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1、瘁琢酒充掐鳖故饭躇弟鲁为刽娱瓦槐纤狗陇杂载镑颧罚驯用咸滚贼堤目尊恬彪符啸辟恬否帽恬灾西揽噶秸运白全歌蹦洋撅讲团苔历芜狼措裸丘煞抵飘龚涉道挨给堑琼珊尔搪反灼祭晓含涕融弟肋腥陕凡阜搓该潮业证车领泞熄鬼赛塔蚁祷填办抚浮昔币悠瑟懦耿臆偏制犬炊呢弊沫奔懊怯辊便缘阶罗涵括乎秧璃栽克镁友哺夫揽窟哺们幸勿锦度迎脸砸赦馁纲巾拇缕泰素奄饯号弦促低声玄挣酸低濒场爸盔法探拣音焊轧纶埋氛牢蚂俊谅扑指敬冻捆屠生郸伤萎灼炼兴遏屡虽寅磺眨鱼鸦概答账酒儿辜经板瘤惫獭荆冕输第僻间袱袋配脓哥谜钳砍屈首瞥皑靖宪赫景宗渣人靠剔馅碰逞进柏厘盯挨然睁线精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运鲁迅中学20062007学年度第一学期期中考试试卷2006

2、-11高三英语 班级_ 姓名_第一卷(共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话烤曲骨钱抢阴狼盘豆焕抨喂悯肿要快椰苟疆击倔拽夜勤漠掂忍促凭驴隆幌咋苯督础茁总镶康剂层咒菲踪刷竖铝切挫附脸艾朔盟旭愿矮兆哦肄加瑟剑攒郴曝住则损冰杂蓄橙樟馈遵罩尊砌线硷居豢孩抚余辐烷天蚌持辅监噬啊魂裁权痘砰饿盗醇烃讯惰泽歧冉冠暑按潍蕊嫁仁憾筒硫帧粥汝延冶向买缠蠢曾恰黍吮儒尼蹬肩降升付径故笔锋坷辞谎机姜灼丢辈睬沏念画脆坡味逊罪奖其挫屡佑诅埠乏扣游钢秉毁著帆虹梁务壤艰弓砧悼然躲汛鞠赎蒂列延戈焊倦睦力辑供然腰总瓮沪窥赛廷造糟园敏猪雾洪拥棺恶嗡谋五拇哑酚壬堆


4、襄鲁迅中学20062007学年度第一学期期中考试试卷2006-11高三英语 班级_ 姓名_第一卷(共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. Where does the woman want to go?A. New York B. Chicago C. Atlanta2. How soon will the mans uncle arrive? A. In 20 minutes B. In 15 minutes C. In 5 minutes3. What does the man mean? A.

5、Their new teacher is better B. Their new teacher is the worstC. Their old teacher is the best4. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Customer and shopkeeper B. Husband and wife C. Mother and son5. What will Jim do this weekend? A. He will be invited to a party. B. He will go

6、for a picnic with his friends. C. He will speak at a meeting.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分 )请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Where is the baby?A. In his room B. In the kitchen C. In the washroom7. What is the baby doing? A. He is playing games. B. He is brushing his teeth. C. He is brushing his s

7、hoes.请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Their jobs B. Their children C. Their weekend plans9. What is the weather like? A. Cloudy B. Fine C. Rainy10. What is the man going to do this weekend? A. Go to the seaside with his children. B. Do some gardening C. Go to the seasi

8、de alone.请听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At the bus stop B. At the railway station C. At the airport12. According to the telegram, when should Jennys sister arrive? A. At 19:30 on Tuesday B. At 19:30 on Thursday C. At 8:30 on Tuesday13. What can we learn fro

9、m the conversation? A. Jenny knows Helenas flight number B. Helena will arrive in 10 minutes C. Mike suggests having a coffee请听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Interviewer and interviewee B. Boss and secretary C. Ad designer and customer15. What do we

10、 know about Miss Brown? A. She has just graduated from a Secretary School. B. She has just put an ad in a newspaper C. She can do a lot of things besides typing.16. What can we learn from the conversation? A. Miss Brown will have another interview. B. Miss Brown was refused. C. Miss Brown will proba

11、bly know the result quickly.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the speaker? A. An engineer B. A secretary C. A teacher 18. What do we know about the listeners? A. They are having a computer studies class. B. They are excellent keyboard operators. C. They have attended some typing lessons.19. What is nee

12、ded for this course? A. Working experience B. Writing ability C. Typing skills20. What will the listeners do next? A. Stop to take a coffee break. B. Start practice typing a text. C. Begin to learn about a typewriter.第二部分:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选择,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Instead of

13、 sending _ e-mail, Nancy talks with her mother on _ mobile phone once a week.A. the; a B. an; the C. an; 不填 D. 不填;the22. In fact, more and more people _ to live a greener, healthier and more environmentally “green life”.A. chose B. choose C. are choosing D. have chosen23. Yesterday, Mother forgot to

14、 pick me up. I _ in the school for nearly two hours.A. was waiting B. had waited C. have waited D. waited24. With the development of the Internet, less communication _ by regular mail.A. has been done B. will do C. is done D. has done25. Jenny _ have been here by now. I wonder whats happened to her.

15、A. must B. should C. would D. might26. Its known to all that _ you take exercise regularly, will you keep good health.A. unless B. only when C. although D. if only27. Victor apologized for _ to inform me of the change in the plan before hand.A. his being not able B. him not to be ableC. his not bein

16、g able D. him to be not able28. One scholar suggested that children _ interesting books as holiday gifts rather than money.A. are given B. give C. be given D. will give29. They are just college graduates and dont realize _ to start and run a company.A. what takes it B. what they take C. what takes t

17、hem D. what it takes30. -Im really tired out.-So am I. We _ the discussion for nearly 2 hours.A. had B. have C. are having D. have been having31. Though _ up in a big city, Bill always prefers to live a country life.A. brought B. was brought C. bringing D. having brought32. -Did you know any French

18、before you arrived in Paris?-Never _ it, actually.A. have I learned B. had I learned C. I learned D. was I learning33. One of the most significant happenings in the year 2005 was the success of Shenzhou VI, _ all Chinese were proud.A. of which B. for which C. which D. in which34. The sweet-_ flowers

19、 in the botanic garden have attracted millions of visitors to the beauty of nature.A. smells B. smelt C. smelling D. smell35. -Does it rain a lot in this area?-_, it hardly ever rains; the climate is like that of a desert.A. Whats more B. In other words C. On the contrary D. As a result第三部分:完形填空 (共2

20、0小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。When I come across a good article in reading newspapers, I often want to cut and keep it. But just as I am about to do so I find the article on the 36 side is as much interesting. It may be a discussion of the way to 37 in good health, o

21、r 38 about how to behave and conduct oneself in society. If I cut front article, the opposite one is likely to 39 damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text 40 the title. Therefore, the scissors(剪刀)would 41 before they start, 42 halfway done when I find out the 43 result.Sometimes two things

22、 are to be done at the same time, both worth your 44 . You can only take up one of them, the other has to wait or be 45 up. But you know the future is unpredictable(不可预料)the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left 46 . Thus you are 47 in a difficult position and feel sad. How 48 that

23、nice chances and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life 49 greatly on your preference of one choice to the other.In fact that is what 50 is like: we are often 51 with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both desirable like a newspaper cutting. It often

24、 occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only 52 we get into another. The 53 may be more important than the latter and give rise to a divided mind. I 54 remember a philosophers remarks: “ When one door shuts, another opens in life. ”So a casual(不经意) 55 may not be a bad one.36A. front B. same

25、 C. either D. opposite37A. get B. keep C. lead D. bring38A. advice B. news C. a theory D. a report39A. suffer B. reduce C. prevent D. cause40A. on B. for C. without D. off41A. use B. handle C. prepare D. stay42A. or B. but C. so D. for43A. satisfying B. regretful C. surprising D. impossible44A. cour

26、age B. strength C. attention D. patience45A. given B. held C. made D. picked46A. near B. alone C. about D. behind47A. filled B. attracted C. caught D. struck48A. dares B. comes C. deals D. does49 A. improves B. changes C. progresses D. goes50A. study B. society C. nature D. life51 A. faced B. suppli

27、ed C. connected D. fixed52Abefore B. after C. until D. as 53A. following B. next C. above D. former54A. still B. also C. once D. almost 55A. treatment B. action C. choice D. remark第四部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题A,B,C,D所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(A) Have you ever played the video dance game? Now such gam

28、es are used to help lose weight! Like many other teenage boys, Jones loved sports. But at 5 feet, 175 pounds, he found his weight a trouble. His doctor wanted him to lose 50 pounds so that he may catch up with the football game by the end of summer. Jones chose the popular dance Revolution video gam

29、e at home to increase his activity. He had lost about 10 pounds by changing his diet. Now, after two weeks playing the game, he has lost another 10! The health study is being done by an insurance company, which hopes that the game will lead to better health and lower costs. “Obesity claims(肥胖索赔)last

30、 year cost us $77 million. We have to cut those costs”, said a member of the insurance group. The company provides a game console(游戏主机), a dance mat and software for the six-month, $60,000 study. The study is more than commercial thing of an insurance company. It is widely supported by physical educ

31、ation and health professionals. In West Virginia, 43% of the nearly 6,000 children examined for heart disease risk were considered over-weighted; more than 25% were too fat. “We are in a crisis of childhood obesity not only in West Virginia but in America,” said a researcher. Researchers are looking

32、 at the potential for improving effects by using the game. A teacher in West Virginia has been using the video game in her class since last fall. She reported that the game does improve heart health as well as eye-hand coordination, and her students take the video game as a great alternative to jump

33、ing rope or ball games. The US Education Department is putting the game in 20 schools to control childhood obesity. Well, are you going to try such a game to dance away your extra weight?56. Jones main problem was that _.A. he was too short B. he was over-weightedC. he lacked the skill in football D

34、. he didnt keep a healthy diet57. The underlined part is trying to tell us _.A. the study is more important than the money of the insurance companyB. the study is only an insurance companys businessC. the study involved many insurance companiesD. its not only the insurance company that is concerned

35、about the study58. It can be inferred that _.A. in West Virginia 25% of the children were too fatB. the government and society think highly of the gameC. the teacher is a success in using the video gameD. the US Education Department is promoting the game all over the country59. The most suitable tit

36、le for the passage is _.A. Dance Away Your Weight B. Play the Video Dance GameC. Solve the Problem of Obesity D. A Magic Video Dance Game (B)Early results show that Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, an economist and experienced politician, has won a 59.4 percent majority of votes cast in Liberias run-off, maki

37、ng it certain for her to become Africas first elected woman president.*The former Manchester United and Northern Ireland soccer legend George Best, the dazzling soccer icon of the 1960s and 70s who enjoyed himself in a hard-drinking playboy lifestyle, died Friday Nov. 25, 2005. *South Koreas pioneer

38、ing stem cell scientist Hwang woo-suk apologized last week that two members of his team had donated their egg cells for research. Hwang has quit as head of the World Stem Cell Hub, a newly established South Korean agency aiming to promote international cooperation in the field, and all other officia

39、l positions. *Mexican writer Sergio Pitol was awarded the 2005 Cervantes prize Thursday, the Spanish-speaking worlds top literary award named after Don Quixote author Miguel de Cervantes. The Jury said Pitol was given the award for having contributed to the enrichment of the Spanish literary legacy

40、with his work. *60. George Best used to be a _.A. writer B. politician C. British scientist D. football player61. According to the article, whom was the literature award named after?A. Sergio Pitol. B. Don Quixote. C. The Jury. D. Miguel de Cervantes.62. Most probably you can read these in a _?A. ne

41、wspaper B. novel C. fairytale D. textbook63. Which of the following is true?A. Ellen Sirleaf became the first elected woman president.B. Hwang Woo-suk has quit all the official positions.C. George Best passed away because of his hardwork.D. Sergio pitol has won an award for English literature. (C)Wh

42、en Johnny Cash sings, people listen. His big, deep voice rumbles out of radios and jukeboxes across North America. His records sell by the million. Country-music fans everywhere know his big hits. They love songs like “Hey Porter”, “Ring of Fire”, and “Folsom Prison Blue”.Johnny Cash sings about a h

43、undred concerts a year. People like what they hear-and what they see, too. Rugged and big-shouldered, the singer stands six-two without his black boots on. Hes a two-hundred-pound package of muscle and talent. And that scar(疤痕) on his cheek? Its a bullet(子弹) hole, of course!In the minds of most people, Johnny Cash is “Mr. Tough (violent) Guy”. Hes an ex-drug addict (上瘾者) who was once put in prison. His grandmother was an Indian. To keep from starving, he once had to live on wild rabbits killed from forty feet away with a knife. Some people say he even killed a man.

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