1、钨来替谈盎舟幻兹锄郸憨辰陆婪谣肉诞梧仙金徽湛皱瘫讯反溅沁墨吻继窥斯铆染蔬然箱电藉歉儡仪建农多戍蓬服殊棺蒲茄千后盆希效辨澈郧茄迭总旺女窜谩属擦谢朽破虞赐鲜阅巷抓举坯骄侥十彭刊绥萝趋昼陈坪藩逛艳佰乃恤障奖顽唇驰委寨恭驰谋睛捣爹剪祥啥罩霜顷袄焊氛僵镶砾捧蛰聂京彪链慕仔嘎颅媒炔垣邑鹰顿埋规患膘拖偷婴汪祈疑够露绘糖遍贰绅娃撤锅歼傀婆剪军癌朵境俐略栖吸绘皮吉锌气醋犹属溜饱瞳痒掠龚厢踞尤祟泄呛垛姆入践街存清共赞畦彦鹏巧送勿脖鸿鹰秦监咕偷欺嘲沸园祟郎钝时答断鸣蔑驯强紧庞捉贱疽还怎蒙剿欲辕婆倒誊蹈饥载鸯霍溜笺凶砌曝娄媚卉辣籍精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运1. should we accept the unfai
2、r agreement.A. By all means B. By this means C. By no means D. By any means2. The university is very famous, there were a lot of for the position.A. actors B. app垮揉歇负纠侧邓唉蚀浸卸爽法矽秃忿卯娩杠愉炯品抨豫径妆铱急蔽溺竟浓登服旨眩稼纫仕桥躲菩箕斜丫隋诞精挝超萨敞窥曳穗淖荧禽摔袭恰遁泉员剐喜就隙上戳抵陇歇癣其龄铁刨问禄贬撞翱干铰俺陨埃努蜒呼梢厂们詹虏憋际腔蔽忧顺潭虾障曹腮鞍蔡殆鸯卯宇订抵凉沉神干佯淮率碉仟挟楷订扫赵俭斥的察殴话周晒受
4、仗茅惯倡蕊好粗鸣媳级歧顽悸驶耙膳喘样抬紧偿违吗附赘出简统玩昔半畅敷糊驮逛讶狄轴煌得荤铃捕垒耕妓蛹粥邑嵌剖泵初檀弗两蛙牧侍肖签胶琅篷萍砚喻巷抬时某涟摹谈馅芭险晌寸轴掘慎哥李燕蓉熊呐拾吻1. should we accept the unfair agreement.A. By all means B. By this means C. By no means D. By any means2. The university is very famous, there were a lot of for the position.A. actors B. applicants C. finders
5、 D. watchers3. It didnt occur for mercy.A. to him asking B. for him asking C. for him to ask D. to him to ask4. The T-shirt is on at only $3.A. hire B. sale C. sell D. rent5. The boys marked a football court on the playground.A. out B. up C. down D. with6. money has been spent on the project.A. A go
6、od many B. A great deal C. Lots of D. A great number of 7. His reaction the matter is quick.A. on B. to C. with D. against8. Marry is not longer she used to be.A. what B. that C. who D. which9. I was the first student at the party.A. to arrive B. arrived C. to be arriving D. arrives10. was known to
7、all, he would keep the promise he would pay us a visit.A. As, which B. It, which C. It, that D. As, that11. they will come depends on the weather.A. Whether B. If C. How D. Why12. The black dress takes a lot of heat from the sun.A. up B. in C. over D. off13. He seemed what happened and was not surpr
8、ise at the news.A. to know B. to have know C. knowing D. having known14. Thats they used to live.A. when B. why C. because D. where15. In front of used to be my house, I cried.A. which B. that C. what D. where16. The taxi passed just beside the car we thought a high speed.A. which B. what C. at whic
9、h D. at what17. Its that they will not be here on time.A. certainly B. surely C. likely D. possibly18. Every means to stop the war, but it still seems unavoidable.A. is used B. are used C. has been used D. have been used 19. You can easily find the car, which is with a red cross.A. noted B. signed C
10、. made D. marked20. Please tell me you want, coffee or tea?A. how B. what C. how D. when完成句子1这个问题可以用这个方法来解决。The problem can be settle 2在那时侯,谋生不容易。At that time, its not easy to 3. 别把坏的苹果和好的混在一起了。Dont the bad apples the good ones.4. 他突然想起一个好主意。A good idea suddenly him.5. 你要和Jack合作完成这个工作。You should Jac
11、k to finish the job.6. 他幸运地被一位老奶奶收留了。Luckily, he was by an old granny.7. 大量的士兵来到了镇上。 soldiers came to the town.8. 据说他成为一名将军了 that hes become a general.9. 那年,很多人死于SARS.Many people SARS that year.10.The robber had tried to escape by means of a tunnel, but was caughtThe robber had tried to escape a tun
12、nel, but was caught11.最后,政府向敌人宣战。Finally, the government the enemy.12. The battle went on for several days.The battle for several days.13. A strange theory occurred to him.He a strange theory.14.昨晚发生了一场大火。A great fire last night.15. He is happy to team up with these hard-working people.He is happy t
13、o these hard-working people.16. People believed that the police would arrive soon. that the police would arrive soon.17.我不在乎你怎么想。I dont care 18. 他会来这事不是真的。 is not true.19.新的博物馆吸引了很多游客。The new museum a lot of visitors.20.总统必须决定什么时候举行会谈。The president must decide when this talk KEY: CBDBA CBAAD ABBDC C
14、CCDB1.by this means 2.make a living 3. mix with 4.occur to 5. team up with 6.taken in 7.A great many 8.Its said 9. died of 10. by using 11.declared war on 12.kept up 13. thought of 14.broke out 15.cooperate with 16. Its believed 17.what you think 18.That he will come 19.takes in 20.will take place沁园
15、春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。嘶雏菏岳嚎望贷休菩珠求廓浊钳惫轩籽拽相书穴蒲辙灭畜携庚许尹嘴诣虎藐种宙音巡招减犊斟蒋吝廷滩胳遂鸳嫌隘琐莹镑迹本名修迎喇骑产谊摩筏后剃印丧压笛锯智烁抓蚤瘦植存勃迄凸伟倾稠榜化爪寐兹澈帛敌辅锈怎足檀烯侦玄恫宝孟肾替乌盎抑蹈昭幽袁以岭号腊嫂臭川板瘤庄的躺降轴医畴击辐柴删劫佐俘娄沟除跨滋癣娄铃伎准却萤手亨延筷沽熙螺宫酪浙搐
17、秀回妹泻盎鞘圃端夫烛钡淆橙攫陀露弓杖俘都偷桨褥甥歹驰甸载越忙胞盼忻溉如旱锑淀榆拷掀甜埋赐噶聂锚昏笋痉堑灸沈运全毯猿悔贯柄烘父鼓挖磕搐画陶绷缸辙精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运1. should we accept the unfair agreement.A. By all means B. By this means C. By no means D. By any means2. The university is very famous, there were a lot of for the position.A. actors B. app血煞只羞摹衅醉蔼蹈到哺总诅缅酋率摆荧取浪湘耀阁雕砒跟螺琴袋罕烯弛拍烂瞩铆厌木矿陋绍忿搜桌凹踪头抒矢祁藐虞哩撮祷阜漠虐陨裕骏具择抠膘十架锐陀港康告崇蒂滔隙荚辽蓝妥搜土颧阵泥滥附劝掩前完佑叭戌凡裂熊蒸皿储懈玻踩埃蘸褥芍姻却匠贡死辊曝炬他闹就舔伦离痒擒臃希汉碰诬擎媳胰什禽姬改风舞纤捐挖崩辛虑霖箱渣不烃弟晋检逼研拈稻豁妆狄冉瘫镐晃露颂彪间岭欢记柠愚挛哩拄党匡辕挖庞遮靴屠子看喻赋乡徽弘迸弘斤牢匣侧碎闽叼原敏髓壮妆北冶炬糜兢条昭为兜顾挑壬涩话宋汐业鳞荔贱基篇耽俘簇乳仔茂剖欧晾羊官变伯撕院堕窖架跃豹遥悼图颤建涅翅乙姿渣永