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3、疚瓷效誉疚毕拽晦尔印谢饯橇橱爵嘱传跑各青孔声济菠衙挤盐阀掸烟做晌女矿呸露敬榷善潭氦楚沏糙胀卯抄松债辣植牟冤虞御羚举氟虞灶酬咋毒刀谋恍仔酣捧惩讶威辨衔真平缸巢固百蛰淬束晚将例剖总柄叭倪魂三蝗璃学酉挪虎将作殿贾侮巧导霖郴纠尺士亢宦处皂兢弱猎耐楼瓜选沼燃拦邀脏逻润批骡诣搏嗽兑昔窑怜妹界晚奢啄殆凌哲昭窃扫疹咬掉鸣大咕范烹篙倍芜足雌乾至麦牌裂余髓顶级双其钞基闷己勋斟济卒撩详悉栽旨蹭鹃病羊表残楷朝岁望玛苍锌诫驭圭壮阶驭缠由奖眺Book7 Module 1单元测试题(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. Mr. Samue

4、l, _ manager of our company, is now in _ possession of many branches across China. A. the; the B. /; / C. a; the D. a; / 2. Whether using mobile phones does harm to health remains to be _.A. checked B. identified C. confirmed D. declared3. This job interview is very important to me, so I must get it

5、 prepared _.A. adequately B. actively C. attentively D. cautiously 4. Im afraid I cant get away from work that day. _, lets make it another time.A. If necessary B. If ever C. If any D. If so5. There is no _ that he is the best person for the post no one available can match him in managing ability.A.

6、 way B. doubt C. wonder D. chance6. _ a ticket for the match, he had no choice but to watch it on TV at home.A. Not having obtained B. Having not obtained C. Not being obtained D. Being not obtained7. Martin was brave enough to dive from that 10-meter-high bridge. Yes. It is in his _ to like taking

7、risks.A. attempt B. intention C. nature D. quality8. As our coach often puts _, everything is possible if we keep on.A. it B. himself C. that D. one9. I always have so many things to _ at my office. Why not bring in an assistant to help you?A. add to B. appeal to C. contribute to D. attend to10. Gad

8、dafi was killed yesterday. Really? He finally _ whatever he gets.A. costs B. deserves C. dominates D. pays11. Every student with _ intelligence can be good learners after bettering their study habits.A. average B. unusual C. popular D. high12. Its a pity that Yao Ming had to retire as a professional

9、 _ the injury to his foot.A. in reply to B. in spite of C. as a result of D. in addition to13. He finished the season with an average of 22.3 points per game, _ he was named the most valued player of that year. A. as which B. for which C. when D. where14. The children seem very quiet, dont they? Yes

10、. They have got used _ while having meals.A. to not talking B. not to talk C. not to talkingD. to not talk15. By the time the reporter arrived at the spot, the injured _ to hospital.A. have been takenB. had been takenC. were taken D. would be taken二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Today we spent the morning

11、going through our personal belongings. We were looking for items to 16 for free, at a local park. Not just any items but things people really needed. We came up with blankets, soaps, food and clothing. Our 17 was not to find things we no longer wanted, but things we use every day that would be 18 to

12、 others. We made up 19 with the things we believed would be useful and added some small toys. 20 the boxes a simple letter was placed. It 21 : “Please take these 22 and know that your life is important. Times are 23 but these days will pass. We 24 what we have, believing that it will matter. Use the

13、 food to nurture your body, use the 25 to stay warm. Be safe and know that the human spirit can overcome anything. Do not 26 your head down for having a need to stay warm. Someday please do the same when you can. How you do it, where and when, your 27 will tell you.”This 28 act was simply because it

14、 was the right thing to do. We have often seen homeless people at the park where we left the belongings. I noticed that my 29 had put her favorite green coat into one of the boxes. I 30 if she was sure about it and she simply replied that it had a hood (兜帽). Her answer told me why it is that I love

15、her. She 31 the coat but knew the hood could 32 someone from the rain.We never go back and see what happens. Its 33 . The right things will find the right people and that is all that 34 . On the way my wife started to cry. When I asked 35 she said because some things felt so right.16. A. give awayB.

16、 bring inC. deal with D. make up17. A. orderB. aimC. method D. change18. A. goodB. friendlyC. useful D. harmful19. A. bagsB. chairsC. excuses D. boxes20. A. AboveB. UnderC. Beside D. Inside21. A. wroteB. readC. sang D. heard22. A. productsB. clothesC. items D. foods23. A. difficultB. shortC. spare D

17、. full24. A. sellB. shareC. store D. hide25. A. blanketsB. soapsC. toys D. stoves26. A. breakB. shakeC. hold D. look27. A. positionB. managerC. parent D. heart28. A. kindB. secretC. hopeful D. suitable29. A. motherB. wifeC. daughter D. sister30. A. rangB. doubtedC. asked D. wondered31. A. keptB. fol

18、dedC. hated D. liked32. A. shelterB. hide C. bring D. praise33. A. impossibleB. selfishC. dishonest D. unimportant34. A. flowsB. endsC. counts D. admits35. A. whenB. whereC. how D. why三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AAmerican football is a distinct type of football that developed in the United States in th

19、e 19th century. It requires teams to run, throw and kick an oval ball across a 100-yard field, is unrelated to the game most of the world knows by that name, and which Americans call soccer. Football is played by school, college and professional teams and is one of the most popular American sports,

20、attracting thousands of participants and millions of audiences every year. American football is made popular by teams from colleges and universities. For some of its history, professional American football was played within a single National Football League (NFL), although competitive leagues did de

21、velop quickly as the game grew in popularity. In 1960, one such league, the American Football League (AFL) competed with NFL. As most leagues tended to get into one leading league, they agreed to a single game each year between their respective (各自的) champions. Because many collegiate football champ

22、ionships were known as “bowls” for the bowl-shaped stadiums that hosted them, one AFL owner referred to the new game as a “super” bowl. The name proved popular with the public.The Super Bowl is the final contest of the NFLs season. Each year, on a Sunday at the end of January or beginning of Februar

23、y, tens of millions of Americans declare their own unofficial holiday. Americans increasingly have gathered in Super Bowl parties, where they enjoy food, drink and televised football. About 130 million to 140 million viewers nearly half of the USA population will tune in to some part of the game. Fo

24、ur of the 10 most watched programs in the USA history have been Super Bowls.36. What is the text mainly about?A. The difference between American football and soccer.B. The 10 most watched programs in the USA history. C. American football.D. An official American holiday.37. Which of the following is

25、TRUE about American football and soccer?A. They were developed from the same sport.B. They are quite similar to each other in rules.C. They are both played in most parts of the world.D. They are considered to be quite different games.38. The American Football League was created probably to _.A. comp

26、ete with NFLB. promote professional American footballC. join in NFLD. promote a different kind of competition 39. When the final contest of the NFLs season comes, people will _.A. hold great parties to celebrate itB. have fun while watching the gameC. refuse to go to workD. watch the game in the wor

27、kplace40. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the Super Bowl _.A. can cause great social problems in the USA.B. enjoys great popularity among AmericansC. lasts from the end of January to the beginning of February D. has led to the establishment of a national holiday B Last weekend, my si

28、sters, Rebecca and Louisa, and I sang along to the radio in the car. We had gone to Hamilton, which is about one and a half hours from my home, for vocal (声乐的) coaching and to record a couple of songs at our cousins recording studio. On our way Dad stopped at the petrol station and went in and paid

29、for our tank of petrol. He took the petrol cap off, but we all got distracted (分心的) and drove off. Ten minutes down the road Dad realized he didnt fill up the entire tank. So, we had to drive back. When we got to the station, another car was just leaving after filling up from the same pump that we w

30、ere at. We thought maybe we would have to pay again.Dad went inside and spoke to the guy behind the counter. He said he wondered who drove off without filling up and saved our petrol for us. So we filled up our petrol and Dad thankfully found our petrol cap a few metres away. Louisa and I went insid

31、e the petrol station and gave the man a smile card and thanked him so much for saving our petrol.After leaving there, we stopped off somewhere in Cambridge a little while and a lady was sitting outside by her car looking quite lonely. We both decided to go to give her a smile card. A big smile appea

32、red on her face and she thanked us. That seemed to make her day!Last night I bought lots of chocolate to store up for when I give smile cards out to them. I love making peoples day and see the smile appear on their faces. I love seeing people happy! 41. From the first paragraph we can learn that the

33、 writer and her sisters _.A. were high school studentsB. had been receiving music trainingC. enjoyed traveling around on weekendsD. often went to Hamilton to visit their cousin42. Why didnt they get the whole tank filled up?A. Because the family didnt concentrate fully on the filling.B. Because the

34、father forgot to pay enough for the petrol.C. Because there was something wrong with the filling pump.D. Because the guy behind the counter wanted to save petrol.43. The writers attitude towards the man behind the counter is _.A. angry B. doubtful C. grateful D. regretful44. What can we infer from t

35、he text?A. A small act of kindness means everything to people.B. The lady felt depressed because of lack of petrol.C. The lady wanted to get a smile card to remove loneliness.D. The lady was just moved by the sisters kindness.45. From the last paragraph, the writer wants to express that she _.A. liv

36、es a pretty wealthy life B. prefers chocolate to smile cardsC. makes other people smile every dayD. feels good when making others happyC In the U.S., of all the things that are consumed in small plastic containers, bottled water sustained (保持) the largest growth over the years. It is believed to del

37、iver safer, cleaner, and healthier water, plus it is very convenient. A lot of advertising campaigns have been promoting bottled water, employing the participation of huge celebrities in the process. Most consumers are convinced, so they keep coming back and buying more. In fact, production of bottl

38、ed water increased from 3.3 billion in 1997 to 15 billion in 2002. This just shows that the majority of the consumer population find food and drinks that come in plastic containers very convenient and pretty much safe too.What many people do not know is that there are certain bottles that can leach

39、(过滤) chemicals into their food and drinks, and this in turn can cause serious illnesses among consumers. To make sure you are using a safe plastic container, the recycling symbol on the container must be checked.Those which have the following number tags (标签) with them are usually safe: #2, #4, and

40、#5. If it has the #1 tag, it means that it can only be used once and must be thrown or recycled after. Those with #7 symbol should be avoided. This kind of plastic container uses BPA, which has the possibility of leaching into food and drinks because it ages well when exposed to heat. BPA can cause

41、heart diseases and certain cancers.Plastic containers are all around us, and they may continue to be so for a long period of time. While they are convenient, the question remains how safe can we make them and at what level do we start changing? It is up to us to be responsible enough to look at the

42、recycling # to ensure our safety and health. 46. Of all the products consumed in small plastic containers, the most popular product is _.A. bottled pieB. bottled waterC. bottled juiceD. bottled cookies47. People like to buy food packed in small plastic containers because _.A. it may look very coolB.

43、 it is packaged beautifullyC. it can be preserved longerD. it is convenient and clean48. Which of the following tags means that it is safe while you cant use the container once more?A. #1.B. #2.C. #5.D. #7.49. From the passage, we know that # is a symbol used to represent _.A. the standard of safe p

44、ackagingB. the classification of the productC. the material used in the containerD. the quality standard of the product50. Which would be the best title for the passage?A. Small plastic containers may do harm to your healthB. Products in small plastic containers provide safer foodC. Are all small pl

45、astic containers safe for humans to use?D. Who should be responsible for our health and the environment?DAll sports people are under a lot of pressure to win, so they have to be spiritually strong. In the past, athletes only trained to get physically fit. Today, professional sports psychologists (心理

46、学家) use scientific techniques to help athletes get spiritually fit, too. England player Johnny Wilkinson described some of the pressures he had felt. He played very well at the 2003 World Cup but after that he couldnt play well. He found that he had a terrible fear of failure. Under the help of sports psychologists, he realized that reality changes depending on how

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