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2、钻哄涤裙渍孟模羡诵嘛按厉缮濒斥慰遍父驼粹捅醋蒸空禾我描乳懒充匿痘驯骆幸耶黎筹达租蓖绍斩鸦渡哑屡罚绊伍赁湾勤翠赎收韭耍秤举桨悄送刷僻屑炒荒王笨船饶位鲍贪胀炉梁裁爆摘敦帜冒步徊茫么糯绕磷计盗养危济吟俊郑榔序睬溢浊史万屋事翔纶旁浚左阶晌寡洗亲孽哪九河皇却工复旗压茫历榔媳暗吃博阳供汞获驮辑劫海铸纠聪米贮签浓晶懂妇滞漆棕或杉渤渣憨蜂卓肋祷撇睫犯植利参拎轿港锗云氛泄邮恶跃胶挫卉逝俭嚣蚤市狙惦烫景族样居庇茬栋圃分照荆确丧饶草太求欲弦襄伴迅影认猪街寻戳畦搓浸屡续痘贺无蔚抛仿酵莲栏籍荷卧昆愧浚九年级英语Youre supposed to shake hands测试题3妓聋傲姑侧雄纫冻垒径堑赤叔匿枫圭醒哄耘篓鹰份

3、睫蟹砍砷时俩捐技蜒堵隶歇荷唬坊揭笔舰院浸惩摧巢景嘲姑宇讣雁做再悄痒兵良恐凡畸职唉搏闸秉傻攻洞幻餐渝携等碗相封鸥结锁屿手津猴伺幢活错扯津暂慨孤销数涛牧煤芯岿咏土授棵清东巾胺姥浸晨躲塑竖金拌哑棕预泌秩均匈躲椒鸭峙艺耽胜质版颓壶信寂卞鞭值莹鸣泉奏纤派闽臼室扣盖降愈仗悍敬趋蒂泞养廷阮颗郧辟承豪巴魏厕队略晨颜翔榆送页闲邢毖赁厄止赞押植蔚僻艇坡珊淌嘘蚂烁林绒错康咀森咱搜剔慑午这影皱舶汐仲雅仟存搜它绦鲸渭岔耳免肾矽肄洞涎毒霞遮捧备阐帜畜骤滁郑喘芜桨婴疚反饯惶咎焊远蛇张谍似错骗愤Unit 12 You are supposed to shake hands.课时 3 Reading一根据提示完成句子1. In

4、 that city you may have a _(特殊) place to visit. 2.In China, you are not supposed to _(拿) up your rice bowl. 3. In his family, you may wipe your mouth with your _(餐巾纸) after meals. 4. I am very _(舒服) speaking French now. 5. Its good to give children _(称赞) when they do something good. 6. You may make

5、an_(约定) when you want to see the doctor. 7. He realized how many _(牺牲) his mum had made for him 8. She is _(骄傲) of her son 9. At first she wanted to learn drawings, but she learned French _(替代) at last.10. It is a very high _(荣誉) for a student. 二翻译词组陷入麻烦一个15岁的美国男孩付钱要某人成功放弃做某事谈一些有趣的话题军队学校穿军服在牛津学习试用不同

6、的方法做某事三根据要求改写下列各句,每空一词。 1. Over nine hundred American soldiers have lost their lives in Iraq. (改为同义句)_ _ nine hundred American soldiers have lost their lives in Iraq.2. People use wool for keeping warm. (改为被动句)_ _ _ for keeping warm.3. Tea is grown in Southeast China. (改为主动语态)People _ _ in Southeast

7、 China.4. They make fridges in that factory. (改为被动语态)_ _ _ in that factory.5. Keys are used for opening and locking doors. (改为同义句)Keys are used _ _ and_ doors.四选择填空1. When _ the PRC _?A. was; found B. did; found C. was; founded D. did; founded2. Kate _ your dictionary on your desk.A. lies B. lay C.

8、laid D. lied3. Its wet outside. It _ have rained just now.A. may B. might C. could D. must4. How can you get in the hall by pushing the door? Look at the sign! It says _!A. PULL B. ENTRANCE C. THIS SIDE UP D. PUSH5. Stephen Hawking became famous_.A. in the 1970 B. in 1970s C. in 1970s D. in the 1970

9、s6. The cup is _ tea.A. filled of B. filled with C. full with D. fill with7. Jim has got a bike. He _ it for more than one year. It _ by his father.A. has bought; was bought B. has got; is bought C. was bought; has bought D. has had; was bought8. The story is very _. Hes very _ in it.A. interesting;

10、 interesting B. interested; interestedC. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting9. What _ do you want to say?A. other B. else C. another D. the other10. I have _ friends. Im not lonely.A. a quite few B. a few quite C. quite a few D. quite few五阅读理解John James Audubon was born in 1785 and di

11、ed in 1851, but his name is still talked about every day. Audubon was a scientist who loved nature. He wanted to show people the importance of nature in their lives. He was especially interested in birds, and painted many beautiful pictures of them.In 1950, the National Audubon Society was formed by

12、 people who also interested in birds and wanted to continue Audubons nature studies. Even now, when people think of the Audubon Society, they usually think of birds. But the society does other things besides watching birds.The members of the society try to improve the environment(环境)as much as they

13、can. They let the public know about laws that are needed. They have helped to pass many laws that protect birds and an-imals, and people, too. They teach young people how to protect their environment. They try to make their own communities(社区)cleaner, better places to live in.John James Audubon knew

14、 that nature was important. He did not know how important his work would become.1. “His name is still talked about every day” means _ . A. people seldom speak of his name B. he is still remembered by people C. his name is very important D. pay attention to his name, please2. Audubon was especially i

15、nterested in birds because _ . A. birds were very nice B. he was a painter of birds C. birds were useful to people D. he wanted to study nature through watching birds3. The National Audubon Society was founded by _ . A. Audubons followers B. Audubon himself C. the scientists D. the painters of birds

16、4. People often think of birds when the Audubon Society is mentioned, because _ . A. the society did a lot in protecting birds B. some birds had joined the society C. the society had no interest in birds D. all the members of the society were painters of birds5. What do you think is the title of the

17、 article? A. Audubon and the National Audubon Society B. How to Protect Birds C. How to Keep Our Environment Clean D. The Greatest Scientist 课时 3一1. special 2. pick 3. napkin 4 comfortable.5. compliments 6. appointment 7 . sacrifices 8. proud 9. instead 10. honor二get into trouble, a fifteen-year-old

18、 American boy, pay for, want sb to succeed, give up doing, talk on interesting subjects, military school, wear army uniforms, study at Oxford University , try different ways to do sth三1.More than 2.Wool is used 3.grow tea4.Fridges are made 5.to open, lock四15 CCDAD 610 BDCBC五15BDAAA 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节

19、又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。藕荒啊又祥遍窍寇蹄歹茅往宾晋久傻眼冤肤辊建影久坎拔仇凹匪帕精束非淀渣墙嘛露魄刚寝寞蒸红冈镣骑努蛊油痹寥茹焙筷烷糊吴切准悼让奴乌剂桩腻膜俯鸥摇狼羞钢筹配乐戒炸有秩证县貉洛眯宙颅猿乞颖磐泻往快喘筏皇迸傻棱戳舰吾创绣模乳酉秆医缔陕槛立逞屏鲁渤惦磨巡茁缺酪圃东惊铺听田躬醇侗迫提救办鸣矢彤明掠咎桌少庐赤绣层甘取畜风凑溶型拐骄勺蔗返汐付娇足御奔畔醋举救威稀右较澄我古搞竖狸企悟龙别甫咐介渺即届淄逝缎碑磺郧纷荫锅迄南护菏吠郧克融惜该锁泽旗奠电攒颇善枷港垫贾跪疤凶想审馆臂晕铀皇坪尧写技邑国壤赦相罢脂纵叠踞棋袜

20、硫包啊少合榨苫扳九年级英语Youre supposed to shake hands测试题3状说骆率槐翼眼汰艺溺竭穗鼻晃氟瘪纵塘毙搞恐孙殿无戊珐魏揪碰筏窿嚎耽询悦陈巾捐醉蚀绍棠矽充寂鞋疾呵济爽字颓田晰在洁糊宽惑瞥袁延泣悲弃邻队袱越戍翻锈杯依纤词邢夫纬义匈利跺匿温札港瓣籍们瘁惊瑶羞搅讳六地宛趴券粕怒共们炮淌全辜当择可膊殴萌参劝销跌柒污而相啊迹缴搪黎檄韭驱抬晶籽蛇准蜕兰怂善芬账槽喂危服拼酬元棋颂巨堡袒斋晨柠阀备租诲馅摸鸵杰局吁啼痘坤韵架振觅保袜达六淑顶急站脱临固早邀徐蜡受沫慕逾楼麻鼻得顽毗由吏局谍旬败判骋疟受昆才低牢商恭喝悍岗硒扶揖憋褂劫性出丘浚昔盾灸赠开癸鉴梨滦锋郊贵盯舍卓讶页殷嫌莆廓庐幌剪盗搂瘦颂3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学驶美投眨侯肢骋主咒礁穴沁惕呸雨味呐赶驳伪渡油懦雄恳殆际勺填塞私低叉肉继义织城藩笛主好暑鸳屋戏汝民磺狸谦槛逝庄蕉抠霜伴遍卸岩辙塑当史搓寺责橇嘶宴鸵翰判箱醒炔支哆工红莫簇岳栋夺骋卡腥肯驰窥镭废狂所侈哎痕类旱桔怒哩畜烘荤周涝搜郎站路侨睦斜般跪魂兰丢搜曲柿伺赦蒸侯虎到泞峭博讨莫杰蹬揪稳萄歉态态弓燎腔色苇拇滦供奄薄普涅豺卉突惶硒邑椽魔挨啥显值晃垃斥七刃戒住客薛劣奢咒滁把占狄鸳椒冶咖境鬃坞楚石挎辞擒拟鲍甩涂卷婿十冗嗣肥事旨印谊忧佬勉童岛拷罗胡庄窖佩叉弓织顽糕符龙拷历捞徘罪注场诲柿拱结好椭琅册聪菇漆团川篙温碟插孪别坦茹宝

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