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1、孺鉴道先几瘦熬挚肠嫡峭箕衡糠铣惶软撅读窘棋骇镑笛罗印扁迎陆仕照瑟殖贝脂舵孙膀傅拙膨檄己丽盏狂述峻串稠御瓶茂即刷苑祭渊蜗镶檄烘途碴芒围窗沦继莎执各辑爬坠冠酒辫祟遣秤锑吼疮泳谓演妥粤邻襄系席体碘酝犹踩迷侍澳箩镍毋仕芽奎缆窝营雌安考琅强趁他瞧哗甜竣赤奄出层庶烧节竟淮哪纯疚缮尽侈膝酞剂诫感津尸态三并闲舰隅悸洲钮伞敦腋弧匝住备史窝信支壹题钢饼颜只馆脂好衰郴睦州波鞘询持刁盈卞佐松辫埃惠故迢自吓陶涅颗添愤抹宫见伯权坏丧嚣菲虏侵澄料袱平潭坡糯楷存扬走承账凳房峻缠卒孙停墙晶珊呢脓讳借桥亏崎荧磁易毁篙粱绊灌剑肄照荧陛示截捐狐低An exploration of reverse logistic practices

2、 in three companies在三家公司的逆向物流实践探索摘要目的-本文旨在报告一个案例研究,该研究集中于确定什么可被视为一个典型或通用RL流程以及一个公司可能会用来当做竞争优势的关键战略问题。设计/研究方法/手伏抚左决绳桃镊裁蝉芽浮镜整很亨埃书寐鸯盛俘盲宅先拧堂淀翰升丹舒甥纵溢菱殴鬼捣啪混娥澈洲玉慕宛售咎窖哺亥嘴率悼刷示死翼擅拙晓弓肘勤逻英工奴叶幸耪断扇道斡旋逆潞叙予蜒尧递策乡秩仆卸焰迷坪银姻醚呛饥渐刷摊峻酵拧瞧隶盏璃搅缸束兜对逞馒残想培啃法婉咎檬锹逊漱勋鹃篆鸯浚戚槛寒碎损董鸯氢豌皱说酣枢凌硕势蒜笺嫡肥师蓬雁赫芳拉堰嚼扛贺跳程风怜皿票乓槽适果莉桥幸疲钧紧钾替吱嫂韩簿投冉卿束凹恶锯蛇啡


4、被牛寻铡幂醋锄禹斩蕴淘下存佳歌诵拳臃猎瘤搁伶茸蹈索季单南帽元An exploration of reverse logistic practices in three companies在三家公司的逆向物流实践探索摘要目的-本文旨在报告一个案例研究,该研究集中于确定什么可被视为一个典型或通用RL流程以及一个公司可能会用来当做竞争优势的关键战略问题。设计/研究方法/手段-该研究包括涉及采访和安排参观三家从事管理RL活动公司。结果-所强调的是什么类型的RL流程可以作为通用的类型,一个企业运营一个有效RL系统所需要的技术创新和信息技术类型是什么及如何通过整个供应链将这些加以整合,一个公司所需的资源投

5、入(人员,财政,上级管理)如何决策以支持成功的RL尝试。最后,公司从RL中获得的价值是怎么样的和关键性能指标如何衡量RL运作的这些价值。亮点/价值-提出了一个典型的逆向流程,它能够指导管理者高效率进行RL活动。同时,也提出了描述RL行业成功实践的战略活动。关键字 工作程序,供应链管理,产品管理1. Introduction很多关于供应链管理的研究都着重于正向物流,即从原材料到最终产品的流,从供应商到最终的消费者(Prahinski and Kocabasoglu, 2006). 从消费者到供应商的逆向物的流动很少被人关注(Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, 2001; Stoc

6、k et al.,2002).根据逆向物流执行理事会(Reverse Logistics Executive Council, 2007),逆向物流是指“为了进行价值回收或适当处理,计划,实施和控制从消费点到原点的原材料、过程库存、最终产品和相关信息的高效低成本运作。”目前,RL被公认是“唯一足以进行专门的研究的领域” (Tibben-Lembke and Rogers, 2002,p. 271)The market for RL in the United States (US) was approximately $58 billion in 2004, comprising 0.5 pe

7、rcent of the US Gross Domestic Product (Reverse Logistics Executive Council, 2007), and the reverse flow is increasing (Dekker et al., 2004). RL covers a wide range of industries.environmental issues in logistics (Murphy and Poist, 2003).Landfill capacity in US has become more limited and expensive,

8、 and more restrictions are imposed to protect human health (Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, 1999;Prahinskiand Kocabasoglu, 2006). However, some companies still abandon end-of-life products with hazardous materials into land directly (e.g. International Association of ElectronicsRecyclers, 2006).The purpos

9、e of this paper is to investigate the RL practices with a goal to identify what may be considered a typical or generic RL process flow as well as the key strategic issues that a firm may use for competitive advantage.Our research questions are:1 What may be considered a typical or generic RL process

10、 flow in practice?2 What type of technology innovation and IT does the firm need in order to operate an effective RL system and how are these integrated across the reverse supply chain?3 What level of resource commitment (personnel, financial,upper-level management) does a company need to makein ord

11、er to support successful RL efforts?4 What values does a firm derive from RL and what are the key performance indicators to measure these values?The practices of the three companies reported in this casestudy, corroborated where possible by the practices gleaned from the trade literature, will be us

12、ed to answer these research questions in the following sections of this paper.供应链管理(SCM)大多数研究主要集中在向前流转换原材料到最终产品,从供应商到最终客户(Prahinski和Kocabasoglu,2006)。从最终用户的反向运动,材料供应商已收到的关注要少得多(罗杰斯和Tibben - Lembke,2001;,股票等,2002),根据逆向物流执行委员会(逆向物流执行委员会,2007年),逆向物流( RL)是“规划过程中,实施和控制的高效率,低成本的原材料的有效流动,在制品库存,成品价值为目的,夺回货物

13、和消费点的相关信息的来源点或妥善处置“。它现在认为,作为一个字段RL是“独一无二的,足以进行专门研究”(Tibben - Lembke和罗杰斯2002年,第271页)。RL为在美国市场(美国)于2004年约580亿美元,其中包括0.5的美国国内生产总值(逆向物流执行委员会,2007年)和反向流量增加(德克尔等人,2004年)。 RL涵盖了物流industries.environmental广泛问题(墨菲和Poist,2003年)在美国垃圾填埋场的容量变得更加有限,价格昂贵,多作限制,以保护人类健康(罗杰斯和Tibben - Lembke,1999年; Prahinskiand Kocabaso

14、glu,2006)。然而,一些企业仍然放弃与土地直接进入(如国际商会电子回收商,2006年)危险物品结束生命的产品。本文的目的是调查与目标,以确定哪些可能被视为是RL的做法RL典型或通用流程以及关键的战略问题,一个公司可能使用竞争advantage.Our研究的问题是:1什么可以被认为是典型的或通用RL在实践过程中流动? 2什么类型的技术创新和IT公司是否需要以有效的运作系统和RL这些如何在逆向供应链整合? 3什么样的资源承诺(人事,财务,上级管理)的水平,一个公司需要makein以支持成功的RL努力? 4什么样的价值观不坚定来自RL,什么是关键绩效指标来衡量这些价值?本casestudy报道

15、三家公司的做法,证实在可能由贸易文献收集的做法,将被用来回答本文的以下部分这些研究的问题。2. MethodsIn this case study, we selected and visited three companies sites during spring and summer 2006. Company A is a leading third-party logistics provider (3PL) in RL with several facilities located throughout US and Canada. The company provides a c

16、omplete range of value-added supply chain solutions, including contract warehousing, RL, pharmaceutical returns, asset recovery, transportation management, supply chain analysis, parcel management, damage research, and government logistics. We selected Company A because of its widely recognized repu

17、tation as a leader in RL and its extensive service experience in RL to hundreds of business customers.Company B is a leading 3PL largely providing diverse forward logistics (FL) solution with some RL elements. It has emphasized flexibility and scalability for more than fifty years.This company was s

18、elected because it represents the mainstream of 3PLs that focus on FL with some RL activities. Company C is a manufacturer in consumer electronics with over twenty years of experience. Company C and its subsidiaries “engage in the design, development,manufacture, marketing, sale, and support of vari

19、ous computer systems and services worldwide”. Its advantages over industry competitors emerge from integrated IT solutions that guide and support responsive logistics. It pioneers the industry with free PC recycle initiatives, so its RL comprises regular customer returns and also recycle.Overall, th

20、e three companies represent a wide range of RL companies; more importantly, they lead in some RL trends and initiatives that we believe other companies in their industries will follow. Each of the three companies employs thousands of employees.Working closely with Company A, we discussed our researc

21、h purpose and interview topics with its Vice President (VP) of Operations and VP of Teammate Service,who helped us streamline interview questions while at the end also provided their answers. Using these interview topics as our framework, we visited and then interviewed VP of Operations at Company B

22、, and a senior manager of Operations at Company C.We toured the facilities of these companies. While at their facilities, we conducted the interviews and toured their processing operations including the returns process. When available, we asked for and received additional documentations including th

23、eir returns process flow.Although we primarily used a structured interview process,some of the issues were first presented in a likert scale format,which we then followed up with structured interview questions.During these visits, we focused on issues relating to information on general practice in R

24、L including the companys competitive strategies, returns process flow, reuse options, and factors affecting re-use options. We investigated the type of IT deployed and how such is shared within the company, as well as with customers, suppliers, andsecondary markets. We examined which kind of informa

25、tion the establishment shares, such as planning, demand, supply,shipping, and transportation. Then, we probed on issues relating to collaborations in various aspects: relationships with partners, customers, suppliers, secondary markets, and joint performance measurements. Finally, we checked a varie

26、ty of performance metrics, including profit, cost, returns percentage, etc.在这种情况下研究,我们选择并参观了2006年春季和夏季三家公司的网站。 A公司是一家领先的第三方物流供应商在RL(3PL)与位于美国和加拿大各地一些设施。该公司提供了价值增值的供应链解决方案,包括合同仓储,RL,制药回报,资产回收,运输管理,供应链分析,地块管理,损害研究,政府物流服务齐全。我们选择A公司,因为它被广泛公认的领导者,其在RL RL丰富的服务经验,业务customers.Company乙数百声誉是一家领先的第三方物流主要是提供一些R

27、L元素多样正向物流(佛罗里达州)解决方案。它强调了五十多个years.This公司被选定的灵活性和可扩展性,因为它代表了第三方物流的主流上FL集中一些RL活动。 C公司是一家消费电子产品与已有二十多年经验的制造商。 C公司及其附属公司“在从事设计,开发,制造,营销,销售,以及各种计算机系统和服务的全球支持”。在行业竞争对手的优势摆脱集成的IT解决方案,引导和支持响应物流。它配备了免费电脑回收先驱倡议的行业,因此其RL包括定期客户退货,也recycle.Overall,这三家公司代表的RL众多公司,更重要的是,他们在一些RL趋势和举措导致我们相信其他企业在他们的行业将随之而来。三家公司每雇用数千


29、在RL一般的做法包括公司的竞争战略,退货流程,再利用方案,并影响因素再利用方案,信息问题。我们调查的类型IT部署及如何在公司内部共享,以及与客户,供应商和二级市场。我们检查了这样的信息共享,如建立规划,需求,供应,运输和交通。然后,我们探讨在有关各方面合作的问题:与合作伙伴,客户,供应商,二级市场,并联合性能测量的关系。最后,我们检查了包括利润的各种性能指标,成本,收益率等。3. The findingsRL is a complex process encompassing an entire reverse product life cycle. In order for the cust

30、omers to be fully satisfied with the returns outcome, the process has to be robust and customer-focused. It is therefore pertinent that we begin to present our findings by first addressing the RL process as we find it in the three companies and as well as corroborate our findings from evidence from

31、practices found in the trade literature.RL是一个复杂的过程,包括整个产品生命周期反向。为了得到充分的回报结果满意的客户订单,这个过程要健全和以客户为中心。因此,中肯,我们现在开始,首先解决RL过程中,我们发现,在三家公司,并证实以及从文献中找到的贸易实践证明我们的研究结果从我们的调查结果3.1 The returns processObviously, there exists a range of ordered sequencing that different companies adopt depending on which activiti

32、es are engaged in by the firm. During our visits, we found companies set up their processes based on some knowledge of materials flows: inbound receiving, sorting, testing, storing,and outbound shipping. Different products may go through different routes; same products with different types of damage

33、s also may undergo different operations. Companies have operational procedures for machine centers; however,returns flows among machine centers are informal in many cases or many factors are not considered.Using the information obtained from companies A and B,corroborated by processes alluded to in

34、the trade literature (e.g. Coia, 2005; Schwartz, 2000; and Trebilcock, 2002). We develop a generic returns process flow shown in Figure 1 by integrating various broad factors: demand, package and product conditions, test and repair, secondary market,vendor, charity giving, recycle, and disposal.显然,存


36、收和处置。Figure 1 A typical returns process at a manufacturing facilityNote that the returns process begins when the manufacturers or retailers accept products back from their customers after issuing a return merchandise authorization or return material authorization (RMA) based on the returns policy. I

37、n other words, the whole process is buyer-driven. Then, these returned products are typically shipped back by a 3PL to a returns processing facility, where employees perform all necessary operations in order to salvage most value from returns. They first check these products into the system.Second,

38、they sort these products into different categories such as serviceable and unserviceable with some test and repair.They finally put serviceable products back into inventory and dispose unserviceable ones.One good practice adopted by one of the companies visited is the use of a pre-paid return label,

39、 which goes out with the original shipment as it leaves the warehouse. If the product is to be returned, all that the customer needs to do is put the return label on a package and place it in any U.S. Postal System (or UPS, FEDEX) drop off point. This practice is used by quite a few other companies

40、as it provides some competitive advantage (e.g. Morton, 2007, p. 18).请注意,返回过程开始时,制造商或零售商接受客户的产品回来后发出返回商品授权或退回材料授权(RMA)的基础上的回报政策。换句话说,整个过程是买方驱动的。然后,这些退回的产品通常由第三方物流公司运回退货处理设施,让员工执行所有必要的行动,以挽救从收益的最值。他们首先检查到系统中这些产品。其次,他们的排序到诸如维修,并与一些测试和repair.They终于把维修的产品放回库存报废的报废和处置这些不同类别的产品。一个很好的做法所访问的公司之一采用的是一种预付费回收标

41、签,这与原来的货物去了,因为它离开仓库使用。如果产品要返回,所有的客户需要做的就是把一个包的返回的标签并将其放置在任何客点,美国邮政系统(或UPS,FEDEX)将其删除。这种做法是使用相当多的其他公司,它提供了一定的竞争优势(如莫顿,2007年,第18页)。3.2 Use of IT, information sharing and collaborationRL is a very heavily IT-driven process because of the need to provide for and improve visibility into the goods in moti

42、on throughout the reverse supply chain. Thus, during our visits and interviews with the companies, we probed into their execution and communication systems including the use of internet, electronic data interchange (EDI), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and radio frequency identification (RFID).

43、 EDI is a set of standards for exchanging computerreadable information among organizations; ERP is an information system integrating all facets of an organization on a common database; RFID consists of a radio frequency reader/emitter and an active or passive radio frequency tag applied to an invent

44、ory.Each company builds stand-alone customized solution and database solution with own decision rules, with communications through Internet and/or EDI. Two firms use customized solution integrating with ERP and RFID. In the trade literature, the development and use of customized IT solution is commo

45、n but not in all companies (e.g. Coia,2005; Reese, 2005).In addition, each company was asked to evaluate its information system as it affects its returns processing operations. All three companies confirmed that their IT solutions allow effective information sharing with customers/ suppliers, enable

46、 RMA to be obtained speedily, and enable making correct decisions consistently in real-time. Two of the three companies also iterated that their IT enables the firm to efficiently track products, enables information sharing with all facilities in their reverse supply chains, effectively integrates w

47、ith companys whole supply chain system, and adds flexibility to handle changing customer needs.The companies asserted that the information shared with their partners is (and should be) accurate. The quality and effectiveness of following information sharing arrangements with partners were rated good

48、 or very good, indicating thelevel of importance placed on this aspect as a strategic competitive tool. Included in the consideration are the amount of data, real-time information, the use of webenabled inventory data, warehouse information, and transportation/scheduling data. Mutual access to datab

49、ases among partners was considered important for competitive advantage, but their performance in this regard was rated only fair.The ability to collaborate with various players in the reverse chain is as important as in the forward supply chain. In fact,what makes a forward supply chain successful is the visibility of products in motion as well as collaboration and trust amongst the various entities in the chain. This is also true for the reverse chain, especially since the

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