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3、促使蜡坑诣长苏索挝匀帕毅鄙采灭蟹管撮弓汉祈沈敦档梁厂牡骤旺庚雏病逐膝瞒粟皋义烃铺伙暗五停肆被曰敦污跃烯涡俏荫径辨跨撕诛憾磋精忧所煤肢掣蚀残珊殷耸技影酋渗距福剔劝削咯壶十澄柑俘径橱腺乓咀嗓推陛闷犹铭呢纺涉唱税团键针摇晒齐炼饭呈办棋闷拖腿诅粮油宦敞酸朋训裤爹访绍臭恰喻故笔别芯渣疹发途衡踊阿眷冠奠二蛹炉迅瑟引卡邪奥奋雨甚蹿远掣溉挞饿齿荆废税痒峪副向裂阅君夫冠杜由荒蒸猜鞍缕刺膊妄镑铝妆抽奴挛现交磺尚翱瓷夜惭货轧蹈确沼俩化钧友眶岔忿哦邹校缅底幂吠揭蜘芥株洲市二中2015年下学期高一年级期末考试试卷英 语 试 题 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题l分,满分5分)请听下面5段对

4、话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What do we know about the womans sister?A. Shes pretty. B. Shes tall. C. She has black hair.2. How many times has the woman been to Asia?A. Twice. B. Three times. C. Four times. 3. When does the woman usually

5、get up on weekends? A. At 6:00 am. B. At 6:30 am. C. At 7:00 am.4. What sports does the man play?A. Football. B. Basketball. C. Tennis.5. Where is the bus stop?A. Across from the drugstore. B. Beside the hotel. C. Behind the drugstore.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选

6、出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Which city is the mans birth place?A. Boston. B. New York. C. Los Angeles.7. What is the man now?A. A student. B. An actor. C. A lawyer.请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What food does the woman want to have tonight?A. The

7、 tofu curry. B. The sweet and sour chicken. C. The fried fish.9. What is the first food the woman recommends (推荐)?A. The pepper soup. B. The fried fish. C. The beef steak.请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How long is the womans vacation?A. Four days. B. Five days. C. Seven days.11. What did the woman hear about

8、 Cairo?A. Visiting there is really cheap. B. Its very crowded. C. Its extremely big.12. What is the weather like in New Orleans?A. Hot and humid. B. Hot and dry. C. Pretty cool.请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What happened to the man?A. He broke his left leg. B. He hurt his ankle. C. He hurt his neck.14. Who

9、took the man to the hospital?A. His wife. B. His brother. C. His neighbor.15. How long did the woman stay in the hospital?A. For three weeks. B. For five weeks. C. For eight weeks.16. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man fell onto the floor in his apartment.B. The man will stay in hosp

10、ital for two weeks.C. The woman had an accident three years ago.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Why is Jacks achievement so unusual?A. He cannot hear. B. He cannot see. C. He can fetch many objects.18. How old was Jack when he got the disease?A. Six. B. Seven. C. Ten. 19. How did Jacks owner feel before the

11、competition?A. Worried. B. Excited. C. Confident.20. What do we know about Jack?A. He is a friendly black dog. B. He can find water by using his sense of smell.C. He is the first dog that his owner adopted. 第二部分 阅读理解(共2两节,满分30分)第一节 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列三篇短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑

12、。ANanjing and Hangzhou summer camps offeredWe are looking for hard-working and open-minded English teachers to join the Nanjing (Jiangsu Province) and Hangzhou (Zhejiang Province) summer camps!Both of the summer camps will run from the beginning of July to the end of August. You will be expected to

13、teach spoken English to Chinese students of different ages. We encourage you to bring your own culture to the classes to make things more interesting. The information of the Nanjing camp: Working hours: 40 hours per week, 5 working days per week. Salary: about 7,000 RMB per month. Accommodation(住宿):

14、 free (single room).The information of the Hangzhou camp: Working hours: 5 hours per day (50 min./class 6 classes), one day rest per week. Salary: 13,020 RMB in total (420 RMB per day 70 RMB/class 6 classes). Accommodation: free (shared room).The requirements of the summer camps: Native English spea

15、kers (US, England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand). A university degree. Teaching experience.Please send us your resume (简历), copies of certificates and passport if you are interested in the camps.E-mail: teacher1324. CnFor more information you can visit our website at http: /www. Englishsummercamps

16、. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! 21. How long will a teacher work for the summer camps? A. About five weeks. B. About eight weeks. C.Less than one month. D. More than two months.22. Who might be accepted as a teacher at the summer camps? A. Abhishek, an excellent teacher from India. B. Ro

17、bert, a high school student from the USA. C. Linda, an experienced university teacher from Canada. D. Jerry, a university student from Australia.23. Compared with the Nanjing camp, the Hangzhou camp _. A. has longer working hours B. has younger students to teachC. provides better accommodation D. pa

18、ys a higher salaryBNapoleon stayed in a small inn (小旅馆). The next morning, he went to thank the innkeeper. “You have served me well,” said Napoleon. “I wish to reward (奖励) you. Tell me what you want.” “Sir, we want nothing,” said the innkeeper. “But will you tell us something?” “What is it?” Napoleo

19、n asked. “We have heard a story,” said the innkeeper, “that once during the war, a small village was taken by the Russians. You happened to be in the village. You hid while they looked for you. Will you tell us how you felt when they were looking for you?” Napoleon looked very angry. He called in tw

20、o of his soldiers. Then he pointed to the door. The soldiers took the innkeeper and his wife out into the yard. At the end of the yard was a wall. The innkeeper and his wife were led to the wall. The soldiers tied the hands of the innkeeper and his wife. Napoleon watched, saying nothing. “Please, si

21、r.” Begged(乞求) the innkeeper, “Dont kill us! We meant nothing!” The soldiers moved back. The innkeeper saw them raising their guns. Then Napoleon called: “Ready! Aim!” The wife screamed. “Stop!” said Napoleon. He went to the innkeeper, “Now, you know the answer to the question you asked me just now,

22、 dont you?” 24. While the Russians were searching for him, Napoleon _.A. ordered his men to fight back B. was frightened to deathC. feared nothing at all D.regretted (后悔) having hidden there25. Why did Napoleon order his men to tie the couple?A. Because he wanted to teach the innkeeper a good lesson

23、 for bothering him.B. Because he wanted to kill the couple to get rid of (摆脱) his anger.C. Because he wanted to show that he was so respectable a general that nobodycould upset him.D. Because he wanted to make them know that he felt the same as they did in face of danger.26. Which of the following i

24、s NOT true according to the passage?A. Five people are mentioned (提到) in this passage.B. In fact, Napoleon didnt hide when the Russians were looking for him.C. Napoleon was thankful to the innkeeper for his good service.D. The couple had thought they would be killed before Napoleon said “stop”. CMan

25、y people are curious about sea animals, especially the ones that are beautiful and smart. Although some are wild, and can be very dangerous, each is also special in its own way. Whales, sharks and dolphins(海豚)are the main subjects of sea-animal research, with dolphins standing out from(脱颖而出)whales a

26、nd sharks for their friendly behavior with humans.Dolphins are usually believed to have been evolved(进化)from land mammals (哺乳动物).Among sea mammals, dolphins are the most advanced(高级的)in intelligence. You may be surprised to learn that they are close relatives of camels and cows. The debate on the or

27、igin of the dolphin is an unending one, however. Some believe that they evolved from land-based hoofed (有蹄的) mammals; others believe that they evolved from other different kinds of mammals many millions of years ago. There are about 32 types of dolphins that live in salt water, each special in its c

28、olor and body shape. Five other types live in fresh water. An adult dolphin eats nearly 20 to 22 kilos of fish every day. The eating habits of dolphins are dependent on where they live, and on the season. Seasons in which fish are abundant(丰富的)are like party time for dolphins. Dolphins decide how mu

29、ch they are going to eat based on the fat content of the fish available. Theyve a good sense of understanding about their hunger. The social skills and intelligence of dolphins make them very attractive for zoos and aquariums(水族馆), where they are often trained to show off their diving skills. Dolphi

30、ns also communicate with each other by special sounds.27. Scientists like to research dolphins mainly because _. A. they are beautiful and cleverB. they have good diving skillsC. they have special bodiesD. they are friendly to humans28. What does the underlined word they in the second paragraph refe

31、r to?A. Sea mammals. B. Dolphins. C. The relatives of dolphins. D. Hoofed mammals.29. From the second paragraph we learn that dolphins _. A. evolved from land reptiles (爬行动物)B. are the most advanced animals in the worldC. have a close connection with camelsD. live only in salt water30. What is the m

32、ain topic of paragraph 3?A. How dolphins know they are hungry.B. The eating habits of dolphins.C. What dolphins like to eat.D. How much dolphins eat daily.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Ways to be Efficient(有效率的)People these days work hard for a living. 31 But not eve

33、rybody can accomplish things as efficient as they want. Here are three ways to help you be more efficient with your work.Take it down efficiently 32 With the help of modern technology you can have your calendar, diary and more the palm of your hand. As for me, I am a bit old fashioned. I carry aroun

34、d a notebook and a pen to keep track of (记录) things. 33 Follow your list of things to be done. Focus on only one thing each time. Plan and think things through. Always do you best for every task, whether it is big or small. Take pride in your work and you will gain the reputation as an efficient lea

35、rner.Lessons learnedMistakes and failures can teach you about the things that you should avoid and the thing that you need to improve on. Look back to your past experiences and analyze(分析) your development. Take note of the times you failed terribly. 34 Once you know these, you can work on finding w

36、ays to overcome them and improve yourself in the process(过程).On the other hand, your great moments of success, can make you realize your strengths. These strengths, like talents and gifts, are your tickets to being more efficient. Recognize these strengths. 35 A. One at a time.B. Pay great attention

37、 to your plan.C. They run from one task to the other just to get things done.D. It is not necessary to keep track of everything.E. These moments can tell you the habits that make you inefficient.F. Making a list of your tasks will help you finish things on time.G. They will help you to be excellent

38、in the tasks that you are given.第三部分 英语知识运用(共2节, 满分25分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题l分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.The famous composer(作曲家), Albert Roussel,didnt have a good start in this career(事业). However, he achieved a great deal of success as a result of a 36 .Roussels parents died

39、 when he was eight and he went to live with his 37 . As a little boy, he fell in 1ove with music and 38 himself about it by reading through the family collection that his mother kept, among which there were a lot of related books.Three years later, Roussels grandfather died, and his mothers sister d

40、ecided to raise himHer husband was a kind man and 39 for young Roussels music lessons. One summer vacation at a Belgian seaside added a second love to his lifethe sea. Then he studied to be a naval cadet (海军学员), but still took time to study 40 .In the French Navy,he and two friends found the time to

41、 41 a band,playing the works of Beethoven and other 42 . Roussel also began composingOn Christmas day 1892, he had his first chance to perform as a composer, which turned out to be a successThat success 43 Roussel to write a wedding march (婚礼进行曲), and one of his navy friends 44 to show it to a famou

42、s conductor, Edouard Colonne. When Roussels friend 45 with the manuscript(手稿), he reported that Colonne had advised Roussel to 46 his naval career and devote his life to music.Not long 47 , at the age of 25, Roussel decided to 48 Edouard Colonnes advice. He gave his heart and soul to his composing a

43、nd became a major force in the twentieth centurys French music. Because of Eduoard Colonnes inspiring 49 , Roussel devoted his life to music, but Rousssels 50 friend later admitted that he had made it up. He said he had never even shown Roussels manuscript to the famous conductor.36Ajoke B1ie Cguess

44、 Dhope37AneighborBaunt Cteacher Dgrandfather38AtaughtBchose Cimproved Dasked39Apaid Bapplied C1ookedDwaited40AanBEnglishCdanceDmusic41Adeal withBmake forCset upDtake away42AteachersBprofessorsCcomposersDsingers43Afound BencouragedCforbadeDwanted44AcameBbrought CrefusedDoffered45AwentBreturned C1eft

45、Dran46Agive upBlook up toCbegin withDfocus on47AhoweverBthereforeCafterwardsDthen48AreportBchange Ccorrect Dfollow49AwillBrequestCorder Dadvice50AschoolBnavy CmusicDwork第二节(共10小题;每小题1分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置。Finishing their shopping at the mall, a couple discovered that

46、their new car 51._ (steal).They filed a report at the police station and a detective 52._(drive) them back to the parking lot 53._(look) for evidence. To their 54._(surprised), the car had been returned and there was a note in it 55._ said: “I apologize for 56._(take) your car. My wife was having a ba

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