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4、,calm,involve,struggle,generous1Every athlete wants to participate in the Olympic Games to be held in Rio in 2016.2We admire those who have won honour for our country.3The lake is calm and clear,and one of the things that are reflected in the water is the famous tower.4Both my brothers are reporters

5、Covering events,meetings,or sports meetings is their duty.5The school often involves the children in all kinds of activities.6She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students which allows them to communicate freely with each other.7The long struggle that stops students using cellphones end

6、s in failure.8Many people wrote articles on why Liu Xiang had failed to compete in the event9I couldnt have gone through that bitter period without your generous help.10Harvard University,founded in 1636,is the oldest university in the United States.完成句子1As they know,the road to success(成功之路)is not

7、easy.2They are strict with(对要求严格)themselves and confident of themselves.3When referring to(当提到)the 2016 Rio Olympic Games,he became excited.4Its a pity that not all the athletes are fortunate to take part in(参加)the Olympic Games.5She saw a brook with red flowers and green grass on both sides(两岸有着红花、

8、绿草).联句成篇(选用练习、中的句子,根据语篇中的提示加以改写,完成语篇翻译)每位运动员都想参加将在里约举行的2016年奥运会。他们知道成功之路并不容易。运动员们对自己严格要求并且充满自信。很遗憾,并不是所有的运动员都能够有幸参加奥运会。我们钦佩那些为国争光的运动员。答案Every athlete wants to take part in the Olympic Games to be held in Rio in 2016.As they know,the road to success is not easy.Therefore,they are strict with themselv

9、es and confident of themselves.But its a pity that not all the athletes are fortunate to take part in the Olympic Games.We admire those who have won honour for our country.阅读理解AHumans: its time to abandon Earth or race extinction.It could be the plot of a summer blockbuster (大片),but this prediction

10、isnt science fiction.Its a glimpse of the future,according to famous British scientist Stephen Hawking.“I see great dangers for the human race,”he said in an interview with global forum Big Think.“There have been a number of times in the past when its survival has been a question of touch and go.”“I

11、 believe that the longterm future of the human race must be in space,”he said.“It will be difficult enough to avoid disasters on planet Earth in the next hundred years,let alone the next thousand,or million.”Hawking,who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom last year,has recently voiced many

12、 concerns about the future of life on Earth.“If aliens visited us,the outcome would be as much as when Columbus landed in America,which didnt turn out well for the Native Americans,”he said.“Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads (游牧民),looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they

13、can reach.”But Hawking says hes still hopeful for the future of humanity.He told Big Think,“Weve made remarkable progress in the last hundred years.But if we want to continue beyond the next hundred years,our future is in space.”Getting to another planet will prove a challenge,not to mention coloniz

14、ing it for humanity.Katherine Freese from University of Michigan told Big Think,“the nearest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri which is 4.2 light years away.That means,if you were traveling at the speed of light the whole time,it would take 4.2 years to get thereor about 50,000 years using current r

15、ocket science.”解题导语文章主要介绍了英国著名的科学家斯蒂芬霍金对人类未来的预测。1Humans are advised to abandon Earth mainly because Aaliens will take up our home planet soonBit was discussed in the forum Big ThinkCmany scientists like Hawking are concerned about itDmany disasters will happen on EarthD细节理解题。根据文章第四段可知,在接下来的几百年中地球上会有

16、许多灾难发生。故答案为D。2Thinking about the future of humans,Hawking feels that Ahumans cant live on Earth any longerBEarth will not be habitable for humansCother planets are ready for humans to reachDaliens are the biggest future threat to humansB推理判断题。根据文章第七段可知,我们虽然在过去的几百年中取得了卓越的进步,但是如果我们要在接下来的几百年中继续延续这种进步,我

17、们将来的生活空间在太空。据此可以推断出,未来地球将不再适合人类居住。故答案为B。3What is the writers key point in the last paragraph?AIt is impossible to get to another planet in space.BIt is urgent for Hawking to develop the space science.CThe near future cant see humans move to another planet.DThe planet Proxima Centauri is far away fro

18、m Earth.C推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的内容可知,人类借助现在的火箭科学技术,短时间内是不可能到达离地球最近的Proxima Centauri (比邻星)的,所以人类搬去另外一个星球在不远的将来是不会实现的。故答案为C。4This passage is most probably taken from Aa conference interviewBa science fictionCa history bookDa forum reportD推理判断题。文章主要介绍了斯蒂芬霍金对人类未来的预测,是在global forum Big Think上发表的自己的看法与观点,故文章最有可能摘

19、自论坛报告。答案为D。BI dont know why I did it.While the airplane was climbing,I was asking myself a lot of questions.For example,if the parachute(降落伞)didnt work,who would come to the United States to pick up my stuff?Suddenly,the master jumper asked me if I remembered all the procedures.I said,“Mm,yes.I do,h

20、old on,what was the third step?”Shoot,I didnt remember anything.He looked at me,and told me,“Dont worry;well be with you.”Then,I looked at my altimeter(高度计)We were at 10,000 feet.I only had two minutes to turn back.At that moment,I thought about my favorite saying“Alea Jacta Est”(There is no turning

21、 back.)I looked at the door,and I realized that the light had switched to green.We walked to the door.There were two jump masters who jumped with me.One was on my left,and the other was on my right.I followed all the steps,and then we jumped.I was flying!I looked at my jump masters.They were with me

22、,and they were smiling.“So far so good,”I thought.I relaxed,and I did all the procedures.I had to wait until I was at 6,000 feet to pull the cord.Things were working without problems.There was no noise except the sound of the wind.I was descending at 120 mph in 55 seconds of freefall.Then,I looked a

23、t my altimeter.It was at 6,000 feet.I made the “fivefive”signal with my hands by flashing that number with my fingers,and I pulled the cord with my right hand.1,0011,0021,0031,004.I almost stopped in the air.The harness was holding me.I looked at my parachute and saw that the cords were twisted,but

24、I drew them straight above my head,and they were straightened.I was at 4,000 feet.I could see the airport,and the place where I had to land.I was going to land in four minutes.When I arrived on the ground,I smiled.I had done it.解题导语作者描写了自己跳伞前的担忧和跳伞过程中的有惊无险,最终成功着陆的全过程。5How did the author feel before

25、he jumped out of the airplane?AExcited.BWorried.CRelaxed. DDelighted.B考查推理判断。根据文章第一段中的“if the parachute(降落伞)didnt work”以及第二段中的“Shoot,I didnt remember anything”可推知,作者在跳伞前,感到担心。6When the author pulled the cord to open his parachute,what happened?AThe parachute opened immediately and he floated in the

26、air.BThe cords were twisted but he managed to pull them straight.CThe “fivefive” signal went wrong by flashing with his fingers.DHe stopped in the air because there was strong wind.B考查细节理解。根据文章倒数第二段中的“I looked at my parachute and saw that the cords were twisted,but I drew them straight above my head

27、,and they were straightened”可知,降落伞的捆绑绳缠绕在一起了,但是作者拉直了它们,所以B正确。7Which is the best title of the passage?AA Successful ExperienceBSucceeding in ParachutingCFlying in the AirDThe Jump MasterB考查标题判断。本文讲述了作者克服担忧的心理,解决跳伞过程中的突发状况,成功跳伞的故事,故B项最适合作文章标题。A选项“一次成功的经历”,范围太广;C选项“在空中飞”,不能包括跳伞的全过程;D项“跳伞教练”。B(自主选做)(时间:

28、45分钟满分:100分).完形填空One cold January afternoon,Goy Jumper piled tenyearold Cara and her two sisters into his car and took them down to his pond.He and the girlswho lived with Coy and his wife most of the timewalked 1 through the pine forests,checking traps.But no 2 they were empty.As the sun melted 3 t

29、he horizon,the group turned back to 4 home.But as Coy walked along the bank,Cara 5 something wrong. 6 she saw Coy fall backward into the ponds deep water.When her grandfather didnt 7 immediately,Cara jumped in.It was too 8 to touch the bottom.With one hand,Cara grabbed the bank.With the other,she re

30、ached for her grandfather,making 9 in the dark water.Now Cara grabbed his head and pulled his face out of the water,but it was still 10 with his heavy body as Cara helped him toward the bank.“I cant get him out,”Cara 11 to her sisters,who watched from the bank.Anyway,she finally managed to control C

31、oy toward the bank and 12 him up onto ground.The winter sun had almost disappeared,and they were all 13 Cara knew shed have to get Coy to the car a quarter mile away.She helped him to his 14 and they slowly moved forward.It took a long time to make their way back.Sixty feet from the car,Coy fell.Fro

32、m there,he 15 to the car.His granddaughters helped him into the passengers side,and Cara got into the drivers seat.Coy had let the fifth grader drive through the fields around the house. 16 ,she felt nervous,but she stepped on the 17 “I was trying to get home fast,but I didnt want to get us 18 ,”Car

33、a says.When she pulled the car in,her grandmother was there to meet them.She had arrived home from work just a few minutes before.Goy spent six days in 19 Since the accident,he has stopped going to the pond 20 解题导语这是一篇记叙文。冬日的下午,祖孙四人来到池塘边查看捕的鱼,在池塘边,爷爷不慎掉进池塘里,10岁的女孩Cara不顾冬天寒冷的河水,跳进池塘把爷爷救上来,并开车把爷爷送回了家。

34、1A.awkwardlyBsleepilyChappily DlazilyC根据语境的叙述可知,爷爷带着孙女们到池塘边来查看捕获的鱼,此时孩子们应该是“快乐地”穿过松树林,故选C。A“尴尬地”;B“困倦地”;D“懒惰地”,均不符合语境。2A.chance BblameCgreeting DluckD空格后说捕鱼的那些网都是空的,因此这里说的是他们没有捕到鱼,说明他们不走运,故选D。3A.for BtowardCthrough DbyB语境中的“melted”意为“逐渐消失”,这里描述的是冬天太阳即将落山时的情景,故用toward“朝着,向着”。4A.head BlookCface Dleave

35、A根据语境可知,这里应用head“朝行进”:他们转身回家了。5A.noticed BcaughtCadmitted DrememberedA这里表示当Coy沿着岸堤走的时候,Cara注意到出问题了,故用notice“注意到”。6A.But BThereforeCYet DThenD先是Cara注意到出问题了,接着就看到爷爷Coy掉到池塘里了,故用Then来叙述事情发生的先后顺序。7A.survive BfleeCsurface DcontinueC根据上文中的“Coy fall backward into the ponds deep water”可知,此处应用surface“浮出水面”。8A

36、.late BdeepCcold DsuddenB根据上文中的“the ponds deep water”可知,此处应选B“深的”:池塘的水太深,难以触到水底。9A.way BcontactCsense DprogressB这里说的是Cara另外一只手在黑暗的水中到处探寻着,希望在水中摸到爷爷,故用contact“接触”。10A.careless BworthlessChopeless DendlessC这里说的是爷爷的身体太重,10岁的Cara在水中拖不动他,这样的情形实在让人感到绝望,故用hopeless“没有希望的,(感到)绝望的”。A“粗心的”;B“没用的”;D“无穷的”,均不符合语境

37、。11A.signalled BwhisperedCresponded DcriedD语境说她的两个妹妹在岸堤上望着水中的Cara,因此这里用cry表示“大声说,喊叫”:Cara对着她的两个妹妹大声说。12A.drove BsentCended DpulledD这里与上文中的“grabbed.and pulled.”相呼应,故用pull表示“拉”:她把爷爷拉上岸。13A.shaking BclimbingCrunning DholdingA冬天太阳落山后天很冷,他们都冻得直打颤,故用shake表示“发抖,颤抖”。14A.back BfeetCshoulders DhandsB根据前文中的Car

38、a把爷爷拉上岸及下文中的“they slowly moved forward”可知,这里用help sb.to ones feet表示“搀扶某人站起来”,因此选B。15A.ran BpushedCcrawled DfliedC爷爷体力不支,倒在了地上,向他开来的汽车爬过去,故选C“爬”。16A.Still BOtherwiseCMeanwhile DObviouslyA上文说爷爷曾经让这个小学五年级的孙女在自家房子周围的田野里开过车,下文应该是说Cara还是觉得很紧张,这里应用still表示“虽然如此,然而”。17A.door BwheelCcar DgasD结合语境来看,Cara是要开车把爷

39、爷送回家,根据空前的动词“stepped”可知,这里应用gas,step on the gas“踩下油门”。故选D。18A.controled BhurtCannoyed DcollapsedBCara说:“我会尽快到家,但我不想让我们受伤(hurt)”。19A.church BdarkChospital DtripC这里表示爷爷被送到医院住了6天,故选C“医院”。20A.alone BanxiouslyCfreely DsoonA这里表示爷爷从此再也不敢独自一人去池塘了,故选A“独自,单独”。.阅读理解When Alfred Nobel created the prizes that bea

40、r his name,he decided that they be given for work done in the previous year.But it has led to all kinds of troubleas it did once again this month,when the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology was awarded to a dead man.It is a complex story,one that could not have been foreseen when Nobel,the Swedis

41、h inventor,died in 1896.But it all traces back to his will,written at a time when international prizes were an original idea.Nobel did not say why he wanted to reward scientists who“made the most important discovery”during the previous year.One can guess that he wanted to reward presentday innovatio

42、n and not to give tombstone awards to Galileo,Hippocrates,and other scientists from centuries past.But will and science often got involved.The oneyear timing proved impractical; scientific findings generally need to be tested,sometimes for decades,before their value is appreciated.Perhaps to avoid t

43、he Galileo problem,the Nobel Foundation did state clearly that the award would be given only to living people; that rule was made formal in the 1970s.But the rule against posthumous awards has now been violated several timesmost recently this month,when the prize in medicine was given to Dr.Ralph MS

44、teinman,a scientist at Rockefeller University,who died three days before his election.His discovery,called dendritic cells,took place in 1917.The first posthumous winner was the poet Erik Karlfeldt.Karlfeldt had refused his selection in 1918 because he was a longtime member of the Swedish Nobel Acad

45、emy.When he was selected again in 1931,he had died that April.What happens if a candidate dies? The Nobel Foundation might consider changes at its next meeting.One possibility would be to withhold (阻止) the announcement of an award until a Nobel official hears the winners voice on the famous notifica

46、tion calls.解题导语诺贝尔奖是一个国际奖项,用来奖励前一年在科学上取得重大成就的人。诺贝尔基金会明确说明这个奖项只颁给活着的人,但科学发现需要时间来检验。诺贝尔奖能颁给死去的人吗?或许诺贝尔奖需要一些变革?1What did Alfred Nobel create the prizes for?ATo make himself remembered forever.BTo attract international attention to Sweden.CTo encourage contributions to mankind.DTo honor some dead outstanding discoverers.C推理判断题。根据第一段中的“he decided that they be given for work done in the previous year”和第三段中的“One can guess that he wanted to reward presentday innovation”可知,创立诺贝尔奖的目的就是奖励其所在时代的科学发现或重大成就。2Why has the Nobel Prize brought about trouble?AThe oneyear

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