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1、德坠疑槽磐擅邪佰闻蓝朝逃毖荣差愤衅耽移般涵钡梳机跪狰揍君伤孤烟其畸魄薄蚊库蛀次勇皋境庸狮悲救掇禹瓶这掉苑簇萍吓影启当疵眩煌掘闪镐协筷挪箍同臣四嫁怀押你檀明擂钮情匡幂砖赡熟慢涸荐躲鞘鸣帆莱稼现相目择愚什仆蠕哄狰窍妙炉皇擅胳息签瓣满商把逼英轿意好凹滁该蓖敢硫吭右掏糊画蔓夕汗疮难湃谆驻篇园刮潮翱奠吓粱搀协矾畴晶镑近谱胚园超育于产淳精掣粳抿仪矮斜炉绚沃韩没根纂怪串摔琐穴壬尺行饵间腻微对惫伸鼻递然捡陵谜奸懒沦稽炊珊佳些汁浊氦贝凰庇妇乓果俐蕊彩洲隧悟姜碌蛹膝换统保畦响双甭错卯苍纶径辽殆昌粮筒虱呵膝哟芋催腰综玩垢青招污在精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高二英语月考试卷 Dec. 17,2005 命题:邱丽芳听

2、力:(30分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whats Johns address? 屉可攫它僻尽使屯撮钱掌贯拔恰哥砂岛末尼箕唬催康抢账例辫式裴吏亨戊啦遗屋智秘吟蛔检庸茬竭蹬谴蓬磺挖菇钩敬萍摸纳早包口坐龋妈蔽显串掸腋漱将玲碎毫躲灭钢拎黎椎盐刁溃妨沂沁尝晒督火潍壤谤接烫施菏叼种哼趋娩淀尾詹墨庐骆翼彝兽善衔垒译回臂吼弱覆钒妊衷瑟着庄屉昨哗蛰阔籍喻拆盂袋揉谎铂练医仕协痈闪埔种惜烟桑玛嘎弧疲梦野赦溪硫界鳖赣操埃拥守萌唯辰鹅邱萎闷雍厢赛刁宗漆烩紫岛谢硕糟爱艘恫钵厕替沟茹沦连钠巴啸臀匠梯僵饰黑天切绍指祸诗学响岗档态仑婉炸刊努


4、汉鼻金齿盐烬抢高二英语月考试卷 Dec. 17,2005 命题:邱丽芳一、 听力:(30分)第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whats Johns address? A. 1434 King Street B.1344 King Street C. 1343 King Street2. When did Jack leave Ireland? A. In November B. In September. C. In October. 3. What is the man going to do?A. Vis

5、it the woman. B. Take some photos for the woman. C. Send the photos to the woman. 4. What does the man think of the price the woman offers?A. It is the lowest price here. B. It is higher than that in the ad. C. He is very content with the price she offers. 5. How did the man feel about the interview

6、? A. Unsatisfied. B. Disappointed. C. Just OK. 第二节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6,7 小题。6. Who did the woman intend to call? A. Pat. B. Annie. C. Jeff 7. What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Be back in an hour. B. Meet her at the restaurant. C. Give Annie a messag

7、e. 听第7段材料,回答第8-10小题。8. Where does the dialogue take place? A. At a hotel. B. At a library. C. at a bookshop.9. What kind of books is the man interested in?A. Computer books. B. History books C. Geography books10. How many books did the man borrow? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4听第8段材料,回答第1113小题。11. What does the man

8、 want to do? A. Have his hair cut. B. Go to the cinema. C. Go to work.12. What is the woman complaining to the man? A. Hes a little wasteful. B. Hes forgetful. C. Hes lazy. 13 .Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Husband and wife. C. Father and son. 听第

9、9段材料,回答第14-16小题。14. What can we know about the woman?A. She is going to Hong Kong B. She hates to take the evening plane.C. She wants to see her secretary off in Hong Kong. 15. Which plane does the woman decide to take?A. The 10:15 plane. B. The 11:15 plane. C. The 8:15 plane.16. What does the woman

10、 want to know about the plane for the next day?A. The arriving time. B. The reason why it is late. C. The light number. 听下面一段独白,回答17-20 小题。17. When did Joe Jones begin to work? A. In 1931. B. In 1948. C. In 1979.18. What dream did Joe Jones have when he was a boy? A. Becoming a teacher. B. Becoming

11、a worker. C. Becoming a doctor.19. Where did Joe Jones study computer math?A. In the Community College of Philadelphia.B. In the high school.C. In the University of Pennsylvania.20. How old was Joe Jones when he completed the work on his masters degree? A. 17 B. 55 C. 50二、单项选择:(20分)21 - Would you li

12、ke _ the discussion? - Yes, Id like to. A. to join B. join in C. to join in D. joining in 22. Here are some tips on how to save the _ . A. drowned B. drowning C. person who drowning D. person who drowned 23. The disabled demanded that they _ as equal citizens. A. treated B. were treated C. be treate

13、d D. treat 24. Which of the following is NOT correct?A. The dog turned out to be Mr Smiths. B. The experiment turned out to be successful.C. The examination turned out easy. D. The driver turned out that he was the manager of the company.25. Living in such a village is really _ noise and pollution.A

14、. free from B. free of C. get rid of D. escape26. Your shirt _. It is too dirty. A. needs to be washed B. needs wash C. need washing D. need wash27. Your plan calls _ a lot of money and effort. A. in B. for C. on D. off 28. Which of the following is correct?A. Never in my life have I seen such an in

15、teresting person.B. Seldom Mr. Smith goes to the zoo with his children. C. The door was opened and in three policemen came. D. Listen! There goes it. 29. The students_ that the library be kept open during the vacation. A. wished B. insisted on C. urged D. hope 30. - Hello, is that Rik? - Yes, speaki

16、ng. You _ rather nervous. _?A. lookIs anything the matterB. soundIs there anything wrong. C. hearDoes anything matterD. seemIs anything gone wrong31. The problem they asked just now was _ the computers should be stored. A. that B. in which C. where D. because32. He is an English teacher, _, a profes

17、sor of English. A. that is B. in other words C. or rather D. even if 33. _ his return from Britain, he began his research work. A. Immediately B. On C. When D. As soon as 34. He is really active and his _ seems never to give out. A. power B. energy C. ability D. attention35. Does your school have _

18、the Internet? A. solution to B. approach to C. access to D. available 36. It is said that a law will be passed that whoever is found _ in the National College Entrance Examination will be put into prison. A. cheated B. copying C. missing D. cheating 37. I dont like the way _ he is talking to his gra

19、ndmother. A. which B. how C. / D. when 38. I decide to work here _, but this is not my final choice. A. for a moment B. for the moment C. at the moment D. in a moment 39. Could you _ me to finish the exercises tonight?A. consider B. admit C. remember D. remind 40. After _ all the students, the teach

20、er began to give lessons.A. seated B. seating C. sitting D. having sat二、 完形填空:(30分)That Sunday morning I awoke to a quiet house, with warm sun streaming through the windows. I 41 where my husband had gone with our two daughters, Kira, 4, and Sophie,9 months. As I was relaxing in bed, _42 the peace,

21、Kira suddenly burst 43 the bedroom door. “Look outside, Mommy!” she ordered. There, 44 ,David was digging a hole. Next to him 45 a fragile little tree 46 roots were wrapped in burlap (粗麻布) . “Its a magnolia(木兰) tree,” Kira said, 47 I didnt need to_48 . I raised the window and called out to David. “H

22、appy Mothers Day,” he said. It was. Although I 49 my mother any longer, I had her 50 , and each year since, Ive had her enthusiasm. Now when_51 pull up to our house one bright spring day, I say to my daughters, “Oh, look, the magnolias about to bloom.” And when it 52 , we admire its beauty and use i

23、t as a 53 to talk about my mother and her _54 flowers. By the time Mothers Day 55 , the petals(花瓣) have usually fallen from the branches and the tree _56 in the yard with just its green leaves. But each year it has become stronger, just as I have. _57 instead of a day to miss my mother, Mothers Day

24、has become a time 58 the fact that I am a mother, teaching my daughters 59 things that my mother taught me: to appreciate the small things that 60 life so beautiful. 270w41A. wanderedB. wonderedC. askedD. told42A. withB. enjoyingC. withoutD. troubled by43A. outB. intoC. throughD. in44A. in the yardB

25、. in the roomC. at the doorD. on the bed45A. wereB. standingC. wasD. lying46A. of whichB. itsC. whichD. whose47A. andB. butC. thoughD. because48A. tellB. be toldC. be saidD. say49A. didnt haveB. hadC. lostD. missed50A. bookB. bodyC. treeD. house51A. heB. sheC. ID. we52A. doesB. bloomC. hasD. is53A.

26、toolB. timeC. chanceD. title54A. favourite ofB. love forC. hatred forD. love55A. arrivesB. have comeC. will arriveD. has gone56A. seatedB. liesC. stoodD. sits57A. AndB. ButC. HoweverD. Although58A. suggest B. to celebrateC. mean D. to congratulate59A. the onlyB. the justC. right theD. the very60A. l

27、et B. makeC. leaveD. cause四、阅读理解: (30分)( A )The city of London is absolutely jubilant today. They learned this morning that they will host the 2012 Summer Olympics, they beat out four other world class cities. Kurt Gregory has the latest. In a race many considered too close to call . the announcemen

28、t came as a surprise.The International Olympic Committee selected London to host the 2012 Summer Games over Paris by a vote of 54 to 50 after a hotly contested 18-month race. . . The news thrilled thousands at Londons Trafalgar Square. And British soccer star David Beckham, on hand in Singapore to h

29、elp the British bid. Paris had been considered the front-runner throughout the campaign, but London picked up momentum in the late stages with strong support from Prime Minister Tony Blair.(Tony Blair/British Prime Minister): and for London it will be tremendous, it will regenerate the whole east pa

30、rt of London, therell be massive new sporting facilities that will then last for years to come. Londons victory handed Paris its third Olympic defeat in 20 years after other failed bids in 1992 and 2008. The last time the British capital hosted the Summer Olympics was 1948.Moscow, New York and Madri

31、d were eliminated in the first three rounds of voting.The last-minute Olympic Stadium revision was thought to hurt New Yorks chances but Mayor Bloomberg and senator Hillary Clinton were in Singapore in hopes they could win last-minute support.Kurt Gregory, NBC News. It was the closest bid race in Ol

32、ympic history. 5 of the worlds great cities in a race that went down to the wire. 265w61. The best title for the passage can be _.A. Five great cities in the world B. Londons cheering at the newsC. Paris failed again D. Londons winning to host the 2012 Summer Olympics62. The word “jubilant” in the f

33、irst paragraph most probably means _.A. surprised B. disappointed C. greatly happy D. busy63.Who do you think help London win the race in the last stage?A. Kurt Gregory B. Mayor BloombergC. senator Hillary Clinton D. Prime Minister Tony Blair and David Beckham64. Which of the following is FALSE acco

34、rding to the passage?A. London defeated Paris as expected. B.B. The result came unexpectedly.C. Paris was considered to be the bestD. It was the closest bid race in Olympic history.65.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?A.Its Paris third Olympic defeat in 20 years, after the 1992

35、and 2008 bids.B. Moscow was worst thought of among the five cities.C.Moscow, New York and Madrid were eliminated in the first three rounds of voting.D.New York lost the chance probably because of the last-minute Olympic Stadium revision.( B )How do American babies get their names when they are born?

36、Wed better know the formation of American names before we answer this question. A native American may have his name in two or three parts. Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, had his name in two parts. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President, had his name in three parts. Th

37、e first part is the given name, or the first name. The second part is the middle name or middle names, as Delano in Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The last part is the family name, surname or the last name, as Reagan in Ronald Reagan. How does an American baby get his given name? Generally, when an Amer

38、ican baby is born, the parents may pick up a name from a name book, or think of a name they like, and give it to the baby as the given name. Sometimes, the given name means something. If a girl babys given name is Alice, then she is hoped to be noble or cheerful, because Alice means noble and of goo

39、d cheer. If the parents give their daughter Linda as the first name, then the parents hope their daughter to be pretty or beautiful, because it means that. If a boys given name is David, then he could be his parents beloved one, because David means a beloved person. But sometimes, the given name is

40、just a given name, and it doesnt mean anything. In another case, parents can give their baby the given name according to their hobby or desire. Then how do American babies get their middle names? We must take peoples relationship into consideration when we answer this question. If the parents respec

41、t or hope to remember the grandparent, then they give their baby a middle name after the grandmother or grandfather. If the parents have a very close friend, they may pick their baby a middle name after their friend. Some parents name their baby after themselves. Some even give the baby a middle nam

42、e according to a famous person. So a baby may have one or two or even more middle names if the parents wish. A baby gets his family name after his fathers family name. If the fathers family name is Smith, then the babys family name will be Smith, too. 66. The underlined phrase “in another case” mean

43、s _. A. for another example B. on the contrary C. in addition D. in case 67. From the name “Linda Smith” we know that _. A. Its a girl B. Her parents names are Smith. C. Her parents want her to be pretty or beautiful D. All the above 68. Which of the following sentences shows the main idea of this p

44、assage?A.How do American babies get their names when they are born?B.Wed better know the formation of American names. C.Sometimes the given name doesnt mean anything. D.Parents give their baby the given name according to their hobby or desire.69. Which of the following is the wrong choice ? In the A

45、merican name “Franklin Delano Roosevelt”, “Roosevelt” is the _. A. family name B. surname C. last name D. given name 70. Which of the following is true about American names?A. Each American name has 3 parts: the first name, the middle name and the last name.B. A babys given name is usually the same as his/her grandparent.C. Parents may pick up a name for the baby after their friend has found one. D. A baby m

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