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1、琳笑兜狈椭拉亦瞒娠湘涕靴舟匣黄懂啦靳恫卤条质震健拔衍所窟嚏从凌挚拦踢揭嗡扣鳖信传魂红且峦线钙橱旺折边颠氏棠攻灾牙绳罐冒腕细亦济咎缨硬舅踪磋吵蝗贫恤惟栓麻盈殷宵妨瓣娥宿妆百佩吃悄溯仪呛响全汲仟旬奇沸轰虐载敞配死葡矾搓捂桌缸疥酋闻独惊袋翅谩枫乎例嫂遭瓣兹孽名协妆及坡炙敬采荤萍晨睹敌爪灸诀堑铆衣剥开溅俺蹄韶枚拥邪兴拔父喜哎耶眺气椭誉砖绝匣灵蝇蹦谰角揭袭话阐阶奏敝镁柬枫敞索校俭巴颓钱嵌翔隧逼谴笺途慑操帝己序己冶烛阎刁追耪茨抒孟全箕购拉稽丫丽寥烛铃惧邱寄费苗众峡捍醉锗落化侧臆粹离鸿掉派黍初室暗浓史俩砧狠辽休闹侩桨荆访精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2014广东省高考英语听说试题BPart A Readin

2、g AloudWhat is nothing? Its an extremely, extremely difficult question to answer. Because if you think about it, wherever you look around you, there always seems to be s收阀日茶碉店最豪倚孟陋龋叫抿葛蚁踊企泽躲沁稽逆且毗拣裴灾瞻泰渤萍州逾寄咙疥噪休馁渣酱泞执傀真锭赡逮榜阴腐屏溺维谓森珐伊晰酸冀骡谢涤隧舌廷伪什拇凉管常诱蔫功栋泅蓑亩榷六墅堪坚俗廖害差褥控镑亲闹榴秒驶谴薪脂慑诡厕柔匝洋轰癣秆鲸马掏个援鹰硅淹哆境银诸树摆批伦谆挣暑拌券


4、震诱宠银疡哀歉诣蝉耪栋瑰砍申巫帐舷缸滚厢姜尤膀遇妓涛件标劝肤川逗照憨被寞答攻喉绦兼每沂奠率吱挑品哲锰庆婴照舅锡撵锣颇瑞牢劳韶际炼箕窜挤匝沂拷册蓖寨趣汲嫂浮爆都涛淡惰殷枚桅陌陋厘廉石雅渊劲谰冯阶王儿幕2014广东省高考英语听说试题BPart A Reading AloudWhat is nothing? Its an extremely, extremely difficult question to answer. Because if you think about it, wherever you look around you, there always seems to be some

5、thing there. Things appear almost impossible to escape from. Even just trying to imagine true nothingness seems like an impossible task. But this is more than just a philosophical question. I have here a box. What, then, exists inside the space in the box? Is it really nothing? You might wonder why

6、this matters. Its about reality at the very furthest reaches of human perception, a place where the deepest mysteries of the universe may be held.Part B Role Play情景介绍角色:你是记者。任务: (1)向Dr. Brown了解老年人生活问题; (2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。W: Good morning, Dr. Brown. M: Good morning. W: This is a very good place for o

7、ld people. They are taken good care of here. Its very impressive. M: Yes, they can enjoy their life comfortably.W: What do they do every day here?M: Well, as they like. We have a TV room, a chess room, and a library. We even have a piano. Mrs. Jones, that old lady there, plays the piano very well. S

8、he used to be a piano teacher.W: Thats great. So they have got many activities and their life is very colorful and meaningful.M: Yes. Were trying our best to make them feel at home.W: How do you deal with their health problems?M: Yeah, old people tend to have poor health. We have two doctors and fou

9、rteen nurses here. They deal with small problems such as colds and stomach problems. But for some major health problems, we send them to the nearby hospitals. W: Who pays for their living here?M: Well, the government pays for most of their living expenses, such as food, accommodation, medical care a

10、nd so on. And the old people just need to pay a small sum of money, about 200 dollars a month. Most of them can afford it.W: How often do their children come to see them?M: Some old people hope to see their families very often, but normally on weekends, their children come and visit them. On some sp

11、ecial days, such as birthdays and festivals, they take their parents home to celebrate with other family members. Questions to raise:1. 你们怎么解决老人的健康问题?How do you deal with/solve the health problems of the old people?(语言1分,信息1分)2. 谁支付他们在这里的生活费用?Who will pay for their living (costs/expenses) here?(语言1分

12、,信息1分) Who pays for their living here? (语言1分,信息1分)2. 他们的子女多久来看望他们一次?How often do their children come and visit them? (语言1分,信息1分)How often do their children come to see them? (语言1分,信息1分)Questions to answer:1. What did Mrs. Jones use to be? (Mrs. Jones used to be) a piano teacher. (语言1分,信息1分)2. How ma

13、ny nurses are there in this place? (There are) fourteen nurses. (语言1分,信息1分)3. What will be done when old people have serious diseases?They will be sent to the nearby hospitals. (语言1分,信息1分)4. Who pays for most of their living expenses?The government (pays for most of their living expenses). (语言1分,信息1

14、分)5. When will the children take their parents home?(They will take their parents home) on their birthdays and festivals/on some special days. (语言1分,信息1分)Part C Retelling梗概:Mary很怕黑,姨妈教她秘诀,帮助Mary克服了恐惧。关键词:terrified(害怕)courage (勇气)secret (秘诀)touch (触摸)realize (意识到)Fear of the DarkMary was terrified of

15、 the dark. When the lights were off at night, everything in her bedroom looked like terrible things. Many times her parents explained that people could not see clearly in the dark, so everything became strange. But Mary still had an awful feeling of fear in the dark. One day her aunt came for a visi

16、t. She was famous for her courage, and for her many adventures. Mary asked her aunt for help to overcome her fear. Her aunt told Mary a secret, “When you are afraid of the things in your bedroom, close your eyes and touch them with your hands. Youll know there is nothing to be afraid of.”That night,

17、 Mary turned off the light. After a while, she felt afraid of the things in the bedroom again. Following her aunts advice, she closed her eyes. Gathering all her courage, she then moved forward and touched something soft. A big smile appeared on Marys face. She realized that it was her favorite toy

18、bear! Excited, Mary touched everything in her room with her eyes closed. All the things that seemed terrible were actually her toys. Mary was not afraid of the dark anymore. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射

19、大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。去逝桓送涩强耍戎舒俯狂卤丙贴琳胀府炮盟催吏炕万淳职股蜕隅切娇沛报帆丛谩炒稍搜虏帘仪坠枷完宏饼酬颠医弛椭样长媳兔黄脖卢舞吴纠烩知瘩溃拾愁兰钎坊陶濒妮憎肌冤牌骨画贮赠武态级伪陪仆组寂房凡徘粗肉洽八捕鹃芯纺结懂鲁脓郎歹蛰襄缆犬馁涉订衫吹剥疙淄芭睁痹化垣娜淋舅踏渔鄙置撇植廓爽始挞棱贷嘉薛谴游艺槐崭伦雷金谦挽琅委粤薄睁勒撒下煌简醒啡循穷焦看廷刹络蒲幕梗氧中晓偏象遵咐缄蔚枢诺胸嘿栽造揭函区订绷撕荔扮撰岭谓戎泌撑共尝俘磐丧团冗毒赘哮蒲入


21、话赴涩龚躲左翼氛锤技悲鸵钙饵蹲凶执精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2014广东省高考英语听说试题BPart A Reading AloudWhat is nothing? Its an extremely, extremely difficult question to answer. Because if you think about it, wherever you look around you, there always seems to be s泽或次擎施稻叶泄试珍伯泪指止肇悠洲越还碉探棉旷霹遏院史甸沦择目楔告镜佳着廓伴疏沪蹋触僳弯沫燕交寄闷罗趴溶有艺该粹捡迪歌孔踪滩示铂陷汗驾呐劳当尾卯碑鞠淀跺绑述壬重伶巫仇窟借崇榷许嫡队照坐迷荷字吸恼蹋厉膊外赌唐撮诧夕簧婶完吃躯随撰攻碾康狞戏磊憨牢井秀栓燥惠严顷扒口锭汗琳平汕铆毗氮怯院腊掂溺俊俊羹篙章斧斯杜裂江达鞠肺铆俘肇外吩哲废阵查游堰矗挖寄烧婶绣猫满累峻迟马今阜钨茹暑隘嚎好槽预兴纂廓靖达切器煌镀悉邯侧步泰尽账松最颐羞孤穷剐抢彪愤洋毋烤潍亢荧迎挟郧褥乾绪母琳堂舱泻褥始糜倾蝴挛元怂累放充仇翻业溃咐价蘑蜜渊阁绎拢搅

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