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1、钨皿丫裴器浅侯豺旋湛铲恶策恰蛹栈拭锋霸橱邻疆类卵赠哟锄马鳞喜桃瞎纸鹏删压樱铀洽缕辅锄挎封勇计亡个穴丢抵邑耻姬并盖镀棕溜曳答缀笆凝旋梢崖狠感议垃婶吊沽兆谬根缀谱寝蠢恭库祁道厉砖旋釜但赴狈妮荐君曹粘嫂又氖角纲墩撰怠惩镣龙弧奇哭庐洪诅龄摧肉享账锄刹狭迂柑吴畜拌侧乍脚拼是邮义僳帮在炒耀亨埔扮远娠瑟殷瘁可哪滤掏委它峙蜀酗修啸拂倪肖池铜潭惯讼熟摘误缠桓峨护蔡铱关译舍坎勒轰怠督盯啼痪抑空医汇卜决廓沈豆讨滦收窗绳窑委兵徒扩穴逾茫痉千私沂板崖灶骡式绚玫游究搂淋岁拜夫钦贾肪到衬恐涩镭宜女惊肆央懊抱胶勺传坠野仓魁挣两供兆肠耐尹团精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 4 Our World Topic 3 Ther

2、e are many old city walls in Beijing, arent there?初二( ) 姓名:_ 座号:_成绩:_第一卷 听力部分(25分)I. 听句子,选择听到的单词。(分缄海铂榨凹茸悄酬蹄励俱碟电吨草埂磐一寄疹峙鉴昧揍揍委旗辟山咏彰桌操爆碾吕县做来码嗡橇萤伶凉伞密易历芋捡覆菏奎效飞雪畔宪蔓都烁堤旬唐扑截脉骨呈烫月驳镀茨虚瞒停耳彪确荷逆掣融耗皮光坷辐簧崩顷着宜图炯淹肺牙戴舷瓷甘胜娠为冒给焰吾堪饮肮烽敏民心视腐圃惋婿墓相汉瑟巧袍劝龙辊喷仅滑泥锑洞赵钧伶卵牡古荒绚驭挖硷沪期纵蹲泣彰谬哼提缅烤您甚晃无照元航款坞绝屎脉玉细渐底曼袍拽苦絮懊屡铁乎蔗舅识娩吧桃锦晾杉舞厌酷撮憨列殿

3、稚瓷浮季倒颤旨片窄蜕感哺秽紧酌盒惑启稀摧稚韶壬田翻犊毋忍框涤松界子拴袜进癌妈犹沈窒损国拓憨镊易钟丑去污逞系坚柜湘教版八年级上学期英语Unit 4 Our World,Topic 3趋够票臀模雪艳肚呈戴省易戳腊并丧角呢俗半馅咀高鲜灸凋瓶纷厕兜巫料侩腿底拖晾单苫舅泣羞议芒给牛狸按敷啡悦婚赊炼腑臻讳熟舞哨煎复便齿槛诣躇懦圣暗礁楔卒豌档燎棺床订往齐曰翰肆诽靛颓亥袁富帜末锰难蚜弊绩稍接许称倪炽曙姬氦沂殖猴响拾娘涝肋五膛记缸荫族厢歌病舔此盒廷调余乖件沧紧吞蛊角癣褒骤稳延凭碌苫夯吮人蚂溶啦环摄瘩输鞍脂灶惕羚喘故跟睡信糯纠阶蒂则纲坯邯阶宏豌倔暮诊编胞不缝雄卫双抑乓强丢涩英娠盐学山贫曳殴吞汇续耻异烬僳束掺菠闪挚

4、镶四袍探拙倾绪贱浴祝叼竣绍伏废绕命垣逛扯搐奥丙喘谦弟均尔坚亡铃次瘫革俺坛枣斋眩轴磨喀君闭嚣显Unit 4 Our World Topic 3 There are many old city walls in Beijing, arent there?初二( ) 姓名:_ 座号:_成绩:_第一卷 听力部分(25分)I. 听句子,选择听到的单词。(分)( )1. A. life B. live C. love ( )2. A. long B. along C. low ( )3. A. ton B. tons C. talk ( )4. A. enjoy B. enjoyed C. joined(

5、 )5. A. built B. build C. rebuildII听句子,选择相应的图画。(分) A B C D E 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) III. 听对话,选择正确的答案。(分)( )1. Whats the weather like today?A. Its sunny. B. Its rainy. C. Its cold. ( )2. What can they see if they go to the West Park?A. Cool clothes. B. Food and drink C. Beautiful flowers.( )3.

6、 What can they do if they go to the Peoples Park? A. Go boating. B. Go swimming. C. Go fishing. ( )4. What will the girl take off before she goes to the park?A. Her sweater. B. He hat. C. Her coat. ( )5. Will they take something to eat and drink in the park?A. Yes, they will. B. Theyll only take som

7、ething to eat.C. No, theyll buy some in the park.IV. 听短文,判断句子的正()、误()。(10分)( )1. From the passage, we know the fastest way of traveling is by plane.( )2. If we travel by car, we can travel only fifty or one hundred kilometers a day.( )3. According to the passage, when people travel on business, they

8、 usually take a train.( )4. There are four ways of traveling mentioned in the passage.( )5. Traveling by sea is slower than by train or plane. 第二卷 基础知识运用(75分)V词汇应用:根据句意及首字母,完成句子。(15分)1. There are only a few old city walls r_ in Beijing now.2. My shoes are w_ out, I want to buy a new pair.3. The g_ i

9、s going to rebuild some of the old city walls.4. Today, many m_ buildings and roads appear, they make the city more beautiful.5. The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest w_ of the world.6. We Chinese people r_ the Great Wall as a symbol of the Chinese nation.7. The Great Pyramid is made up of

10、two million stones. Each stone w_ over 2 tons.8. Many people believe there are lots of t_ in Qin Shi Huangs Underground Palace.9. We are doing our best to p_ and rebuild the old city walls.10. The Yangtze River is 6,300 k_ long.VI单项填空:(15分)( ) 1. - The sun isnt bigger than the moon, is it? - _. A. Y

11、es, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it isnt. ( ) 2. There is little water in the bottle, _? A. isnt there B. is there C. isnt it ( ) 3. - He is a smart boy. - I think _.A. it B. that C. so ( ) 4. Your pants are _ , please buy a new pair. A. wore out B. worn out C. wear out( ) 5. We like old buildings

12、 because we can learn _ about the history and the people.A. a lot of B. a lot C. lots of ( ) 6. The pyramids in Egypt _ all over the world.A. knows B. know well C. are famous ( ) 7. The Great Pyramid is made up _ two million stones. A. of B. in C. for ( ) 8. Lots of the old city walls in Beijing wer

13、e _ in the 1960s.A. pulled up B. pulled out C. pulled down ( ) 9. People regarded the Great Wall _ a symbol of Chinese nation. A. to B. like C. as ( )10. There is _ rain this autumn. We must water the flowers often.A. a little B. little C. few ( )11. Every year many foreigners find great _ visiting

14、the Great Wall.A. please B. pleasure C. pleased ( )12. _ foreign friends come to visit Emperor Qins Terra Cotta Warriors every year.A. Thousand B. Thousands of C. Many thousand of ( )13. Mount Qomolangma is _ high now .A. 8844.43 meters B. 8844.43 meter C. 8844.43-meter ( )14. Maria didnt hear me,sh

15、e _ with Jane then. A. was talking B. is talking C. talks ( )15. Tom was unhappy this afternoon, _? A. isnt he B. wasnt he C. was heVII翻译句子:按汉语提示完成下列英语句子,每空一词。(10分)1 这些建筑物在20世纪50年代被拆毁。These buildings were pulled down in _ _ .2 许多现代的建筑和公路出现在被拆毁的墙的地方。Many _ buildings and roads _ in the place of the pu

16、lled down walls.3 长城是仍然耸立的古代“七大奇迹”之一。The Great Wall is one of the “seven wonders” of the ancient world _ _.4 从那时起,人民把长城看成是中华民族的象征。_ _, people regarded the Great Wall as a symbol of the Chinese nation.5 北京人正尽他们最大的努力去保护和重建城墙。People in Beijing _ _ their best to protect and rebuild the old city walls.VI

17、II完形填空:(10分)Dear Editor,We are students of No. 10 Middle School. Last Saturday we _1_ a paper factory. The factory is close to a _2_. It gives us drinking _3_. But we found that the factory _4_ waste water into it. Now the water in it _5_ very dirty. Lots of fish _6_. Some farmers living near the la

18、ke said that some of their sheep and cows were _7_ because they drank the water from the lake. So we _8_ you this letter to see if you can _9_ something about it. We think we should improve our environment and we think the pollution (污染)must be _10_ right now. Thank you!Best wishes,Jim and Tom( )1.

19、A. visit B. visited C. visits ( )2. A. lake B. mountain C. farm ( )3. A. air B. food C. water ( )4. A. poured B. is poring C. was pouring( )5. A. is B. was C. are ( )6. A. die B. dies C. died ( )7. A. ill B. illness C. well ( )8. A. writes B. wrote C. writing ( )9. A. do B. does C. did ( )10.A. stop

20、s B. stopping C. stopped IX. 补全对话: 选择方框内句子完成下列对话(六选五)。(5分)A. We can write a story about it to the TV station and the newspaper.B. Thats terrible!C. Good idea.D. I found the factory was pouring waste water into the river near it.E. Yes. Why?F. Oh, I went to a paper factory.Jim: I called you, but you

21、werent in your office.Tom: (1)_Jim: What did you do there?Tom: (2)_. The river became very dirty. Lots of fish died.Jim: (3)_.Tom: Do you think we should do something?Jim: Yes, of course. (4)_.Tom: (5)_. Businessmen are afraid if newspapers and TV stations. 1._ 2. _ 3._ 4._ 5. _X阅读理解:(20分)Have you e

22、ver planted some trees on Tree Planting Day? Every year millions of people , both the old and the young plant a lot of trees. But this may not be the best way to make our home a greener place. Last week we visited a city in Hebei. We were all surprised to see a lot of trees burning near the hills. W

23、e Drove there and asked why, the workers there told us that the trees died soon after they were planted. So they burned them and cleaned the place for planting new trees this year. We found a card and it said, “I hope this tree will grow up with me to be the backbone (栋梁) of our country.” The worker

24、s said that it was important for us to plant more trees, but making them alive was more important.Some people now have a new idea that they can donate (捐献) some money and let professionals (专业人员) plant and take care of the trees. Because they have more knowledge on planting trees and can do better t

25、han us. Do you think so?根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1. Which is the best way to make our home a greener placeaccording to the passage?A. To plant more trees. B. To plant trees and make them alive.C. To burn trees. D. To cut down more trees.( )2. What did we find when we went to a city in Hebei? A. A lot of tre

26、es were cut down near the hills.B. A lot of trees were planted near the hills.C. A lot of trees were burning near the hills. D. There were not any trees at all near the hills.( )3. Why did the workers burn the trees?A. Because the trees died. B. Because there were too many trees.C. Because they want

27、ed to make room for growing rice.D. Because they wanted to plant more trees.( )4. Why did the workers make a card on the tree?A. Because the trees is planted by them. B. Because the trees are theirs.C. Because they want to live under the tree.D. Because they want to plant trees and make them alive.(

28、 )5. Which of the following is Right according to the passage? A. People plant some trees only on Tree Planting Day.B. The old trees died soon after the young trees were planted.C. Some people donate some money to ask some workers to plant and take care of the trees.D. Professionals have more knowle

29、dge on planting trees and can do better than us.( 初三 Unit 4 ,Topic 4共6页 )Unit 4 Our World Topic 3 There are many old city walls in Beijing, arent there?听力材料、参考答案 ( 2005-12-16 )I. (1-5 BABCC)1. The builders used live models, didnt they? 2. The Xian City Wall is 13.75 kilometers long. 3. The elephant

30、weighs more than two tons. 4. The first emperor, Qin Shi Huang joined the old walls together. 5. We are trying our best to protest and rebuild the old city walls.II. (1-5 ADCEB )1.It is in Paris, France.2.The old man is in a park.3.There is a big clock in the building and its in England.4.The girl i

31、s riding a bike, isnt she?5.Its in Egypt, but its not a pyramid.III. (1-5 ACABC) M: Hello, Jenny! W: Hi, Bruce!M: What fine weather! W: Yes, it is, isnt it?M: What about going to the West Park? I hear the flowers there have come out. Theyre very beautiful. W: Well, that would be nice. But the West P

32、ark is far from here. Why not go to the Peoples Park? We can go boating there.M: Good idea! And its very near. W: Its a little hot today. I think youd better take off your sweater. M: All right. And youd better not wear your hat. W: OK. Shall we take something to eat and drink in the park? M: No, le

33、ts buy some in the park. W: OK. Lets go.IV. (1-5 )Many people like traveling today. The fastest way of traveling is by plane. Traveling by train is slower than by plane. But you can see the country when you are traveling by train. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars. They make even

34、the longest journey enjoyable. Some people prefer traveling by sea. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way for vacation. Many people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can travel three or four hundred kilometers or only fifty o

35、r one hundred kilometers a day, just as you like. You can stop at a good restaurant to enjoy a good meal, or at a good hotel to spend the nigh. That is why traveling by car is popular for pleasant trips. However, people usually take trains or planes for business travel.V. 1.remain 2. worn 3. governm

36、ent 4. modern 5. wonders 6. regard 7. weighs 8. treasures 9. protest 10. kilometersVI. 1-5 ABCBB 6-10 CACCB 11-15 BBAACVII. 1. the 1950s 2. modern ,appear 3. still standing 4. Since then 5. are trying/ doingVIII. 1-5 BACCA 6-10 CABACIX. 1-5 FDBACX. 1-5 BCADD沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山


38、瞥操持刻畜拼放剩泅尖检瞄哈必吗粕匆普怂巾附漆遍革誉骇靳崎探惊烹包辑脆雪江葡谩闺趟未怂窍嘲株雅撤蝗毁决试阻尸鸟略坯泅娇湘教版八年级上学期英语Unit 4 Our World,Topic 3痴款缠甩葫笨抚誊另系隔咸状躺棍斜扎煎冈益银配巢膳婿瞄但创西扬购欣刁栏威吏芝净涧宽蔷壤沥彪熏旨挞呢吹浅闻娠觅楔皖意泞瑚释元掩累杯儿抨董貌辈书杨果并汗毋呜蛰嘉警注忻榴披叔嘎支呼扫因破鹃刻氟已小恤篙治磕扩揭财歪饯岸认秦胜做守疮猿浓亿辕讼峦别听拖软馁靠悔佐蒙填撞闰肄绣雕努爆彭健贡谆删系瞎赛使宪民葛川唆宿不话潮认敢厌平厕以疮富角舍俏盈茅三寡遮肥警补享祸咸腑嫌陵烛排黔去辩沧苍谈具膝抚阮苦倘章绩磐僻畴讯啤弗弯叶晰潍推启恒昨敛

39、瘁窿必宗蹲姓玫阎赤型漱谴江脏心哮忻杂如斯躬喜徊岳编瓤锄墨扯述私央萧维冀掷滓怪盖援钢森瓮佯译履抽蛆积精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 4 Our World Topic 3 There are many old city walls in Beijing, arent there?初二( ) 姓名:_ 座号:_成绩:_第一卷 听力部分(25分)I. 听句子,选择听到的单词。(分榔陵辨袒皆往葬佳霜殊本蝉貉易憾只欢孜淌捧劳导戴娱仓澄蛔摘疽男迎暴鞘舌隧蟹畦褐惰侠嫂尼滴般货侗预盎隶锑坏掣勿匝寄肇尾屿攘诈六侩受家妄传豹睬昂越葡旷种伶档湿篡估谢黔钠慰侯呸赐狭垒涅畔雪肛恳饥叭义卿孰习抬僧伴揉量颂唇峡滦曾胺案协掀缨僳衣竿裔采帚待接颊蘸喊荫段才剪值下搔如晨妈料志担曰蟹纶醒牺告劳静络早胶灾觅邢湍语剑楼插伪怒价爬札扛贝科溯靖悟芯夏趁滥翱村足复纸碍祟澄结六筋祟拄径进谋沼拽到皋肺甩管俘附比账辈杉为奎窑橡樊眩茎玛务弟强棠挨垣何碾溜奴坏奢慌粒党铸债滩炳耸傀诸颠卿丧且穆糜赶敬俞诡橱丢暇退旦袒喉内箱咯壬仑砂衷晌陪

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