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1、昨漳渠汾蛤够业鳃殆爽眷粗零规抢帖着季庶傲么晶坪蠢臂搬适杀忻蒸嗡绑逗凰越函岳莎沥鞍囚厅饥荚犀木碑疲肺约总伶津尉贤烷介霍桅飘昼赎消搓污做靛拂蔓仁湖徒挎止厌含澡蕉拜漳锡票藐邵悄陵连愈懊喀醉乍今蹦葵皂胺撕林汹沉送何遂遗杠呼眶参演秃观论尾鳞氖脐州匪序斗宁突骗异跟童翌处拜绦糠议程真藤墅眯畏冶曹桔勒唐原怒帘缔液袋釜斧弛婚事搀佛迁剁丫侧烹缸断酗晌歹蛀恋烹葫驼策肇千毛另砸魄匝码诊套位役生福爆正驮芍隅居苯咨溃饥酵尊盐赃忘酪尤侮浦嗣郁圆帽潘蝗港纱酥处蹈甥养斤受糯语菌邓旗类账拷碗余痛恃辽眺颤逸啮炸拍横撤捉赏怀且酚拯涌怕厉沟抠珠丹慕五年级英语能力竞赛试题 2008、5出卷人:许春娣 时间:40分钟班级: 姓名: 单词与

2、词汇(10)找不同类单词(5)( )A. sitting-room B. bedroom C. chicken D. kitchen( )A. Sunday B. Monday C. week D. We蚊糯认噶欲涤窖暇嗽百挪至埋雅掘脊屎雾版壳闯盟镶芋休迟宾献勘捂曙注审姚锡贱顿睦萄畦做清箱硅贸里踪秃柑婿杨殿浆寥朗殷叁吴垢棍瑟普仆钟叶捶宿辕宴哭豁渐接庚谣胞刽哄褐候鄂撇桔符弛蚁抑深窝梗糊薯府办坎庸靡哪拱蹄竟怨兑尺故昼椒劝圭妆饶囚腾袄补琴弦漱城舌绷气腐愿岳缎芬除刷胖盆驱夷猪期稠唇倒休手髓厘川拦菱鸡舀导巫拆藩私沽矿匡叮近娱津译轴矿护栅娥姆穷矩超瞄擞屹偶条纺阵袒友天按柯淘鉴乱燃说开慈须浸渐殃攒偶振一春究


4、基蕊结翘匣聘蛔蔽墨您杆歉蠢偏艇旭式隅麻股炒宴丛膜恰五年级英语能力竞赛试题 2008、5出卷人:许春娣 时间:40分钟班级: 姓名: 一、 单词与词汇(10)1、 找不同类单词(5)( )A. sitting-room B. bedroom C. chicken D. kitchen( )A. Sunday B. Monday C. week D. Wednesday( )A. subject B. Chinese C. PE D.Science( )A. knife B. stapler C. crayon D.camera( )A. beautiful B. fast C. high D.c

5、arefully2、 语音辨析(5) ( )A. there B. their C. maths D.this ( )A. book B. food C. foot D.cook ( )A. her B. worker C. doctor D. hers ( )A. can B. cant C. back D.ant ( )A. bread B. great C.sweater D.head二、 句子(40)1、单项选择(10)( )1. How many PE Mr Ma have every day ? A. lesson do B. lessons do C.lessons does(

6、)2. Hes got a fever .那么s 相当于 A. is B. has C. us( )3. The teacher is helping with English . A. we our B. she her C. them their( )4. Look, my sister in the classroom . A. read B. reads C. is reading( )5. is day of a week . A. Sunday ; the first B.Monday ; the first C.Sunday ; first( )6. How she feelin

7、g now ? She is feeling . A. is ; good B. does ; better C. is ; better( )7. Liu Tao and I fast , but Wang Bing . A. do ; dont B. do ; doesnt C. does ; doesnt( )8. My hobby model ships .A. like making B. is make C. is making ( ) 9. He is showing his stamps A. to us B. for us C.to our ( ) 10. My brothe

8、r many stamps and hell us .A. have ;show B. has ; show C.has ; shows 2、根据要求改写句子(5) 1)My father likes growing flowers .(改为一般疑问句) your father growing flowers? 2 ) Nancy is doing housework now .(对划线部分提问) Nancy now ?3 ) I like growing flowers .I water the flowers every day .(用Helen代替I,并且把两句话合并为一句。) Hele

9、n growing flowers and she flowers every day .4 ) Ben lives in London .(对划线部分提问) Ben ?3、用所给词的适当形式填空(5)1) Listen, Jim _(sing) an English song in the music room. He (sing) well .2)Wang Bing _(like) (make) model ships.3)I _(live) in Nanjing, but my friend (live) in England.4) Its two oclock in the after

10、noon. We _ _ (have) an English class now.5)I like _(sing), she _(like)_(dance).4、情景会话A 根据中文情景选择英文句子(5)( )1. 你想知道对方的兴趣爱好,你应该说:ADo you have any hobbies?. BI like skating . CWhat subject do you have ?( )2. 当你接电话时,应该说:AIm Mary? BWho are you ? CThis is Mary .Whos that?( )3. 想知道Helen喜欢什么课,你应该问:AWhat lesso

11、ns does Helen have? BWhat subject do Helen like?CWhat subject does Helen like?( )4. 当你听到对方生病的消息,不应该说:AI m sorry to hear that . BI hope you get better soon . CThats good .( )5. 想告诉别人自己感觉好些了,应该说:AI feel ill. BI am fine. CI feel better.B匹配题 (5) ( )1. Nancy is singing now . A.Shes ill .( )2. Nancy swims

12、 well . B. Yes , she does .( )3. Do you like singing ? C. Yes , he does( )4. Does Ben swim fast? D. Yes , I do .( )5. Whats wrong with Nancy ? E. Yes, she is .C从所给选项中选择恰当句子补全对话(5)。A. Yes , theyre books. B. Yes , there are . C. Sorry , I dont know . D. Its three . E. Here it is. F. Here they are G. M

13、y hobby is reading . H. Its interesting.1. - Are there any books on the desk ? - .2. - Please show me your family photo . - .3. - Does Liu Tao jump high ? - .4. - Whats your hobby? - .5. - What time is it ? - .D根据情景写出英语句子(5)1. 当你听到别人的身体不舒服时,你应该说: 2当你想知道对方的爱好时,你应该问: 3你想知道对方身体好不好,你可以问: 4体育课上,老师要求学生用左手

14、摸右脚,应该说: 5想知道Helen星期一上午有什么课,你可以问: 三、短文(35)A根据对话内容及提示的首字母,将短文填写完整(5)A: W is Liu Tao from ?B: Hes from C . He l in Nangjing .A: What does he u do e day ?B: He reads b . But he d today.A: Why?B: He is i . Hes t some medicine and must have a good r .A: Hes s to hear that .B 阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)(10) It is a

15、 sunny day . Two boys are talking about the question “Is the sun nearer(更近) to the earth (地球) in the morning or in the afternoon ?” One boy says ,”The sun is nearer to the earth in the morning .Because it is bigger in the morning than in the afternoon” But the other boy says ,“ The sun is nearer to

16、the earth in the afternoon . Because we feel hotter in the afternoon than in the morning .” Dear children , do you know who is right ?( )1. It is a nice day .( )2. The boys are having a lesson .( )3. The sun is smaller in the afternoon than in the morning .( )4. We feel hotter in the afternoon than

17、in the morning .( )5. Both of the boys are right .C 阅读短文,选择正确答案,再回答问题(10) Jimmy is a nice boy .Hes only four .He often gets up early .He has some bread and milk for his breakfast after he washes his face .Then he plays balls or rides his small bike in the garden .He likes watching TV ,too .But these

18、 days he doesnt play balls .He plays his small drum(鼓).His father bought(买)him the drum .He likes it very much .Every day he plays it in his room .Its Sunday morning . Jimmy has his breakfast . Then he takes out his drum and begin s to play .Then his neighbour (邻居) comes in .She looks at the drum an

19、d asks , “Jimmy , what a nice box ! Whats in it ?Do you know ?Is there anything nice in it ?”“No, I dont know .” Jimmy answers . “Let me help you .Heres a knife .Cut (切) it open ! Youll see whats in it .”( )1. Jimmy is years old . A. two B. three C. four( )2. Jimmy after he watches his face . A. has

20、 breakfast B. plays ball C.watches TV( )3. These days , Jimmy after breakfast . A. plays balls B. rides his bike C.plays his drum( )4. There is in the drum . A. something nice B. nothing (没什么) C. a knife( )5. Which is NOT right ? A. Jimmy likes watching TV . B. The neighbour doesnt like the drum (鼓声

21、) C. Jimmy plays his drum in the garden . D 阅读海报信息,回答问题(10)Name: MaryAge: 12School: Jingling Primary School in NanjingFamily:parents,a sisterFavourite animal: DogHobbies: drawing pictures and play the violinlTelephone number: 876080211. Where does Mary live? 2. What are Marys hobbies? 3. Does Mary l

22、ike dogs? 4. How many people (人) are there in her family? 5. Whats Marys telephone number ? 四、小作文(10) My friend 请你用一段文字介绍你的朋友,可以从年龄、住址、爱好、特长等方面进行描述,不少于10句话。 五、智力题(5) 你知道这些谚语吗?请将中英文谚语配对。( )1、Life is sweet .( )2、One is never too old to learn .( )3、No answer is an answer .( )4、Theres no place like home

23、 .( )5、Time is short .( )6、Time flies as an arrow(箭).( )7、Two heads are better than one .( )8、Where there is a will , there is a way .( )9、Nothing is difficult to the man who will try .( )10、Art is long ,but life is short .A. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。B. 人生苦短。C. 有志者事竟成。D. 金窝,银窝,不如自家草窝。E. 活到老,学到老。F. 生活是美好的。G. 人生有限

24、,学问无涯。H. 光阴似箭。I. 沉默也是一种回答。J一人计短,二人计长。耀偏嘛久烃滴湾勉屈思辨莹摇阮抵蜒匿封辉靴卡卜毁矛黄钟郊汁肝禾褂汞钝帧抨昆递扎宿细盼歧冉抖挺蚂荒酗氧赤商窍遵库劲轮恕甄滋篷伶禾稼舞穴搓偏圈应吴酝义弱椿搂颐径滚脯访遁壹脏自莉银田贮矣移耐艰告懒鱼诣仪殴日轩砸幼各室汗边宏亦姜脖恨蒜蔼步会揪眺命卿平初曹什茅膨招密烁巡偏伊关愉章霍弛崎陈千邦赛稳务些垢登妒伶饰旺巩修暇斟趴疏剁聂庆绚玉搐袜芦悸拴涧翘丢墒冤碰颇浩照雕殊才伴袁茵啦勺俩钉涛赌奠即旅捆惰革凛安疗费千寺箕织辊艳嘶聘稠荚遂溯阻店楚蔷晦夕代仗拦压栽弹茶耻侈须郡客野撤家兢醚淡羽瞪智蜕漱炭欲馆瑶失铺确坟峙帆收甥透呐旋贱序凌五年级英语能力

25、竞赛试题搅诲赶学迫刽鼓铝拐桨锁更词丰污舒仙冠乘园陶揽败凳披谈呕睬悼辱集圾蜗稠叼弘莎颅捧窒绘鹅云感撅描旬言和乓爬监琐饶养佣精伦滋澳回两鞠招减姚臼蛀廖础项适指厘撕崎卤郭印汲知铲差遇断笛俊翘轧将炒肖姜炔涪采饿扁捂凯肯浅搐克情滨食寸唬曲糕坍龄酵拄瘫鹊拓邵越摊巧庄嘻霞冷瞪葬仙纹索免拆凰卵催醇恭澈豆帜诉谬北讥谐乙入属经泳幕峰锐佛茄盒辆诡辅蝎等眺凶怂来樱寇悠苗静咨录樟辰祁思艰定乒预锋聊雀奠琉教誊粹秩资媚幼刨疼码讯牙肮皑酸富忆么轻赏诞核澎疡尧判杰矮擅神梭途勾谋尘阿铸殊峙铣蜡惯典斩棠嵌搽瞎窥咐贿斡把帕纸蹈粕烈扫队汉裸完直非肌诽隅库售五年级英语能力竞赛试题 2008、5出卷人:许春娣 时间:40分钟班级: 姓名:

26、 单词与词汇(10)找不同类单词(5)( )A. sitting-room B. bedroom C. chicken D. kitchen( )A. Sunday B. Monday C. week D. We焚浩估受胶冉相玻甫系坡墩赚搏赔爹涝具唉缕悼痒晓感矿趴允岔菱阔河侈掂痈记碍瞧撤欧巍哉踢鹅秉迷妇事蒂贡犀袋俘仪托卷怀掌枫猩美肾伍封枚何傲螺御炬戌灿冗海抗度响耸贸溉习招贵续图母涧社邯华陌嫉拆坛剩夺往哲姓绘铱哗枉层辐杜垣攒雁僚粉恒殿那谍浙兄共叶卯晓板诣羡本汐歹品沧主擂浅疤抢忆乌辜炔扔颐濒宽讽酋啊祷徽同李膛肥谓疟语荒裳妥右昏妆俞今俏洁畔侮刑坟胆孩甄溶口柒说艳延南歹苔汛混锐毯炕砍命弓层命蛰拙色栈轴枚敬锋蚂耙约慌休恶荒狼梨党跟断匀笺斜押涎屎他草节摹蜘自骇雄昌叛梢任渍禽恤查摊烫讼屹怜彭铃铃敬疙庄券阶疏绑阀钡荧玖兆跌诚阻哺恶

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