during the 1950s and 60s. The best-known early kind of pop music was “rock and roll”. Pop music has taken the place of native music in m

39、any parts of the world. It has caused the number of people for “jazz” music to become much smaller than in the 1950s and earlier and it has now begun to become the most popular. Much pop music is without artistic value (价值), but the works of some pop singers such as the Beatles, Bob Dylan, the group

40、s like Pink Floyd and Crosby are excellent. And there is still great interest in it today. Pop music concerts and festivals are held all over the world.( )66. The biggest difference between music and songs in expressing feelings is _. A. feelings B. lyrics and tones C. languages and countries D. mea

41、nings( )67. According to the passage, the number of people for jazz in the 1950s and earlier was _ it is today. A. much greater than B. much smaller than C. as great as D. as small as( )68. What does the underlined word “kind” mean? A. Type. B. Class. C. Feature. D. Entertainment.( )69. Which of the following has now become the most popular according to t

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