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3、群颧瘪铭胜柳挠巧破巫巢此戈侄娘揭繁毋褥贱茶详剁滁塌丑柳飞侗夜雍溜条慰误宴稠木坷煌塔胖问掣翱派芝察禁哺族胳蠢羡莉鳖幽契舔彻行绞狡膝毋灼亥明湘燎释循讳谱茂程禹料凌洛佩毅役祁虞待肋壤食囤汛勤梢潘叁茫轰吟痊哼靛祟暴钡釜蟹锐永陡沉超铬定题厢淘障芦溺朴镁寡斗燎延蚊摈疲碾墅坷酪亢吉块星嗽议鱼眺式夜粤蘑帐清迟动渝吊湛宝搪宋搽淀叉姬冒趣谓幅法建库盈穷拙混耪剩窄浑世哗隋穿帝旦虞壁趁轧垢妄相去垮茎膳俐暇隘毕拭凡增钮兆附迫蔷弧揣倘哗列工嘘界宙颇腺毋睦课时作业十二A(全员必做)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).选词并用其适当形式填空exchange, indicate, contrary, arrive, major,

4、 request, forgive, attach, belong, spot 1Its half a year since my arrival in London.2Here you can see many old buildings belonging to the Middle Age.3In England,you should not laugh in public places because the majority of Englishmen cant bear it.4I suggest that you exchange travellers cheques at ba

5、nks.5This institute is attached to Beijing University.6I will expect to see you on Sunday unless I hear anything to the contrary7No photos of the girl were printed at the request of her family.8I have forgiven you for what you have done to them.9Research indicates that eating habits are changing fas

6、t.10The bullet struck his head and he was killed on the spot.完成句子1I owe Jim a letfer(欠吉姆一封信);I must write soon.2I have been absorbed in studying (一直专心于学习) English literature.3I have been familiar with (熟悉了) the life here and I have got used to (习惯了) their customs and culture.4I had no difficulty (in

7、) finding (毫不费力地找到) my father in the crowd.5By the way,who will see you off (为你送行) at the airport?6My foot got hurt the last time(上次) I played football with them.联句成篇(选用练习、中的句子,根据语篇中的提示加以改写,完成语篇翻译)亲爱的姑妈:我来到伦敦已有半年了。没能经常给你写信我感到非常抱歉,因为我一直专心学习英国文学。我已熟悉了这里的生活,也就是说,我已经习惯了他们的风俗和文化。听到你要来参观伦敦的消息我很激动(用同位语从句)。

8、在这里你能看到许多属于中世纪的古建筑。我建议你到银行兑换一些旅游支票,到了英国不要在公共场所大笑,因为大部分英国人不能忍受。顺便问一下,谁去机场为你送行?祝好运!李华答案Dear Aunt,Its half a year since my arrival in London. I certainly owe you an apology for not writing more often,because I have been absorbed in studying English literature. I have been familiar with the life here,th

9、at is,I have got used to their customs and culture.Im excited at the news that youll pay a visit to London. Here you can see many old buildings belonging to the Middle Age. I suggest that you exchange travellers cheques at banks and that when in England,you not laugh in public places because the maj

10、ority of Englishmen cant bear it. By the way,who will see you off at the airport?Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua.阅读理解AMuch meaning can be conveyed clearly with our eyes,so it is often said that eyes can speak.Do you have such kind of experience? In a bus you may look at a stranger,but not too long. And if

11、he is sensing that he is being stared at,he may feel uncomfortable. Its the same in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary,you will look at yourself up and down,to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong,you will feel angry toward others stare at you that way

12、. Eyes do speak,right?Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive. But things are different when it comes to staring at the opposite sex. If a man glances at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to turn away his gaze,his intentions are obvious,that is,he wishes to attract

13、her attention,to make her understand that he is admiring her.However,the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time,in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the other is speaking,to tell him

14、 that he is attentive.If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking,as if he tries to dominate (支配) you,you will feel embarrassed. A poor liar (说谎者) usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim,since he believes in the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of hone

15、st communication. Quite the contrary.In fact,continuous eye contact is confined (局限于) to lovers only,who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time,to show affection that words cannot express. Evidently,eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and th

16、e specific situation.解题导语本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了视线接触方面的知识:凝视着陌生人是不礼貌的行为,被人无故凝视会觉得不舒服,持续的视线接触只适合于爱人之间等。1What does the second paragraph suggest?ALooking at a stranger continuously is necessary.BLooking at a stranger continuously is not polite.CSomething happens in our eyes.DStrangers should avoid eye contact.B

17、推理判断题。根据第二段第三句可知,盯着别人看会让人不舒服,因此盯着陌生人看是不礼貌的行为,所以B项正确。根据第三段第一句也可知正确答案。2The underlined word “gaze” in the third paragraph probably means “ ”AattractionBattentionChead DeyesD词义猜测题。根据该句中的“glances at”以及“refuses to turn away .”可知,该句句意为:如果一个男子看着一位女士超过十秒,并拒绝转移他的视线,那么他的意图就很明显了。由此可推知,gaze在此意为“视线,目光”。故D项正确。3Con

18、tinuous eye contact is proper between Alovers BstrangersCvictims DliarsA细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“In fact,continuous eye contact is confined (局限于) to lovers only .”可知,持续的视线接触只适用于爱人之间。故A项正确。4What would be discussed in the following?AThe importance of eye contact.BEye contact should be continuous.CEnjoying your

19、self in conversation.DEye contact in related occasions.D推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,上文讲述了视线接触应根据两个人之间的关系进行。由此可推知,下文应该讲述视线接触的相关场合。故D项正确。BOn Sunday,May 11,a lot of kids will give their mothers cards and flowers.May 11?Because this year,May 11 is Mothers Day!Its a holiday that goes back a long,long timemore than 2,

20、000 years,according to some historians.They say it began with an ancient Greek celebration honoring Rheathe goddess who was considered the mother of all the other Greek gods.Her festival was held every spring.Around 400 years ago,a holiday called“Mothering Sunday” became common in England.It was cel

21、ebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent,which is the period leading up to the Christian holiday of Easter.And here in the United states,the social activist and poet Julia Ward Howe is given credit for first suggesting the celebration of Mothers Day back in 1872.But the woman many people consider the mo

22、ther of Mothers Day here in America is a woman named Anna Jarvis.In the first decade of the 20th century,she started a campaign to make Mothers Day a national holiday,after the death of her own mother.On May 10,1907,she organized a special Mothers Day service at her mothers church in her hometown of

23、 Grafton,West Virginia.She chose the second Sunday of May because that was the anniversary of her mothers passing.Jarvis then got financial backing for her campaingn from wealthy Philadelphia philanthropist(慈善家)John Wanamaker,who founded one of the first department stores in the United States.Just s

24、even years later,on May 14,1914,President Woodrow Wilson signed a statement that made Mothers Day a national holiday,on the second Sunday of May each year.For Jarvis,Mothers Day was not a day to go out and buy something for your mother.In fact,she opposed what she saw as the growing commercializatio

25、n of the holiday.She saw Mothers Day as a day to honor women for the work they do as mothers,not as a day to make money.So if you dont have money to buy your mom a gift,dont worry.Just do something nice,to show her you appreciate what she does for you every day.Chances are,thatll be enough of a gift

26、 for her.解题导语母亲节到来的时候,人们往往为母亲买礼物,送鲜花,可是这样的做法并不是建立这个节日的初衷。5When does Mothers Day date back to according to some historians?AOn May 10,1907.BIn 1872 in America.CAround 400 years ago.DMore than 2,000 years ago.D考查细节理解。根据第一段第四句中的“more than 2,000 years,according to some historians”可知,在历史学家看来,母亲节这个节日可以追溯到

27、2 000多年前。故选D项。6Why did Anna Jarvis choose the second Sunday of May as Mothers Day?ABecause it was the anniversary of her mothers passing.BBecause the date was easy to remember by all people.CBecause she set up the first department store that day.DBecause on that day she received most financial backi

28、ng.A考查细节理解。根据第三段第五句中的“because that was the anniversary of her mothers passing”可知,Anna决定将这个日子定为母亲节是因为这一天是自己母亲去世的周年纪念日。7Why did Anna Jarvis devote herself to setting up Mothers Day?ATo call on more people to help mothers.BTo fight for the equal rights for women.CTo show respect for the honored mothers

29、.DTo encourage children to buy gifts for their own mother.C考查细节理解。根据第三段最后一句中的“She saw Mothers Day as a day to honor women for the work they do as mothers”可知,Anna把这个节日看作是向那些为了子女而付出的母亲们表示敬意的节日。8What made Anna Jarvis concerned?ANot all states celebrated Mothers Day.BMothers Day was being commercialized

30、.CPeople tended to go out to play on Mothers DayDPeople didnt have money to give gifts for their mother.B考查推理判断。根据第三段倒数第二句话中的“she opposed what she saw as the growing commercialization of the holiday”和最后一句话中的“not as a day to make money”可推知,让Anna担忧的是,现在的母亲节被商业化了,人们对母亲的爱的表达只停留在花钱买东西上。.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内

31、容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。M:Mary,I hope youre packed and ready to leave.W:Yes,Im packed, 1 not quite ready.I cant find my passport.M:Thats the thing that you 2 leave behind.W:I know.I havent lost it.I 3 (pack) it,but I cant remember which bag its in.M:Well,you have to find 4 at the airport.Come on!The t

32、axi is waiting.W:Did you say taxi?I thought we 5 (go) in your car.M:Yes,well,I planned to,but Ill explain later.Youve got to be there in an hour.W:Right,were ready.Weve got the bags.Im sure 6 is no need to rush.M:There is.I 7 (ask) the taxi driver to wait two minutes,not twenty.W:Look,Im supposed to

33、 be going away to relax.Youre making me 8 (nerve)M:Well,I want you to relax 9 holiday,but you cant relax now.W:OK,I promise not to relax,at least not 10 we get to the airport and I find my passport.答案1.but2.cant3.have packed4.it5.were going6.there7.asked8.nervous9.on10.untilB(自主选做)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).完

34、形填空Schools out for summer,which means 11yearold Vanis Buckholz has more time than ever to run his recycling business.Vanis,who is going into sixth grade at Harbor View Elementary School, 1 the recycle business after learning about 2 on Earth Day several years ago.He began by picking up trash and col

35、lecting his familys 3 Soon,his friends and neighbors began 4 items,and now he has a 5 route that collects recycling at the Oasis Senior Center,the Corona del Mar post office,private 6 and several local businesses.Vanis and his parents,Dave and Evie Buckholz,help him 7 the collected recyclables every

36、 few weeks to the OC Recycling in Santa Ana,and Vanis then 8 25 percent of his 9 to the Project Hope Alliance.Vanis said he wanted to help the 10 ,which helps homeless children. 11 ,hes contributed more than $2,000 to the organizationenough to help a child settle in a home 12 During his summer vacat

37、ion,Vanis said he would 13 surf lessons,continue practicing and playing with his yearround travel basketball team and spend time on a family vacation 14 relatives out of state.But without a 15 schedule for school,he would be able to work his routes 16 ,as well as develop new clients.His efforts have

38、 been 17 by city and national figures.Last year,former President George HW.Bush honored Vanis with a Daily Point of Light Award.Newport Beach City Councilman Keith Curry,who was the citys mayor at the time,also 18 Vanis during his Mayors Dinner speech and at a City Council meeting.Hes also been 19 b

39、y a few national television programs,including“Live Life and Win”,a national series that features 20 teen success stories.解题导语11岁的Vanis Buckholz致力于收废品以捐助流浪儿童的事迹感动了很多人。1A.discoveredBlaunchedCoffered DjoinedB由下文可知,这位11岁的小男孩发起了废旧物品回收的活动。launch表示“发动,发起”。2A.ecology BchemistryCtheory DscienceA回收废旧物品有利于环保,

40、因此这里指在地球日那一天学习有关生态学的东西。3A.recyclables BpossessionsCopinions DexperiencesA下文中的“help him 7 the collected recyclables”给出了提示。4A.dropping off Bseeing offCcutting off Dshowing offA不久,他的朋友和邻居开始顺便把一些物品带给他。drop off表示“顺便把送到某处”,符合语境。see off“给送行”;cut off“切掉,分割开”;show off“炫耀,卖弄”。5A.special BcommonCregular Dcasua

41、lC下文中的“Oasis Senior Center”和“Corona del Mar post office”及“several local businesses”表明,如今这位小男孩有了固定的回收废品的路线。6A.guards BclubsClands DhomesD与本句中的“Oasis Senior Center”和“Corona del Mar post office”及“several local businesses”并列,表示他从一些住户的家中收废品。7A.arrange BcleanCdrive DcarryC本句中的“the OC Recycling”暗示着男孩的父母开车把

42、这些东西送到废品收购站。8A.earns BdonatesCreaches DlosesB本文中的“he wanted to help the 10 ,which helps homeless children”说明,他捐出卖废品所得的钱的四分之一。9A.pay BfundCincome DsalaryC此处指卖废品所得的钱,故选income表示“收入”。10A.business BschoolCauthority DcharityD依据下文中的“which helps homeless children”和“the organization”可知,这里表示慈善机构,故选D项。11A.To d

43、ate BIn caseCIn time DAt lastA到目前为止,他已经给这个组织捐了2 000多美元。to date表示“迄今,到目前为止”,主句用现在完成时。12A.logically BpermanentlyCluxuriously DconventionallyB依据上文的“which helps homeless children”可知,他所捐的钱能帮助一个流浪儿童搬至一个可以长久居住的家中,不再流浪。logically“合乎逻辑地”;permanently“永久地”;luxuriously“奢侈地”;conventionally“习惯地”。根据语境可知选B。13A.give

44、BaskCtake DreviewC下文中的“continue practicing and playing”和“spend time on”指的是假期的活动,因此这里指他暑假要学习冲浪。take.lesson表示“上课”。14A.keeping BsavingChelping DvisitingD句中的“a family vacation”和“relatives out of state”说明,他要拜访他的亲戚。15A.strict BusefulCeasy DdailyA本句中的“be able to work his routes”暗示着假期里没有一个严格的学校作息制度。16A.quic

45、kly BleisurelyCslowly DusuallyB因为没有严格的学校作息制度,所以小男孩可以悠闲地安排自己的事。leisurely“悠闲地”。17A.applied BadvancedCsteeled DhonoredD下文中的“President George HW.Bush honored Vanis with”是提示。18A.received BpraisedCmoved DwarnedB由上下文可知,小男孩的事迹得到了人们的认可,因此市长也给予了表扬。19A.interviewed BlogingCsearched DwaitingA几个全国性的电视节目还对他进行了采访。2

46、0A.profitable BtraditionalCnational DinspirationalD上文的总统给予荣誉、市长表扬,电视节目采访说明这个电视节目是放映那些给人们鼓舞的青少年的成功故事。.阅读理解Statuses are wonderful human inventions that enable us to get along with one another and to determine where we “fit” in society. As we go about our everyday lives,we mentally attempt to place people in terms of their statuses. For example,we must judge whether the person in the library is a reader or a librarian,whether the telephone caller is a friend or a salesman,whether the unfamiliar person on our property (领地) is a thief or a meter reader,and

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