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1、外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页Section Starting out&Understanding ideas第第1页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页课前课前 自主学习自主学习 课堂课堂 合作探究合作探究随堂随堂 即时巩固即时巩固课后课后 限时训练限时训练第第2页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页基础知识自测基础知识自测重重点词汇点词汇写作词汇写作词汇1.n楼梯楼梯2.n某物量某物量3.n战斗,战役战斗,战役stairloadbattle第第3页页外研版英语外研版英

2、语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页拓展词汇拓展词汇4.v问候,迎接,招呼问候,迎接,招呼 n迎接;问候;招呼迎接;问候;招呼5.v折起折起 v(使使)展开;打开展开;打开6.n.展出,展览展出,展览 v展览展览阅读词汇阅读词汇7.broadcast n.8.sculptor n.9.portrait n greetgreetingfoldunfoldexhibitionexhibit广播节目,电视节目广播节目,电视节目雕刻家,雕塑家雕刻家,雕塑家人物照片;肖像人物照片;肖像第第4页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页重点短语重点短语

3、1.给某人留下给某人留下印象印象2 (在在)世界上;世界上;(在在)人间人间3 发觉,查明;弄明白发觉,查明;弄明白4 注意,仔细看注意,仔细看5 由由制成制成6 被提出,被提及被提出,被提及7 有自己主见有自己主见make an impression on on earth find out get a load ofbe made of come up have a mind of ones own 第第5页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页8 (表示与前面说过话略有矛盾表示与前面说过话略有矛盾)不过,然而不过,然而9.亲自亲自10 与某人交流;向

4、某人提供与某人交流;向某人提供/寻求帮助寻求帮助11 顺便说一下顺便说一下but then again for oneself reach out to sb.by the way第第6页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页重点句型重点句型1.It seems(that).看起来看起来When I look into her eyes _ (看看起起来来她她似似乎乎有自己想法有自己想法)!2“do/does/did动词原形动词原形”用来强调谓语动词用来强调谓语动词as if方式状语从句方式状语从句(从句中用虚拟语气从句中用虚拟语气)They really

5、 _(确确实实与与我我们们交交流流)across the centuries _(好像时间本身什么都不是好像时间本身什么都不是)it seems she has a mind of her own do reach out to us as if time itself were nothing 第第7页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页课文阅读了解课文阅读了解.Read the text and match the main idea of the paragraphs.1Paragraph 1AThe invitation to the Louvr

6、e.2Paragraphs 24 BThe introduction of the trip.3Paragraph 5 CThree famous art collections.答案:答案:1.B 2.C3.A第第8页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页.Read the text carefully and choose the best answers according to the text.1Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?ALiberty Leading the Peo

7、ple.BNike of Samothrace.CMona Lisa.DThe selfportrait of Rembrandt.2What does the text come from?AThe live TV show.BThe live radio program.CThe webpage.DThe newspaper.第第9页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页3How does the host find the Nike of Samothrace?AImaginative.BIncredible.CAmazing.DMissing.4W

8、hat can exactly explain why Rembrandt painted so many selfportraits?AHe loved his appearance so much.BHe wanted to take a selfie of himself.CHe found it cheaper to draw himself.DHe made the reason unknown to us.答案:答案:1.A2.A3.C4.D第第10页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页.Analyze the following diffi

9、cult sentences in the text.1Ill say bye for now,and hope you can all visit this fantastic place one day to feel the power of these great works of art for yourselves.句句式式分分析析本本句句为为并并列列句句。第第二二个个分分句句中中“you can all visit this fantastic place one day to feel the power of these great works of art for your

10、selves”为为省省略略了了that_从从句句,其其中中“to feel the power of these great works of art for yourselves”为不定式短语作为不定式短语作_。尝试翻译尝试翻译_宾语宾语目状语目状语 我现在就要说再见了,希望你们有一天能参观这个奇妙地方,我现在就要说再见了,希望你们有一天能参观这个奇妙地方,亲身感受这些伟大艺术作品力量。亲身感受这些伟大艺术作品力量。第第11页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页2By the way,if you have enjoyed this live broa

11、dcast,subscribe to find out where Im visiting next!句句式式分分析析本本句句为为主主从从复复合合句句。主主句句为为省省略略了了主主语语祈祈使使句句。“if you have enjoyed this live broadcast”为为if引引导导_从从句句;“where Im visiting next”是是_从句。从句。尝试翻译尝试翻译_条件状语条件状语宾语宾语顺便说一句,假如你喜欢这个直播,关注我看看我下一步要去哪顺便说一句,假如你喜欢这个直播,关注我看看我下一步要去哪里!里!第第12页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返

12、回导航下页下页上页上页1greet vi.&vt.迎接;问候迎接;问候(教教材材P38)Greetings from Paris,everyone!各位,这是来自巴黎问候!各位,这是来自巴黎问候!He greeted all the performers warmly as they arrived.演出者抵达时他都热情接待。演出者抵达时他都热情接待。归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)greet sb.with.用用迎接迎接;用;用向某人打招呼向某人打招呼(2)greeting n.(惯用复数形式惯用复数形式)问候;祝贺;贺词问候;祝贺;贺词第第13页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返

13、回导航下页下页上页上页巧学活用巧学活用单单句语法填空句语法填空The picture shows us a touching moment when a little girl comes _(greet)her working mom cheerfully.He greeted me in the street _ a friendly wave of the hand.The two students exchanged _(greet)when they met.to greet withgreetings第第14页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页

14、上页2load n某物量;负担;负荷物某物量;负担;负荷物(尤指沉重尤指沉重)vt.&vi.装载;加重装载;加重(教教材材P38)Now,at the top of these stone stairs.get a load of that!现在,在这些石阶顶端现在,在这些石阶顶端注意看!注意看!With a heavy work load,almost all teenagers look forward to having happy holidays from school.因为学业负担重,几乎全部青少年都期望走出学校去度过高兴假期。因为学业负担重,几乎全部青少年都期望走出学校去度过高兴

15、假期。第第15页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)load sth.with.load sth.onto/into.把某物装上把某物装上/进进be loaded with.装满装满(2)a load of/loads of 许多;大量许多;大量take a load off ones mind 解除某人忧虑解除某人忧虑(3)unload vt.卸下卸下download v.下载下载 n.已下载资料已下载资料第第16页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页巧学活用巧学活用单单句语法填空句语法填空

16、Trucks which _(load)with food and clothes rushed to the areas hit by the earthquake without a stop.Standing on the bank,the children watched the ship _(load)with all kinds of goods._ (load)with so much homework,many students come to be tired of school.It takes a load _my mind to leave the child in y

17、our charge.There are _(load)of great places to see in Australia.were loadedloadedLoadedoffloads第第17页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页3imagine v.想象想象(教教材材P38)Her head and arms are missing,but you can imagine her holding her arms up high,celebrating the result of an ancient battle.她头和胳膊不见了,但你能够想象

18、她高举双臂,庆贺一场古老战斗胜利。她头和胳膊不见了,但你能够想象她高举双臂,庆贺一场古老战斗胜利。Can you imagine life without electricity?你能想象没有电生活会是什么样子吗?你能想象没有电生活会是什么样子吗?第第18页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)imagine(sb./sb.s)doing sth.想象想象(某人某人)做某事做某事imagine sb./sth.as/to be.把某人把某人/某物想象成某物想象成imagine that/whclause 想象想象(2)imaginat

19、ion n.想象力;创造力想象力;创造力beyond imagination 超乎想象超乎想象第第19页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页巧学活用巧学活用单单句语法填空句语法填空I cannot imagine the boy _(speak)so rudely to his parents.Im not surprised that he became a writer.Even as a child he had a vivid _ (imagine)能力提升能力提升完成句子完成句子I have never seen my grandmother

20、but I always _a kind and gentle person.我从未见过祖母,但我总是把她想象成一个心地善良、和善可亲人。我从未见过祖母,但我总是把她想象成一个心地善良、和善可亲人。speaking imaginationimagine her as/to be第第20页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页4by the way 顺便说一下顺便说一下(常作插入语常作插入语)(教教材材P39)By the way,if you have enjoyed this live broadcast,subscribe to find out wh

21、ere Im visiting next!顺便说一句,假如你喜欢这个直播,关注我看看我下一步要去哪里!顺便说一句,假如你喜欢这个直播,关注我看看我下一步要去哪里!By the way,how long have you been a cameraman?顺便问一句,你当多长时间摄影师了?顺便问一句,你当多长时间摄影师了?第第21页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页归纳拓展归纳拓展in a way从某一角度看,在某种程度上从某一角度看,在某种程度上in no way 一点也不,决不一点也不,决不in the way 挡道,碍事挡道,碍事on ones/t

22、he way(to)去去路上路上No way!俚俚别想!没门!别想!没门!第第22页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页能力提升能力提升完完成句子成句子Our car broke down _ New York.我们车在去纽约路上坏了。我们车在去纽约路上坏了。_,the computer plays a more and more important role in our life and work.从某种程度上说,电脑在我们生活和工作中发挥着越来越主要作用。从某种程度上说,电脑在我们生活和工作中发挥着越来越主要作用。Dont stand _.Move

23、 aside and let me pass.不要挡着路,靠边点让我过去。不要挡着路,靠边点让我过去。_should you lose heart when you are faced with difficulties.面对困难时,你决不应该失去信心。面对困难时,你决不应该失去信心。on the way toIn a wayin the wayIn no way第第23页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页温馨提醒温馨提醒惯用插入语还有:惯用插入语还有:in other words换句话说换句话说Im sure 我确信我确信believe it or

24、not 信不信由你信不信由你as far as I know 据我所知据我所知that is(to say)也就是也就是(说说)第第24页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页1It seems(that).看起来看起来(教材教材P39)When I look into her eyes it seems she has a mind of her own!当我看着她眼睛时候,看起来她似乎有自己想法!当我看着她眼睛时候,看起来她似乎有自己想法!句句中中it seems(that).意意为为“看看起起来来”,其其中中seem为为系系动动词词,意意为为“看看起

25、起来来”。it为形式主语,真正主语为为形式主语,真正主语为that引导从句。引导从句。It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park.似乎没有些人知道公园里发生了什么事情。似乎没有些人知道公园里发生了什么事情。第第25页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页Jack,you seem excited.Guess what?I won the first prize in the English speech contest.杰克,你似乎很兴奋。杰克,你似乎很兴奋。你猜怎么着?我取得了英语演讲

26、比赛一等奖。你猜怎么着?我取得了英语演讲比赛一等奖。第第26页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)seem(to be)adj./n.看起来好像看起来好像(2)seem to do/to be doing/to have done.看起来要做看起来要做/正在做正在做/已经做了已经做了(3)It seems(to sb.)as if.看起来看起来(好像好像)(4)There seem(s)to be.看起来似乎有看起来似乎有第第27页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页巧学活用巧学活用单单句语法

27、填空句语法填空How is your table tennis these days?Still playing?No,not much.I just dont seem _ (find)the time these days.The children seemed _ (eat)something in the room when their mother came in.The engine just wont start.Something seems _ (go)wrong with it._ seems as if everybody else knew about the trut

28、h except me.to findto be eatingto have goneIt 第第28页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页2“do/does/did动词原形动词原形”用来强调谓语动词用来强调谓语动词(教教材材P39)They really do reach out to us across the centuries as if time itself were nothing.几个世纪以来,它们确实与我们交流沟通,好像时间本身什么都不是。几个世纪以来,它们确实与我们交流沟通,好像时间本身什么都不是。句句中中do起强调作用,强调谓语动词短

29、语起强调作用,强调谓语动词短语reach out to,意为,意为“确实;确实确实;确实”。I do hope you can take my suggestions into consideration.我确实希望你考虑一下我提议。我确实希望你考虑一下我提议。第第29页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)这种强调结构只有普通现在时和普通过去时,且只用于必定句中。这种强调结构只有普通现在时和普通过去时,且只用于必定句中。(2)若若对对句句子子一一些些部部分分进进行行强强调调,要要使使用用强强调调句句型型:It is/was被被强强调

30、调部部分分that/who其它部分。其它部分。能力提升能力提升完完成句子成句子She _ every day.她确实是天天都去上学。她确实是天天都去上学。Jack said he would come and he _.杰克说他要来,他果真来了。杰克说他要来,他果真来了。does go to school did come第第30页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页.单词拼写单词拼写1He got a very serious facial injury in the _ (战战斗斗)2I _(对折对折)the handkerchief and put

31、 it in my pocket.3On the way to school,Tom came across one of his classmates,and they _(问候问候)each other by saying“Good morning”4 Tom was so fat that soon he was out of breath from climbing the _ (楼梯楼梯)battlefolded greeted stairs第第31页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页5Mary suggested that we shoul

32、d go to the art _(展展览览)that afternoon.6With the College Entrance Examination drawing near,many students are under pressure from heavy study _(压力压力)7The Presidents speech was _(播播放放)on radio and television all over the country.8Line and colour are both important in _ (肖像肖像)painting.exhibitionloadbroa

33、dcast portrait第第32页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页.完成句子完成句子1尽尽管他们第一次见面,他们交谈起来就像好朋友一样。管他们第一次见面,他们交谈起来就像好朋友一样。Even if they met for the first time,they talked as if_.2看起来他好像对这个城市很熟悉。看起来他好像对这个城市很熟悉。It looks as if he _.3看起来有些青少年认为他们吸烟时看起来很酷。看起来有些青少年认为他们吸烟时看起来很酷。_ some teenagers think that they loo

34、k cool when they smoke.they were good friendsis familiar with this cityIt seems that 第第33页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页4我确实希望你能给我一些怎样与我同班同学相处提议。我确实希望你能给我一些怎样与我同班同学相处提议。I _you can give me some tips on how to get along with my classmates.5尽管当初我很失望,但在某种程度上,我考试不及格是一件好事。尽管当初我很失望,但在某种程度上,我考试不及格是一

35、件好事。_,it is a good thing that I failed in the exam,though I was disappointed at that time.do hope In a way第第34页页外研版英语外研版英语必修第三册必修第三册 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页.课文语法填空课文语法填空 What Zack is broadcasting is the Louvre,the 1._(large)museum in the world and currently 35,000 works 2._ (display)in it.At the top of the

36、 stone 3._(stair)is the Winged Victory of Samothrace,which seems that she has just flown down out of the sky and is standing on 4._ship.Her head and arms are 5._(miss)but you can imagine her 6._(hold)her arms up high.The painting Mona Lisa is a lot 7._(small)than we expected.And it is time 8._(get)up close and personal with one of the historys greatest artistsRembrandt,9._ liked to portrait himself.There are 10._ many works in the Louvre that it would take you a life time to see everything.largestare being displayedstairsa missingholdingsmallerto getwhoso第第35页页

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