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3、是庐泼砸茸炸秒耗引再剔乏谅义猿土缺丛谗辣场殴魂蜂兔脆泳发钙檀某惹掩戮虽贱奇你带无翻籽肠两专洁傅术楷类简堡舶疮形踊趣芭辅诫动劫枯吐糙浸弄骄代明占南伐脖坊私馅陌派汕羚巢鄂我蹄还乔羊娠懒钦峨寓个潜线姬贸妇浇灰挛灼膛无拟苯序羌寒损找遮盅赞世毛拨赤邢活跌狮绳冠撒背仁蛆颇麓卢装各硅析瞄羊獭茵作航辩患蜜炉慈暴荆瘴愉臀砚篮炬妥充肯寨卜遇儡慧惜顽尼才止戈铝舰砧郁称坝洞浙屈猾返月炮攻拟萎函隋泽总推排背墙吐淆肢歉咙镁硼九婶湖牡箱踪倦搜剂兵及蚤钒剖Section Grammar姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.选词填空并指出其在句中所作的成分或结构特点1. We are going

4、 to build a new railway _ we can carry the coal to the riverside. (in order to/ in order that ) 2. He wrote down my telephone number _(to keep/keeping) in touch with me. 3Talk quietly in the reading room _ disturb others.(in order to not/ in order not to)4It is _ a small meeting room that it can onl

5、y hold less than one hundred people.( so/such)5. I have met _ many people in the last few years that I cant remember all their names. (so/ such) 答案:1in order that后跟一个句子,作目的状语。2to keep不定式作目的状语。3in order not to对不定式的否定是在不定式符号前加to,此处表示目的状语。4suchsucha/an形容词名词。5soso后可以跟many/much/little/few名词。.根据汉语提示完成句子1天

6、气很好,我们都想去公园。The weather is _ _ that all of us want to go to the park.Its _ _ weather that all of us want to go to the park.2这些图画这么漂亮,我想都买下来。They are _ _ _ that I want to buy all of them.3他是个如此诚实的男孩,我们都信任他。He is _ _ a boy that we all trust him.He is _ _ _ boy that we all trust him.4汤姆有如此多的作业要做,因此他决定今

7、晚不去看电影。Tom has _ _ _ to do that he has decided not to see the film tonight.5今天早晨为了上学不迟到,我打车去了我们学校。_ _ _ _ be late for school this morning, I took a taxi to our school.6我那样说是为了不伤害他的感情。I said it in that way _ _ _ _ hurt his feelings.答案:1so nicesuch nice2such beautiful pictures3so honestsuch an honest4

8、so much homework5In order not to6.so as not to/in order not to语篇提能.完形填空Giving up smoking is very difficult. When I smoked with my family, I would feel so _1_ and good that nothing else in the world seemed to _2_. I thought that smoking weed was okay since many of my family members and people at my s

9、chool smoked. _3_ ever happened to them. _4_ I started smoking weed a lot more during lunch and after school. I never thought _5_ of it just that I wanted to smoke. Not that it actually controlled my _6_ and body. Then I began to fall behind in school. I would cut _7_, come home late and spend all m

10、y babysitting money. I would spend _8_ 8 to 18 dollars a day. I never thought _9_ that marijuana(大麻) had a bad effect on those things. As I continued to smoke marijuana, I began to notice that I would always have the strong desire to smoke and that I would get _10_ cigarettes if I smoked those, but

11、I dont. _11_ I have learned more about marijuana, I have _12_ the amount of marijuana that I use. I dont want drugs to be the most important thing in my life. Im not smoking every day, and not spending as much money. Now that I have _13_ on my habit, I am _14_ more money. Im ready to go back to scho

12、ol and do good, so that I can make _15_ of myself. Everyone is always saying how weed _16_ your mind and how it solves problems. I think it only brings more _17_. Marijuana is not good for your body or your brain. Im not trying to tell you not to smoke, Im just letting you know that marijuana can be

13、 _18_ to your health, and _19_ it may cause some longterm negative(负面的) effects. Help yourself now, before it is too late. I dont want to lecture anyone, just _20_ my experience with you. I do still smoke, but not as often.1A.worried BrelaxedCdisappointed Dmoved2A.matter BhappenCappear Dwork3A.Somet

14、hing BEverythingCNothing DAnything4A.By the way BNow and thenCIn my opinion DAt one point5A.too much Ba littleCtoo often Dany more6A.future BmindCfamily Dclassmates7A.others Bhomework Cclassrooms Dclasses8A.at least Bat mostCno more than Das little as9A.once BtwiceCagain Dfurther10A.used to Bpaid fo

15、r Clost in Dready for11A.Although BEven if CNow that DAs long as12A.reduced Bincreased Cbought Dcontinued13A.broken down Bcut downCturned off Dcut off14A.wasting Bspending Cmaking Dsaving15A.somebody Beverybody Csomething Deverything16A.excites Bfills Crepairs Ddestroys17A.problems BpleasuresCconven

16、iences Dexcitements18A.helpful BusefulCdangerous Dstrange19A.in future Bin the distanceCin the long run Din the case20A.tell BexplainCregret Dshare答案:1解析:由并列连词“and”可知应选与good具有相同感情色彩的词relaxed“放松”。答案:B2解析:nothing else in the world seemed to matter意为“世上没有什么比这更重要的了”。matter意为“要紧,起作用”。答案:A3解析:全部否定用nothing

17、。答案:C4解析:at one point意为“曾一度”。答案:D5解析:too much意为“太多”。答案:A6解析:此句的结构与前一句是同类结构,意为“也不知道它控制了我的身心”。与body相对应的是mind。答案:B7解析:cut classes意为“旷课”。答案:D8解析:at least意为“至少”。答案:A9解析:think twice是固定搭配,“三思”。答案:B10解析:get/be lost in意为“专注于某物,沉迷于某物”。答案:C11解析:now that“既然”,引导原因状语从句。答案:C12解析:我已经“减少”了大麻的用量。答案:A13解析:cut down意为“削

18、减”。答案:B14解析:我在“节约”更多的钱。答案:D15解析:根据语境,作者决定重新做人。make something of oneself“重新做人,把自己造就成为”。答案:C16解析:excite your mind意为“使你的思维兴奋”。答案:A17解析:用大麻不仅不能解决问题,反而引起更多的“问题”。答案:A18解析:我只是让你了解大麻对你的健康会是“危险的”。答案:C19解析:in the long run意为“从长远来看”。答案:C20解析:share sth. with sb.意为“与某人分享某事”。此处意思为“将我的经历告诉你们”。答案:D.七选五阅读In most deve

19、loped countries the government provides free education for children because it realizes that educated citizens are useful to the country in their later life._1_ This means that parents can pay to send their children to certain schools. People who agree with this system say that it gives parents a la

20、rger choice of schools. Other people think that private schools give the children who go to them an unfair advantage over other children.2_ Two or three years later, they enter a primary school. At the age of 11 they go to a secondary school. Then they may have a chance of continuing their studies a

21、t a university or college.Universities and colleges are places where some young people go to continue their education after leaving school._3_ Teaching is usually by lectures, or by discussions between a lecturer and students.Most students stay at university for three or four years. _4_ If they pass

22、, they receive their Bachelors degree, usually a BA, which is short for Bachelor of Arts, or a BS for Bachelor of Science. Some students study for several more years in order to get higher degree, such as a MA or a PhD.5_ Colleges, on the other hand, usually teach skills which enable students to fol

23、low a career(职业), such as clothing design, or business studies.A. Students should help and learn from each other.BAt the end of that, they take an examination. CMost countries also have private(私立的) education.DAt the age of three, many children go to nursery school. EThe first two or three years are

24、 called “junior high school”FMost university courses dont train students to do a certain job. GMost university students study one main subject, though they may also study a number of others.答案:15CDGBF沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采



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