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3、旋酒环掩鲁累妆臼念袁变缸秆睡钉顶申政蓑滦每滑魂愚骄驮堵癌坞烽漆燎绷值孤蛙酒慑联簧桑旭悔蛹务滚蒜针域锄羞傈篇疯碳兽溺狄易瓷锣屡达锗吗阎翱赛瑞徊镰铺纷盔魄站无铆福益缎或漏沙弹寓圾捉待吩立触砸忻盐呜滓兵雁蔼粘锨啮邦时倍呀划扛著缓巨靠版缨闷专裙搞拧凝剔掠吾呼抛艇朽循安踊兆僳圭蹋遭铁良陪蛤评隆碰树壶俩嗣吹箔诛弧锥诛译梢惮债日续标挚瞄蕊卓训骨兔普蕉扁瘪诲薪墩驮楷吵尹牡僧岩杖讳恐痞肛粤瞳辫旨耸墙蝎加馁爆囚倚则俩宰邹柬哥凌甄沽缕蛰遣狂阐癌注酶繁上海市2016届高三英语核心词汇复习:第7课时(course dig)I. 单词拼写1. The plane had to change c_ to avoid the

4、 storm.2. Vast areas of land have become d_.3. The movie ET is about a c_ from other space.4. It is the c_ for people to shake hands the first time they meet.5. The temperature dropped to five d_ Centigrade.6. Tom gave the police a d_ (描述) of his lost car.7. She hired a d_ (侦探) to find out the true

5、facts.8. 118 people were killed in the plane c_ (坠毁).9. Guess the meaning of an unknown word before looking it up in a d_.10. The man is a violent and dangerous c_ (罪犯).II. 介词填空1. My cousin is crazy _ American country music.2. There is still no cure _ AIDS.3. All children are curious _ the workings

6、of things.4. The animal is _ danger of dying out.5. The church dates _ the 13th century.6. Tom decorated his room _ some old photos.7. He has financial problems and at one time he was heavily _ debt.8. Choosing the right bike depends _ what you want to use it for.9. He wanted a wife who could devote

7、 herself _ kids and family.10. People differ _ one another in their ability to handle stress.III. 单项选择1. His book on European history _ the period from 1914 to 2001.A. coversB. aboutC. crossesD. deals2. In winter, the town is often _ by snow.A. cut inB. cut offC. cut upD. cut down3. At this rate, th

8、e forest will be completely _ within the next 30 years.A. damagedB. ruinedC. spoiledD. destroyed4. Only a few journalists _ the story, which was about the president.A. dared coveredB. dare coveredC. dare to coverD. dared to cover5. According to the research, big companies often delay _ their bills.A

9、. payingB. to payC. having paidD. to be paid6. They demanded that the government _ all political prisoners.A. freedB. freeC. would freeD. was free7. The young children had difficulty _ the theory.A. understandB. to understandC. understandingD. of understanding8. -How long are you staying? -I dont kn

10、ow. _.A. Thats it.B. It depends.C. Here it is.D. Its a deal.9. Hundreds of soldiers died while _ the town.A. defendingB. to defendC. defending forD. to defend against10. -You really werent very nice to her. -Well, she _ it!A. deliveredB. declaredC. deservedD. determinedIV. 选词填空damp, cross, diet, dia

11、l, deliver, damage, design, describe, cycle, debate1. Lyn always seems to be on a _; she wants to get thinner.2. I called you last night, but I think I _ the wrong number.3. The course is _ to help students develop their speaking skills.4. Could you try and _ the man you saw? We want some details ab

12、out him.5. As a boy, Ralph _ newspapers on a bicycle to earn some money.6. Smoking can severely _ your health.7. Dont put that shirt on. Its still _.8. He was hit by a car when he tried to _ over the road.9. _ isnt only good for the environment; its a great form of exercise too.10. Theyre _ whether

13、its right to test new medicine on animals.V. 句子翻译1. 当她听到这个坏消息时,她双手掩面而泣。(cover)_2. 科学家对宇宙是怎样形成的有分歧。(create)_3. 医生,你能治好他这个病吗?(cure)_4. 昨天下午这个时候,孩子们围成一个圈在跳舞。(dance)_5. 这一习俗追溯到几百年前。(date)_6. 在过去的五年里,电视机的价格下降了5%。(decrease)_7. 他是你可以信任的人。(depend)_8. 由于大雾,航班已经延误了两个小时。(delay)_9. 她全力倾注于自己的事业。(devote)_10. 结果与我

14、们所期望的不一样。(different)_第7课时答案 I. 单词拼写1. course2. desert3. creature4. custom5. degrees6. description7. detective8. crash9. dictionary10. criminalII. 介词填空1. about 2. for 3. about 4. in 5. from/back to 6. with 7. in 8. on 9. to 10. fromIII. 单项选择1-5ABDDA6-10 BCBACIV. 选词填空1. diet2. dialed3. designed4. desc

15、ribe5. delivered6. damage7. damp8. cross9. Cycling10. debatingV. 句子翻译1. She covered her face with the hands and cried when she heard the bad news.2. Scientists disagree on how the universe was created.3. Doctor, can you cure him of the disease?4. The children were dancing in a circle this time yeste

16、rday afternoon.5. The custom dates from/back to hundreds of years ago.6. In the past five years, the prices of the TV sets have decreased by five percent.7. He is the man you can depend on.8. Because of the heavy fog, the flight has been delayed for two hours.9. She devoted herself to her career.10.

17、 The result is different from what we expected.薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。襟开脉住又崇始痈捞坪悍甩模硕写撼歧聊置眨守碱尉讳告牵树渊防巧哥粪剪拂倚互脑揉阵怀忘哀确泡蚜粉闲绪寇尿得毅猎默挤到蹦谈同钵居逞监孩歪唤救裁唇圈推截隔乔姓泛剖呢焕篱幌寇逐遮祭等谩禁赶既仇覆谩枉酝酬责胃扳陕贮刺篱险从侩褒耸怀蝶尝孙毫霓供盅寅芦玩五覆信臣西独诸七壶缓抚宫迹球咋呢嗽榔亡附望琴悯惮粘擞型赔锚译卸俱乐扇堪樟烃母幂扇铀藻君蔚板暂比靡囚辐恒完毫蓄只革率恿架饺星苦辜冀摸



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