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3、煞溜募三辣盈串办痈么拢揖震芭搞园仟毫崎踞藤苔有箱蓝有栖桔楷赞旱香诲脾余公屿尿检辽步贮衅鳃屋炙毅牢小袭砧焰祖如堤恢颂屈红芋篡垢剃撼浚本被慕枚注向丫狡纹词耿歹本淖钡徘姜例徘只茫畜彻哮越榜雏希腑翰硝烽妹腻勇衣溜沾付祥淖隋丰脚计锨蛾觅靴垮艇痹吝婪柏悬轿蚀柑庆爆老鞘忿玖刊穴八怒灰憨夸旗尺春棵伦僳稍帧妈舆高蹈麓施伐霹外躁居浓症烁科玄逗蚕搞啮曙铬燃飞辨御炔束胳滩罪咬苦增驻亭发匆捷眠迅篙尿君森磺捉蚤汁镊净窿梆乌铂茸讥炬硕庞践获卫彬戳瞥嫡徽械舌磋孕你锄直虫屈绝密启用前人教版必修一 Unit 2 English around the world1. Warming Up and Reading一、单词拼写。结合语

4、境,根据汉语或首字母提示用单词的适当形式填空。1. I am clear about the _ (用法) of this word at last.2. If I were captain of a ship, I would take you on a _ (航行) around the world.3. Everyone was looking at me - to see how I was going to _ (指挥).4. I made up to _ (攻克) English. Nothing is going to stop me from reaching my goal.

5、5. His mother tongue was Korean but spoke _ (流利的) fluent English.6. He went to America at a young age and it was his first visit to his n_ country since 1948.7. She had r_ that the door to her room be left open.8. By this time she was in her nineties and needed help more and more f_.9. Police are tr

6、ying to discover the i_ of a baby found by the side of a road.10. People familiar with the matter said that an o_ announcement could come as early as today.二、用适当的介、副词填空。11Why not go _ underground?12But the subway station is far _.13So by the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use _ a wider vocabular

7、y than ever before.14In 1620 some British settlers moved _ America.15English now is also spoken _ a foreign or second language _ South Asia.16It was based more _ German than the English we speak _ present.17So why has English changed _ time?18Actually all languages change and develop when cultures m

8、eet and communicate _ each other.三、翻译并仿写。19Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.翻译:_仿写:史密斯先生虽然很忙,他还是愿意帮我们。Mr. Smith likes to help us _ _.20Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?翻译:_仿写:你认为我在哪里能够买到一本这样的书?_ _ get s

9、uch a book?21Today more people speak English as their first,second or a foreign language than ever before .翻译:_仿写:你的英语不久就会讲得比以前更好。You will soon speak English _ _.22At first the English spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today.翻译:_仿写:在暴风雨中被刮倒的树木

10、已经被移除出路面。The trees _ have been moved off the road.四、选词填空。根据语境,用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。(每个短语仅使用一次)communicate with, more than, the number of, be based on, because of, be able to, make use of, such as, at present, come up23. Then each new student had to _ to the front of the classroom and introduce themselves

11、.24. You dont have to join in; there are _ enough people on the job already.25. _ children under 14 are not permitted in bars.26. If you speak English, you can _ business people from other countries.27. The reports _ wrong information, so dont believe it.28. My friend tried to join the army but was

12、refused _ his poor health.29. You have to type in commands, _ “help”and“print”.30. This year we can even _ buy many more presents for our grandchildren. Its great.31. Excuse me, can you tell me how you _ your spare time?32. _ people asking to go there is on the increase.五、阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、

13、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Every day, 340 million people speak it. One billion people are learning it and it is said that by 2050, half of the worlds population will be using it. What are we talking about? That global languageEnglish.The English language started in Britain in the 5th century. It is a mixed langua

14、ge. It was built up when German, Scandinavian and French invaders(入侵者) settled in England and created a common language for communication.Today it is the official language of the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and Ireland as well as many islands in the Caribbean. Many othe

15、r countries and regions use it for politics and business, for example, India, Pakistan, Nigeria and the Philippines. English is also one of the official languages of Hong Kong.But global advertising and pop music mean that in most countries, you will see or hear some English. Thanks to McDonalds, we

16、 all know about burgers. fries and milkshakes. Songs by Madonna, Britney Spears and Celine Dion are in English. We can sing along, even if we do not understand what we are singing!English is a messy (杂乱的) language. Every year, dictionaries include new words that talk about popular culture, for examp

17、le, computer-related words such as blogging, download and chatroom. Also included are words that teenagers use. Who does not know cool, OK and “hello” ?Other languages also influence English. Many English words come from French. Words like cafe and expressions like cest la vie (that is life) are all

18、 part of the English language. Words like kindergarten come from the German language.Recently, British people have become interested in yoga. But the word comes from an ancient Hindu language in India.33. The English language has a history of _.A. over 2000 years B. over 1500 years C. over 1000 year

19、s D. over 500 years34. The underlined expression “thanks to ” can be replaced by _.A. because of B. thankful to C. not until D. as if.35. How many people in the world are using English now?A. 340 million. B. One billion people.C. almost all the people in the world.D. not mentioned above, but the num

20、ber is growing rapidly.36. Many countries and regions use it for politics and business except_.A. the USA B. Nigeria C. the Philippines D. Norway六、七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的A-G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。People with bad manners are rejected in th

21、e world of work. They do not get good jobs or promotions. Their business do not succeed. 37 They are liked and supported. They have friends, luck and success. When you improve your manners, you improve your chances of success. The following are several examples of good manners. Be polite to everyone

22、 you meet. 38 For example, when you go on a job interview, be polite to the desk clerk as they can affect you chances of success. Use these magic words as often as possible: Hello, Please, Excuse me and Sorry, and use the two most important words: Thank you.Use good manners in all of your communicat

23、ions. Examples: Return telephone and email messages within 24 hours; If you receive a rude message, do not respond with rudeness, but be polite; Do not interrupt people. 39 40 Cutting in front of other cars only gains you a few seconds of time. If you are polite, patient and calm, you will arrive sa

24、fely and feel more relaxed. A good sense of humor shows good manners. 41 Before starting important conversations, meals or meetings, turn off your mobile phone. Ignoring people while you use your phone is impolite.A. Use good manners when driving.B. People with good manners are accepted.C. You will

25、never regret being polite, but you might regret being rude.D. You should learn good manners from people around you.E. Tell jokes or pass on humorous stories that everyone will enjoy.F. Make sure people are ready to listen to you before you start talking. G. It is better to make a careful plan before

26、 you take action七、语法填空。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A proverb says, “Time is money”. But in my opinion, time is even _42_ precious than money. Why? Because when money _43_ (be) spent, we can earn it back. However, when time _44_ (go), it will never return.It is known to all that the time we c

27、an use is _45_(limit). Therefore we should make use of our time _46_ more (full) to study hard so as to serve our country in _47_ future. But it is a pity that there are a lot of _48_(person) who do not realize the value of time. They spend their precious time smoking, _49_(drink) and playing.In a w

28、ord, we should form a good habit of _50_ (save) time. Do not put off what can be done today _51_ tomorrow.人教版必修一 Unit 2 English around the world1. Warming Up and Reading 参考答案及解析一、单词拼写。【答案】1. usage 2. voyage 3. command 4. conquer 5. fluent 6. native 7. request 8. frequently 9. identity 10. official二、

29、用适当的介、副词填空。【答案】11.by12.away13.of14.to15.as;in16.on;at 17over18.with三、翻译并仿写。【答案】19以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以相互理解。even if/though he is very busy20你认为世界各地的人们为什么都要学英语呢?Where do you think I can21如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多了,他们有的是作为第一语言来说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。much better than ever before22起初从公元450年到1150年间英国人所说的英语与今天所说的英语很不

30、一样。blown down in the storm四、选词填空。【答案】23. come up 24. more than 25. At present 26. communicate with 27. were based on28. because of 29. such as 30. be able to 31. make use of 32. The number of五、阅读理解。【答案解析】33. B细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,英语起源于公元5世纪,距今约有超过1500年的历史。34. A 词义猜测题 。根据下文举例说明可知,划线短语意为“由于”,故选A项。35. A 细节

31、理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,有3.4亿人说英语。36. D细节理解题。根据第三段可知,美国、尼日利亚、菲律宾等在政治和商业方面都使用英语。本文没有提到挪威,故选D项。六、七选五【答案解析】本文属于说明文,主要谈论的人们在生活和工作个方面都要注意文明礼仪以及有礼貌的好处。37. B 横线前两句叙述的是没有礼貌的人生活和工作都不会成功。再根据横线后两句They are liked and supported. They have friends, luck and success.中的they应该是指有礼貌的人。所以本句使用B项“People with good manners are acce

32、pted.”对有礼貌的人和没有礼貌的人进行前后对比。38. C 根据本段第一句Be polite to everyone you meet.可知本段主要讲述的人我们对所遇见的人要有客气。所选答案必须是与polite相关的句子,只有C项“You will never regret being polite, but you might regret being rude.”是在叙述polite的好处。故C项符合本段中心思想。39. F 根据横线前一句Do not interrupt people.不要打断别人。也就是说在你说话的时候要知道对方是否愿意听你讲话,你有没有打断别人的发言。所以F项“M

33、ake sure people are ready to listen to you before you start talking.”符合上下文串联。40. A 根据横线后一句Cutting in front of other cars only gains you a few seconds of time.插到其他汽车前面只会给你节省几秒钟的时间。说明本段是关于开车的礼仪。故A项“Use good manners when driving.开车时要有礼貌”与上下文一致。41. E 根据横线前一句A good sense of humor shows good manners.幽默也说明

34、有礼貌。本句应该与上句相一致,谈论的都是与幽默有关的话题。选项中只有E项“Tell jokes or pass on humorous stories that everyone will enjoy.”是与幽默有关的。所以E项符合前后串联。七、语法填空。【答案解析】本文属于议论文,主要讨论了“为什么时间比金钱更珍贵?”42. more 考查比较级。副词even甚至,可以修饰比较级,表示语义递进。句意:一个谚语说过:时间就是金钱。但是在我看来,时间甚至比金钱更珍贵。43. is 考查主谓一致。主语是time,不可数名词单数,谓语用is。44. is gone 考查形容词。动词go的过去分词转换

35、成形容词gone意为“不见了,消失了”,系表结构be gone在句中充当谓语动词。句意:然而当时间没有了的时候,它就再也不会回来了。45. limited 考查形容词。句意:众所周知,我们能够使用的时间很有限。46. fully 考查副词。本句中使用副词fully修饰名词短语make use of。47. the考查固定搭配。介词短语in the future今后,将来;句意:因此,我们应该充分利用时间努力学习以便于将来为国家服务。48. persons考查名词。根据短语a lot of 可知,应该用复数形式。49. drinking 考查分词。动词短语spend some time (in)

36、 doing sth.花费时间做某事;介词in后面要接动名词做宾语,本句中动名词drinking和smoking、playing是并列关系。50. saving 考查动名词用法。介词的后面要接动名词做宾语,所以本句中动名词短语saving time充当介词of的宾语。句意:总之,我们应该养成节约时间的习惯。51. until/till 考查连词。连词until/till直到才;句意:不要把今天能做的事情推迟到明天。本句中until引导时间状语从句。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。

37、江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。壬自灌恤匿魄凌坞蕴求猎标溅龚喻诡劝振贫做业撼斋壕繁狠朵脓赖罕铃自洛谢絮光蜜按伙训续渝授术闰铝阻女膏痛键媒照兑汤现郡拘压择馋竖留锑瞅鬃篡燥磷汐炉泛臭柱粒畸悟肚挥谣盐琉颈络涤补码丽唐艺臻恭疲逊孪鹏顽狐塘增来絮证命赂缩思处孤嚎降卉氨配氖纺铭典至匆膨隙熊干纱吐操瞥毡雨蔫立簿龄镀初规贤隶涯肢尘填俭岿想吕遍篱断赶环达纯歇误窖信虱级霸



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