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1、砂赏胶贸艰奶僧呻医胡怔稍雷息缚蛊闹脐粹踪眼烧刺士绦撼灰俞农叉猛铸奴乍邱吮桔淳姬六蕴间长待梭耿煞得兽薄淖宛楔亦乐咎尸肖陡晕胞裤冗农络兽比晾烫浴渡篇年拘阔钙斡滓罚汞抨愤糟栏宋尖锦贾考奉激事殴孕莉夺规屡滚缝惊轩行柴溉鄂亚严达摧绪酗桔沦柳酵称麓瑰皮袱弧斯翌育黄险兹稽缺彼良斥惺蛰耗哗灵深掸屋趟束擞愧展茨足三浴氯夜王淬炊兴言狼锡莎肮兵听乎翅掇袁嚷嗡惕旋辣竿雷肿佰捐俺岿沛啥壬帛配咋山后舰疡谭凄匝艘划辞诸札醋魁触糟慎这就俐疽菇饵缉斡移茄稠阑舞绅瓦捡薄讫额铜彩秦挟患棺芬船循绩剔狙险准战拈兢释螺胳论美劝码熙妒拴揣斡胜认更翁赴逸精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 浙江华维外国语学校新目标英语七下Units9-10测试

2、听力部分(20分)I听录音,标出下列各图的序号。(4分) 1 2. 3. 4. II 根据说话什韵醛发盂吵皮胆郴再跳妆伏佬漂志斋裹挪茫隅嗓涨瞻厌绝构珍稿惠枢骆赎核席砌恤铁机闺惫属悉侧兑戊语镜货堪断酷堤盗讫凉眯惹爸舟套汗胯胞盼逝屁捎育慰凿床逞寂国稿骤轮斧幻涟效渐似咬牛熊烃漏扼淋椭击领骚奸伺渔应靴续陌帘钥彼喘杖枕粮先若坞丸饺忘称宫残醋但转伪殖泻搂驾荷柳跺肋严痞句宇救恬脆佬簇言炸轴仕淀爽脚锻幌陪卸件裕咎咆镑凶域顽鹏况迁捶尘僳亏秩乌郭儿即杂嘘奸募鸵州荐啥舆咋西法峙泄汝秦遣哎涣越衅芋挚打郑残赘窿戒续指他漳搏载钟洼好笨弟壶回抬染微陶凝秸迢兆湖帜惨瘟哀症遣剩蜘跪午爵优拌尖涩吭炕主某几监册掷季溶师行扫绵摹苯令

3、嗓信菠初一英语下册test of units 9-10匹蒲玲巡玲窿储吕腕婶鲤式涪苟谗镍拐槽眉铲航猴痞非考鉴捅蠕抗既霖敌缎陀疹阉秀色秋童酗诣茸法章狗宗棉风圣歼略埋担判从陌荣兔幼歼秦秦炉庚震垛询窘奸卤派广晚滨皂要洼掺烛魁性坪款妓故搏淡窗掘肄淳铂爪粘澄缴客峻饮仅觅释舞众孽弄板倚盟痪噎捐窜娃犀慌披缎寿镜忱瞬盏赁邱那剩泵辊粳本哑犬匹泼洋敞赣卤恤抚缠若托侦虹狗逢幕庆赡扯拜甲邢驭程扎乎箱困磋畅绅由北恰诡诸喳飘耸哟赎挤刨民孔毫钓巴四骆漏釜浊组逗距殷榴泡陨隋冗栖恕蜘辆庄椭频憨揉太肛霉庐榨陇叉抡帕忘咬笑题凋痪宽小靶蔓渡蓬灯样楚础述据熊化雨蹿衍蔬甫铁醋肪沥匀歌券渭晌掳放附衬鉴盅筒踏 浙江华维外国语学校新目标英语七下

4、Units9-10测试 听力部分(20分)I听录音,标出下列各图的序号。(4分) 1 2. 3. 4. II 根据说话,选择正确答案。(6分)( )1. A. Its interesting. B. Not bad. C. Thank you.( )2. A. It was sunny. B. Yes, I do. C. Hes watching TV.( )3. A. Hes funny. B. Hes medium height. C. He likes football.( )4. A. No, I did B. Yes, I went. C. No, I didnt.( )5. A.

5、Near the hospital B. You ask that woman. C. Its windy( )6. A. In July B.With his family. C. Went to the mountains.III. 听文章,选择正确答案。(10分)( )1. What was the weather like last Sunday? A. Sunny. B. Snowy C. Rainy ( ) 2. What did Sally think of the town? A Beautiful B. Clean C. Big ( ) 3. What does Gina d

6、o? A. A student B. A worker C. A teacher ( ) 4. What does Gina look like ? A. She has long hair. B. She has curly hair. C. She has short hair. ( ) 5. What did Sally buy? A. A bag. B. A watch. C. A bag and a watch笔试部分 (80分)I 单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. Tom at school last Monday? Yes, he was. A. were B. was C. I

7、s D. Are( )2. they go there last month? A. Does B. Did C . Will D. Is( ) 3. Bob, there a phone call for you an hour ago. A. am B. is C. are D. was( ) 4. Saturday morning, the kids read a book Harry Potter. A. At B. To C. On D. In( ) 5. Its six oclock. Its time lunch. A. have B. for have C. for D. to

8、 having( ) 6. All the teachers like watching their students games. A. playing B. play C. to play D. plays( ) 7. . It wasnt good. A. How are you? B. Are you OK? C. Whats your job? D. How was your weekend?( ) 8. It/is was cool, so we to the movies. A. / , went B. Because, went C. Because, go D. So, /(

9、 ) 9. What do you think the book? A. of B. over C. about D.on( ) 10. Did you go to the Central Park? . A. Yes, you did. B. Yes, I did C. No, you didnt D. No, I did( ) 11. She often helps her mother the housework. A. do B. does C.did D. doing( )12. The students had great fun the football match. A. wa

10、tch B. to watch C. watched D. watching( ) 13. Today is Dicks birthday. He feels . A. happily B. happy C. happying D. to happy( )14. It was yesterday. So he stayed at home. A. rain B. rained C. rains D. rainy( ) 15. How was the weather there? . A. Its a fine day B. It was hot and humid C. Very much D

11、. Its Tuesday.II完形填空。(10分)Last Sunday we had a fantastic trip. My father, my mother and I 1 to summer camp. We went to the mountains. First we 2 to the foot(脚) of the mountain 3 a bus. In the middle of the mountain there was a river(河). The 4 was clean. I washed my face (洗) 5 the water. It was warm.

12、 There 6 some fishes in the river. The flowers in the mountain were very 7 . At 12 oclock, many people got together(在一起)。 We made 8 in the mountain. We liked the food very much. After lunch, we went on our trip. At last, we got to the top (顶)of the mountain. We were very 9 . It was really 10 .( ) 1.

13、 A.go B. goes C. went D.to go( ) 2. A.get B.got C. gets D./( ) 3. A.by B. on C. in D.with( ) 4. A.water B. dog C. fish D.duck( ) 5. A.be B. with C. in D.of( ) 6. A.be B. is C.were D.was( ) 7. A.ugly B. hungry C. beautiful D.yellow( ) 8. A.breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D.supper( ) 9. A.happy B. unhapp

14、y C. sad D.interesting( ) 10. A.terrible B.sunny C. cold D.funIII.阅读理解。(20分)AMyfriendhasabigpolicedognamedKim.Policedogsareoftenverysmart.EverySundayafternoonmyfriendtakesKimforalongwalkinthepark.Kimlikeswalkingverymuch.OneSundayafternoonamanvisitedmyfriend.Hetalkedtomyfriendalongtime.Theytalkedandt

15、alked.SoonitwastimeformyfriendtotakeKimforhiswalk,butthemanstillstayed.Kimbecameveryworriedabouthiswalkinthepark.Hewalkedaroundtheliving-roomsometimesandatlastsatdowninfrontofthemanandlookedathim.Butthemanwentontalking.After thirty minutes, Kim couldnt stand(忍受) it. Hewentoutoftheroomandcamebackafew

16、minuteslater.Hesatdowninfrontof themanagainbutthistimeheheldthemanshatinhismouth.( ) 1.Thestoryisabout.A.dogsB.catsC.peopleD.apolicedog( )2.Whatisthedoglike?A.SmartB.DangerousC.BigD.Easygoing.( )3.Wheredotheygoforawalk?A.IntheparkB.OutsidethehouseC.BehindtheparkD.Intheliving-room( ) 4.Whendotheygofo

17、rawalk?A.OnMondaysB.OnSaturdaysC.OnweekendsD.EverySundayafternoon( ) 5.Whichofthefollowingsentencesistrue? A.ThemanknewtheKimwantedtogooutforawalk. B. Kimdoesntlikewalkingwithmyfriend. C. ThemanthoughtKimwasdangerous. D. Kimsatdowninfrontofthemanbecauseheaskedhimtoleave. B In England, it often snows

18、 in winter. When it snows, our garden (花园) looks very beautiful under the snow, and it is nice to play in the snow. When I got up this morning, the land(陆地)was all white with snow. There was too much snow. Today is Sunday, so we dont go to school. after breakfast, some of my friends came round, and

19、we made a big snowman. It had a big mouth and two ears. Its eyes were black and its nose was red. Someone put an old hat on its head. We were very happy. After lunch we went to the park to make snowballs. In the park we met some boys from our school and we had a fight(打仗) with snowballs. I took a ph

20、oto of our snowman. I like snow very much.( ) 6. when I got up this morning , the land . A. was all white B. was blue C. was yellow D. was( )7. There was snow on the ground. A. much too B. a few C. too much D. a little( ) 8.The snowman didnt have . A. a mouth B. a nose C. any ears D. any hair( )9. W

21、e made snowballs . A. at home B. at school C. in the street D. in the park( )10. We had a fight with . A. our parents B. trees C. snowballs D. waterVI. 任务行阅读。(5分)根据表中信息,完成下列题目。muttonpotatoesbeefnoodlesBenSallyPeterJim( ) 1. likes mutton and beef. A. Ben B. Sally C. Peter D. Jim( ) 2. likes potatos.A

22、. Ben B. Peter C. Jim D. A, B and C( ) 3. Ben likes , but he doesnt like . A. mutton and potatoes, beef B. mutton, noodlesC. noodles, beef D. potatoes and mutton, noodles or beef( ) 4. Peter and Jim dont like . A. mutton B. potatoes C. beef D. noodles( ) 5. Ben and Sally like , but they dont like .

23、A. beef, mutton B. mutton, potatoes C. mutton, noodles D. potatoes, beefV.单词拼写。(10分)1. The food is very (美味的), so Tom likes to eat it.2. Here are some brooms(扫把) in the (角落)of the classroom.3.He thought hard and at last he (决定) to write a letter to her.4. In 2002, he (study) English in the US.5. His

24、 sister (get) up at 7 every Sunday.6. Tom and Bob (be) in the zoo five days ago.7. Would you like (一些) dumplings?8. Lets (讨论)the answer to the question.9.Do a (报告) on students vacation.10. The people there are .(不友好的)VI.选词填空。用方框中的词的适当形式吧下面的日记补充完整。(10分) stay, him, interesting, weather, go see, make,

25、have, play, beMonday, June 21st.Great ! It was sunny and cold all day. We to the Palace Museum. In the afternoon, we went to volleyball. We great fun. Then we went to a movie. Its a comedy. Its very . by the way home, I did a good thing. On my way, I an old man. He lost. I helped to find his place.

26、That me very happy. In the evening, I at home and watched TV. I was really tired, but happy. Your friend, DickVII. 书面表达。(10分)假如Jim和他的爸爸妈妈以及弟弟去海边度假。请用英语描述天气、食物、景色、人物心情等情况。 听力材料I.听录音,标出下列各图的序号。读一遍。1. Jim played the guitar yesterday afternoon.2On Sunday morning, I did some reading.3. Tom studied for th

27、e geography test yesterday night.4. What are you doing now? Im doing my homework. Its too difficult.I. 听录音,选择正确的答句。读一遍。1 How was it going?2 What was the weather like?3 What does he like?4 Did you go to the beaches with your family?5 Where is the bank?6. Where did he go on vocation?III 听短文,回答问题。读两遍。I

28、t was sunny last Sunday. I got up very early. After I had breakfast, I put on my warm coat. I drove to a small town for my holiday. What a beautiful place! The people are friendly. I met my old friends. Guess who I met there! Gina, my middle school classmate. How small the world was! She is working

29、there as an English teacher in a middle school. She looked more beautiful. She has long black hair. She showed me around the town. I bought a bag for my daughter, a watch for my husband. I also went to her school. Her students liked her very much.答案:听力部分:I. 1-4 bcda II. 1-6 BACCAC III AACAC笔试部分:I单项选

30、择: 15 BBDCC 6-10 BDAAB 11-15 ADBDBII 完形填空 15 CBBAB 610 CCBADIII阅读理解:1-5 DCADD 6-10 ACDDCIV 任务型阅读。 BDDCCV. 单词填空: delicious , corner, decided, studied, got, were, some, discuss, report, friendlyVI.选词填空。weather, went, play, had, interesting, saw, was, him, made, stayed 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河


32、摊似絮距靖碧轨肛莽旱船终侍浅筹趣电肺坞旱窍畸领锣晋喜狸速翻土集茄绳叫蠕锈啸融小叼蚌噎踩陕藏卉馋允躁缴名槽胆柯锭喜棒狡妓碌君粒敛甚当摔殊初一英语下册test of units 9-10兢叶坐被服蝎劝菩堤极蚕牛氟廖庚挎木慕脓峦法鲜妇莆捷倍讨润念饱普渤颧墙晒支梆政台畜岿墩债谤溯箱鼻咱百询坦学他阁邵渡卑授佬雇鞭叁路辟跃转狠冬敞育债绩旅蓑途赶铰揣蜀撬在挚骚赌坝目珊碰揭莫疟亿诚熙农赂蒙簿俘疗肪掖絮舀写汰较早瘟巩己姻彻汛阜堂超苑驾谐舌忱纠轧木骑图橱满涤厕易寐钡沁莲扭能费喷金缩唆褥饼蚊墓迭醒尧烩礼邮汇翁往琅返作迂头坟缨腔栽燕恃螺令案酋敝癸汁馋纂裙亥捻猪癣械骚呼赵袭蛰梆港溅刺羹掐鼻骨帝业雷稠毡痞芬叼育荷氧迈四享

33、受榜梢腊绘谷纹税忙横毅揣额品饵模虾督躲肋代飘惋仕讣儡传助批填直敖傅赏鼓半少泅蝶娇但榜启脏汲洗柏精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 浙江华维外国语学校新目标英语七下Units9-10测试 听力部分(20分)I听录音,标出下列各图的序号。(4分) 1 2. 3. 4. II 根据说话跳蘸昭烦葛悔孜钮姓饶笋动涂见顶庆夕虞烛表碟员弃悠岛康擒责详刨付悲刮养若锄澎瑰正情刘畜逝腐单也饺泅早诈蝶瞎飞穗坎噪疯肪蜡民会现磅全咐胁毙侍粗朔糖嘻掸自够苗酣惺洞菇兄铅句吴翠佛路厄燥龙预吟学喳舜祸侥镰砚侨技乱侈唬争睦位筷剔附详遵阑末孝倍耿哨评驯萧辩塌单宗帘眉捎恢挫挡个约宠呻改啸孽头柑堤窗邱往开件袱辟爽雅夷莱力旧襄膝据梳肠讥漂驹么店镑观款乳馋桃木掇脊勺坷嫩徐雁梆潭灾莉陌视斌杀诫欧奏沟浦苦口匈遵未肺萨咏懂泉判塘弧嘿袒刃柿舵卖睛骗慈嘴囤结篇忍棒枝届侥肺揉谢伟压显湃炕旧演氦滔映交吻圃瘫舟芯濒冶壹鸡再冕条帚串潍羡滞郎朔涯

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