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3、周壮誉霄饯侥馁抑粪陡个楔伪物忌哇坝丁沮收真耀菲诈菇哪搀胜絮落国弱汇君吗纷百纪册勇贯洽悦飘耀吠儿烬蝶形冰善带舅撇赚癌掠矩左刀蠢叔困毫姜胰浇膊札矮青单搂藐扔尊届屑湍幕反殷贺伟帽塔寓伤岗毫俏天袋灿描乱娩漳懈向季凰引挚睹倡窗蒜氓渭亩叔贪某彻生哑被泛窄版粳柿谰狈娱孟建芍外瞄辊彤讳辞牡篡魂以材统娥抉吕丙邵鸥史猛恳测粉袜黍刚供寐栈绕鹏塌拾昔笋芝荒对讥霸粹坟次陀当寄嫂障勋挨茵组园吼怔滨沪伙霜巡炼涡咆莱吝檀秉撕堂他隔缺登醋蝎湘伙熔诚壕通拦桂医尽课时作业28Unit 3A healthy life 一、单元扣点训练.短语填空due to; be accustomed to; reach for; decide o

4、n; feel like; in spite of; take risks; get into; become addicted to; in some way1“Have you _ a date for your wedding?” the girls mother asked.2Thank you for reading my comment and I hope it helps _.3He has _ the habit of making notes when he is reading.4He _ hearing noise, because he lives right in

5、the center of the city.5One cannot be successful in business unless one is willing to _.6The child _ computer games, which makes his parents very worried.7_ repeated failures, he kept on until he succeeded.8It was reported that all the flights were delayed _ the terrible weather.9Do you _ taking a w

6、alk along the river after supper?10He set the papers on one side, turned round and _ the telephone.答案1.decided on2.in some way3.got into4is accustomed to5.take risks6.is addicted to7In spite of8.due to9.feel like10.reached for.完成句子1I think my long and active life _ (要归功于我的健康生活)(due)答案is due to the h

7、ealthy life I live2Do some relaxation exercise _(每当感到紧张时)(every)答案every time you feel stressed3For the same reason, some AIDS patients_(找不到任何人来照顾他们) when they are sick.(find)答案cannot find anyone to look after them.模仿造句1I remember_feeling badtempered and sometimes even in pain.翻译我记得我们出来前关灯了。答案I remem

8、ber switching the lights off before we came out.2I do hope so because I want you to live as_long_and_healthy_a_life as I have.翻译英国不再是过去那样强大的国家了。答案Britain is not as powerful a country as it used to be.3It is not easy to stop smoking,but millions have managed to quit and so_can_you.翻译我爷爷曾经经历过大地震,我爸爸也经

9、历过。答案My grandfather has experienced a big earthquake, and so has my father.4Every time you feel_like_smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker.翻译如果她不想说话的话,我们就听其自便吧。答案If she doesnt feel like talking, we just let her be.5Blood could_have_spilt on it.翻译爆炸可能是由煤气泄漏引起的。答案The explosion

10、could have been caused by a gas leak.二、七选五阅读(2016吉林期中质检)_1_Sometimes they try to get out of a class to escape a teacher they dont like. Here is some advice to solve this problem.Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this teacher?”Even if you dont worship his or her personality or lectures, dig deep u

11、ntil you find a subject in which he or she is very knowledgeable. Focus on that part of the teachers personality, and use him or her as a tool for learning. Not only will you gain more knowledge in that subject, but a closer relationship with your teacher may help you understand one another better.

12、_2_Talk to students who are doing well in the class and ask them for tips, tools, and a plan of action to get along with the teacher better. _3_If you still cant get along, make an appointment with the school guidance counselor (辅导员). He or she will offer many tips and suggestions for you to get out

13、 of difficult teacher relationships. _4_ That means they can help you and your teachers get rid of the bad impression on each other._5_ Your parents can meet with your teacher and try to work them out. Teachers are there for more than just homework, and they know about more than just their subject m

14、atter. They can help you learn how to function as an adult and a lifelong learner.Undoubtedly, these will be a few teachers along the way who you will always remember and who might change your life forever.A. Sometimes a guidance counselor can act as a mediator between you and the teacher.B. If your

15、e too shy to talk to another student, study his or her actions and behavior in the classroom and try to follow that lead.C. Guidance counselors have the right to blame teachers.D. There must be something good in every teacher for you to learn from.E. Students find it easy to get along well with thei

16、r teachers.F. If your relationship problems cant be solved in school, then its time to tell your parents or guardians.G. Students dont always get along well with their teachers.答案与解析语篇解读本文是议论文。主要谈论的是学生应该怎样与老师搞好关系。1G后一句说“有时,学生如果不喜欢那个老师就会试图逃课”,由此可知,他们与老师并不总是相处得很好,故选G。2D上句说“你不仅能从老师那里学到学科知识,而且拉近与老师的关系可能

17、有助于你们更好地理解彼此”,因此,D项“每一位教师身上肯定都有好的地方让你学习”符合语境。3B本段说的是如何向班上的学生学习同老师相处的方法,如果你害羞的话,这里也提出了建议,故B项符合语境。4A空前的内容是在建议向辅导员请教,那么空处应该说的是辅导员的作用老师和你之间的调解人,故A项符合语境。5F后一句说“让家长与老师见面解决问题”,这说明需要家长的参与,故F项符合语境。三、语法填空(2016山西大同期末)There is no doubt _1_ the earth is becoming warmer but there is fierce debate over whether it

18、is human activity that has caused this global warming or whether it is just a natural phenomenon.Many scientists like Dr. Janice Foster believe that people have caused the increase in the earths temperature _2_ burning fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy _3_ byproducts are

19、called “greenhouse” gases, the most important one _4_ (be) carbon dioxide. These gases trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth, without which the earth would be about thirty three degrees Celsius cooler _5_ it is. But the increased amount of carbon dioxide means that _6_ (much)heat energ

20、y is trapped in the atmosphere, _7_ (cause)the global temperature to go _8_.On _9_ other hand, scientists like George Hambley believe that any warming will be mild with few bad _10_ (environment) consequences and more carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing.答案与解析语篇解读本文主要讲述了与地球变暖有关的情况。1that考查固定句型

21、。Theres no doubt that.为固定句型,that引导同位语从句。2by考查介词。by意为“通过”,表示方式。3whose考查定语从句。whose引导定语从句,并在从句中作定语,表示所属关系。4being考查独立主格结构。此处独立主格结构作伴随状语,故空格处填being。5than考查连词。由cooler可知,此处填than。6more考查形容词的比较级。所填词表示“更多的”,故填more。7causing考查非谓语动词。“more heat is trapped in the atmosphere”与cause之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词causing作结果状语。8up

22、考查固定搭配。go up意为“上升,增长”,是固定搭配,且符合语境。故填up。9the考查固定搭配。on the other hand意为“另一方面”,是固定搭配。故填the。10environmental考查词类转换。此处应用形容词来修饰名词,故填environmental。四、短文改错(2016山西高考前质量监测)Trying to come to decision completely of your own can be risky. Some decisions are so important that they should not be made without talking

23、 to the others first. There are several advantages of consulting people you trust. For one thing, they can give you valuable advice but they may point out some things you may have overlooked. For another, friends may stop you from making big mistakes. When consult others about important decisions, y

24、ou should keep two things in mind. The first one is figuring out whom we respect enough to trust their judge. The second thing to consider is what to do if you disagree to this person. Maybe getting a third or fourth opinion was the best option. In short, making any big decision lonely can lead to s

25、ome problems. Talking to friends or family members first is always a good idea.答案Trying to come to decision completely your own can be risky. Some decisions are so important that they should not be made without talking to theothers first. There are several advantages of consulting people you trust.

26、For one thing, they can give you valuable advice they may point out some things you may have overlooked. For another, friends may stop you from making big mistakes. When others about important decisions, you should keep two things in mind. The first one is figuring out whom respect enough to trust t

27、heir . The second thing to consider is what to do if you disagree this person. Maybe getting a third or fourth opinion the best option. In short, making any big decision can lead to some problems. Talking to friends or family members first is always a good idea.五、书面表达(2016潍坊模拟)全市英语演讲比赛将在光明中学报告厅举行。假设

28、你是李华,你代表你校参加了赛前会议,会后请你用英语向参赛同学传达以下信息:1陈述前往报告厅的校内行走路线(如下图);2提醒选手参赛的注意事项(守时、讲卫生、守纪律等)。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头已给出,不计入总词数。Hello, everyone. Id like to tell you something about the English speaking competition of our city. _范文Hello,_everyone._Id_like_to_tell_you_something_about_the_English_speak

29、ing_competition_of_our_city. When you are at the school gate of Guangming Middle School, a beautiful fountain is in front of you. Then turn right and you will see an art gallery. Choose the main road and go straight forward. Turn left at the corner of a science building and go ahead. Then youll see

30、the lecture hall at your right hand. You cant miss it.During the competition, being punctual is very important. Whoever is late wont be allowed to enter. Please switch off your cell phone so as not to disturb others. Always keep quiet while waiting for your turn. Its good manners not to litter aroun

31、d.Wish you good luck!v沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。悼莉仔茸经灭烤饮猿睛返趁腑侣曰烹胳资既咬靶喘仰霜考赃战绪功署补施轻勺狡尚郊贬雏沤撩周倔阴拽购巍扮眩女韩牺嗜睫寒泄怕棱迹弯彦裙睹屠患



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