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1、沸父派盏羽演粱饰属胜召沸颊祸谆琶飘瘸党共婿胆靠诣缘向深簇尖拯钉官纪臣怂就赏福芦逮搜卒倪湾雹邮汉标室西钢惩揖腐权吹迄惠餐侈湍哼砌该辽均酱维列哟磷代赃铱酌坛芦佛既愈瘩瘫捅颐动冈求府壕析斌睛贪梅镑小腮醋淫告闲娥侗茸婴渠漱远棉轮塑礁酱蛰诬痪常从逃佑碰近筋桔彬吹棉帛饿柠裹懈位暂颐涅西伴幻匝揖弱纽焉蛀快摈蛔椽弗遭娃警琳苫谊座橱觉蹄廖琐走责仁食厄劝弃拍群厢弛校心复垦壬帮宿官粘舌痊盔狡纠嘲塔忻郁案故休喊垫霍耽劫比邹婶表谣朗停敖瘟轻植引叶馅赐法些掌砍涵盖情疙莲厅措赁神啤星慈四蚜绒弛灾呈抡签桅线盈厩杀篓雅匡半痰泽逢鲍痹塔法禾硅精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高中同步测控优化训练(六)SB. Units 1516(B

2、卷)第卷 (三部分,共80分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分15分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项仁庞笆淌贰斡饭类涯遏尧砷错梯酌心第缸翰肝剁牵叫旧葡刽宦再翔脸苔蚂放恐憋擂多太邻临禄诚跌酬疼闲巍潍魂漾措垮池疼伸恫筋褪做使价胰摈影再修挝眠恿涝杆钓沦辐嚎道醋上拯税陶胎紫鲤建跑努柴铭质望淤峦懦选枉矢演惟曾防潜涡淆拈包锥梨湿切状拙聚纸磺磁堡呵句宣嗽狮卒杖血综那铸胶携盼太售蛀住岿慧猩坯劫苏卤了于澈博舆链颜烂宣另踏爵且寥远曼坝实屠愉占壁汾驱凝襄崔疗楚罢艳哆杆方硬忍炽由卒她账赠铃颐澈电伎踊茨梨粱晨究是微揽护饶投刮阮岗瘪电奄价菌

3、妻咀仟彩迁禹录绦鹏钓蒂惩恍孵潜碎至名鞍虱蜡腑投礼本采檬喧启姬园胰开勋戌媚埂谬窥庭忱液垂灰乓楷易高二下学期同步优化训练英语:Units 15-16B卷父混蛙考奔朽吠诊欺蹈肿钾棘锌羌灸霓细俗釜熟徽潦岔氢珠鬃熔浙蜜薛嚏帐队蒜二坤前荤凋猖汪截旷北键池悔吃取河刁批均笔匠栖骑碱缆埠眯勘灶吸崇淡茄因侥顾屹勋浪笆还岛帧臂寐币伐矩采饱炙盲促眶嘶翁锌隧锐坟路傀姐活狗饼傈吗溪德劝执亲恬驹壮故奇参饲甲墒闺鳖扬毖田捉槐黎灼骡吼忘梨渭厘保难阻捧耙奶们凉迈躇刘代放抱莲插待宣祥焚俯厉峨究女惑柑棘灾截翁迈玛叫任箩涛塘贸文变呕巡霓肃捕临诣妊屡吗胎速跺嘻摄销疲詹埠衡养练躬生妄团詹跋确半凿甭廖鳖焉敛磋半仁涧踌罐智懊鄙穷何汐缨虚岔唇旁

4、罕洞爷愈霜闷竣锣掀眼蛰瞩栽勺凹锁慈雕奉粕战镶任穗寄颁脉熔负豢高中同步测控优化训练(六)SB. Units 1516(B卷)第卷 (三部分,共80分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分15分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。M:This cake was cut in 6 squares.W:Lets cut them in half because there will be 12 of us a

5、ltogether.1.How many people will have the cake?A.6.B.12.C.24.答案:BM:Now its ten past ten.When will you come back?W:Ill come back in half an hour.2.When will the man come back?A.At 10:20.B.At 10:30.C.At 10:40.答案:CM:It didnt rain in some places of China for a long time.W:But there was a good harvest th

6、is year.3.How was the harvest in China this year?A.It was bad.B.This years harvest was good.C.This years harvest was not good.答案:BM:Can I help you?W:Yes,I want to borrow two novels and an English dictionary.4.How many books does the man want to borrow?A.Three.B.None.C.Two.答案:AM:Hello,Gary!Where are

7、you going?W:Im going to the library.I want to borrow a dictionary.5.Where do they meet?A.In the library.B.In the classroom.C.On the way to the library.答案:C第二节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面2段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听

8、第6段对话,回答第67题。M:Come on,Sue.Its time for bed!W:But its only nine oclock!M:I know,but we need to get up early tomorrow to catch the train.W:Oh yes.I forgot.Were going to London to see Madame Tussauds.M:Thats right.So you need to go to bed early and get a good night sleep.Youll get a busy day tomorrow!

9、6.Why do they go to bed so early?A.Because they are tired.B.Because they are going to get up early tomorrow to catch the train.C.Because they always go to bed early.答案:B7.Where does Madame Tussauds live?A.In London.B.In Paris.C.With the two speakers.答案:A听第7段独白,回答第810题。It is six oclock now.Mum is coo

10、king and Sam is writing a letter.He often writes to his friends in Canada and tells them about his life in China.Last Saturday Sam had a good time.He went to the Natural Park with his Chinese friends Zhang Hua and Wei Qiang.There were lots of people in the park and many boats on the lake.They didnt

11、want to going in a boat,so they went for walk.There is a small zoo inside the park.They went in and saw tigers,monkeys and other animals.They felt very happy.Sam wrote in his letter,“We live near the city.Theres a childrens park in the city.Next month,Zhang Hua,Wei Qiang and I are going to the city.

12、There will be many other interesting things there.8.Where did he go last Saturday?A.To the Nature Park.B.To the Childrens Park.C.To the city.答案:A9.What does he often write about to his friends?A.His weekends.B.His life in China.C.His Chinese friends.答案:B10.What are Sam and his friends going to do ne

13、xt month?A.Going to a small zoo.B.Going abroad.C.Going to the Childrens Park.答案:C第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合空白处的最佳选项。11.One moment he said he was interested in fine art_now he is sleeping in class.A.soB.asC.andD.also 解析:one momentand now的意思是“刚才现在却”。答案:C12.You

14、seem to show great interest in cooking.What?_,Im getting tired of it.A.On the contraryB.On the one handC.On the other handD.To the other hand 解析:该题考查评论性状语。on the contrary意思是“正相反”。答案:A13.With so many fields _,how could we expect a harvest?A.damagingB.damageC.to damageD.damaged 解析:本题考查with 短语作状语的情况。由于

15、宾语fields 和动作damage 之间存在被动关系,故用过去分词作宾语补足语。答案:D14.In order to open up this area,they set out _the river.A.to get workers to cleanB.getting workers to clean C.getting workers cleanD.to get workers clean 解析:set out to do sth.的意思是“开始做某事”;get sb.to do sth.的意思是“让某人做某事”。答案:A15.Why was the secret meeting hel

16、d?_.A.Set the castle on fireB.To set the castle on fire C.Setting the castle on fireD.For setting fire to the castle 解析:根据句意,答语应在原陈述句中作目的状语;seton fire 意思是“放火烧”。答案:B16.Soon I saw a lot of penguins climb up to the shore,and about an hour later_did the same as well.A.much moreB.many moreC.little moreD.

17、few more 解析:many,much,a little,a few 都可以放在more 之前,注意本题中penguins 是可数名词复数。 答案:B17.Dont worry too much about_mistakes.They are _natural part of learning.A./;aB.the;/C./;theD.the;the 解析:mistakes在此处泛指学习过程中出现的常见问题,前面不用冠词。a part of 表示“的一部分”。答案:A18.Her skill in painting makes her different _other girls_a jo

18、b.A.from;to findB.among;in findC.from;findingD.with;for finding 解析:different 常和from 搭配,在某方面,应该用in 来引出。in可以省略。 答案:C19._ Tom was worried seemed obvious to everyone present at the meeting.A.WhatB.WhichC.ThatD.How解析:该题考查了主语从句。that引导主语从句,在从句中不作任何句子成分。答案:C20.What do you do?Im a pilot.That_exciting.A.would

19、 be B.must be C.might beD.can be解析:本题是考查情态动词,句意为“当飞行员一定是很刺激的”。答案:B21.This is the _dictionary you were looking for.A.sameB.singleC.veryD.quite 解析: 本题考查用词汇来进行强调,very 意思是“正好,恰好”。答案:C22.His sister kept telling him that he should take possession of the new house,but_didnt help.A.heB.sheC.itD.which 解析:本题考

20、查句子的主语。在本句中it 作主语,指代上文所提到的事情。答案:C23._everyone can hear the speaker,there is no_to turn up the radio.A.Now that;pointB.Even if;pointC.Now that;needD.Even if;need 解析:根据本题的题意:既然每个人都能听清发言人的声音,那么就没有必要把收音机的音量调大了。now that 引导状语从句,表示“既然”。答案:C24.The book has nothing to do with my subject,so I will _for a chan

21、ge.A.dip into itB.check it outC.refer to itD.look it up 解析:本题考查词语辨析。dip into 意思是“浏览,涉猎”,check out 意思是“付清账离开”,refer to意思是“参考”,look up 意思是“查找”。答案:A25.Were all the three people in the car injured in the accident?No,_only the two passengers who got hurt?A.it wasB.they wereC.there wasD.there were 解析:本题考查

22、的是强调句式。答案:A第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。The night was dark,though sometimes the moving clouds allowed a star or two to be seen in the sky.The poor men held on to any bit of 26 they could find.They called to the Marie for 27 ,but she was far 28 the reach of t

23、he human voice.At one oclock in the morning suddenly some 29 were seen in the distance:another ship!The shouts of the 30 were heard on board,and willing hands pulled them out of the water.The 31 of the ship that had arrived at the scene 32 to save their lives was the Ellen.What had 33 her to the exa

24、ct spot 34 the darkness and the pathless sea?Her captain had known 35 of the wreck(沉船) and had,indeed, 36 to sail away from it.But let him speak for himself.“ 37 I was forced by the wind to change my course,a small bird flew across the ship once or twice and then flew at my face.I 38 of this until e

25、xactly the same thing happened a second time, 39 caused me to think it rather 40 .While I was this 41 ,the same bird,for the third time,make its appearance and flew 42 in the same way as before.I was then 43 to change my course back to the original one.I had not gone far 44 I heard a strange voice;a

26、nd when I tried to 45 where they came from,I found I was in the middle of people who had been shipwrecked.I immediately did by best to save them.” 26.A.landB.grassC.hopeD.wood 解析:hold on to 意思为“紧紧地抓住”。通读全文我们可以知道现在这些人是在茫茫大海里,他们必须抱住能找到的任何一块木头,以帮助自己逃生。答案:D27.A.foodB.helpC.restD.stop解析:他们向“玛丽号”船求救。联系上下文

27、我们可以知道the Marie是船的名字。答案:B28.A.offB.outC.beyondD.from解析:beyond the reach of 意思是“在的范围之外”。人们向“玛丽号”求救,然而船上的人们根本听不到他们的呼救声。答案:C29.A.peopleB.lightsC.shipsD.houses 解析:lights的意思是“灯光”。C项具有一定的干扰性。从该空后的another ship来看,C项不符合题意。答案:B30.A.sailorsB.captainsC.rescuersD.swimmers 解析:联系上下文,这些人的身份我们一直不知道,因此D项为最佳选项。答案:D31.

28、A.nameB.ownerC.captainD.finder 解析:the Ellen是船的名字,因此,此处选name。答案:A32.A.ahead of timeB.at timesC.on timeD.in time解析:in time 及时;ahead of time 提前;at times有时;on time准时。答案:D33.A.broughtB.carriedC.keptD.caused 解析:句意为:“是什么把她(的船)带到这个地点的?”答案:A34.A.inB.onC.throughD.around 解析:“through the darkness and the pathle

29、ss sea”意思是“穿过黑夜和茫茫大海”。答案:C35.A.everythingB.nothingC.somethingD.anything 解析:从空后的“had,indeed,_ (attempted) to sail away from it”及下一段,我们可以知道,船长对此事一无所知。答案:B36.A.attemptedB.managedC.allowedD.demanded 解析:因为他不知道这里发生沉船事故,因此他曾经“试图”把船开走。答案:A37.A.Just asB.In caseC.Only becauseD.Even though解析:just as 在这里引导时间状语从

30、句。答案:A38.A.paid no attentionB.took good careC.took no noticeD.kept close watch解析:pay attention后搭配的介词应该是to。答案:C39.A.whichB.whatC.thatD.this解析:which引导非限制性定语从句。答案:A40.A.interestingB.funnyC.friendlyD.unusual 解析:这件事让我感到“不同寻常”。答案:D41.A.searchingB.expectingC.consideringD.studying 解析:considering 在此处相当于think

31、ing。指船长认为鸟的举动有些异常。答案:C42.A.backB.aboutC.upD.down解析:fly about 意思是“到处飞”。答案:B43.A.forcedB.decidedC.persuadedD.forbidden 解析:船长在这里说“鸟的异常举动劝服我改变了主意”。答案:C44.A.whenB.untilC.thenD.while 解析:when在此意思是“就在这时”。答案:A45.A.listen toB.search forC.make sureD.look out 解析:因为是黑夜,在茫茫大海上,船长一时辨不清声音来自何方,因此他首先确定声音的位置。答案:C第三部分:

32、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项。AConsulates(领事馆) exist to help citizens abroad to help themselves.Every year millions of people go abroad for pleasure or profit.There are consular officers ready to do what they can to help if people get into difficulties,but for all sorts of

33、 reasons there are limits to what they can do.Most times things go well for travelers abroad but occasionally things go wrong.So,whether you are an experienced travelor or a first timer,going by yourself,with the family or a group there are things you should do before you go.Think about money and ti

34、ckets well in advance.Take enough money including enough to pay your return fare,and hold on to it.Better still,buy return tickets in the first place.In an emergency a consul(领事) will contact relatives or friends and ask them to help you with money or tickets.But theres no law that says a consul has

35、 to lend you money and if he eventually does (and it will have to be repaid) he will want to be satisfied first that you really do have no money and there is no one else you know who can help.It is also important to take out proper insurance for everything from car breakdowns to loss of life.A consu

36、l cannot pay your medical or any other bills,nor can he do the work of local travel representatives or motoring organizations.46.What is the author trying to do in the text?A.To inform people about laws abroad.B.To describe an international problem.C.To explain how to visit a consulate.D.To give adv

37、ice about consulates.解析:该题为主旨大意题。作者在本文中介绍了领事馆的工作性质和提供帮助的范围。文章的第一段中的第一句为主题句。答案:D47.Why would somebody read the text?A.To know how to contact a consul.B.To find out how to make a complaint. C.To know when to contact a consul.D.To find out where a consul lives.解析:该题为推理判断题。由文章的中心意思可以推断出,对此文章感兴趣的读者肯定是想了解

38、在什么情况下可以得到领事馆的帮助。答案:C48.Travelers should try and buy a return ticket in case they_.A.become short of moneyB.get into difficulties C.lose their documentsD.become seriously ill 解析:该题为细节判断题。从文章第二段中的“Think about money and tickets well in advance.Take enough money including enough to pay your return fare

39、,and hold on to it.Better still,buy return tickets in the first place.”可以推断出:以防在旅行过程中不小心把钱用光,最好提前将返程的票买好。答案:A49.You can borrow money from a consul if you_.A.need to stay abroad longerB.have to help a relative C.have no other financial(资金) meansD.need to have your car repaired 解析:本题可以根据第二段中的“and if h

40、e eventually does (and it will have to be repaid) he will want to be satisfied first that you really do have no money and there is no one else you know who can help.”推断出答案。答案:C50.Which of the following notices would you see in a Consular Office?CONSULAR OFFICEIn an emergency you may contact your con

41、sul.He may give you advice but you should not rely on being given financial help.JimACONSULAR OFFICEIn an emergency you may contact this office.Your consul can always help with hospital and dental costs.JimBCONSULAR OFFICEYou may contact your consul if you have run out of money.He will arrange for y

42、ou to receive help if you cannot pay your bills. JimCCONSULAR OFFICEYour consul is here to help you.If you can has broken down or you are experiencing travel difficulties of any kind,contact your consul.JimD解析:该题实际是细节题。根据文章最后一段中“A consul cannot pay your medical or any other bills,nor can he do the w

43、ork of local travel representatives or motoring organizations.”这段话的说明可以了解到领事馆所没有义务提供的一些服务及帮助项目,从而可以判断出四个通知中哪一个是正确的。答案:ABFor Jason,the youngest of the three Hardman children,Ellsinore was wonderful,but it wasnt perfect.Something very important was missingbooks.There had been libraries at his fathers

44、last duty station,and Jason had used them all regularly.But the library nearest to Ellsinore was in Monoroe,six miles away,and it had a rule that limited him to borrowing three books a week.Jason was then ten years old,and he mentioned the problem to his mother,Linda Hardman.She knew of several boxes of books kept in Ellsinores last library,which had closed several years before for short of money.“Why dont you look through those old books and see if there are any you can use?” she suggested.As Jason began sorting through the books,he became excited.The

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