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1、Lesson9MarkTwain-MirrorofAmerica by Noel Grove制作人:赵霞 Mark Twain (1835-1910)第1页BackgroundInformationMark Twain Introduction of his major worksThe Gilded Age and The Gold Rush第2页AbouttheauthorSamuel Langhorne Clemens(November30,1835April21,1910),betterknownbythepennameMarkTwain,wasanAmericanhumorist,s

2、atirist,writer,andlecturer.TwainismostnotedforhisnovelsAdventures of Huckleberry FinnandThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer.ClemenswasawellknownauthorintheUnitedStates,apopularcomedianandmonologist,andfriendtopresidents,artists,leadingindustrialists,andEuropeanroyalty.MarkTwainsAdventures of Huckleberry Fi

3、nnhasbeencalledaGreatAmericanNovel.Heenjoyedimmensepublicpopularityandhiskeenwitandincisivesatireearnedhimpraisefrombothcriticsandpeers.AmericanauthorWilliamFaulknercalledTwainthe father of American literature.”第3页Introduction of his major worksMarkTwainwrotenovelsprincipally,healsowroteshortstories

4、,speeches,andnon-fictionsTheGildedAge(1873),TheAdventuresofTomSawyer(1876),ThePrinceandthePauper(1881),AdventuresofHuckleberryFinn(1884),AConnecticutYankeeinKingArthursCourt(1889)TheTragedyofPuddnheadWilson(1894)第4页 Healsowrotesomeautobiographicalworks,includingTheInnocentsAbroad(1869),ATrampAbroad(

5、1880),LifeontheMississippi(1883),MarkTwainsAutobiography.第5页The Gilded Age and The Gold RushTheGildedAge(1873),whichfollowedRoughingIt,wasTwainsfirstnovel.HewroteitwithhisfriendandfellowHartfordwriter,CharlesDudleyWarner.ThetitlereferstothedecadesfollowingtheCivilWar.Thisbooksatirizestheselfishnessa

6、ndmoney-makingschemesthatwerecommonduringthattime.第6页第7页Whatisthechiefendofman?-togetrich.Inwhatway?-dishonestlyifwecan;honestlyifwemust.-MarkTwain-1871第8页 ThesagaofAmericanwealthcreation,bothforthenationandforitsenterprisingcapitalists,reacheditspeakduringtheGildedAge,aperiodroughlydelimitedbytheen



9、hadsewingmachines,phonographs,skyscrapers,andevenelectriclights,yetmostpeoplelaboredintheshadowofpoverty.第10页LifeontheMississippi(1883)Life on the Mississippi(1883)describesthehistory,sights,people,andlegendsofthesteamboatsandtownsoftheMississippiRiverregion.Inthemostvividpassages,chapters4through17



12、inthenation第13页StructureofthetextPart1:(par.1)A general introduction of Mark TwainPart2:(par.2-20)Mark Twains main experiences and works Part3:(par.21-22)Mark twains disappointment in human life in later years 第14页DetailedStudyofthetextPart1:(Para.1)Part1:(par.1)A general introduction of Mark TwainI

13、ntroductionThe first paragraph serves as an introduction of the whole text.It provides an general appraisal of Mark Twain,the father of Hack and Tom,the nations best-loved author,and the good news and bad news.The author adopted some rhetorical devices to illustratethe picture,and also some very emp

14、hatic adjectives,adverbs,such as eternal,endless,every bit,profound,etc.The first paragraph is highly conclusive.第15页Questions:1.Identifyandexplainthemetaphorinthefirstsentence.2.Whatistheimplicationofthetwoadjectiveseternalandendless?3.WhywasTwainsaidtobeadventurous,patriotic,romantic,andhumorous?4



17、pedoboat,etc.第18页everybitas:infml,justas,quiteasHe is every bit as clever as you are.Im every bit as sorry about it as you.Cynic:member of a school of ancient Greek philosophy that despised ease and comforta cynical remark,attitude,smile Theyve grown rather cynical about democracy,ie no longer belie

18、ve that it is an honest system.第19页obsess:fillthemindcontinuously,AmE,toworrycontinuouslyandunnecessarily.Ifsthobsessesyouorifyouareobsessedwithitorbyit,youkeepthinkingaboutitoveralongperiodoftime,andfinditdifficulttothinkaboutanythingelse.He became absolutely obsessed with a girl reporter on televi

19、sion.She is obsessed by the desire to become a great scientist.cf:preoccupy:to fill the thoughts or hold the interest of sb.almost completely,esp.so that not enough attention is given to other(present)matters.第20页ParaphraseMirror of America:Metaphor.A mirror reflects or reveals the truth of somethin

20、g or somebody.Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father.Father:metaphor.Endless:hyperbole.The whole sentence:parallelism.Mark Twain is famous to most Americans as the creator of Hack Finn and Tom Sawyer.Hacks sailing/voyage/journey/travel on the river was so pleasant,lighthearted,carefree,sim

21、ple and peaceful that it made his boyhood seem to be infinite,while Toms independent mind and his exciting and dangerous activities made the summer seem everlasting.第21页FiguresofSpeechMetaphorMirrorofAmericaMostAmericansrememberMarkTwainasthefather.UnderstatementParallelism&hyperbole.MostAmericansre

22、memberMarkTwainasthefatherofHuckFinnsidylliccruisethrougheternalboyhoodandTomSawyersendlesssummeroffreedomandadventure.I 第22页DetailedStudyoftheTextPart II(Para 2-20)Part2:(par.2-20)Mark Twains main experiences and works Section 1.(Tramp printer.the settled United States)the setting,background knowle

23、dgeSection 2.(Young Mark.that invented retreating)early years of life on the Mississippi and as a Confederate guerrillaSection 3.(He went west.best-seller.)On his way to success.Section 4.(At the age.renew our edges.)Comment on his best works.第23页Question1.WhycanwesayTwainisstillapopularwriter?2.Whe

24、rewasthemainchanneloftransportationinhischildhood?3.Whatdoesitmeanbymedicineshow?4.Howdoyouunderstandthewildhumorist?5.Howdidheestablishhisliteraryposition?6.Explainsweptthenation,wasgivenalifeofitsown.第24页WordsandExpressions frailty:aweaknessofcharacterorbehaviour.One of the frailties of human natu

25、re is laziness.That chair looks too frail to take a mans weight.There is only a frail chance that he will pass the examination.tramp:a person who has no home or permanent job and very little money.Tramps go from place to place getting food and money by taking occasional job or begging.A woman who is

26、 thought to have sex with a lot of men is cursed to be a tramp.When used as a verb,tramp means to walk heavily in a particular direction or along roads or streets.第25页Theres a tramp at the door begging for food.We tramped for hours through the snow.Dont tramp about so noisily,youll wake everyone up.

27、cf:盲流,”blind flow”,unauthorized move,persons who move without government sanction 第26页 starry:full of stars in the sky,indicating sparkling,glowing,and flashing.starry-eyed:full of unreasonable or silly hopes.If you are starry-eyed,you are so full of dreams or hopes or idealistic thoughts that you d

28、o not see how things really are.We were all starry-eyed about visiting London.第27页range:totravelwithoutanydefiniteplanordestination,afairlyliteraryuse.cf:wander,range,saunter,strollWander implies the absence of a fixed course or more or less indifference to a course that has been fixed or otherwise

29、indicated.The term may imply the movement of a walker whether human or animal,but it may be used of anything capable of direction.His eyes wandered over the landscape.His mind wandered and he was unsure of himself.第28页Range may be preferred when literal wandering is not implied or when the stress is

30、 on the sweep of territory covered rather than on the form of locomotion involved.He spent the summer ranging the world.Animals range through the forests.Saunter stresses a leisurely pace and in idle and carefree mind.Strolldiffers from saunter chiefly in the implications of an objective,(as sight-s

31、eeing or exercise)pursued without haste and sometimes with wandering from one place to another.strolling(around)in the park 第29页 adopt:to take and use as ones ownThe US government decided to adopt a hard line towards terrorists.Congress has adopted the new measures.I adopted their method of making t

32、he machine.adopt a name,a custom,an idea,a style of dress Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan/dog.Pauls mother had him adopted because she couldnt look after him herself.her adopted country,ie not her native country but the one in which she has chosen to live 第30页adept:(i

33、n sth);(at/in doing sth)Shes adept at growing roses.Hes an adept in carpentry.adapt sth(for sth)make sth suitable for a new use,situation,etc;modify sthThis machine has been specially adapted for use underwater.This novel has been adapted for TV from the Russian original.Our eyes slowly adapted to t

34、he dark.第31页Paraphrase.with the language that he soaked up with.He absorbed and digested the colourful language with an astonishing good memory which seemed to be able to record things like a phonographic(gramophone).第32页main current of pioneering humanity:metaphor,people with pioneering spirit who

35、forms the majority,the main part of them were people with devotion/dedication to open up new areas and prepare ways for others.第33页FiguresofSpeechMetaphorsaw clearly ahead a black wall of night.main artery of transportation in the young nations heartthe vast basin drained three-quarters of the settl

36、ed United States All would resurface in his books.that he soaked up.Steamboat decks teemed.main current of.but its flotsamWhen railroads began drying up the demand.the epidemic of gold and silver fever.第34页Simile:.amemorythatseemedphonographicPersonification:.toliteraturesenduringgratitude.anentryth

37、atwilldeterminehiscourseforever.thegraveworldsmilesasusual.第35页Antithesis:.betweenwhatpeopleclaimtobeandwhattheyreallyare.tookunholyverbalshotsattheHolyLand.Alliteration:.theslow,sleepy,sluggish-brainedslothsstayedathome第36页DetailedStudyofthetextPart3:(par.21-22)Mark twains disappointment in human l

38、ife in later years 第37页Questions1.WhatareTwainspersonaltragedies?2.Howmightthesetragediesinfluencehispersonalityandwriting?3.Whatisthemainideaofthelastparagraph?4.Identifythefiguresusedin“theyvanishhadexisted”.第38页WordsandExpressionsfeedonsth:be nourished or strengthened by sthHatred feeds on envy.p

39、ad:to protect or make sth more comfortable by covering or filling with soft material a jacket with padded shouldersHe padded the seat of the chair with some foamed plastics.n.anything made or filled with a soft material used to protect sth.or make it more comfortable,or to fill out a shape Get a pad

40、 to sit/lie on.The football player wore a pad on his knee.a shoulder pada writing pad第39页Now the gloves came off with biting satire.glove/mitten the gloves are off:sb is ready for a fight(be)hand in glove:working in close associationHe was found to be hand in glove with the enemy.an iron fist/hand i

41、n a velvet glove:an appearance of gentleness concealing severity,determination,etcIf you describe sb.as having an iron fist in a velvet glove,you mean that they hide a firm and determined personality behind a gentle and quiet manner.第40页glove puppet:kind of puppet worn on the hand and worked by the

42、fingers bite:a.cut into with the teeth That dog just bit me in the leg.Stop biting your nails!badly bitten by mosquitoes/a snakeOnce bitten,twice shy.I tried to sell him my old car,but he wouldnt bite,ie he 第41页b.criticize sb angrily(and often unfairly)I was only five minutes late but she really bit

43、 my head off.biting:causing a smarting pain a biting wind(of remarks)sharply critical;cuttingbiting sarcasm satire:Satire is ridicule or irony or sarcasm that is used,esp.in plays and novels,to show how foolish or wicked some peoples behaviour or ideas are.Now Mark Twain threw away the pretended sof

44、tness and gentleness he used to adopt and became very candid,frank,outspoken,ruthless,merciless,bitter and sarcastic.第42页vanish:to disappear,go out of sight,cease to existVanish implies a complete,often mysterious,and usually sudden passing.It commonly suggests absence of all trace or of any clueThe

45、 thin mysterious woman passenger vanished.The ship vanished over the horizon.As soon as you put the dog-skin plaster on,your pain will vanish.Our hope vanished suddenly.第43页Disappear stresses only the passing from sight or thought.I watched him until he disappeared from sight.Fade,often with out or

46、away,implies a gradual diminution in clearness and distinctness until the thing becomes invisible.The blue rug has faded over the years.As evening came the coastline faded into darkness.His hopes faded.第44页ParaphraseBitterness fed on the man who Bitterness consumed the man,exhausted,used up all the

47、energy of the manNow the gloves came off with biting satire.Now Mark Twain threw away the pretended softness and gentleness he used to adopt and became very candid,frank,outspoken,ruthless,merciless,bitter and sarcastic.第45页FiguresofSpeechMetaphor:Mark Twain honed and experimented with his new writi

48、ng muscles.took unholy verbal shots.Personification:Bitterness fed on the man whoAmerica laughed with him.Personal tragedy haunted his entire life.第46页Antithesis:.aworldwhichwilllamentthemadayandforgetthemforever第47页HomeworkComment on the language style of this essay by Comment on the language style of this essay by supplying evidences from the text.supplying evidences from the text.第48页THANK YOU第49页

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