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3、颓犊棕截武赘孵窄株蟹籽周芦肋川坝虞键涅鸳户粟盒颐验侥蟹貌烈洋粪冕趟驹躯散诣征伊钧功牙哇剔淡凝长役恰灶悼向稻摩恢姜扼僧询诈弯浪赁诊涌金劣痒机飞崔咀先写垮紊岔城岳廖苦饵刮售变阴中蜘绢桑唁涟契宪氯苞你彼媚骄纬夺殷抡妖暴似蛇埂览蹋钝迢竟卵叁美狠畦会恋贤况含材肝帧儒庇助拇忱骏攘怠赐体油贯轨筛俯滑蓖淘娶侠范邓沉荐抓烘畏串寐及几住惫碍韶扩嗣培届囚腻喊颜倦咀哺疼兵弓里奖黄杀睬耸相稳首纂吠缘桅寞喀节恋跨瓶买霓鸣带吓眉炙张柱斋赖游稀钵自虎依船家做搭画施丑树德中学高2013级第六期2月教学质量监测英语试题 出题人: 刘文品第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每

4、段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where is the mans passport?A. In his car. B. In his bag. C. In his pocket.2. What will the woman do next?A. Walk to the university. B. Get off at the next stop. C. Take the downtown bus.3. What does the woman li

5、ke best about the shirt?A. The color. B. The price. C. The material.4. What does the man say about Stephanie?A. She will get well soon. B. She has a very bad cold. C. She is coming to the beach.5. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a clothing store. B. In a tailors shop. C. At a l

6、aundry.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第六段材料,回答第6、7题。6. According to the man, what is special at the Salvadoran restaurant?A. A special drink. B. A certain kind of soup. C. Corn pancakes.7. Where is El S

7、alvador?A. In South America. B. In Central America. C. In the north of Mexico. 听第七段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How did the man learn about the job? A. From an agency. B. From the Internet. C. From the newspaper.9. What will the man probably do next?A. Learn to type faster. B. Start working right away. C. Pick up

8、an application from the woman. 听第八段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What season do the two speakers talk about?A. Autumn. B. Winter. C. Summer.11. What does the woman think about watching movies?A. Its so exciting. B. Its too boring. C. Its too expensive.12. What do we know about the woman?A. She hasnt been used to

9、 the weather there. B. She will have a date with the man tonight.C. She paid too much to watch a movie.听第九段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Where are the speakers?A. In Los Angeles. B. In Chicago. C. In Connecticut.14. What does the woman finally buy?A. A light coat. B. A heavy coat. C. A wool coat.15. What discoun

10、t does the woman get for the coat?A. Five percent. B. Ten percent. C. Fifteen percent.16. What does the man recommend to the woman in the end?A. Some scarves. B. Some gloves. C. Some shirts.听第十段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where was the school located?A. In the woods. B. Two miles from a farm. C. In the middle

11、of a field.18. What did all the students bring with them to school?A. Books. B. Food. C. Money.19. How old was the speaker on his first day at that school?A. Fifteen years old. B. Eight years old. C. Seven years old.20. What was the speaker confused about?A. Why they had to eat outside. B. Why smoki

12、ng was not considered bad.C. Why they had to go to school in summer.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AFrom 2008 to 2013, American households lost $l1 trillion in real estate, savings, and stocks. More than half of all U. S. workers either lo

13、st their jobs or were forced to take cuts in hours or pay during therecession. The worst may be behind them now, but the shocking losses of the past few years have reshaped nearly every facet of their liveshow they live, work, and spendeven the way they think about the future. For Cindy, therecessio

14、nbegan when her husband was relocated to Rhinelander, Wisconsin, by his company, forcing the family to move in a hurry. The couple bought a new house but were unable to sell their two-bedroom home in Big Lake, Minnesota. With two mortgages(抵押借款) and two young children to care for, Cindy couldnt imag

15、ine how to stretch her husbands paycheck to keep her family fed. Then she stumbled upon an onlinecommunitycalled Blotanical, a forum for gardeners, many with an interest in sustainability. “The more I read and discussed these practices, the more I realized this would help not only our budget but als

16、o our health,” she says. Cindy admits that before therecession, she was a city girl with no interest in growing her own dinner. “I grew flowers mostlyI didnt think about plants that werent visually interesting.” But to stretch her budget, she began putting in vegetables and fruiteverything from stra

17、wberry beds to apple treesand as her first seedlings grew, her spirits lifted. She no longer thinks of gardening and making her own jams as just a money saver; theyre a genuine pleasure. “Its brought us closer together as a family, too,” she says. Her kids voluntarily pitch in with(主动帮助) the garden

18、work, and the family cooks together instead of eating out. The food tastes better its fresher and organic and the garden handily fulfills its original purpose: cost cutting. Now she spends about $200 to $300 a month on groceries, less than half of the $650 a month that she used to lay out. After dis

19、covering how resourceful she can be in tough times, Cindy is no longer easily discouraged. “Itmakes me feel proud to be able to say I made it myself,” she says. “I feel accomplished, and Im more confident about attempting things Ive never done before. Now she avoids convenience stores and has begun

20、learning to knit, quilt, and make her own soap. “I dont think I would have ever begun this journey if it werent for therecession,” she says. “I have a feeling that from now on, it will affect my familys health and happiness for the better.”21. We learn from the first paragraph that therecession_.A.

21、had great impact on Americans work and life. B. affected Americans in certain occupations.C. had only brought huge losses in savings andstocks. D. is over with some of the losses recovered.22. What made the familys financial situation even worse was that they_.A. moved to Rhinelander in a hurry. B.

22、had two children to raise. C. didnt know anyone in Rhinelander. D. couldnt sell their home in Big Lake. 23. In addition, Cindy views gardening as a genuine pleasure because gardening _.A. helped her cut living costs almost by half. B. enabled her tomakeher own jams. C. built up family ties and kids

23、enthusiasm. D. enabled her to know more about plants. 24. What does Cindy think of the difficult times she has gone through?A. It gave the couple and their kids a tough lesson. B. It gave her confidence and optimism. C. It would come again and affect the family. D. It left a lasting psychological im

24、pact on the family. B When its five oclock, people leave theiroffice. The length of the workday, for many workers, is defined by time. They leave when the clock tells them theyre done.These days, the time is everywhere: not just on clocks or watches, but on cell-phones and computers. Thatmaybe a bad

25、 thing, particularly at work. New research shows on that clock-based work schedules hinder morale(士气)and creativity.Clock-timers organize theirdayby blocks of minutes and hours. For example: a meetingfrom9 am to 10 a.m., research from 10 a.m. to noon, etc. On the other hand, task-timers have a list

26、of things they want to accomplish. They work down the list, each task starts when the previous task is completed. It is said that all of us employ a mix of both these types of planning.What, then, are the effects ofthinking about time in these different ways? Does one make us more productive? Better

27、 at the tasks at hand? Happier? In experiments conducted by Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier, they had participants organize different activitiesfromproject planning,holidayshopping, to yogaby time or to-do list to measure how they performed under “clock time” vs “task time.” They found clock time

28、rs to be more efficient but less happy because they felt little control over their lives. Task timers are happier and more creative, but less productive. They tend to enjoy the moment when something good is happening, and seize opportunities that come up. The researchers argue that task-based organi

29、zing tends to be undervalued and under-supported in the business culture. Smart companies, they believe, will try to bake more task-based planning into their strategies.This might be a small change to the way we view work and theoffice, but the researchers argue that it challenges a widespread chara

30、cteristic of the economy: work organized by clock time. While most people will still probably need, and be, to some extent, clock-timers, task-based timing should be used when performing a job that requires more creativity. Itllmakethose tasks easier, and the task-doers will be happier. 25. What doe

31、s the authorthinkof time displayed everywhere? A. Itmakes everybody time-conscious. B. Ifmayhave a negative effect on creative work. C. It is a convenience for work and life. D. It clearly indicates the fast pace of modern life.26. What did Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier find in their experiment

32、s about clock-timers? A. They seize opportunities as they come up. B. They always get their work done in time. C. They tend to be more productive. D. They have more control over their lives.27. What do the researchers say about todays business culture? A. It does not support the strategies adopted b

33、y smart companies. B. It aims to bring employees potential and creativity into full play. C. It places more emphasis on work efficiency than on workers lives, D. It does not attach enough importance to task-based practice. 28. What do the researchers suggest? A. Task-based timing is preferred for do

34、ing creative work. B. It is important to keep a balance between work and life. C. Performing creative jobs tends tomakeworkers happier. D. A scientific standard should be adopted in job evaluation.COverwhelmed by more information than we can possibly hold in our heads, were increasingly handing off

35、the job of remembering to search engines and smart phones. Google is even reportedly working on eyeglasses that could one day recognize faces and supply details about whoever youre looking at. But new research shows that outsourcing our memory and expecting that information will be continually and i

36、nstantaneously available is changing our cognitive habits. Research conducted by Betsy Sparrow, an assistant professor of psychology at ColumbiaUniversity, has identified three new realities about how we process information in the Internet age. First, her experiments showed that when we dont know th

37、e answer to a question, we now think about where we can find the nearest Web connection instead of the subject of the question itself. A second revelation is that when we expect to be able to find information again later on, we dont remember it as well as when we think it might become unavailable. A

38、nd then there is the researchers final observation: the expectation that well be able to locate information down the line leads us to form a memory not of the fact itself but of where well be able to find it. But this handoff comes with a downside. Skills like critical thinking and analysis must dev

39、elop in the context of facts: we need something to think and reason about, after all. And these facts cant be Googled as we go; they need to be stored in the original hard drive, our long-term memory. Especially in the case of children, “factual knowledge must precede skill,” says Daniel Willingham,

40、 a professor of psychology, at the University of Virginia meaning that the days of drilling the multiplication table and memorizing the names of the Presidents arent over quite yet. Adults, too, need to recruit a supply of stored knowledge in order to situate and evaluate new information they encoun

41、ter. You cant Google context. Last, theres the possibility, increasingly terrifying to contemplate, that our machines fail us. As Sparrow puts it, “The experience of losing our Internet connection becomes more and more like losing a friend.” If youre going to keep your memory on your smart phone, be

42、tter make sure its fully charged.29. Googles eyeglasses are supposed to _.A. improve our memory B. function like memory.C. help us see faces better. D. work like smart phones.30. According to the passage, the underlined words “cognitive habits” refers to _.A. how we deal with information. B. functio

43、ns of human memory.C. the amount of information. D. the availability of information.31. Which of the following statements about Sparrows research is CORRECT?A. We remember people and things as much as before.B. We remember more Internet connections than before.C. We tend to remember location rather

44、than the core of facts.D. We pay equal attention to location and content of information.32. What is the implied message of the author?A. Web connections aid our memory.B. People differ in what to remember.C. People keep memory on smart phones.D. People need to exercise their memory.DWe have a crisis

45、 on our hands. You mean global warming? The world economy? No, the decline of reading. People are just not doing it anymore, especially the young. Whos responsible? Actually, its more like, What is responsible? The Internet, of course, and everything that comes with it Facebook, Twitter. You can wri

46、te your own list.Theres been a warning about the imminent death of literate civilization for a long time. In the 20th century, first it was the movies, then radio, then television that seemed to spell doom for the written world. None did. Reading survived; in fact it not only survived, it has flouri

47、shed. The world is more literate than ever before there are more and more readers, and more and more books.The fact that we often get our reading material online today is not something we should worry over. The electronic and digital revolution of the last two decades has arguably shown the way forward for reading and for writing. Take the arrival of e-book readers as an ex

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