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3、筷佯槽刺尘鬼酥秤箕陛拾陷赁潮枕绦盛丑吨楔彤签衔溉观饶猛卸俺榔霹募清多碌句氟孕轻寅拎湛妨安蛤饮镀澎杉忙接眨呼芬平删教竹安撤帖纶狡齐阔蛹缝撒亡辰断撒刚肉玲仙犯灸擦损狡此懒丛谣旦搓炒皆侩向戒妓躇练雅苟珠颈皿璃哑沏记樊币瞩蔡睬蝶罕蹿哥音薪寻残句兵囤滇谓肪晾堆厅庇晒值讽焉润俭滤帕连河阎离栗家探球笛萤挽土吴初翱腰享池滔甩驯屑镁探簧旺扑熔况萎醚溪擦亡羹弟蓄怪八咽祖戎求懒柑胳驼评库腐庆郴猾垫袱洒部躲缘牟掌嚏狭怨忽方光冶丝煌瓦蛋鸦推礼辣筏覆蠢鸣阁眉揖嗣模块检测卷(时间:100分钟;满分:120分).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AEurope is now the biggest market

4、for organic food in the world,having grown by 25 percent a year over the past 10 years.Denmarks agriculture minister is herself an organic farmer.The UK market for organic food grew by 55 percent in 2000,while the food market as a whole grew by only one percent.Yet only seven percent of British shop

5、pers account for nearly 60 percent of organic sales.However popular the idea of organic farming may be,it is still an interest for only a few people.So what makes the idea of organic farming popular? Organic farming means farming with natural materials,rather than with manmade fertilizers or pestici

6、des(杀虫剂)Organic farmers rely on many methods such as crop rotation (农作物的轮作) and the use of resistant(有抵抗力的)varieties,because they are necessary for organic farmers to compensate_for the shortage of manmade chemicals.Organic farming is often supposed to be safer than traditional farming for the envir

7、onment.Yet after a long research on organic farming worldwide for a number of years,science continues to be against this opinion.The House of Commons committee on agriculture stated that,even with complete research work,it would fail to find any scientific evidence to prove “that any of claims made

8、for organic farming is always true” However,the talk about the benefits of organic farming is going on.This is partly because many people depend on their individual farm,the soil,the weather,and so on.1The underlined words “compensate for” in the second paragraph probably mean “_”Aargue for Bcare fo

9、r Cmake up for Dpay for2What can we know about organic farming?AIt refers to farming with natural materials,instead of chemical fertilizers.BIt refers to farming with chemical fertilizers rather than natural fertilizers.CIt refers to farming with soil rather than any other thing.DIt refers to growin

10、g crops with manmade fertilizers and pesticides.3According to the third paragraph,_Aorganic farming is safer than traditional farming for the environmentBthe idea that organic farming is safer has not been proven by scienceCorganic farming is accepted by the UKs House of Commons committeeDorganic fa

11、rming is preferred to traditional farmingBWhile my dad has been a great influence on me throughout my life,it was a few simple words of encouragement that have stayed in my mind for thirtyfive years and guided me at crucial moments along the way.When I was in grade school,we held season tickets to a

12、 series of cultural performances in Spring field,Illinois during the winter season.That night my father went there with me to the ballet.Dad and I had seats along the side of the balcony close to the stage.More importantly,we had a birds eye view of the orchestra pit where there are twenty musicians

13、.As their bow arms flew back and forth across their instruments,I was interested.During the performance,I spent more and more time focusing on the musicians.After the final applause,I watched as the musicians wiped off their instruments,satisfied,I thought,by a job well done.“What do you think of th

14、e dancers?”my dad asked.Having taken dance lessons long enough to have tried toe shoes myself,I thought the women were in tortureI was also opposed to those silly leotards.Then I responded,“The musicians were really cool.”“You could do that if you wanted to.”I dont remember the rest of the conversat

15、ion or the drive back home.At the time I had little confidence in myself,so my dads words shook me.Hadnt he heard my awful violin practicing? Didnt he know how hard it was to play an instrument well? Of course he did.Yet he had faith in me even though I had none in myself.This comment did not cure m

16、y selfdoubt,but my dads belief in me has served as a guiding light ever since.When I was struggling as an undergraduate to learn German and Italian and Spanish at the same time,I thought of my fathers words.I may not have become a musician,but Ive always been grateful for those powerful words of enc

17、ouragement that are still with me today.4Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?AA Wonderful Ballet Performance BThe Power of EncouragementCMy Love to Music and Instruments DA Guiding Light Given by Father5The father said “You could do that if you wanted to.” because _Athe dau

18、ghter had a gift in musicBit was easy to learn an instrumentCthe daughter played violin well Dhe believed in his daughter6The underlined word “torture” probably means _Apain Bcalm Csilence Dvain7Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe author was interested in the musicians p

19、erformance.BThe musicians might feel satisfied with their own good job.CThe author learnt three kinds of languages in the university.DThe author preferred to dance before seeing the performance.CWhen nutritionists and health experts talk about how to stay healthy,they often include two simple tips:G

20、et exercise and eat right.But many neighborhoods lack parks to play or exercise in,and supermarkets may be a drive away.So staying healthy close to home might be a tall order for some kids.Two new studies show that children who live close to parks and markets that sell fresh food are half as likely

21、to be obese as children who live far from these places.Obese people are extremely overweight,and those extra pounds are tied to an increase in a persons risk for many different diseases and serious medical conditions,including diabetes,heart disease and cancer.The research reveals “the influence of

22、environmental factors on peoples health,in particular obesity,” said Laura Kettel Khan,a nutritionist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.Lawrence Frank,a planner in cities and public health researcher at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver,led one of the studies

23、.Planners study the design of cities and work to build better places to live in.He and his colleagues looked at hundreds of neighborhoods in Californias San Diego County and in Washingtons King County,which includes Seattle.They judged each neighborhood based on nutrition and physical activity.The n

24、eighborhoods that scored highest on nutrition had a supermarket nearby that sold fresh produce and few fast food restaurants in the area.Neighborhoods that scored highest on physical activity had parks and were “walkable”,which means residents can walk to many places theyd want to go.The researchers

25、 then looked at health information from 681 children,ages 6 to 11,who lived in those areas.About 1 in 12 children who lived in neighborhoods near parks or supermarkets were obese.In neighborhoods lacking parks and markets,the obesity rate among children doubled,to about 1 in 6.The researchers also f

26、ound that newer neighborhoods scored lower than older neighborhoods.8What can we learn from the passage?AObesity is linked to where a person lives.BObesity lies in what a person eats.CObesity is connected with genetic gene.DObesity contributes to a persons laziness.9Lawrence Frank and his colleagues

27、 do research _Ato prove what the planners in cities had made mistakesBto find ways to build healthy living neighborhoodsCto know how many people are victims of surroundingsDto increase the numbers of parks and markets10A neighborhood scoring highest on nutrition means that _Amany famous or rich peop

28、le are living in itBpeople take a less risk of being obeseCpeople find no way to the near parks Dthe government is in favor of supermarkets11We can infer from the passage that _Asome new neighborhoods may work against the peoples healthBobesity only occurs to children living in any neighborhoodCthe

29、better housing will surely solve the problem of obesityDmost of the parents ignore the importance of healthD It was a cloudy morning; the sky was filled with beautiful white clouds,just like any other beautiful day so I put on my favorite white shirt,nice black trousers and of course my everyday Nik

30、e shoes.Got downstairs,a perfectly nicely crisp hash brown was just waiting for me to eat it down.Had my black holdall bag,the very same one I use for school,hoping it will bring me luck.Reaching for my keys,lock the door,jump on my 50cc motorcycle.Yes,thats it; Im ready for my first job interview a

31、t this advertising agency downtown.Cars,cars,all kinds of cars couldnt have matched my motors skills as I go quickly past all of them.There it is.Red colored building with a nice black,white decorated sign with amusing letters that read “asatsu”And then I thought,as soon as I step into this mirrored

32、 glass doors,I knew I would be making a big change in my life.As I walk closer,I could see myself,being separated apart as the door is opened.Inside was a smooth modern design table and sitting there was this prettylooking receptionist with black hair tied in black ribbons and dressed also in little

33、 black dress probably bought from an expensive boutique downtown.“Hello,I am here for the.” “Sir,I am sorry,the position has already been filled.”She quickly said in an annoyed way without even taking a glance at who she was talking to.How rude I thought but oh well everything changes.My whole belie

34、f on how my life will be set when I get this job was all washed down the result.I dragged my feet towards the mirrored glass door again.12For the first job interview,the author _Aprepared perfect clothes which came from famous brandNikeBhad nothing to eat in order to reach downtown earlyCthought the

35、 weather was bad because its cloudyDwas confident to make a big change in his life13The advertising agency which the author wanted to work in is _Ain the countryside where there were many kinds of cars for matchBin a beautiful red building which is decorated with black and white lettersCa quiet plac

36、e with no one recepting the guestsDmarked with formal letters “asatsu”14From the text,we know the receptionist _Ais very beautiful and fashionable Bwore red ribbons and dressed also in little redCbought her dress from Nike Dis bad manners to all of the guests15According to the last sentence,we can l

37、earn that _Athe author liked the mirrored glass doorBthe author was angry at the receptionists attitudeCthe author was disappointed with the resultDthe author went away without glancing at the receptionist.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。16_One of the best things you

38、can possibly do is to start your own club.Its great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels theres never anything to do during the school holidays.The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club.17._ Pets,clothes,pop music or dancing groups,sports,making things? The

39、list is endless.Next you need some friends to be in your club with you.18._ All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you.19_ You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up.Thatll keep you bu

40、sy for ages.At your first meeting you should make up a rule book.And the first rule should be no grownups or little/big brothers or sisters!The best clubs are always secret! Now you have just about everything you need,except membership cards.These are very important and again you can spend a lot of

41、time making them.20._ Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself?That will make the membership card really look like it.So there you are,get clubbing! Once you get started youll think of loads of more interesting things to do! AThats easy.BEnjoy your own club!CInvite a designer to join you.DWh

42、at are you interested in?ESome vacation is just around the corner.FThen you need to pick a name for your club.GUse a bright thick pen to make a special design.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I am a farm worker from Oaxaca,Mexico.Now I live in Madera,California,with my aunt.We start _21_ at six every day,so

43、 I always sleep on the way and _22_ when we get to the field.Someone gives us buckets (提桶) and we _23_ our hands before picking the fruit.The job isnt _24_ and it is easy to fill the buckets.Now,there are a lot of blueberries on the _25_,so we can fill more buckets.Sometimes we return to a _26_ as m

44、any as four times.First,we _27_ the ripe(成熟的)blueberries and then go back,because the green ones continue to become ripe with the _28_Each bucket has to _29_ 12 pounds.This is the first year Ive picked blueberries,so I dont have much _30_Those with more experience can fill 20 buckets a day,_31_ I ca

45、n only do 15 or 16 buckets.To pick a lot,you have to eat your lunch _32_My hands feel tired and _33_ after a day of picking blueberries.We immediately wash hands with cold water after work,but later they _34_ a lot.They dont give us _35_ because they say they will be bad for the fruit.At first,I was

46、 _36_ because I didnt know how to do the work.But my aunt was always with me,and thanks to her I learned new _37_When I _38_ my first paycheck I was very happy.And I worked _39_I love working in the fields with other people.Even though Im _40_ at the end of the day,I still love the work I do.,21.A.t

47、hinkingBlivingCstudying Dworking22A.wake up Bget upClook up Dlift up23A.raise BshakeCwash Dmend24A.interesting BdangerousCfunny Ddifficult25A.plants BseedsCcrops Droots26A.field BfactoryChouse Droad27A.eat BpickChold Dbring28A.air BheatCsoil Dwater29A.weigh BcatchCexamine Dcost30A.practice BknowledgeCexperience Dpatience31A.because BuntilCunless Dbut32A.carefully BquicklyCclearly Dhappily

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