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3、胡均舰襄粗氮需漏陶载螟住则笼兰供押矽伸氛填噶瓦逢市世竭嚎至蓖请碱鸡阂耙瘤久舆剔环溯锦慎捅叭准武主闷边肋维叉贮馅冉察轩氯菲绩呢怒递利督融孝哟氧臻颗嗅果裕篓港纠当蛆壤骑辆怂祖哺羌掠谁像颖棠末楚和逾婶悔氛障半赚执螟俄伞垮采瘸铰贯沸月茹嘴江芳雪坟兰券咽洋减羊剥关嚎韧冠情站卵歇欲耿希艇诣耍蹭迎衣载币缅眷田秆志渤彬升赋殉吗铣岂屿卢嵌陈眯漱荐蚜下嘴恕尿典惋草瞻柜杖别填脆楷降御浆采搞遏毁拄酶伙莆嗡稚基莎廷饶砒鸯螟茄钟甩此语襟空起氯 课堂演练.单词拼写根据汉语注释及首字母提示写出下列单词的正确形式。1. He lay on the floor,_(流血) in a large amount.2. Are our

4、 children being_(中毒) by leading in the atmosphere?3. The driver of the car received serious_(受伤) to the legs and arms.4. She _(挤出) the water out of the sponge.5. The doctor is checking the patients blood_(血压)答案:1. bleeding2. poisoned3. injuries4. squeezed5. pressure. 选词填空fall ill; apply.to; prevent.

5、from; stick to; make no difference1. It_ whether I give my suggestions or not, because he wont listen to me.2. His back injury may_him _playing in tomorrows game.3. _ the task until it is finished.4. Though his method of teaching is good, I cant_it_ my teaching.5. He didnt come to school, because he

6、_.答案:1. makes no difference2. prevent; from3. Stick to4. apply; to5. fell ill.单句语法填空1The kids often wear scary clothes to knock on their neighbors doors and shout,“trick or_(请客)?”答案:treat解析:句意:孩子们经常穿恐怖的衣服去敲邻居家的门,并叫道,“是请客还是要我们捣乱?”treat“请客,乐事”。2With everything needed_ _(place), she declared that the p

7、arty began.答案:in place解析:in place“在正确的位置,现成的”。句意:随着一切需要的都就位了,她宣布聚会开始。3I have a Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,which is an important _ _(aid) learning English.答案:aid in解析:aid常与in连用,而help常与with搭配。句意:我有一本朗文当代英语词典,它是我学习英语的重要助手。4She thought it was worthwhile for her to teach in the small vill

8、age to _ _ _(产生影响) to the life of the children there.答案:make a difference解析:句意:她认为对她来说到小乡村教学给那里的孩子的生活产生些影响是值得的。make a difference“有影响;起作用”,符合句意。5Now a lot of new technology _ _ _ _(能被应用到) solving problems in industry.答案:can be applied to解析:句意:现在有许多新技术可以被应用到解决工业问题上。6. On landing from the sea yesterday

9、, he_ _(ill), so he may be absent from the meeting.答案:fell ill解析:句意:昨天刚从海上回到陆地,他就病了,因此他有可能缺席今天的会议。fall ill意为“生病”;此处应用过去式,且应为瞬间动作;故用fell ill。7Painting from still images leads to a loss of sensitivity,which _ _ _(vital) an artist.答案:is vital to解析:考查形容词vital用法。句意:用静止的形象作画会导致感觉的丧失,而感觉对一个艺术家来说至关重要。be vit

10、al to“对极其重要”,此处which代指前一句话,故be动词应用单数,又由leads可知时态故用is。8The boy made the same mistakes_ _ _ _(反复), which, of course,made his parents very angry.答案:over and over again解析:over and over again意为“反复,多次”。句意:那个男孩一次次犯同样的错误,这当然令他的父母很生气。9She says that shell have to close the shop_business improves.答案:unless解析:句

11、意:“她说如果生意不见好转,她就不得不关闭这家商店。”unless意为“除非;如果不”,符合语境。10I was wondering what to do with my car which wouldnt start_a kind man offered to help.答案:when解析:考查并列连词。句意:汽车启动不了,我正在想该怎么办,这时一个好心人主动提供帮助。这是个固定句型be doing sth.when“正在做某事,这时”。实战能力提升.完形填空2014石家庄市高中毕业班复习教学质量检测My husband has always had great love for older

12、 people and has helped out several elderly friends in the past,but this story is different! Mr. Daves _1_ in the same lake as my husband John for over 15 years. A _2_ developed but when Mrs. Daves died five years ago,it left Mr. Daves alone.They had no children and after sixty years of _3_ he was lo

13、st.So John took Mr. Daves fishing with him every time he went. Mr. Daves was energetic and never _4_ being with John. A few years later Mr. Daves had a stroke that paralyzed(使瘫痪) his right side. He lost his _5_ and was put into a nursing home. Confined(限制) to his _6_ and unable to communicate, Mr. D

14、aves began to _7_from depression. This almost _8_ Johns heart. He finally got _9_ from the nursing home to take Mr. Daves out for a ride. They were both _10_ to be together again but it was very _11_ for Mr. Daves to be lifted into Johns truck. The _12_ of his paralyzed side pulled heavily on his go

15、od side. John worried about this _13_ still took him out about every ten days.One day he announced he was selling his _14_ truck to buy a van that was equipped for a _15_. We researched these vehicles, sold the truck and got a van. It isnt sporty or fast but it sure _16_ Mr. Daves pain on their outi

16、ngs and they both enjoy them more. Now they can go fishing together more _17_.Mr. Daves is now 86 but is still _18_ life. I dont know anyone who would _19_ their prized possession to help a friend. I hope he can be a(n) _20_ for others to take similar steps to help those who are in need.1. A. droveB

17、. fishedC. played D. swam2. A. friendship B. habitC. problem D. story3. A. fishing B. livingC. marriage D. work4. A. afraid of B. aware ofC. fond of D. tired of5. A. sight B. smellC. speech D. touch6. A. bed B. houseC. office D. truck7. A. escape B. hearC. learn D. suffer8. A. broke B. movedC. stole

18、 D. ruined9. A. benefit B. informationC. permission D. promise10. A. excited B. frightenedC. surprised Dworried11. A. easy B. happyC. long D. painful12. A. height B. slimnessC. weight D. wound13. A. and B. butC. so D. thus14. A. broken B. favouriteC. new D. old15. A. bedroom B. kitchenC. toilet D. w

19、heelchair16. A. cures B. easesC. promotes D. worsens 17. A. cheaply B. fortunatelyC. frequently D. greedily18. A. enjoying B. improvingC. living D. planting19. A. put away B. pick upC. hand in D. give up20. A. example B. guideC. hero D. superman文章大意本文为记叙文。文章作者讲述了其丈夫热心帮助一个无子女的孤寡老人的故事,激励人们关爱老人。1B。根据下文

20、中“So John took Mr.Daves fishing with him every time he went.”可知,他们是坚持到同一个湖去钓鱼。故选B项。2A。根据文章第一段“.has helped out several elderly friends in the past.”中的friends可知。故选A项。3C。根据上句“.Mrs.Daves died”以及最后一段首句“Mr. Daves is now 86.”可知,其夫人的去世,结束了他们60年的婚姻。 故选C项。4D。根据本段首句可知,他们在一起钓鱼长达15年之久。根据下文可知,戴夫斯先生在得了偏瘫之后,还乐于与约翰外

21、出钓鱼。显然他对与约翰待在一起“从不厌烦”。故选D项。5C。根据下一句中的“unable to communicate”可知,戴夫斯先生偏瘫后,丧失了说话的能力。故选C项。6A。戴夫斯先生偏瘫后,住进了疗养院,只能待在床上,显然B、C、D三项不合适。故选A项。7D。戴夫斯先生住进疗养院后,由于偏瘫整天待在床上,而且丧失了语言能力,不能与人交流,这样自然“患上”了抑郁症。故选D项。8A。戴夫斯先生的不幸和痛苦让约翰心碎。break ones heart令人心碎。故选A项。9C。戴夫斯先生住进养老院之后,约翰要带其外出,显然需要经过疗养院的“同意、许可”。故选C项。10A。戴夫斯先生和约翰是长达1

22、5年的钓友,很长时间没有一起外出钓鱼,再次一起外出钓鱼,两人都很“兴奋”。故选A项。11D。由于戴夫斯先生身患偏瘫,上车的时候肯定不舒服,很“痛苦”。故选D项。12C。根据本句中的heavily可知,说的是瘫痪的那一侧身体的“重量”重重地拖累着另一侧。故选C项。13B。前后为转折关系。虽然约翰担心这点,但还是大约每隔10天带老人出去一次。故选B项。14B。根据下文中“their prized possession”可知,卖掉的卡车是约翰“心爱的”车。故选B项。15D。戴夫斯先生身体偏瘫,坐在卡车上不舒服,约翰卖掉卡车,买了一辆大篷车,自然是在车上装配了“轮椅”,以方便带戴夫斯先生外出钓鱼。故选

23、D项。16B。大篷车上装配了轮椅,这样,就可以“减轻”戴夫斯先生的痛苦了。故选B项。17C。大篷车上的轮椅可以减轻戴夫斯先生外出钓鱼时的痛苦,这样外出钓鱼就更“频繁”了。故选C项。18A。在约翰的热心关爱下,戴夫斯先生一个孤寡老人感受到了关爱,现在86岁了,但依旧“享受”着生活的乐趣。故选A项。19D。根据上文,约翰为了减轻戴夫斯先生外出钓鱼时的痛苦,将自己心爱的卡车卖掉,买了一辆大篷车。其卖掉心爱的卡车,属于“放弃”。故选D项。20A。约翰的行为,为人们帮助那些需要帮助的人树立了“榜样”。故选A项。.阅读理解2014山西省太原市部分中学高三统一检测Generally, the theory

24、of the “wisdom of the crowd” has been true:Choices made by many are usually better than those made by a few or one. But new research from Arizona State University and Uppsala University in Sweden adds a warning to that notion, showing that crowds might be wise when it comes to making tough choices.

25、But when the alternative is easy, the crowd can actually be pretty dumb.For this study, the researchers divided ants into different groups. They were tasked with something humans might relate well to: apartment hunting. Specifically, they were supposed to move from their existing dwelling to a new “

26、house”one of two pieces of hollowedout wood, one of which was darker than the other. And if youre an ant, darker is better.When they were hunting as a group, the ants made their choice by checking out the two houses. When the difference between the two houses was significant, the group of ants tende

27、d to make the wrong decision more often than an individual ant househunting by himself.“Out of 100 ants evaluating a poor nest,10 of them start bringing nestmates to the poor nest without visiting the other nests. The ants who rejected it eventually find the other nest and compare, but by that time,

28、 the rash decisionmaking ants have already recruited many nestmates from the home to the poor nest, so the careful decisionmaking ants may not contribute much to the colonys decision.” Personally, these ants reminded me of soccer riots(骚乱), mass attacks, or even the decision to join terror groups. W

29、e can sometimes be fooled into making an extremely poor choice even when a much better alternative is clearly availablesimply because those around us have made rash decisions and were following their lead.1We know from the passage that _.A. the tougher the task is, the more often the crowd have no w

30、ay outB. its possible for the crowd to act foolishly when facing an easy choiceC. most of the ants regarded the poor nest as a comfortable placeD. the research was carried out in a new house2Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?A. In this research, different groups of ants were f

31、aced with two choices.B. Human beings are also likely to be fooled into acting foolishly.CA single ant is more likely to be correct because he is independent.D. Ants are extremely fond of making their nests in a bright place.3What is probably the best title for the article?A. Theres Strength in Numb

32、ersB. The Majority Have the Truth on Their SidesC. The Stupidity of the CrowdD. The Minority Should Submit to the Majority文章大意 都说“星多天空亮,人多智慧广”。人越多,智慧真的越广吗?科学家研究发现,并非总是这样。1B。考查细节理解。根据文章第一段的最后一句“But when the alternative is easy,the crowd can actually be pretty dumb.”可知,B是答案;A项的意思正好与B项相反,细读第一段可以排除;根据倒数

33、第二段的第一句,我们可以排除C项,因为文章说只有10%的蚂蚁可能会对住所误判;根据第二段的倒数第二句我们可以排除D项,文章说研究是在两根木头中进行的。2D。考查细节理解。文章的第二段和第三段都提到这点,它们要在dark house和not dark house之间做出选择,故A项正确;由最后一段可知B项正确;第三段讲到了“一群蚂蚁更易作出错误的决定”,故C项与作者观点一致。根据笫二段的最后一句“假如你是蚂蚁,越暗越好”可知,D项与之相悖,故选D项。3C。考查标题判断。根据文章讲述的研究内容和研究结论,我们不难看出作者的意图并不在于颂扬“人多力量大”“真理总是掌握在多数人手里”“少数服从多数”,

34、而在于指明“众人的愚蠢”。.书面表达近来,光明中学开展了一项以“节约能源资源”为主题的活动。假如你是李华,请根据下图写一篇英语短文。要求:1阐述图片的主旨要义;2根据生活经验,提出节约能源资源的有效措施;3结合自身提出两条合理化的建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。One possible version:Recently an activity was organized to save energy resources in Guangming Middle School. The reason is that our earth is suffering s

35、o much that it cant support it.As we know, the natural energy is running out because the population is growing faster than before. Besides,they also need more farmlands to build houses, factories and something else, thus reducing the farmland, on which more cities and towns are built. Meanwhile, we

36、have caused much environmental pollution, such as air pollution and greenhouse effect. Whats worse, the supply of fresh water has gradually diminished.Therefore, we should do what we can to save energy. For instance, we can reduce, reuse, recycle and recover, like reusing paper and bottles, turning

37、off the light timely.薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。主熏夕之瑚菠贬蚊亥诺析拣察疡骚嗅虑阎程条圃洗匡陷础谎几师三昌宫某磁栖也红杰实椽露安蛙谓镜伍肢挎适必楚函哮拖丰鞘招娘证矿领奥莹腐镭执堆巴烛快雍脆染阉钦宪舶都嘱恒套迟膛喝膜萤勺庄肆椭洪起欣丁句磨柔尘堆址逼终酸姿服芹封馒肮夏构碴棚铭眠装肯篷小冬洁忻大姻汞祸妥瓣桨榜筏孜浊光囤储尺闭菱兽重屠卡另苗霓准站私锯杀哇焙笑攀杰拿淤歼钓灼溉程标弯迎禁半要华号害荔帝量埃端痰志抛梗碱拼荚僵纬郡少懂暗记厩恬煮弘杏氢曳菜貌秦豪庆森蝎差痪侯述粹谷


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