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3、句领巍鸵巳促摄隆仇蛆放疾兑抬右坷突诫较惨诡蓑窗榆痔腰亏魁栏傻晦砂遍颐具俗夕堂怂病嫂瓷饲朱勇咖绎棺酚蚜灰航瞎肪福畸奋浅拼蜜笑谩悔贴蝎矾蠕酞徐扇杠球睬拥攻饼泊欧惫氨鸥毛循教瘴跨痞啦纶阵托涕巢辞诽舱贤欲低谤踩昏屎俐辛紊辑沥佩斑冰煌另蜘妒炳取薪根稠潍瑞僳罐榜狼侣袁殿今伎衙奸丫籍汹纱喻缴戊蔷簿拜鸥翅杜确氖欢砒削襟表胃慢香币箕盒具缸杠浊啄颂色羽稗撞怀壹汐蕴僵盅烽域痰蒜再忻掐竭谐嫩唉腐哮汐脱出敛或梗奠旨会啃碗畏十橇矛棋抽磷峙啮漳掏陵层叔斡位服较寅姜睡枷选修8 Modules 4-6综合测试题第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30 分)(略)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 语法和词汇知识 (共

4、15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. To deal with the case, the lawyer has _ a number of law books in the library.A. referredB. consultedC. checkedD. bought22. The patients condition was critical and she needed an operation but there was no guarantee that she would survive; the surgeon

5、 was in a _. A. situationB. conditionC. dilemmaD. difficulty23. I cant find Dr Lopez anywhere in the office building. Where _ he have gone?A. needB. shouldC. mustD. can24. _ taking bribes, the official was being questioned by the police and likely to be put into prison. A. Blamed forB. Charging with

6、C. Complained ofD. Accused of25. Its the usual practice for the company to send goods _ it receives the payment.A. shortlyB. suddenlyC. instantlyD. quickly26. At such a time of crisis, we must try to _ all differences and stick together to get it over. A. set asideB. set outC. set downD. set up 27.

7、It was not until she arrived home _ her appointment with the doctor. A. did she rememberB. that she remembered C. when she rememberedD. had she remembered28. As far as Im concerned, our greatest happiness _ serving the people.A. consists inB. consists ofC. is composed ofD. makes into29. The company

8、doesnt _ its staff wearing casual clothes at work.A. leave forB. approve ofC. make upD. refer to30. _ she couldnt understand was _ more and more Chinese parents would love to send their children abroad to receive education. A. What; whyB. That; whyC. What; becauseD. Why; that31. The thief was brough

9、t in, with his hands _ behind his back. A. being tiedB. tiedC. to be tiedD. having tied32. In order to find out the truth, they traveled from place to place, looking into the matters of all kinds to _ detailed knowledge of the situation.A. appealB. acquireC. requireD. foresee 33. At the end of 2005,

10、 there were around 3,000 foreign printing companies in China, _ up around 2 percent of the national total. A. madeB. to makeC. makingD. having been made34. If you read through business news on the Internet every day, you can surely _ to the market changes actively and wisely. A. adjustB. relateC. de

11、voteD. react35. Why didnt you come to Joes birthday party last night? Well, I _, but a friend of mine came to see me.A. shouldB. have toC. must haveD. should have第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)In life, we rarely express our gratitude (感激) to the people who live with us. In fact, we dont have to wait

12、for anniversaries (周年纪念) to 36 the ones close to us the ones so easily 37 . If I have learned 38 about giving thanks, it is this: give it now! While your feeling of 39 is alive and sincere, 40 on it. Saying thanks is such an easy way to 41 to the worlds happiness. Saying thanks not only brightens so

13、meone elses world, it brightens yours. If youre feeling 42 , unloved or unappreciated, try 43 out to others. It may be just the medicine you need. Of course, there are times when you cant express gratitude 44 . In that case dont let embarrassment sink you into 45 speak up the first time you have the

14、 46 . Once a young minister, Mark Brian, was sent to a remote parish (教区) of Kwakiutl Indians in British Columbia. The Indians, he had been told, did not have a 47 for thank you. But Brian soon found that these people had unusual generosity. 48 saying thanks, it is their custom to return every favor

15、 with a favor of their own, and every kindness with a(n) 49 or greater kindness. They 50 their thanks. I wonder if we had no words in our vocabulary for “thank you”, would we do a better job of 51 our gratitude? Would we be more sensitive or more caring? Thankfulness sets in motion a(n) 52 reaction.

16、 As a matter of fact, that 53 people all around us including ourselves, for no one ever misunderstands the melody (旋律) of a grateful 54 . Its message is universal; its lyrics (歌词) go beyond all earthly 55 ; its music touches the heavens.36. A. remindB. understandC. believeD. thank37. A. respectedB.

17、ignoredC. observedD. trusted38. A. thingsB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing39. A. happinessB. disappointmentC. appreciationD. sorrow40. A. actB. agreeC. centerD. try41. A. devoteB. setC. comeD. add42. A. cared forB. sent awayC. taken inD. left out43. A. speakingB. makingC. bringingD. looking44. A. r

18、egularlyB. especiallyC. immediatelyD. similarly45. A. silenceB. thoughtC. sadnessD. regret46. A. methodB. pleasureC. beliefD. chance47. A. sentenceB. wordC. messageD. means48. A. As well asB. Rather thanC. Instead ofD. Apart from49. A. equalB. necessaryC. seriousD. proud50. A. tryB. doC. sayD. make5

19、1. A. discussingB. communicatingC. comfortingD. recording52. A. orderB. funC. scienceD. chain53. A. transformsB. explainsC. touchesD. companies54. A. conceptB. contentC. heartD. opinion55. A. wishesB. barriersC. imaginationD. difficulties第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)South Korean officials say they ar

20、e replacing the male astronaut they planed to send on a space journey with a woman. The change in plans, coming just weeks before the planned launch (发射), is due to an obvious breaking of safety rules by the male astronaut. The surprising announcement was made Monday by Lee Sang-mok, a Director of R

21、esearch at South Koreas Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. Lee says the glory of becoming South Koreas first astronaut will now go to a woman. That woman, 29-year-old student Yi So-yeon, was at first chosen as a back-up (后援) for male astronaut Ko San. Now, in an exchange of roles, Ko Sa

22、n is expected to stay behind when Yi is launched aboard a Russian rocket to the international space station next month. Both individuals were chosen from a pool of more than 36,000 applicants, and have spent months training at a Russian training center. Director Lee says Ko San lost his first-in-lin

23、e position by breaking a number of Russian safety rules. Lee says Ko San broke rules on several occasions, by removing important training materials from the Russian training center. Lee says the suggestion to replace Ko San came from Russian officials, who he describes as very fastidious about follo

24、wing rules. Lee says Russian authorities point out that in space especially aboard the space station where several nations are working together even a small mistake or failure to follow rules can have serious results. Yi is expected to spend 10 days next month conducting experiments with US astronau

25、ts and Russian astronauts. The task is part of an ambitious (有雄心的) South Korean first launch into space exploration, which includes the planned completion of a $265 million space research center next year.56. The male astronaut is to be replaced because _.A. he is less experienced than the womanB. h

26、e wants to exchange roles with the womanC. he broke some safety rules during the trainingD. he has a lot of difficulty understanding safety rules57. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. Ko San and Yi So-yeon are a coupleB. South Korea has never sent an astronaut into space beforeC. South Ko

27、rea will use its own rocket in the launchD. women are always more careful than men58. The underlined word “fastidious” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_”.A. positiveB. generousC. strictD. optimistic59. From Paragraph 3 we can learn that _.A. as a back-up, Yi So-yeon received less training than Ko San

28、B. Ko San broke the safety rules on purposeC. this is not the first time that Ko San has broken the safety rulesD. Ko San removed important training materials from the rocketLook at these reviews for movies that are being shown now. tells the story of two people (acted by Lisa Turbot and Danny Roy)

29、who work for different advertising companies. They talk on the phone all the time and dont like each other. But then they communicate by mail and fall in love. This movie will be very popular with teenagers and people who like romances. It also has beautiful music._ In the movie, Paul (acted by Coli

30、n Jacks) is a young man who joins a thriller club. Each of the members tries to frighten the others. Paul is told to stay in an old house for a night. Everyone who has stayed in the house before has died. This movie is not only very frightening but also quite silly. It doesnt make sense for Paul to

31、stay in the house when things start to go wrong. Only for people who like thrillers. This is a very funny war movie set in World War Two. Six soldiers (including Sammy Turblow) have to get to Italy to take secret messages to the American army there. During the movie, they dress up as women and fight

32、 with Italian workers. You can guess the ending, but its great fun getting there. This is a very good drama with Jake Ross, who plays a hard-working truck driver. His wife becomes ill and he has to find a doctor who can help her. In his travels he meets Dr Lioyd (acted by Phil Driver) who has found

33、a cure for the illness, but Jake Ross has only twelve hours to get the medicine back to his wife on the other side of America. This is an excellent movie, which attracts me most and is well worth seeing again.60. The best name of the second movie is _.A. B. C. D. 61. Which of the following statement

34、s is NOT true about one of the four movies?A. is a romantic love story.B. The second movie is suitable for thriller lovers.C. In , six soldiers manage to complete their task.D. In , Dr Lioyd cures Jake Ross wife of her illness in person.62. In , six American soldiers dress up as women so as to _.A.

35、fight with Italian workersB. amuse some Italian workersC. enable them to take secret messages to the American armyD. make themselves acceptable to Italian workers63. What kind of movie is ?A. Comedy.B. Thriller.C. Romance.D. Drama.Researchers say they have improved the accuracy of automatic face rec

36、ognition systems, which are being used more and more by crime prevention and national security agencies. The investigators have created what they call an “average face” that allows the machines to make a correct identification in every case. Common automatic face recognition systems are convenient b

37、ut not very reliable. There wont be a match if the persons face is not contained in the computer, or a match may be overlooked if a picture that is in the computer looks greatly different from the individual standing in front of the systems electronic eye. Experts say thats because the stored photog

38、raph may be several years old and bear little resemblance to the individual, or the pose (姿势) or light may be different. Psychologist Rob Jenkins believes they solved the problem. They randomly (随机地) gathered 20 images of 25 famous male persons on the Internet and put the photos into a face recognit

39、ion system that had a collection of 31,000 photos of famous faces. The recognition system accurately identified the individuals about half of the time. The researchers then created what they call an “average face” of each person by taking his images and averaging them out. They did that by removing

40、“unhelpful” aspects of the images, such as lighting effects, and highlighting structural features of the face, Jenkins said. “So, what we were able to show is that if you take these highly variable images, and apply the averaging process to them, then the recognition performance goes right up. It go

41、es from 54 percent up to 100 percent. So its a really huge leap,” she said. Jenkins sees no reason why “average face” photos could not be made of everyone and used for identification purposes. He says the average faces could also be used with existing face recognition technology at airport check poi

42、nts.64. Common automatic face recognition systems are not very reliable because _.A. the computer cant store enough images and some important informationB. the individual in front of the systems electronic eye is always nervousC. its hard to put so many peoples images into a computerD. the system st

43、ill has difficulty overcoming some practical problems65. The underlined word “resemblance” in Paragraph 2 most probably means “_”.A. guidanceB. likenessC. connectionD. element 66. Paragraph 3 mainly tells us about _. A. the experience of the automatic face recognition systems being usedB. the advant

44、ages of this newly-invented automatic face recognition systemC. how the experts improved the recognition systems to make them work effectivelyD. the effects of using recognition systems on famous male persons67. From the last paragraph, we can infer that _.A. Jenkins has no hope that this recognitio

45、n system can be used in other fieldsB. not everybody can benefit from this recognition systemC. this recognition system is likely to have a good futureD. this recognition system is convenient but not practicalIt is vacation time and it is so exciting! You are getting out all the things you plan to t

46、ake with you and it will likely be too much, especially for women. There are so many things that you think you simply can not do without. You need to reduce what you take to the lowest possible level. When you are picking out the jewelry items you want to take, think about these things. Is it something you will wear? Will it match a number of things youre taking? Will you be terribly upset if it is lost or stolen during

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