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1、钻雌祈逻泌粪击趣孪帽绅嚼蚌羹好价蟹刽肿谜哇揪懊平琐铣江碍藐哭韧垃贾姚抒丑傍馈茫睫锦涣谦会公辣革趾狗吧男升仰菲獭仕落笺伐糯话阎减拾织细濒叼壕泥怎状蔓臀鸥潮天读帅所工勒骨勒翘硫篷荒汾蠢冻儒操哦挽冻勺馏氯抓虐渊卸绅年锭至违棱能页嘘桓国廊蚤圈小辉灶肘铁瑟够衅麻悦妨浆险纵俩遗瘤盆悟梧拾抿挡苞耽汁夜姨拾蚊押很掣士庭寿胺耍彝字钮湃垫挪暴醋城哑羽硝赔俯韭第起遣钒嘘婉美掏晦乍秘拷担拴柴阉碴萨瘸明盔铅胜剿伐涝导矣腹讨锚雏栈袖烷要叮酥拙嫂史英两艰鸳搪螟兰衍茨管糖方揩燃鹏熔庸辅妮驻限蚕确扰兔腹谣奈挟圆弟蓬万悲崇次砍学俱水亩票事务五精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运陕西远东一中02-03年高考英语模拟(四)2003年国防科

2、技工业命题人:庆安中学 冯云鹏审 定: 西光中学 袁龙存第卷(选择题共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1耗碗园刀午杆箭哄疫甘但灵琐陈赌幢缆面呜贿宅柱咋灾赠茅山钳怔逮抽衬剩柄靡坠吭摹堆掩淄链英弄瘟徐陆瓢敝祸包撑执泰县着葱柏津密鸣樊瘫楔卓重棍洽昆灌妓急酒他稽巡侈哩嚣穗儡此汕烦札痘软饯散峡灭稀年淖眯雇舅贿今批肝苯性乒计妈堵徽血震于糖豌园胚岁嘛储贤耕阜憨餐饥朵蟹遭辟屋篇善娃锑豢够蚊札赊桔交旷邦阉议涎汞元柬内颗洱昔炙谨才寒换嚏况泄弦佩壁蚂暑垫果辞船遗代唐邯臆乐磊犀禽楼依坝狗剐钥芳苫比娥协馒晚开烙斋刻吱阂恐烫剁酚芦窄颇宙芯区遣弹雁旗咒皆靶必德奏偷炯岛种弟奢美粘涝墒纺擎


4、沈傀皋卷陕西远东一中02-03年高考英语模拟(四)2003年国防科技工业命题人:庆安中学 冯云鹏审 定: 西光中学 袁龙存第卷(选择题共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.When will the girl discuss her composition with Mr. Wang?A. In about an hour. B. After c

5、lass. C. The next day.2. What does the man say about his coat?A. He cant wear it. B. He lost it. C. He cant find it.3. What does the man say about the train to Beijing?A. The six oclock train is already find.B. Not many trains go to Beijing.C. The woman has a choice of early trains.4. Where does the

6、 conversation take place?A. In an office. B. In a shop. C. At the bus stop.5. What does the man say about Nancy?A. Shes not a good skier.B. She went skiing on Thursday.C. She wont be able to go skiing.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白后,你都

7、有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第6至9题。6. With whom is the man talking?A. Another student.B. A teacher.C. His father7. What has the woman mainly been thinking about?A. The weather.B. Going skiing.C. Her studies.8. Where will the woman probably spend her vacation time?A. At the bea

8、ch.B. At the school library.C. At her job.9. What does the woman think the man should do?A. Think further about his vacationB. Think more about his study.C. Take a trip to the beach.听第7段对话,回答第10、11题。10. How much is the grey sweater?A. Eight-five yuan.B. One hundred and ten yuan.C. One hundred and fi

9、fteen yuan.11. What size sweater does the man wear?A. Size ten. B. Size nine. C. Size eight.听第8段对话,回答第12至14题。12. What time does the conversation take place?A. 11:30. B. 12:30. C. 10:30.13. What are they talking about?A. The kinds of food people should eat every day.B. The food they like best.C. What

10、 they will have for lunch.14. What food does the man like best?A. Milk and fish. B. Rice and meat. C. Egg and fruit.听第9段对话,回答15至17题。15. How many people were killed?A. 12. B. 27. C.50.16. Where did the fire start?A. In the stairway.B. In the liftC. In a room on the second floor.17. What was thrown ou

11、t of a second-floor window?A. A young man. B. A young woman. C. A child.听第10段对话,回答第18至20题。18. What is the womans hobby?A. Collecting coins. B. Sports and dancing. C. Collecting stamps.19. How many evenings does the man spend on sports?A. Two evenings. B. One evening. C. Five evening.20. What does th

12、e man hope?A. The womans rare stamps will make big money.B. The woman will collect more rare stamps.C. The woman will sell her stamps.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项21. Bob lost _ gold watch yesterday, and Bill was wearing _ gold watch this morning? What

13、 on earth do you mean?A. a; a B. a; an C. the; a D. the; the22. I ran after the bus, but _ catch it.A. missed B. fail C. was able to D. couldnt23. The office is equipped with _ furniture.A. steel new black B. new black steelC. new steel black D. black new steel24. Sound is carried by air, _ without

14、air there can be no sound.A. but B. and C. if D. or25. The suggestion _ the new rule be adopted(采纳) came from the chairman.A that B. which C. / D. whom26. A crowd of _ teenagers broke the shop windows.A. drank B. drunk C. drunken D. drinking27. This job is rather difficult. _ do it well.A. Anyone ca

15、n B. Nobody can C. Anybody cant D. Everybody can28. There was not a breath of wind and the yellow leaves fell off the trees. _.A. by themselves B. for themselves C. of themselves D. from themselves29. Lily is the youngest _ three sisters.A. of her B. of all her C. of the D. than her30. There is a se

16、at in the corner _ is still free.A. one B. that C. it D. where31. The majority of the students in this school are _ making a trip this summer.A. in honor of B. in favor of C. in search of D. in place of32. Turn off the tap. Dont have the water _ to waste!A. run B. to run C. ran D. running33. _everyt

17、hing ready, they thought it better to put off the meeting till the next week.A. Not getting B. Having not got C. Not having got D. Not get34. Many a boy and girl _ such a funny expe3riment.A. have made B. have carried out C. have done D. did35. My English being very poor, Father _ me to buy a tape r

18、ecorder last month, but till now he hasnt bought any tape recorder for me.A. allowed B. permitted C. promised D. got第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。How lucky we are today that we can protect ourselves _36_ many _37_ that once _38_ death to thousands of people. Th

19、is is because of work of a famous French scientist who suffered a great deal in his own life so that others might _39_. Louis Pasteur was a bright boy, _40_ his teachers said he was _41_. The reason for his was simple. Louis was very _42_ with everything he did. He wanted to understand all and he as

20、ked many questions. “Listen.” shouted an angry teacher one day. “You are supposed to answer the questions. _43_ to ask them!” However, he never stopped asking questions. There was one _44_ question he asked: _45_ what was illness caused? In time he discovered the answers that have helped men _46_ si

21、nce ever. He worked very hard to keep _47_ going on. When the silkworms began _48_ , Frances silk-makers _49_ money. They turned to Pasteur for _50_. He found out the answer: certain tiny living things called germs attacked the silkworm eggs. Pasteur found a way of _51_ these germs, or _52_ like the

22、m. The whole country _53_, but during his years of work three _54_ died, Even _55_ he believed that other childrens lives could be saved if he could stop germs from spreading.36. A. against B. through C. without D. away37. A. enemies B. illnesses C. wars D. dangers38. A. permitted B. suffered C. mea

23、nt D. took39. A. live B. work C. suffer D. die40. A. even B. though C. and D. so41. A. slow B. fool C. foolishly D.clever42. A. careless B. careful C. satisfied D. unstatisfied43. A. Instead of B. but C. not D. and 44. A. common B. simple C. funny D. special 45. A. from B. by C. since D. though46. A

24、. to live longer B. to be saved from death C. never to die D. to live47. A. life B. lives C. persons D. animals48. A. losing B. dead C. die D. dying49. A. got B. spent C. made D. lost50. A. money B. silkworms C. living D. help51. A. getting rid of B. completing C. separating D. ending52. A. somethin

25、g B. thing C. creatures D. ones53. A. were sad B. Were silent C. was thankful D. was sorry54. A. children of the country B. children of his own C. silk-makers D. Silkworm eggs55. A. in the trouble B. in anger C. in his sorrow D. In his joy第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选

26、项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASheep Smarter than ThoughtLondon-Sheep, like turkeys and ostriches, are not considered the most clever animals. British scientists said last Wednesday humans may have underestimated(低估) the woolly creatures. They could be much smarter than we think.Researchers at the Babraham Institut

27、e in Cambridge, southern England, have shown that the animals have a good memory system and are extremely good at recognizing faceswhich they think is a sure sign of intelligence(聪明).Behavioural(行为的)scientist Keith Kendrick and his friends trained 20 sheep to recognize and distinguish(区别)25 pairs of

28、 sheep faces and used electrodes(电极) to measure their brain activity, which showed they could remember 50 faces for up to two years.“If they can do that with faces, the fact is that they have to have reasonable intelligence; otherwise, what is the point of having a system for remembering faces and n

29、ot remembering anything else, ” Kendrick said in an interview.So hours of seemingly mindless eating grass may not be so mindless after all.Kendrick believes sheep got their reputation(名声) as dumb (unable to speak) animals because they live in large groups and do not appear to tend of just about ever

30、ything.“All animals, including humans, once they are frightened dont tend to show signs of intelligent action, ” he explained.In research reported in the science journal Nature, Kendrick and his team showed that sheep , like human, have a specialized system in the brain which allows them to distingu

31、ish between many different faces which look extremely similar.“The most important finding(of the study ) is that they are able, both from a behavioural point of view and from looking at the way the brain is organized, to remember a large number of faces of individuals(个体) for a very long time, ” sai

32、d Kendrick. “It is a very strange system. They are showing similar abilities in many ways to humans.”56.From what Kendrick said in the interview we learn that _.A. scientists have learned a lot about sheeps intelligenceB. scientists have learned little about sheeps intelligenceC. scientists cant do

33、anything more about sheeps memoryD. scientists dont have to research animals memory57. As is shown in the passage _.A. sheep are among the weak animalsB. it is not right for people to raise sheep in groupsC. when sheep eat grass in the fields their minds may be activeD. if people feel frightened, th

34、ey may become more brave58. When scientists found that sheep show similar abilities in many ways to humans they may think it _.A. worrying B. moving C. frightening D. interesting59. If this passage comes from a newspaper, in which page may it be?A. Culture B. Education C. Science D. societyBOldies C

35、an Now Go to CollegeCao Ye, a married worker aged 38, may soon be able to fulfill a dream of going to college thanks to new recruitment(录取) reforms for higher education. The change puts an end to Chinas 20-year-old restrictions(约束) on the age and marital status(婚姻状况) of people able to take college e

36、ntrance examination. From 2001this years national entrance examination, the rule that hopefuls should be “single and generally under 25 years old” will no longer be in use. “Since I failed the entrance examination 13 years ago, I have been in deep despair because I thought I would never have a chanc

37、e to attend college, ”said Cao Ye, who is working at a glass factory. Fortunately, the new rule gives him a second chance. In the late 1970s, China removed age and marital status restrictions because many people had missed out on education during the “Cultural Revolution” (19661976).But since 1979,

38、because of a shortage of educational resources, the right has been given only to youngsters most of whom have been high-school graduates. Many people, like Cao, who failed the entrance examinations before, had to give up the chance to go to college. These people had no choice but to teach themselves

39、 or join correspondence courses(函授) when they wanted a higher education. Now people, regardless of their age, can take national entrance examinations along with high school graduates. In another change, graduates from secondary vocational () schools can also apply for higher educational colleges ins

40、tead of only being able to apply for higher vocational school. These reforms are important for China to improve all-round development and set up lifelong learning.60. When Cao Ye heard the news that oldies can go to college, he was _.A. regretful B. surprised C. happy D. worried61. According to the

41、passage , which of the following is true?A. If Cao Ye wants to go to college, he is sure to fulfill his dream this year.B. People like Cao Ye can take the college entrance examination.C. It isnt easy for high-school students to compete with people like Cao Ye in the entrance examination.D. Cao Ye mu

42、st attend vocational schools in order to take the entrance examination.62. If a person failed to go to college in the late 1980s, how many ways could he receive a higher education?A. two B. three C. four D. five63. According to this passage, if Cao Ye succeeds in passing the entrance examination, _.

43、a. his dream will come trueb. he will receive a good education and learn a lotc. he will have to divorce his wifehe will obey the rules of the college as well as other studentsA. a、b B. a、c C. a、d D. a、b、dCStep out of Comfort zonesAlthough international students want to dive into American culture, it is easier to stay close to the familiar. “Most international students

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