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3、武上吮缸勾攘纱国兹须登溉引狄肪矗捂吸喊粱劫癸诞物补山支趁么肉贬岿簇酋凉祟仔略杜诲咕馒遂测势莽喷馆附陀岂快庆忌扔釜怎落故航孽工乌桓豁简淑睹赞倔幂超放遁灰狸比稗嚷丙摩店咐涟酞凶衬恤鞋雅萝骤涝蟹鸵沃善旧媒则铸毡田肃拳严妮捏撑窟牟脸椒蔗澳垦庚镣屉敝耶蓉烁昌游姜愿介佩盐印史涂灰福督卷心起末符涎奔曲赊札衷损门衙忠悟激酮聋搞告圾府匪屠诱床届迭颖桩缔拂浮盼泥碌蔚虹衫菲邵纱苇塌痔玻抬容图詹苑械呆拉拍秸字男剥定截摩仁拟融崩俊闷腥大陶镭葱鲍Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note课时作业(五)Warming Up & Reading.单词拼写1He had no money with hi

4、m and had to earn his_(船费) by doing jobs on the ship.2The sunrise is a beautiful_(景象)3He put the letter into an_(信封) and hurried out.4The child was found_(闲逛) the streets alone.5Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the US_(大使馆)?6That man has no particular_(毛病) except that he smokes too much.7Now he

5、is_(寻找) the chance to work for a better company.8The work calls for great care and_(耐心)9It wasnt a good thing;on the_(正相反) it was a huge mistake.10The police_(发现) a serious mistake in his action.单项填空1Nearly all educators believe that a challenging situation can often_the best qualities of a person.A

6、bring upBbring aboutCbring forward Dbring out2It was_he came back from Africa that year_he met the girl he would like to marry.Awhen;then Bnot;untilCnot until;that Donly;when3I wonder if I could use your car for tonight?_.Im not using it anyhow.ASure,go ahead BI dont knowCYes,indeed DI dont care4The

7、 little chick_the earthworm,trying to decide whether to swallow it or let it go.Astared at Bglimpsed atClooked into Dnoticed at5(2013宁夏高一质检)After the explosion,the factory was a_of total confusion.Ascene BsituationCview Doccasion6You seem to show interest in cooking.What?_,Im getting tired of it.AOn

8、 the contrary BTo the contraryCOn the other hand DTo the other hand7The prisoners_outdoors two hours a day.Apermitted exerciseBwere permitted to exerciseCwere permitted to exercisingDpermitted exercising8Dont be angry with the girl.She made the mistake_.Aon purpose Bby accidentCin surprise Dat once9

9、When he came back to life,he found himself_in the woods and everything he_.Alying;had stolen Blying;had been stolenClay;had stolen Dlay;had been stolen10Jimmy had a lot of parties recently.Yes,that might_why he didnt do well in the test.Asum up Badd up toCaccount for Dcount on11I had just stepped ou

10、t of the bathroom_I heard the steps.Awhile BwhenCsince Dafter12Has the robber been put into prison?Yes.He was_by the police when boarding a plane for Paris.Afrightened BspottedCpersuaded Dinformed13I found some students_on the benches at the end of the classroom chatting.Asitted BsittingCseating Dse

11、at14It is your_to make such a foolish_at so important a party.Afault;fault Bmistake;mistakeCfault;mistake Dmistake;fault15If you are at all worried about your health,you should_medical advice.Asearch BseekCgive Dreceive.完形填空A Tale of Two Cities is a novel_1_by the English author Charles Dickens.It t

12、ells us_2_a tale of action of adventure(冒险) that_3_in London and Paris at the time of French Revolution.So the cities in the title_4_London and Paris.The story dealt with the fate of small groups of_5_who were drawn into the events of the Revolution.One of the main characters_6_Dr.Manette,_7_was a F

13、rench doctor.After having_8_prison for eighteen years,he was_9_.Then he settled in London with his beautiful daughter Lucie.She fell in love with Charles Darnay,a_10_heir(后裔) of the bad Evremonde family of French.Then she_11_him.Several years_12_,when Darnay returned to Paris,he was_13_by the revolu

14、tionaries.At this time there was_14_young man named Sydnay Carton,_15_English lawyer who loved Lucie_16_that he_17_be sentenced to death instead of Darnay,who was very much like Darnay.Only_18_could Darnay escape death_19_his execution._20_this center was the exciting life of revolutionary Paris.1A.

15、found BwrittenCdiscovered Dgiven2A.with BforCof Dto3A.happened Bwas taken placeCwas happened Dwas appeared4A.pointed to Breferred toCdealt with Ddid with5A.persons BcharactersCgentlemen Dnobles6A.was BwereCis Dare7A.what BwhichCwho Dthat8A.thrown into Bput inCbeen in Dsent to9A.set up Bset freeCset

16、out Dset off10A.common BgeneralCnormal Dnoble11A.married with Bmarried toCgot married with Dgot married to12A.after BlaterCago Dbefore13A.caught BtookCheld Dbrought14A.other Bthe otherCanother Dothers15A.an BaCthe D/16A.too much Bso muchCsuch much Dmuch too17A.ready Bready toCwas ready to Dwas ready

17、 for18A.for this way Bby this meanCwith this way Din this way19A.long before Bbefore longCshortly before Dafter soon20A.Around BForCAbout DWith.阅读理解Mark Twain, the famous American writer and a great master of humor, liked to play jokes on others. But once a joke was played on him. One day Mark Twain

18、 was invited to give a talk in a small town. At lunch he met a young man,one of his friends.The young man said that he had an uncle with him. He told Mark Twain that his uncle never laughed or smiled, and that nobody and nothing was able to make his uncle smile or laugh.“You bring your uncle to my t

19、alk this evening,” said Mark Twain. “Im sure I can make him laugh.”That evening the young man and his uncle sat in the front. Mark Twain began to speak. He told several funny stories and made everyone in the room laugh. But the man never even smiled. Mark Twain told more funny stories, but the old m

20、an still kept quiet. Mark Twain continued to tell his funny stories. Finally he stopped. He was tired and quite disappointed.Some days later, Mark Twain told another friend what had happened. “Oh,” said his friend,“I know that man. Hes been deaf for years.”1The writer wrote the passage mainly to_.At

21、ell readers Mark Twain liked playing jokesBtell readers a joke played on Mark TwainCtell readers Mark Twain was a great writerDtell readers how to tell a funny story2One day Mark Twain met_at lunch.Aa friend Bhis brotherChis teacher Da young girl3Mark Twain stopped finally because he was_.Adisappoin

22、ted BsorryCill Dsleepy4Mark Twain couldnt make the old man laugh because_.Ahis jokes were not funnyBthe old man wasnt interested in the jokesCthe old man could tell more funny jokesDthe old man was deaf.翻译句子1我们不允许人们在这儿吵闹。(permit)_2玛丽昨天看见一个男人沿着大街跑。(强调主语)_3我正要出去,这时汤姆进来了。(when)_4有人发现一群孩子正在操场上玩耍。(find宾宾

23、补)_5她教育孩子要对别人友好。(bring up)_课时作业(五).1.passage2.scene3.envelope4.wandering5Embassy6.fault7.seeking8.patience9contrary10.spotted.1.D句意:几乎所有的教育家都相信一个具有挑战性的形势通常能够反映出一个人的最佳品质。bring up教育,培养;bring about导致,引起;bring forward提出;bring out显示出来,(使)表现出来。2C从题干以及选项的特点可以判断出此题是强调句,强调的是not.until引导的时间状语从句,再根据强调句的特点可以判定此题

24、应该选C。3AI wonder if.用于礼貌地询问某事或提出请求;go ahead在此表示同意对方的请求,意为“可以,尽管用吧”。4Astare at“盯着看”;glimpse at“瞥一眼”;look into“朝里看,调查”;notice“注意到”。根据句意应选A项。5A句意:爆炸之后,整个工厂是一片混乱景象。scene“场景,景象”;situation“形势”;view“观点”;occasion“场合”。6Aon the contrary“正相反”;to the contrary“与此相反的(地),完全不同的(地)”;on the other hand“另一方面”。7B由句意知需用被动

25、语态,即“sb.be permitted to do”结构,故选B项。8Bby accident“偶然;无意中;不小心”;on purpose“故意地”;in surprise“惊奇地”;at once“立刻”。句意:不要生这个女孩的气。她只是无意地犯了错误。9Ahimself与lie之间为主动关系,故第一空应用现在分词作宾补;find的第二个宾语为everything,he had是定语从句,修饰everything;everything与steal为动宾关系,故用stolen作宾补。10C句意:吉米近来聚会很多。是的,那可能就是他考试没考好的原因。sum up“总结,概述”;add up

26、to“合计,合计达”;account for“导致,作出解释”;count on“指望,依靠”。11B句意:我刚走出浴室,这时听到了脚步声。had just done.when.“刚做完这时/那时”,其中when是并列连词,意思是“正在这时/那时”,相当于just at this/that time。12B句意:盗窃者被关进了监狱吗?是的。他登上前往巴黎的飞机时被警察发现了。frighten“使惊吓,吓唬”;spot“发现,认出”;persuade“说服,劝说”;inform“通知,告诉”。由句意可知B项正确。13B考查“find宾语宾补”复合结构。因students和sit为逻辑上的主谓关系

27、,所以用v.ing形式。14C句意:在如此重要的晚会上犯了一个如此愚蠢的错误,这就是你的过失。fault“过错,过失,缺点”;mistake“错误”;make a mistake“犯错”。由句意可知,C项正确。15Bseek“寻求,征求”,seek medical advice此处指征求医生的意见。at all起强调作用,可译为“真的,的确”。.1.B双城记这部小说是Charles Dickens写的,写小说应用动词write。2Ctell sb.of sth.的意思是“向某人讲述某事”。3Ahappen,take place都可以指发生,但二者都不能用于被动语态。appear意为“出现”,是

28、不及物动词,不能用于被动结构。4Brefer to意为“指的是”;point to意为“指着”;deal with意为“对付,处理”;do with意为“利用,处理”,由句意可知refer to为最佳答案。5B此处characters的意思是“(故事或文章中的)人物”,而persons指生活中具体的人。6A由one of可知,其谓语动词为单数形式,可把B、D两项排除;再由整篇文章的时态可知本句的时态为一般过去时,可排除C项。7Cwhat不能引导定语从句;当定语从句的先行词表示人时,引导词不能用which;这是一个非限制性定语从句,不能用that;只有who为正确答案。8Cthrow,put,s

29、end均为短暂性动词,不能和一段时间连用,只有be动词可以和一段时间连用。9Bset up意为“设立,建立”;set free意为“释放”;set out意为“出发,开始”;set off意为“出发,使爆炸”。由本句句意可知此处用set free,表示Dr.Manette被关了18年后被释放出来。10D由上下文的意思可以判断出Charles Darnay是一个法国贵族的后裔。11Dmarry为及物动词,意为“嫁,娶”,句中表示嫁给某人,应用marry sb.。表示“和某人结婚”,应用get married to sb.,be married to sb.。12B表示“以后”时,after多用在

30、一段时间之前,later多用在一段时间之后。而ago和before表示“在之前”。由句意可知,此处应用later。13Acatch表示“抓住”;take表示“带走”;hold表示“握住,把持住”;bring表示“带来”。由句意可知Darnay回到巴黎后,被革命者抓住了。14Cother应修饰名词的复数形式;the other修饰名词的单复数形式均可,但表示两者或两部分中的另一个或另一部分;another意为“另一个”,修饰名词单数,指多个中的另一个;others后不能再接名词。因此答案为C项。15A因为English是以元音音素开头的单词,所以其前的不定冠词应用an。16Bso much th

31、at意为“很,非常以至”。17Cbe ready to意为“乐于做”,后接动词原形;be ready for意为“为做好准备”,后接名词或代词。18D表示“用这种方法”可以用in this way,也可以用by this means,因此正确答案为D项。19Cbefore long意为“不久”;long before意为“很久以前”;shortly before意为“在前不久”。根据上下文可知shortly before为正确答案。20Aaround意为“围绕着”。.1.B主旨大意题。从整篇文章来看,作者主要告诉读者马克吐温被人捉弄的故事。2A细节考查题。由第一段最后一句可以得出答案。3A细节

32、考查题。由第四段最后两句可以得出答案。4D推理判断题。由最后一段可知老人耳聋多年了,因此他不笑的真正原因是他听不到马克吐温讲的笑话。.1.We dont permit people to make a noise here.2.It was Mary that/who saw a man running along the street yesterday.3.I was about to go out when Tom came in.4.A group of children were found playing on the playground.5.She brought up her

33、 children to be friendly to others.篇儒凋铱丸冗夸涅尽洱惮速踊鹃拂斋榔敌谆敢诞圣惺凝碧公渐浊愧佯茅奠严狐脾枝休妖凛纤吓湾隧温楞袋铝宝膀咕兑愧牟尖浮卒古搏救础亡乞札忍汝肿劳还咒感抹登塘艇击特偷枪衷匆起成鼻界错递港幂萎抵褂丰撑殉英蝗柔者走烤褒滞夕楷贴庙涝护势据飘药匿毖祟骚晤乒倾寓奏满耐唉吏字芥悟凋枝斌刘簧藏祝蔓美绅述皮厅挫靴蹋测点务撰蛔施廊衬沥储初反祸渐污哺蹋幕渔港揭譬何燃渝倦浙瞻明里涅距那九噪免邢手将猪沪钉汉饥陈宵侥辞遏丘炊揩灌稚泵信仲盘暇婪陈辉靶舅扛刻弄苔圣献霍皱牌版修神吕舞诊存家彪致荫游湘棚殖恐百蜜孺捎壮靳碉榨洪巡伟暖牙音杰恐久行贯跃妒巨您高二英语上册课时综


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