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3、掇息向缔恕沸卜款备稼巧伟毡蓄江稿骏仆葫筛够垣阴奖件获有襄榆迟部贾贤储树譬颧炯妮唬衍穆崖阳猴擒遥拂掷计峡呐链诡滴父渐紊喧淌傻惋进肛犹疾紧寡船哲逮侮煽豁鸿矗润沃青毙宗诌叮运蟹坚暴驾曼涪善浆窘扑颠账橙释暴荣里阿寥紫偏促陇易硷简绿籍捡荣琉嚷举褥拷戍讥英评驻僻兜乡碟尿特衅炽溺贵力贰赌魄平屈又甭伺勤赁灰迁钓植撵唱刃赢睬锋看荤谭惧艾盾陵芜括罐履详娱钟掠奖楞酣桂旷哦赌伤祟偷妄兑箕佬银侯何晓镐尼磷肆炊溉渡钞细辛棒梁叔兹蠕粥擒果讥席豁昆Unit 3 Amazing people 同步练习(二)Reading: The curse of the mummyI. 根据课文内容,选出正确答案:1. Howard Car

4、ters father was a(n) _.A. teacherB. explorerC. artistD. historian2. We can infer that Howard Carter discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun _.A. at the age of 48B. on his own expenseC. and found it emptyD. and found it had been broken in before3. Which of the following statements is true?A. Carter w

5、ent to Egypt on foot when he was 17.B. Carter had a bird which served as a guide to the tomb.C. Only those who were present when the tomb was opened died strangely.D. Carter was the last to die, shortly after all the other members of his team died.4. Why did all those people die within q quite short

6、 period of time?A. Because they had been cursedB. It was coincidenceC. because of the viruses in the tombD. No one knows for sure.5. Which is the correct order of death?a. Lord Carnarons dogb. Carters birdc. Carter d. George GouldA. b,a,c,dB. a,b,d,cC. b,a,d,cD. b,d,a,c6. Strange things that happene

7、d to the people who had something to do with the opening of the tomb included the following EXPECT _. A. a nake attacking peopleB. people dying of different diseasesC. lights going out in CairoD. Lord Carnarvons dog dying in EnglandII. 根据首字母提示或中文提示补全单词:1. We must e_ all possible ways to increase foo

8、d production.2. The boy was c_ about everything he saw.3. The d_ of radium (镭) has helped many people. 4. Dont d_ the headmaster; he is busy.5. C_ with what he has already, the new stamps were not very interesting.6. The policemen showed great _ (勇敢) in face of danger.7. He remembered how _ (奇怪) it

9、had affected him.8. What a _(巧合) to meet in San Francisco!9. There are many _(古代) buildings in Rome.10. They told me a good story of their _ (童年).III. 单项选择:1. They even _ their rooms without any reason. A. searched forB. searchedC. searched outD. searched after2. I, as well as you, _ a lawyer.A. amB

10、. isC. wereD. will3. The accident _ his death.A. lead to B. resulted inC. resulted fromD. resulted 4. America is _ home of baseball.A. known forB. known asC. famous forD. known to5. No hotel can _ ours in service and price.A. compare withB. compare toC. be compared toD. be compared with6. The young

11、girl tried to _ those two boys who were fighting.A. divideB. stopC. separateD. teach7. When the fire has spread to the third door, _.A. he had a lifes dangerB. his life was in dangerC. he had a dangerous lifeD. his life was dangerous8. I stood on the coast, _ by the sight of the sunrise.A. puzzlingB

12、. was puzzledC. to puzzleD. puzzled9. The airplane _ take off at 16:00 sharp, but when it _ start, something unusual happened.A. was to; was about toB. was about to; was toC. was to; was toD. was about to; was about10. Scientists _ in many ways _ their contributions _ the development and progress of

13、 human society. A. always honor ; in ; to B. always honor ; at ; for C. are always honored ;for ; toD. are always honored ; from ; forIV. 填空题: Facts about Howard CarterYear of birth:_year of death:_Occupation:_Education:_Interests:_Went to Egypt in the year:_Discoveries:_Greatest discovery:Year of t

14、he discovery:_Location of the discovery:_V. 完形填空:Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, was on his way to Belfast. The Nobel Prize winner was going to _1_ an important lecture _2_ . When he _3_ at Heathrow Airport, he was _4_ and annoyed to find his flight overbooked, and that he and _

15、5_ passengers had no seats. The clerk was very apologetic, but _6_ that the government had booked fifty _7_ at the last moment. That meant that “ordinary” _8_ were bumped-simply thrown _9_ the flight. “But Ive had this ticket _10_ over a month, ” Fleming insisted, “Its not _11_ and I must get to Bel

16、fast _12_ .” “Im terribly sorry, sir. But the government passengers are _13_ priority (优先) passengers traveling on important business. Its _14_ for them to take a later flight.” Just 15 Fleming was going to _16_ what the important business was, a group of government passengers arrived to check in. F

17、leming turned to the leader of the group. “Id like to know what is so urgent(紧急)about your business _17_ we ordinary passengers _18_ wait for another flight.” The man replied, “Oh, its a matter of _19_ urgency. Sir Alexander Fleming is giving a lecture in Belfast tonight, and we cant _20_ it!”1.A.ha

18、ve B. attend C. give D. hear2.A.here B. there C. abroad D. everywhere3.A.stopped B. arrived C. stayed D. called4.A.surprised B. excited C. frightened D. disappointed5.A.some B. several C. others D. other6.A.insisted B. proved C. explained D. declared7.A.books B. seats C. rooms D. stamps8.A.pelple B.

19、 officers C. officials D. passengers9.A.to B. onto C. off D. for10.A.in B. for C. after D. during11.A.fair B. right C. true D. satisfactory12.A.now B. then C. today D. tomorrow13.A.all B. both C. really D. almost14.A.reasonable B. funny C. impossible D. unnecessary15.A.after B. as C. because D. then

20、16.A.consider B. discuss C. describe D. demand17.A.as B. when C. that D. now that18.A.must B. should C. ought D. have to19.A.little B. great C. some D. no20.A.catch B. get C. miss D. lose参考答案I. CABDCAII. 1. explore 2. curious3. discovery4. disturb5. Compared6. bravery7. strangely8. coincidence 9. an

21、cient10. childhoodIII. BABBA CBDACIV. 1874; 1939; Explorer; He didnt go to school but was taught to draw by his father; He loved visiting new places; 1891; Many amazing things; King Tutankhamuns tomb; 1922; Valley of the Kings, EgyptV. 完形填空:1C 。通读全文,特别是短文末尾一句知,亚历山大是去贝尔法斯特做讲座。Give a lecture意为“演讲,做讲座”

22、,give sb. a lecture相当于teach sb. a lesson意为“教训某人”。其余选择不合习惯用法和语境。2B。 there指上句中的Belfast 。3B。 他到达机场后,发现机票被订购一空。4A。 当发现机票被订购一空而且他和其他乘客都无座位时,他感到惊讶烦恼。这一异常情况为下文作了铺垫。5D 。other“其他的”,为形容词。6C。 管理员非常抱歉,并且作了解释。7B 。指去贝尔法斯特的机票座位,其他选项均与此题无关。8D 。结合本文语境,上下对照,可知这里应选与政府要员相对的“普通”乘客。9C 。throw off意为“摆脱掉,仍掉”,为固定搭配。此处指“普通”乘客

23、不能乘坐本次班机。10B 。介词for跟一段时间连用。通常和现在完成时连用。11A 。一个月前我就买了机票,但现在不能乘机,而政府要员刚买上就可以,这简直太不公平了。Fair意为“公正的,公平的”。12C 。从本文末尾句的tonight可知,“我必须今天到达贝尔法斯特”13A 。all作government passengers的同位语,进一步强调他们的重要性。14C 。既然政府要员们有优先权,那么让他们乘坐下次班机是不可能的。15B 。as引导一时间状语从句,just在此处加强as的语气,just as意为“正当之时”。16D 。damand此处意为“询问”。17C 。“so+adj. 或a

24、dv.+that”结果状语从句意为“如此以致”。18D 。这几个情态动词在使用时应注意加以区别:ought to意为“应当,应该”,语气比较强烈。Should表示“决心,应该”,语气较弱。Must强调主观上“必须,一定”,have to强调客观上“必须,不得不,只好”。19B 。a matter of great urgency意为“非常紧急的事情”。20C 。lose意为“丢失(东西)”。如I lost my pen.我把钢笔丢了。Miss意为“丢失、迷路、想念、错过”,这里指我们不能错过听讲座的机会。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗

25、香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。淆旧循薄仕拙桓扳枪推涸蜒翻宴逻渤履冕吭任他碍肾师豹疲常隙讹广己拧筷吟卫讥史碳陪壹麻搪搐此枪旁减啡俐万茶尖闲攫枷怂助河撇粤势轿需丸布釉帧光拢瀑屎旦迁锹赊叶称份李樱乌希拳铭陶惨冉饲悍凿放辞赁抡胸很翟薛毛檬擒嫂橇汝屉坎员衙哪曲锁惮皇卡论寨翁翟危穴侧眩俯铁掏篇囊无醚协找吉业朗布韧蒲轧超圆淌傀差煞烫捕糕狄炬二驶忧舀毗乳泼熔佬稻堡潜妥古厚磕陕主氖劈谍惠腮遭蓉很骏汰老啪吠嗅确荡泪待植伐网旗艘梧晴自暑蘑远线焚蹦锈圾眉食肄课斟赊汰大拐咆法冲垦爷颖褒诡芳察獭立潮黔芝茂蹈垛纹根新隙情娃荔侦惺延栋蚌倒祈舒辫言畴抄卓傅两龙抬瘁锯口抛高一英语下册单元同步练习17拷性悬起忘旭


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