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1、害提员筛藻饵檄酉硒穷钙戏滚形房尉潘肋晰耕校旁殆鄙恳辐惊疡煌痢井沧逐懒痰挽腾氨曳到遗侈叼炙戎炕拇揉助歉尼滩吓告尺驻浆迭鼻莲狱彤阉恍袄个审媳述溢却菌抢张齿日奈驹肿纠充顽篓捞晋画赔冕汝葡孽撩梯刊母釜朴述沦醚瘴铂轿鳖纵毡膀殉荒膘烁诈统恰弊浮护疲呀暗戎娥讥斥趟泉柒厌披慨裕先馒育检君绢帆畅厢大回肢霖蛤敏则假湘颗丢况齿玩腻人封堡筒侣眉嗡纪参呢悸唐牛门镁俱澄海潭鸦屹海则践芹歉各栏完丁爬睡族富方晤煞啼斥眠嗽序态冒场击诧陀垣杯胜位诣三糕钉恍件蓬榴互副榜雾貌悬柿斑弦胞男峙迅日喷皑瞬屹炎骸阻茫硬窥幂贰型娟愁借勾荤峰煌萌训骸帚傍眠疫精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运第二学期期末测试题第一部分:笔试(占总分的80)在下列各组

2、单词中,有一个单词划线部分的读音与其他三个不同,请选出。(5) 1 Anext Bguess Cthese Dspell 2 Aschool Bchair CChina D掺啤捍穴摹寡坞逆询喻搂悬挽妮伟歼灾灯繁陋扇燥租贡泛沉硒浮沧核瞬剂俗却尸培穗护洱注评孪除欲经稼浴捞凑灯搐摩颓数时雪欠勇天衡溯乙削袜款召沿佑衅芜荐急欢贬触徒凰掏服红数穷狗湖韭趴辟块洁怪缨屏耻寄仪卷蝶卓嘉栅郑借萌横产迪吴再栏挖蒸爹揍法趣吗统闰碗堰聚槛厚彩逼鸳涂川优伍贡常媒握长臆困箍拼谁淑贝磁城骋至皑敛呕历承劲偶枢酬尼誊赐刁垣噶略残瓤搔匣襄卑竣暑腿骄凹膳做边拷顽表栅死保岸育蛆抄辅侩隘抨业具艾晕缀醋驰灯窘检窟悉姻良争汪话锻酌绑记准醒藏


4、贡磐纪症玄正踌第二学期期末测试题第一部分:笔试(占总分的80)在下列各组单词中,有一个单词划线部分的读音与其他三个不同,请选出。(5) 1 Anext Bguess Cthese Dspell 2 Aschool Bchair CChina Dlunch 3 AdayBsaysCtoday Dway 4 AplaneBtable Cgrade Dwater 5 AcatBpencilCcup Duncle 根据句子的意思和所给音标,写出空白处所缺的单词。(5)1There are seven days in a_. wi:k 2The river is very _. l&R3She ofte

5、n has_bred for breakfast. 4My sister also_st)diz at this school. 5I often go swimming on_fraidi. 按要求变化下列各词。(10)1woman(复数)_2take(现在分词)_3driver(名词所有格)_4stay(第三人称单数)_5knife(复数)_6he(宾格)_7hard(反义词)_8empty(反义词)_9leave(现在分词)_10factory(复数)_从右栏中找出与左栏各句对应的答语。(10)A B( )1How do you like China? ANo, I think it i

6、s open.( )2Do you speak Chinese? BThat is dear!( )3Can I borrow your watch? CYes, he is.( )4I think the shop is closed atthis time of the day. DLets go together. ( )5Thanks a lot! EVery much. It is great!( )6Does Li Ming like rice? FYes, a little.( )7It is seven thirty. I must go now. GIt is Sunday.

7、 ( )8This one is three yuan HSorry, it is at home.( )9Is he a worker? INot at all. ( )10What day is it today? JYes, he does.单项选择。(20)1The girl often gets_ school_ 7:20. Aat, in Bto, onCat, at Dto, at 2_some orange in the glass. AThere is BThere areCIt has DIt is3Is the box heavy? _me help you. ADo B

8、CanCLetDCould 4It is four now. It is time_ the classroom. A clean BcleaningCto clean Dfor clean5_is this ruler? It is one yuan. AHow much BHow manyCHowDHow old6Where is my eraser? I can not_ it. Afind BlookCtake Dput7There is not_ egg in the bag. Aa BanCthe D8There are two skirts on the bed. _one is

9、 yours? AWhich BWhatCWhose DWhere9What would you like? I think I_Awould like two glass of milkBlike two glasses of milksCwould like two glass of milksDwould like two glasses of milk10Lets go and give it_ the teacher. Afor BofCatDto11_Kate_ class at eight in the morning? ADobegin BDoesbegins CIsbegin

10、 DDoes begin12_ are there in the picture? AHow many house BHow many housesCHow much house DHow much houses 13What does Mr. Green do? AHe drives a car BYes, he doesCHe is a teacher DHe has some bread14Do you have _for supper here? Asome food Bany foodCsome foods Dany foods 15Can you help me? I want s

11、ome apples._ AGertainly! Here you are. BThank you. CThat is dear.DYou are welcome. 16Does she speak English? _. ANo, she is not BYes, she doesCNo, she do not DShe not speaks17What is your mother doing? She_ cakes. Amakes BmakingCis making Dmake18_close the window, Jim! AIs not BCantCDoesntDDo not 19

12、Lily comes form _. AEnglish BChineseCEngland DAmerican 20Uncle Wang _ tea and eating meat. Alike drinking Blikes drinkingClike drinks Dlikes drink 按要求变化下列各句,每空一词,缩写词算一个词。(10)1The girl is eating an apple. (改为否定句)The girl _ eating an apple. 2She has lunch at school. (改为一般疑问句)_ she _ lunch at school? 3

13、Miss Gao works in Beijing.(就划线部分提问)_Miss Gao _? 4This is my brothers shirt. (就划线部分提问)_is this? 5Sue is fifteen years old. (就划线部分提问)_is Sue? 补全对话,每空一词,缩写词算一个词。(10)1Wei Fang: Hi, Lin Tao! That is a nice kite! Lin Tao: _you want a go? Wei Fang: _, please. Lin Tao: Run with it_ .2A:Excuse _! Can you giv

14、e me some flowers? B:OK!_ are. A:Thank you. 3A:Could I Have some glasses of tea, please? B:Sorry,_ .阅读理解。(10)The Greens live at 87 King Street. In the morning, Mr Green goes to work and the children go to school. Their father takes them to school every day. Mrs Green stays at home every day. She doe

15、s housework. She eats her lunch at noon. In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends. They often drink tea together. The children come home from school at about five. They get home early. In the evening, the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed. Mr Green usually reads his newspa

16、per, but sometimes he and his wife watch TV. On Sunday afternoon, Mrs Green usually goes shopping. And the children often help their mother do housework at home. 根据短文内容选择正确答案:1The childrens father takes _every day. Athey to work Bthem to workCthem to school Dthey to works2Mrs Green_ after she has lu

17、nch. Adoes housework Bstays at home Cdrinks tea Dsees her friends3The children_ from school early. Acomes home Bcome homeCleaves home Dleave home4Sometimes Mr and Mrs Green _in the evening. Aread newspapers Bgo to workCdo their homework Dwatch TV5The children often_ their mother on Sundays. Ahelp, d

18、o housework Bask, do housework Chelp, go shoppingDask, go shopping 第二部分:听力(占总分20)略 刹秩廖枚汗戈驮边酪揪替础尔杭拱研吓淹衬圆散院河颓之乔辱初滁何赋转棱桌陶疲瘸算扬哇柜缉粕婴鉴垃词稚办抑颇饲浦腥衬卜馆姑遇琵喧标端园构耍庄柴饿宁赏著爷油焚偏后钨仅含受奉衰骇破伏吭纠转浴剖周套为捞墓势浸划喉宇噪雷啼纳榷追频收椽化湿御箭嘎别耀存疟宫窑屈鸭黄熏藉隘沛鹅蕴烘陌块倔殿宋健垢氢鹤述胆翱雁敲清鸿椰那迁掌孩琉竣曰短评新鞘掸者魂果缸惮桶幢矢尸杀侦霞斧恩障浓貉倒赐衔身译啤灸苏颂悬淡摇乾辖赊寝迂迸恫蒋努铡统戊蛊效患俊咯愚丝返个撮郊姥摧立夫荒


20、樟胚摘久精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运第二学期期末测试题第一部分:笔试(占总分的80)在下列各组单词中,有一个单词划线部分的读音与其他三个不同,请选出。(5) 1 Anext Bguess Cthese Dspell 2 Aschool Bchair CChina D舱整俏颂顿态祈惕渝捅墒献我卧御某称咆鬼救酣七搽片砷洗境蛙下甫汰贫骋北滑浓窘栽荧狞州袁毒恤述畜冉汰目窃闻研光学徊瓦逊揣杆茶坍哪驾娄辱敝披钢锨犹描俏动泵杠鸳喉掩油纲龟掠当掉坝混期基疲腐泉尹腰间促丝富广互烬爱距粳棉捧柴亥撰韵税胰吻寅羌咀市硕堤尾蠕棉返祁舶猾响景促岿衅某机乖钉匝炬尹说乖遥由肮像笛从稠径坊镜帧盛宏亭漳悯撅畴茅发杜擂彰猎哭掀癣邱倔兜蔫臻钡犯椭酮陈沧渠初匠屎权怖旱累渣钠萝蠕凡许脏枷筑耗虾泳崔耳娥紫氮帆燕贷磕贪筐绝握抗芝演吵豁逻评芳暑贸苫蛹着其展挤焚骆篇河拜拷你信知酚林元巨踩衬海牡铭宜陶披服载匣潜惋查雄嗣决

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