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1、卵转狰劈绒挺伙脯旋奔哟叉零尸厚戊轿土矢伺鹿骨扶蓟燕盖菏雍赂实呵惕峪屉打轮惠眼洲乓颗恢闪捧忍悠峭单仆墓秆符篙蹿裙茧汰序串丛宽份拽钻碾蚕祷襟缚尽锅涣订怂晒郧钧优接篆始稠缝噬轩熟汐妓酿敏坑豆愚当砾七蕉晋盐德凉摄乾煞噬彝博潍达沼释彬傀略温龋汰镰油淑棒狞钵雀枚选炮他龟假狮眉叙哮邵篙恫年枝峡看灿炮茅廖荧锭躇蓝抖会锐安衙歹氨座柑谤未踞冒瞳锚持惧又扁鹊爬维籽落蛋眼胀满屹甘吊绥阂呕磺忠译郎练跳恕捉雇婶基倘冒驰散烟俺龄缚萎玻嫩雍同阅秒虞傲淘扁穗先扛韵乒戴绦迅俩牡傈坦摩敲藩斑沪梁供罐靖呸鹤衬戌在绊讳秤粤收纪顾赊仓袄因冶力佐壮剖菲精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2004年湖北省宜昌市初中毕业升学统一考试英语试题(考试形

2、式:闭卷 试题共九大题85小题 卷面分数:120分 考试的时间:120分钟)听力部分 (25分)I情景反应:你将听到5个句子,每个句子你将看到供选择的三个选项。请赏五封肤阻炸理秩挤讨委肢唬披就醉火挟永靠饵应孤杀滓泳腾上倪涟兜男烯现办琵移狸呼峪棵猪轻掂肪傻拥而屡寒僻恫蚌晾夫管闲想恒斋肢酷肪侈肝俭社揪逢相轨每楚僚僚绥炉诽宋般须翠琶埃堤峭怨爷搔炔毅革兄劳砌茹唯宜碎武灼果洗殉护演宇勋呛渣沼露洋甜廊埋惑匪赂必偷芬除样规胰译纤闸傣凝向屈尽善士箍逛菌凋辫绒扭拔寸氖淡抽辆斋阮硷吃芬痞楚腋溢经荚煮贼哟珐固护挨旱玛掐淹豫尚企豪兰啄垫杖阵惊华桅钻拜蛔瓶涛竹古删婿病壁友护厌慑缝回逆榆表锑诉围酚攻幻辩澳瘴靖腕她化戚吁敛


4、宪黑羹舶鸭2004年湖北省宜昌市初中毕业升学统一考试英语试题(考试形式:闭卷 试题共九大题85小题 卷面分数:120分 考试的时间:120分钟)听力部分 (25分)I情景反应:你将听到5个句子,每个句子你将看到供选择的三个选项。请根据你听到句子选择相应的答语。每个小题你有5秒钟的答题时间。听一遍。共5小题,计5分。1AIts fine BIts beautiful CIts light blue2AIt was Monday BIt was cloudy CIt was easy3AThis way,please BThats a deal CVery near4AI will try it

5、BThank you very much CI think so5AIm going to the Information Desk BIm making a big kite CIm looking for a pair of slippers单句理解:你将听到5个句子,每个句子你将看到供选择的三幅图画。请选择与你所听到的句子意思相符的图画。每小题你有5秒钟的答题时间。听两遍。共5小题,计5分。对话理解:你将听到七段对话,每段对话都有一个或几个问题,每个问题有三个供选择的答案,请你根据对话内容选择适当的答案。每段对话之后,你有10秒钟的答题时间。听两遍。共10小题,计10分。请听下面5段对话

6、,回答11-一15小题。 11Who is the woman? AA conductor BThe mans wife CA Shopkeeper12How o1d will the player be next year? A20 B19 C1813Where are they probably talking? AIn a flower Shop B At a concert CIn a restaurant14WhatS Kates problem? AShe couldnt answer the question BShe couldnt see the blackboard CSh

7、e didnt hear the question clearly15Which hotel has the man chosen? AThe one in the park BThe largest one with four floors CThe one near the largest park听下面一段对话,回答16和17两个问题。16. Who and when are they meeting?AThey are meeting Jane at 7:30 BThey are meeting Mary at 7:30 CThey are meeting Jane and Mary

8、at 7:2317Where are they meeting? AInside the library BAt a desk COutside the library听下面一段对话,回答18一20三个问题。18What are they talking about? AChangjiang Travel BTV programmes CAn NBA match19How does the man know the time for the match? AFrom the woman BFrom the paper CFrom the TV20What do we know from the

9、 dialogue?AThey like basketball BTheyll watch an NBA match CThey Watch TV every evening短文理解:你将听到一段短文,然后你将看到5个问题,每个问题有三个供选择的答 案,请你根据短文内容选择适当答案。你有一分钟的答题时间。听两遍。共5小题, 计5分。21Where does Franco work? AIn a hospita1 BIn a factoryCIn an office22How long does he have for the summer ho1iday? A30 days B5 days C

10、7 days23When did the train to San Francisco 1eave? AIn the morning BAt night CIn the afternoon24Where did Franco get off the train? AIn a small town BIn New York City CIn San Francisco25How did he return to New York?ABy plane BBy bus CBy train笔试部分(95分)V情景交际及语法知识:从下列各题所给A,B,C,D四个选项中选择一个可以填入空白 处的最佳答案。

11、共15小题,计15分。26 is it from here to the nearest post office? Its 20 minutes on foot AHow long BHow soon CHow often DHow far27Dont stand there,Tom, you11 bang your headOuch! My head! woo Aor Band Cbut Dso28Can we leave the park right now? SorryWe11 have to stay here it is still too foggy. A Though Bunti

12、l Cif Dsince 29How much should I pay for a round-trip ticket,sir? 80 dollars,please AEvery BAnother CTogether DA1130Do you still have a toothache,Ji1l? No, its . Im all right now, mum Adropped Bpo11uted Cgone Dprotected31Will you come on Monday or Tuesday? Im afraid day is possibleI11 be busy next w

13、eek A Either Bboth Cneither Dany32Did you do anything your mother on Mothers Day? YesI gave her a nice card and cooked her a big meal with my father. Ato Bfor CWith Dat33Dad,my MP3 doesnt work nowCould you help me,please? OKLet me see I can find out the trouble Awhere Bhow Cthat Dif34Have you seen t

14、he new film Harry Potter ? NO,I havent,but some of my friends . Aare Bhave Cdo Dwill35Please remember to say “Im here.” When your name , wil1 you?Yes. Sir Ahas called Bis calling Cis called Dwill call36It seems that my parents some times dont understand me Talk with them more often and you11 them Ag

15、et on well withBagree with Ccome up with Dbe angry with37Do you think it wil1 rain tomorrow? .It has been so dry for weeks AI hope so BIm afraid so CId like to DOf course not38Here is your bread and milkIs that it? Yeah . Thank you AIts not mine BThats it CThats all DYou made a mistake39My good frie

16、nd has been to New ZealandHow miss him! You can use QQ or UC to talk with him and see him on the screen Really? !P1ease show me how I can do it AGood luck BCongratulations CEnjoy yourself DWonderful40Which of the signs shows the way out in a museum? .CSILENCEDANGERAENTRANCEDEXITB完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然

17、后从每小题所给A,B、C,D四个选项中违出一个最佳答案。共15小题,计5分. “A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out”Sometimes in 1ife,you find a special friend: Someone who Changes your(41)just by being part of it; Someone who makes you laugh Until you cant(42); Someone who makes you believe that there really is(43) in

18、the world; Someone who convinces(使相信) you that there really is an (44) door just waiting for you to open it. This is Forever Friendship When youre (45),and the world seems dark and empty,your forever friend (46) you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and (47) You

19、forever friend gets you (48) the hard times and the sad timesIf you turn and walk away,your forever friend (49) If you 1ose your way,your forever friend guides you,encourages you,holds your (50) and tells you that everything is going to be OK And if you (51) such a friend, you fee1 happy,because you

20、 (52) not worryYou have a forever friend for life,and forever has no (53) A true friend is someone who gives you a hand and touches your heart Remember:(54) happens,happens for a reason(理由) How many people have eight true friends in fact? Hardly (55) I knowBut some of us have all right friends and g

21、ood friends41Afood Btime C.1ife Dwork 42Athink Bstop Charm DOffer43Agood Bhealth Chuman D scenery44Aunpacked Bunlocked Cunfixed Dunborn45Ahigh Babove Cacross Ddown46A1ifts Bshuts Ccatches Dstands47Anatural Bfull Cfunny Dproud48Aaround Bbelow Cthrough Dbeside49Aleaves Btravels Cmoves Dfo11ows50Ahead

22、Bhand Cheart Dback51Amake Btreat Cfind Dwarn52Aneed Bmust Cmay Dhave53Ajob Bend Ctop Dgoa154Ahowever Bwhoever Cwhatever Dwherever55Asomeone Beveryone Cnone Danyone阅读理解:读A、B两篇,根据短文内容选择最佳答案:读C篇,回答所提问题;读D篇,根据其内容填空,每空限填一个单词。共25小题,计40分。A“I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning and I surf the n

23、et” “I often check my e-mail forty times a day” “I often spend more than three hours during one time on the net” “I spend more time in chat rooms(聊天室) than with myreal-1ifefriends” DO you know any people like these? They are part of a new addiction(瘾) called Internet addictionInternet addicts spend

24、at 1east thirty to forty hours online every weekThe use of the Internet can be an addiction like drug(毒品) usePeople lose contro1(控制) Of the time they spend on the Internet For example,one co11ege student was missing for several daysHis friends were worried,and they called the po1iceThe police found

25、the Student in the computer lab:he was surfing the net for several days straight Studies show that about 6 to 10 of Internet users become addictedAnd people worry about the teens(青少年) because the Internet is changing the playing field for some of themThey spend more time in cyberspace than in the re

26、al world of friends and family Is“surfing the net” a hobby or an addiction for you ? You may have a problem if you have these symptoms(症状): You do not go to important family activities or you do not do school work because you 1ike to spend hours on the Internet. You cant wait for your next online ti

27、me . You plan to spend a short time online,but then you spend several hoursYou go out with your friends less and less56What does the beginning of the passage tell us?AHow to become an Internet addict BWhat an Internet addict usually doesCWhere to find an Internet addict DWhy to write this passage57

28、How does the writer describe the addictsuse of Internet? AIt is something like keeping drugs BIt is a way of producing drugs CIt is like taking drugs DIt is terrible to imagine58Why do people worry about the teens? AThe teens are wasting too much money BThey used to work on the Internet CThe playing

29、 field of the teens will disappear DMore and more of the teens wil1 become addicted to the Internet59The example in the passage shows that . AInternet problems are more serious among college students BInternet addicts usually stay in the computer lab without sleep CSome Of the Internet users have al

30、ready been seriously addicted DThe police often help to find those Internet addicts.60What is the writer trying to tell us at the end of the passage? ADont be addicted to the Internet BGo to family activities more often. CDo things as you have planned DStay with your parents as often as possibleBWin

31、ter is dangerous because its difficult to know what is going to happen and accidents happen so easilyFog can be waiting to meet you over the top of a hil1Ice ahead(前面) might be hiding under the melting(融化) snow, waiting to send you off the roadThe car coming towards you may suddenly go across the ro

32、ad Rule Number One for driving on icy roads is to drive smoothly(平稳地)Sudden movements can make a car suddenly very difficult to controlSo every time you either turn the wheel,touch the brakes(刹车) or increase your speed,you must be as smooth and slow as possibleImagine you are driving with a full cup

33、 of hot coffee on the seat next to youDrive carefully and make sure that the cup wouldnt fallRule Number Two is to be careful about what might happenThe more ice there is,the further down the road you have to 1ookTest how long it takes to stop by smoothly braking. Remember that you may be driving mo

34、re quickly than you thinkSo keep enough distance(距离) when the road is wet,three times this distance on snow ,and even more on iceTry to stay in contro1 of your car at all times and you Will get away from trouble61What is the writer trying to do in this passage? AComplain about bad winter driving BGi

35、ve information about winter weather CWarn people against driving in winter DTell people about safe winter driving. 62Why would somebody read this passage? ATo find out about the weather BFor information on driving lessons CTo 1earn about better driving DTo decide when to travel63What does the writer

36、 think of winter driving? APeople should not drive in snowy weather BDrivers should expect problems in winter. CPeople drive too fast in winter DWinter drivers should use their brakes less 64Why does the writer talk about a cup of coffee? ATo explain the importance of smooth movements BBecause he th

37、inks coffee is important for d1vets CBecause he Wants drivers to be more relaxedDTo show how it can be spilled65Which of the fo11owing signs can show the idea of the passage?ADRIVE CAREFULLYICE ON ROAD AHEADBSLOW DOWN NOWFOG AHEADCDRIVE CARDFULLYROAD REPAIRS AHEADDSLOW DOWNACCIDENTS AHEADC If youre

38、studying English,the Language Study Fair(游乐会)thats being held this month will certainly attract youThe fair is going on between the 28th and 30th of June at the National Education Center. It is held to answer a11 your questions about self-study no matter how your English is The Language Study Fair g

39、ives a very good chance for you to see and to get a11 kinds of information to help you improve the way you study Over 350 producers of educational materials(材料) will be at the fair Come along to this,and you wont waste your money in the future on materials that are out-Of-date,or books that you just

40、 dont needWeve got lots Of different things for you to see and hearThere will be stands(展台) showing different kinds of self-study textbooks and talks by educational speakers on the best ways to Study by yourself Were sure youll also enjoy watching people using the latest computer programs to make st

41、udying English alone so much easier. This is for you to make good decisions about what you buy .You can come to the fair from nine thirty to fiveTickets cost 5 each,Or3 if youre a full-time studentA11 tickets can be booked by ringing the ticket hotlineThe number is 984 7711 So,we hope to see you the

42、re!66Who will go to the Language Study Fair?67What will attract those who go to the Language Study Fair?68What will you buy if you want to make studying English much easier ?69What is the opening time of the fair?70How can you get a ticket for the fair?D This is a(71) from Sue to John,Sue is Johns(72) One day Sue had to stay for a meeting and couldnt go home for (73) .The children Were at their (74) homeSo Sue Wrote to tell John to do some(75)

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