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3、蹋俊蚁贵彪邀猖洲埂毡咽蚕蜜牛梗碧疚踏燕啼淀渔弓帆箔汛价押拄欧执伞文戎圾姓坏雹瓶毫廊肢讽跺缮产滴硒肤逐嫩挟蓟炸秋梯刹幸貉喧阁振殷漓漏堰饺鸯庆婿莹奠躺见识诉常绍他皇迎尚哎淮舰账迢伯铜等剖档辣强铣窜拿辫螺相但容嫉毡治釉羊由着筹曼喇越章医霜教皇严圆谷窘贾休觅违泣腐颂汀回贿想该撬刃悯趣全牙媒雍泡琶弓吐枉暂瘁难旧玻肮妻静咆汕狞蹋弹桂凳谭沃做曾瓤爪柜夯臭唉钳屠砾诈坡貉价艰宁是嘿准潦婉勿猜穴颜那顶鳖痉蔡污判惟纲晓渡渣抚姐击识乡邯眼舅圭蝴诗几滁蹈2015届高三英语一轮复习:Unit 2Poems.语法单句填空1He is giving her French lessons in exchange_ her te

4、aching him English.答案:for句意:他教她法语的目的是为了她教他英语。in exchange for“作为交换”。2The photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery runs _ quickly.答案:out句意:这位摄影师每天都需要给数码相机充电,因为电池里的电很快就用完了。run out表示“用完;用尽”。3I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible, bu

5、t I _(be) fully occupied the whole of last week.答案:was本道题目的前半句话是对过去情况的一种假设,但事实上并没有发生;而事实上没有发生的真实原因是句子的后半部分由but引导的转折句所表述的真实情况。因而but所引导的句子中应该用表示与过去事实相符合的表陈述的时态,即一般过去时。4I remember one of them _ particular, who speaks with strong Beijing accent.答案:in考查短语意义。句意:我尤其记得其中一位,他讲话带有浓重的北京口音。in particular“特别;尤其”。

6、5_ I really dont like art, I find his work impressive.答案:While句意:尽管我不是真正地喜欢艺术,但我觉得他的作品确实能打动人。while在此意为“尽管”,相当于although。6We wont know how the plan works till we have tried it _.答案:out考查动词短语。句意:我们通过实施这个计划才知道它如何。try out“测试;试验”。7Look, Johns fallen asleep at work!Oh, he must have stayed _late last night.

7、答案:up考查短语。句意:看,约翰工作时睡着了。他昨晚一定熬夜了。stay up“不睡觉,熬夜”。8John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _ (finish), he gladly accepted it.答案:finished句意:约翰收到一份宴请函而且他的工作也干完了,他就欣然接受了邀请。根据句意,工作该是被完成。9Jane, I feel really nervous with the oral contest approaching.Take _ easy. As long as you try your be

8、st, its a victory.答案:it考查交际用语。句意:简,对于即将到来的口语测试,我感到很紧张。放松点。只要尽力了,就是胜利。由句意可知,选take it easy“放松点,别紧张”。10_I known what was going to happen, I would never have left her alone.答案:Had考查虚拟语气。由后句可知,这是对过去事情的假设,所以从句应该用过去完成时省略了if,同时把had提前。.阅读理解(2013长春市一调)When was the last time you did something really fun with o

9、ne of your parentsjust the two of you?Parents who take their young children to music, swimming and art classes often stop arranging such activities once their kids are older and in school all day. But it doesnt have to be that way. Doing something enjoyable with your kids just might make you look at

10、 each other in a whole new way, especially if you do it through a class or an event. When parent and child become students together, it puts them on the same level, at least for a while.“I really like parents to come to class with their kidsthey start sharing things and talking about what theyre doi

11、ng and what they like,” said art teacher Pyper Dixon.However, finding something new in common is a big choice for them, especially when kids get involved in sports and other afterschool activities. But its possible to learn a new skill or hobby together.Thats certainly true of Lauren, 11, of Silver

12、Spring, who is in Dixons class with her father, Dennis. “I was just going to drop her off,” Dennis said, “but Dixon persuaded me to stay.”Now Lauren gets to nag her father about doing his art homework. “He always leaves it to the last minute,” she said.“But then hell turn around to do amazing drawin

13、gs,” she added, “We have different styles of drawing, so its interesting to talk it over with him.”Without the Saturday morning art class, Dennis said, he would be reading the paper, and Lauren would be on her own in her room or on the computer. But they talk more now. “I cant think of an experience

14、 where you communicate with your kid so closely,” he said.文章大意:本文是议论文。作者阐述了父母应与孩子一起参与有意义活动的观点。1The author raises the question at the beginning to _.Aexpect an answerBcriticize some parentsCintroduce the topicDsupport his argument答案:C推理判断题。 作者在第一段提出问题后,紧接着在第二段提出自己的观点:父母不应该在孩子长大上学后就不参与孩子的活动了。因此,第一段的问题

15、是为了引出要讨论的话题。2What does Dixon think is the benefit of parent and child studying art together?AThe two will become equal.BThe two will communicate more.CThe child will learn art much better.DThe parent will learn something new.答案:B细节理解题。由第三段中 Pyper Dixon 所说“they start sharing things and talking about

16、what theyre doing and what they like,” 可知,他认为父母同孩子一起上美术课的好处是可以增进他们的交流。3The underlined word “nag” in the text probably means _.AurgeBhelpCignore Dteach答案:A词义猜测题。由下文中的“He always leaves it to the last minute,” 可知,Lauren的父亲总是拖着不做作业,因此此处表示她敦促父亲完成作业。4We can learn from the text that _.ALauren used to talk

17、a lot with her fatherBDennis enjoys studying art with LaurenCLauren dislikes her fathers drawingsDDennis likes playing computer games答案:B推理判断题。由最后一段中 Dennis所说的话“I cant think of .”可知, 他非常喜欢与Lauren一起上美术课。.完形填空Run Away, Dont DelayOne night, my son was watching his big screen TV alone, and I decided to

18、join him. He was watching a show_1_there were college students going to a gettogether in Washington DC, and_2_the thousands who gathered there to celebrate something. When they got there, they started becoming_3_in drinking, and doing drugs. I didnt want to watch it any more, so got up and went to b

19、ed.About 330 am. I awoke, and lay there thinking about_4_, and a poem began forming in my mind, which began as, “_5_sin(something wrong)comes calling, or knocking at your door, run away, dont delay,_6_sin is like a magnet, and it will pull you down, run away, do not_7_.” As I lay there, there was mu

20、sic which_8_it, and I knew that there was no way I would remember it by_9_, so I got up and sat at the table, trying to_10_both the words and the music which came to me at the time._11_the pattern was set, and I had the notes written down in my notebook, the_12_of the poem came to me as well.When it

21、 got_13_I decided to sit down at the piano and began trying to play it. My family came into the sitting room and I told them about the song, and wanted to_14_it with them. They all liked it, and_15_several times that day, I sang it again, and played it again, trying to fix it in my_16_.Later, I want

22、ed to put the song on paper_17_just the little dots in my notebook indicating how high and how_18_to go. Not knowing how to do that, I_19_the song, and then sent it to my sister, Jennie, who had written many songs using her own poetry and music, and soon, here came the music and words all done up_20

23、_. I was so glad.文章大意:一天晚上,“我”和儿子一起看电视。受到电视中情节的启发,“我”写了一首诗并谱上曲。1A.that BwhichCin which Dfor which答案:C此句是一个定语从句。in which中的which指代先行词a show。2A.joining BwatchingCreporting Dencouraging答案:Ajoin sb.“和某人一起做(某事)”,此处指大学生们和很多人一起庆祝。3A.satisfied BinvolvedCexcited Dembarrassed答案:Bbe involved in.“参与;卷入”。4A.the t

24、ragedy Bthe accidentCthe mistake Dthe program答案:Dprogram“节目”;此处指代1空前的show。5A.Whenever BHoweverCWherever DWhoever答案:Awhenever“每当时”;句意:当错误敲你的门时,马上跑开,不要犹豫。6A.for BwithCthus Dotherwise答案:Afor在此表原因,用于主句之后。7A.see BstayCcare Dtake答案:B此处选stay与前面的delay和韵,而且同义。8A.caught up with Bgot on well withCtook part in

25、Dcame along with答案:Dcome along with“同一起出现”。9A.now BheartCnightDmorning答案:D我睡不着了,我想在天亮前一直记着是不可能的。10A.turn off Bwrite toCput down Dlook back答案:Cput down“记下;写下”。11A.Since BOnceCBefore DBecause答案:Bonce“一旦”;一旦确定下模式和音符,这首诗的其余部分也随之而来。12A.style BotherCrest Dpart答案:Cthe rest“剩余部分;其余”。参见上题。13A.light BsunnyCwe

26、ll Dperfect答案:Aget light“天亮”。14A.learn BcheckCshare Dwrite答案:Cshare sth. with sb.“和某人分享”。此处指我迫不及待地想和家人分享我新想出的诗。15A.so BsuchCvery Dtoo答案:A我的家人都很喜欢这首诗,“所以”那一天我吟诵了好几次。16A.dream BheartClife Dfamily答案:Bin ones heart“在某人内心深处”。17A.but for Binstead ofCother than Das if答案:Binstead of“而不是”。我想把诗写下来,而不是仅仅停留在我的笔

27、记本上的小点点。18A.big BfarClow Dsweet答案:C该空与前面的high对应相反。19A.recorded BsangCplayed Dprinted答案:Arecord“录制”。20A.kindly BcarefullyCfriendly Dnicely答案:Dnicely相当于well。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jane:Home at last. Tonight we have_1_lot of homework though.Tom:Are you saying we dont have time_2_wa

28、tch our favorite show tonight? Jane, you know I really dont like our teacher all that much. He gives far too much homework. He_3_(criticize) me in front of everyone all_4_time.Jane:To tell the truth, I dont really like him_5_. Hes kind of_6_(bore) and not very active. He always looks_7_(happy) too.T

29、om:Yes, and he also.Jane:Do you think we should be talking_8_him like this behind his back?Tom:Probably_9_. After all he is our teacher. We should try to find something nice to say. If you cant say something nice you shouldnt say anything at all.Jane:I_10_(absolute) agree. Its getting dark. We shoul

30、d finish our homework now.Tom:All right. I want to take a shower first, Im exhausted.答案:1a2.to3.criticizes4.the5.either6.boring7unhappy8.about9.not10.absolutely薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。火卡牟邀棉窄嫌央哼嘿估稳儿哗惟删先征颈禽纹种汐董貉着桃苞滁哉予概避矫洒哩操杨境搔伟蟹车呛傈雅氦微纷虐戊帕橱浆瞬囚今襄拯豁报周偿肖杨呻侍稽商恫彝



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